Magic is still Magic, though. Best way I have to play the game right now by far.
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United States1415 Posts
Magic is still Magic, though. Best way I have to play the game right now by far. | ||
United States1343 Posts
Edit: Something more constructive: I really don't like drafting against the computer. Human variance is what makes drafts interesting; I.E. when you get to know people you tend to guess what they'll play for. The computer right now either just hands you the nuts or gives you nothing. Not a fan. | ||
United States17423 Posts
On October 04 2018 05:12 blunderfulguy wrote: Yeah the Bo1 Drafts, I hate it. I've been asking for Bo3 Draft and Constructed ("Competitive Quick Play" Ladder) since the day I got into the alpha (or beta? the blue version with the really poor and glitchy UI, whatever that was called). Stopped playing for a little bit and crossed my fingers so hard when I got the new (current) version for the open beta... Sigh. Needless to say it, but I'm disappointed with the formats. Magic is still Magic, though. Best way I have to play the game right now by far. Unless I am mistaken they have Bo3 constructed and competitive constructed. One for free and one with rewards. The one with rewards cost 1k gold to enter though. | ||
United States1415 Posts
On October 04 2018 08:42 blade55555 wrote: Unless I am mistaken they have Bo3 constructed and competitive constructed. One for free and one with rewards. The one with rewards cost 1k gold to enter though. It's the draft that's the kicker. I'm glad they do have Bo3 constructed now, but they don't seem to care much about the suggestions for drafting. It feels awkward not drafting with a group of people, and it feels bad not playing Bo3 and using sideboards. Draft vs AI and Bo1 matches are fine and absolutely have their place in a digital card game, but it kinda sucks not having that other option. The other limited formats I really enjoy are cube, throwback draft, and team or two-headed giant sealed, but after a year with no news of draft changing afaik, it's disappointing for me. Of course there's the "no draft pods or Bo3 because MTGO," no this and that because MTGO, I get that, instead of changing MTGO and making it F2P they made Arena and it has to be a distinct thing and so on, it still feels bad. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
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United States17423 Posts
On October 04 2018 09:21 blunderfulguy wrote: It's the draft that's the kicker. I'm glad they do have Bo3 constructed now, but they don't seem to care much about the suggestions for drafting. It feels awkward not drafting with a group of people, and it feels bad not playing Bo3 and using sideboards. Draft vs AI and Bo1 matches are fine and absolutely have their place in a digital card game, but it kinda sucks not having that other option. The other limited formats I really enjoy are cube, throwback draft, and team or two-headed giant sealed, but after a year with no news of draft changing afaik, it's disappointing for me. Of course there's the "no draft pods or Bo3 because MTGO," no this and that because MTGO, I get that, instead of changing MTGO and making it F2P they made Arena and it has to be a distinct thing and so on, it still feels bad. Ah, they do have Bo3 draft. I know they said (at least 6 months ago or around there) that they do plan on having draft be human players. Haven't heard anything since then though so I imagine it's not a priority right now. | ||
8430 Posts
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United States1313 Posts
Drafting IRL is a much different setting so I think this is a pretty OK way to set it up on Arena, but maybe in the future they can group players in a more concrete manner so they can do the packs as one set of players like you would in an IRL setting. | ||
Romania99 Posts
On October 03 2018 23:10 blade55555 wrote: Only some. I believe Competitive draft and sealed are the only events that require Gems. All of the others you should be able to pay gold on. You can also take a look at the event schedule for october. F.e. if you don't like M19 but want to bo1 draft you could wait till Oct 11 when GRN bo1 draft starts and M19 ends. On October 04 2018 18:30 Sprungjeezy wrote: I think right now (and I might be wrong) the draft packs get passed around by computers so that players can draft at will (I don't think there is any time limit). Probably because then you can take your time on each pack and also in between games (or so you can play back to back faster). In a true draft set, the other players in your pack pool would claim the other cards you didn't so you would need to face against them in a round robin fashion so people would need to wait for games to finish and if your game was last to finish you would get less break time between games etc. Drafting IRL is a much different setting so I think this is a pretty OK way to set it up on Arena, but maybe in the future they can group players in a more concrete manner so they can do the packs as one set of players like you would in an IRL setting. In Eternal you draft against other players but not in real time. Meaning that the decks you get are decks that other players picked from a minute/hour/day/week ago. I think Pack 1 and 4 you get the same group of people and Pack 2 and 3 also the same group of people but different from Pack 1 and 4. This way you can draft at any time and have all the time for it (can even leave game and finish draft later). After completing the draft the matchmaking depends on whos playing draft right then, just like in Ladder/Casual play whatever. I read that there is also some algorithm at work that macthes players during drafting that don't go for the same colours. That might be only for the Pack 2/3 group though, idk. | ||
Germany2861 Posts
On October 04 2018 10:02 WaveofShadow wrote: There is Bo3 draft. we already said that. but its only available for gems not gold and its price and reward structure is horrible which makeks the less fun and luck based BO1 draft better in terms of rewards. which is bullshit | ||
Germany23570 Posts
Good to see that they listened to the feedback. | ||
Germany23570 Posts
I am this close to putting Lightning Mares in my dragon deck. It already has 1 Carnage right now. | ||
Ireland481 Posts
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8430 Posts
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Deleted User 3420
24492 Posts
What is the situation with playing magic online these days. Is it good? Fun? Expensive? Time consuming? Thanks! | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
+ Show Spoiler [Pros] + Pros: Really excellent rules engine and offers you full control of your game. Card ownership and trading makes 95% of cards worthless, aka very cheap to acquire. Much like real life, drafting is against humans. This is MTG. + Show Spoiler [Cons] + Cons: Absolutely not free to play. You play with digital objects that you must acquire through purchase or trade. The interface is slow, laggy, unintuitive and dated. "Good" or popular cards are very expensive because, well, everybody wants them. In other words, being competitive aint cheap. You have to wait for draft pods to fill up etc if that's more your style, and people on MTGO are generally seriously competitive. Arena is the new kid on the block. + Show Spoiler [Pros] + Pros: Truly free-to-play. Systems are set up so that, given enough playing (heavily tied to enough days of daily quests) you can obtain anything and everything without paying a dime. More attractive, more "gamey" interface for people who don't have years of deep magic understanding. The no-trading, wildcard F2P economy means that the most expensive, meta rares are just as easy to acquire as the janky garbage rares that are worthless on MTGO. Instant draft pods or sealed entries with no time restrictions on selecting cards and deckbuilding etc. + Show Spoiler [Cons] + Cons: Significantly less trustworthy rules engine (obviously better than stuff like workstation). Annoying animations and the game attempts to obfuscate as much as possible how steps, priority, the stack and all that jazz work. Out of game, the interface is very weak and poor, if pretty. In game, the interface is straight up buggy, but sufficient to play most games successfully without being too bothered. Lack of dusting or trading system makes it extremely impractical to try out new decks all the time or even just try something out for fun without burning a LOT of resources (say a months worth of dailies or else $$). Drafting is a literal joke because you pick cards against very poorly coded bots. The game still feels heavily in beta, but they've stopped handing out tons of free shit for "testing" like they did earlier in beta. The concept of a bo3 match of magic is gated and hidden behind heavy "competitive" event entries leaving everything in silly bo1 matches with pseudo-fixed opening hands. I assume you don't need a rundown of workstation/cockatrice type clients. Anyway, I've been playing quite a bit of arena lately. As you can probably tell, I think it's way worse than good old MTGO but the appeal of building up a collection absolutely free is currently keeping me coming back for those daily rewards etc right now. It helps that the game offers a series of new-player daily quests in addition to regular dailies that rapidly build a base of playable common/uncommon cards. | ||
Netherlands21369 Posts
If you have no problem spending money to keep up with the release window of MtG then Arena is the superior product but if you care about F2P and enjoy 'Magic like' games then give Eternal a shot. And god knows what's going to happen when Artifact comes out. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
If you're not either of the above arena is definitely the way to go. | ||
Sweden11767 Posts
Anyway, I drafted Guilds of Ravnica last week, and I am REALLY impressed the the draft format even after just one draft. And that's coming from someone that played lots of Tarkir limited back in the days. | ||
Germany1885 Posts
Now, especially as a new player the matchmaking system is a really frustrating experience, as I seem to have built a "wrong"/weak/off-meta type of deck and am kind of stuck with it. So, should I go back to play starter decks (didn't really like any of them other than Merfolk, though) to get less punishing match-ups (and to be able to finish my quests) or does anyone have some tips on improving my deck to make it work more consistently? I'm hovering around Bronze 2-3 atm (I mainly play Quick Constructed and get packs from the gold I earn, is there a more efficient way to grind cards? Would suppose Draft isn't the right mode for me, yet). Here is my current deck: + Show Spoiler + 7 Plains (RIX) 192 3 Boros Guildgate (GRN) 243 7 Mountain (RIX) 195 3 Stone Quarry (M19) 256 2 Shock (M19) 156 4 Skyknight Legionnaire (GRN) 198 2 Guildmages' Forum (GRN) 250 2 Sunhome Stalwart (GRN) 26 2 Heroic Reinforcements (M19) 217 2 Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice (GRN) 153 2 Tajic, Legion's Edge (GRN) 204 3 Swiftblade Vindicator (GRN) 203 2 Make a Stand (M19) 26 2 Truefire Captain (GRN) 209 2 Response // Resurgence (GRN) 229 1 Firesong and Sunspeaker (DAR) 280 2 Deafening Clarion (GRN) 165 4 Lightning Strike (M19) 152 1 Chance for Glory (GRN) 159 2 Path of Mettle (RIX) 165 1 Clifftop Retreat (DAR) 239 1 Sacred Foundry (GRN) 254 1 Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants (M19) 3 2 Justice Strike (GRN) 182 I've seen a Boros Angels deck, but this is really expensive and I'm missing a lot of rares and mythics, so grinding towards that will probably take forever without spending cash, but at this point I can't even complete the good Mono Red Aggro deck (would prefer to play something midrange, though, as I kinda hate rush decks, stems back from Hearthstone), as even this has lots of rares and those seem to be a huge bottleneck in this game. | ||
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