yea.... tome scour is pretty bad. if they are so bad they cant win without a bomb then you are just intentionally playing with a dead card ie mulliganing every game. unless you are actually gonna go the mill strat(which im sure is terribad aswell) dont play a dead card like tome scour.
as for ROE, I came back abit late for it, but from what ive heard its supposed to be one of the best(read: most skill intensive) draft environments ever.
as for scars pre-release, building sealed was actually really hard. you really need to cut alot of cards you normally would want to play especially colored ones. i opened an above average pool with sunblast angel, nim deathmantle, myr battlesphere, kemba kha regent and like 2 arrests, 2 shatters and 1 galvanic blast. went lik 3-3. got wrecked by wurmcoil engine and volition reins second round. then by elspeth and contagion engine/clasp/3glint hawks. then final round was close until he dropped a quicksilver gargantuan copying an unblockable... too bad i didnt pull anything worth anything. there were like multiple koth/espeth/mox pulls all over the place.
edit* my fav card from the new set has got to be the "fixed" skullclamp. i LOVE drawing cards >_<
Hell yea I loved magic the gathering when I was younger, but holy shit was it expensive. I spent so much money on my decks only for a new expansion to come out making all of my cards obsolete (or at least the entire theme of the decks) and that got really dissheartening once I got into my late teens and to spend my money on more common teenage stuff. Once I leave Uni and get a proper income I'm going to reap the MtG scen again. I love card games such as MtG and Yu-gi-oh and the only thing that stops me is the damn economical drain that they put on you.
I still own a beta version of Black Lotus, Mox Pearl, Mox Jet, Ancestrall Recall and Time Walk use to be my late fathers, I wonder if they are still worth money. Lotus was worth like 300$ when I was growing up. My dad was so heavily into magic right from the start, importing boosters from the US, trying to collect the power of nine ect. When he died I noticed just how much he loved the game, he had every single card from Homelands, Fallen empire and the Ursa Saga, that's dedication. Shame, don't think I every played him even though it was obvious we both loved the game.
People really need to link their favourite card so we can all hate on them for the ammount of time they foiled us. I fear that I will look like an old far but this card was the fucken buisness back in the 90's
so just re downloaded MWS. gonna just steal and x-copy somebody's control deck lol
any tl ppl play on MWS give me a msg. gonna see what these cards do for now
On October 02 2010 08:32 Hynda wrote: Hell yea I loved magic the gathering when I was younger, but holy shit was it expensive. I spent so much money on my decks only for a new expansion to come out making all of my cards obsolete (or at least the entire theme of the decks) and that got really dissheartening once I got into my late teens and to spend my money on more common teenage stuff. Once I leave Uni and get a proper income I'm going to reap the MtG scen again. I love card games such as MtG and Yu-gi-oh and the only thing that stops me is the damn economical drain that they put on you.
I still own a beta version of Black Lotus, Mox Pearl, Mox Jet, Ancestrall Recall and Time Walk use to be my late fathers, I wonder if they are still worth money. Lotus was worth like 300$ when I was growing up. My dad was so heavily into magic right from the start, importing boosters from the US, trying to collect the power of nine ect. When he died I noticed just how much he loved the game, he had every single card from Homelands, Fallen empire and the Ursa Saga, that's dedication. Shame, don't think I every played him even though it was obvious we both loved the game.
I am sorry about your dad, but that collection is pretty awesome ^^. Those power nine cards are super rare and worth a good amount.
EDIT: my favorite card must be Rakdos!
![[image loading]](http://sales.starcitygames.com/cardscans/MAGDIS/rakdos_the_defiler.jpg)
At the release I managed to get an Elspeth Tirel and a Sunblast Angle :O Just most of my other cards were shit Aaand I sucked lol I did get a Lux Cannon even though its mythic rare its not too good as I didn't have any proliferate but hell the flavor text is good :D "There are few problems that can't be solved by putting a hole in the world!"
Those are way better cards than I ever got in my (pre)release sealed pools. Oh well won Elspeth at prerelease and Koth at release so I can't complain~
Scars is a fun limited format thus far, drafting is more than "pick best cards in your color(s)" and the set is pretty fast. Lots of synergies and combos to draft, though some of the bombs are very... bomb-y? lol I lost a game in draft to Hoard-Smelter Dragon + Strider Harness + blow up my Thought Trigon (making the dragon 11/6) and then Assault Strobe, 22 damage in one turn gg. Had him dead on board if he didn't top-deck the dragon, but he did a good job of keeping the pieces he needed to win in hand till he drew it. I still won that match in the end so whatever :V
On October 08 2010 11:19 MCMcEmcee wrote: Those are way better cards than I ever got in my (pre)release sealed pools. Oh well won Elspeth at prerelease and Koth at release so I can't complain~
Scars is a fun limited format thus far, drafting is more than "pick best cards in your color(s)" and the set is pretty fast. Lots of synergies and combos to draft, though some of the bombs are very... bomb-y? lol I lost a game in draft to Hoard-Smelter Dragon + Strider Harness + blow up my Thought Trigon (making the dragon 11/6) and then Assault Strobe, 22 damage in one turn gg. Had him dead on board if he didn't top-deck the dragon, but he did a good job of keeping the pieces he needed to win in hand till he drew it. I still won that match in the end so whatever :V
Why would you even run Thought Trigon? :\ That card is so slow even for draft.
I am constantly reminded of how janky draft is sometimes, but that's what makes draft fun, cause I had no business winning some games with a scrubby half-assed infect deck.
TBH I have a phobia of infect :X whenever someone plays an infect card it just bothers me and I constanly think about how to kill it X.X and half the time its something like a necropede so if i do kill it I get a counter...
I had a fairly slow deck as it was and it actually played out okay since I didn't really have any other halfway relevant artifacts to play, and I needed metalcraft for some dudes. The extra draw power won me a few games, let me get my "lucky draws" when they were relevant and not terrible topdecks 2-3 turns later. Not my favorite card, but I'll play it over, say, Golden Urn or Necrogen Censor or something if I have a bunch of 2-3 drops already and have Volition Reins as my high end. Worst case scenario for me was that playing it triggered my Glint Hawk Idol and let me bash for 2.
Also helps that I had 3 Galvanic Blast, 2 Dispense Justice, and some counterspells and bounce spells to get the game to turn 5+. UWr control? Nothing wrong with 5 drops in draft, there's enough acceleration to get there fast, or removal to survive till you get there. I mean I was winning games off Soliton/Heavy Arbalest combo against some pretty fast decks, it happens sometimes.
wow I haven't played MTG in like 12 years =) Nice walk down memory lane just now...
I have started playing more online now that I am at college and don't have a car to drive to events anymore(even though starcity is only like 30 min drive). It sometimes gets frustrating though when you accidently f6(pass priority for the rest of the turn) on your own upkeep. And to the guy who said he has beta power, its worth a bit more then 300$ now. Depending on the condition the beta lotus can go up to 2500$.
Its on the low end of artifacts I would consider, I would understand why you would play it, just it's gotta be like no other shit to run, same reasoning for my Tome Scour x1 lol.
United States47024 Posts
On October 02 2010 08:25 Orpheos wrote: edit* my fav card from the new set has got to be the "fixed" skullclamp. i LOVE drawing cards >_< That card is so bad. If it read "unblockable" instead of it's current text, people wouldn't even give it a second look. And giving the opponent the option to block for 2 cards is strictly worse.
In general the entire P9 is worth somewhere around 4500-$5500. Black lotus, Recall, blue and black lotus, 1U time walk are the big money pieces. BB (alpha or beta) are even better.
I saw Randy Beuhler playing at a small Vintage tourney in Seattle back in 2006, it allowed 10 proxies, and of course he didn't need them (but if I remember correctly his cards were WB). If you want to sell them, WotC is probably a good place (and I bet the people there would pay top fucking dollar, well over what a store would buy them for).
EDIT: Oh you should look through, or post a list of every single card. Just about anything from alpha/beta could potentially be worth money (especially dual lands) etc. I wouldn't be surprised if your dad really knew what he was doing and had over $20,000 worth of cards.
I stopped playing when my black/white enduring renewal/breedingpit/lord of the pit deck got stolen Favourite card has to be royal assassin:
lol my favorite card when i used to play in standard
![[image loading]](http://sales.starcitygames.com/cardscans/MAGTIM/dralnu,_lich_lord.jpg)
been getting used to the current cards being used. that titan ramp decks and the mind sculpture jace is ridiculous
o how i love reanimator in legacy 
I haven't tried it but I play with my friends almost everyday for the past month or so (I don't know about next week though). I think the paper version is more "engaging" so to speak because it's real and all..:D
Still using my Kamigawa decks..:D
On October 09 2010 02:09 sung_moon wrote:lol my favorite card when i used to play in standard ![[image loading]](http://sales.starcitygames.com/cardscans/MAGTIM/dralnu,_lich_lord.jpg) been getting used to the current cards being used. that titan ramp decks and the mind sculpture jace is ridiculous
lol playing casual with my buddy we took our cards ( maybe 6000 mostly shitty) i made a discard/bounce deck put dralnu in there it's so hilarious when i've discarded almost all his cards bounced whatever he's laid down so he has like 2 cards in his hand and nothing down and then put down dralnu
he's aaaaaaaaabsolutely boned at that point