On June 03 2012 09:06 DannyJ wrote: Will we ever be able to sell whole characters on the AH?
Only RMAH.
Really? If powerleveling in illegal sites costs like 150 dollars to 60, then a whole char should be like 300 dollars and considering it only takes 3 hours with 2 people with kulle glitching...
Pretty sure most of the quest repetition style powerleveling has been dealt with. I recall seeing in the patch notes something about diminishing rewards after completing the quest for the first time, so they're keeping an eye on people trying to exploit their way to 60, which will increase prices even more.
I just tested it earlier today with my friend though and she was able to return the quest 5 times after just 1 Kulle kill
I just beat the final boss on nightmare... got <300 gold and 3 really crappy blues. Is this... standard? I thought it was supposed to be a huge payout - did I just get a terrible luck of the draw?
On June 03 2012 15:59 ObliviousNA wrote: I just beat the final boss on nightmare... got <300 gold and 3 really crappy blues. Is this... standard? I thought it was supposed to be a huge payout - did I just get a terrible luck of the draw?
After your first pass through normal, bosses pretty much cease to give good loot until you hit level 60. Once you're level 60 you get a buff from beating champion packs, if you have five stacks of this buff you get big piles of loot after beating event bosses so it goes back to having huge payouts.
On June 03 2012 15:59 ObliviousNA wrote: I just beat the final boss on nightmare... got <300 gold and 3 really crappy blues. Is this... standard? I thought it was supposed to be a huge payout - did I just get a terrible luck of the draw?
Bosses in this game do not drop good loot past normal mode. Blizzard wants you to farm elite mobs but never bosses unless you have nephalem valor buff stacks.
On June 03 2012 16:45 Mysticesper wrote: I still feel that first pass on each difficulty should drop rares just like normal.
I definitely agree with this, first pass doesn't allow you to farm, but at least gives you some reward for finally beating that boss on a higher difficulty.
On June 03 2012 16:45 Mysticesper wrote: I still feel that first pass on each difficulty should drop rares just like normal.
I definitely agree with this, first pass doesn't allow you to farm, but at least gives you some reward for finally beating that boss on a higher difficulty.
Also think it's a good idea. After getting rares off of bosses for 4 straight acts, imagine my shock when from act 1NM to Siegebreaker Hell? I got about 2 rare drops. Beating a boss on a new difficulty for the first time should be rewarding. If you get lucky it should give you that little boost for the next act
Yeah i can see why Blizzard minimized the reward of bosses... but come on, throw the people a bone!. Hell, most people who play the game won't even play much of if any inferno to take advantage of the Valor buff.
Hmm... Is there any way to lose gold somehow? I didn't play for some days and noticed I went from around 200k to merely 3k gold. Everything else is still there (items etc.)
I checked the AuctionHouse history, I didn't accidently buy some expensive stuff or so...
On June 03 2012 18:42 Szordrin wrote: Hmm... Is there any way to lose gold somehow? I didn't play for some days and noticed I went from around 200k to merely 3k gold. Everything else is still there (items etc.)
I checked the AuctionHouse history, I didn't accidently buy some expensive stuff or so...
Combining gems is fucking expensive, don't do it. I didn't realise how much of a scam artist Covetous Shen was until I had dropped from 400k to 60k.
On June 03 2012 19:40 DannyJ wrote: Didn't they say they were going to change the gem system in the next big patch? Probably not worth crafting / geming anything at all until then.
Yeah, the cost of both Jewelcrafting and Blacksmithing is being reduced in 1.0.3 which should come this coming week I think.
It will take 2 jewels down from 3 to combine if I recall correct.