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Finland33997 Posts
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Canada5878 Posts
Seriously I think I've seen 1 or 2 Shaco's in like 40 ranked games... he's always banned. | ||
Finland33997 Posts
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United States17077 Posts
On July 21 2010 10:35 Southlight wrote: It is indeed based on max HP. I smite at the end because I'm paranoid of having other people the buff from me. Sorry bout that, I was wrong. But it's a good habbit to smite last, like southlight said. | ||
United States17077 Posts
On July 21 2010 10:06 Shikyo wrote: The reason he doesn't do that is because going golem at lvl 1 is going to get you ganked most of the time Nah it's not the reason. | ||
United States450 Posts
I'm going to dl fraps and record some of my solo q adventures, maybe so you guys can critique b/c I'm 1-5 and i see so many people doing extremely well gotta learn to carry harder | ||
Finland33997 Posts
He's such a retarded asswipe. | ||
Canada2485 Posts
On July 21 2010 11:16 Shikyo wrote: Grackis KSed Reginald with tibbers on stream, Reginald leaves the game "dude now you lost a ranked game man". He's such a retarded asswipe. lol he's a really good player though | ||
United States1663 Posts
On July 21 2010 11:16 Shikyo wrote: Grackis KSed Reginald with tibbers on stream, Reginald leaves the game "dude now you lost a ranked game man". He's such a retarded asswipe. wow what an arrogant douchebag. i hate people who are "famous" in their niche online community and act like they are the shit. | ||
Canada2485 Posts
On July 21 2010 11:41 Orpheos wrote: wow what an arrogant douchebag. i hate people who are "famous" in their niche online community and act like they are the shit. he rejoined, leave was a joke | ||
United States3977 Posts
+ Show Spoiler [Skill and item build] + Explanation later down QEQEER, E>W>Q>R Doran's Shield OR 2 Rejuv Beads OR Rejuv Bead + pots, Spirit Visage (always try to stay until you can afford this) Boots 1 Stinger Merc Treads or Swifties From here on, run red pots basically always Then in any order, usually as follows: Infinity Edge (Usually game is over after this is done; start running green pots too when you finish) Sunfire Cape Force of Nature / Quicksilver Sash Zeal Stinger P.Dancer Spirit Visage because your ult is now available 7 seconds faster and heals you for 60% of your health, your abilities (most importantly Masochism) are off cooldown sooner, and you get a little magic resist to the side. Stinger because more cooldown reduction (ult is up every 47 seconds now without factoring in runes) and 40% attackspeed is great. NOT Stark's Fervor because it's 1500 more gold for something that gives you lifesteal and a 20 armor reduction aura. Mundo doesn't need lifesteal; you aren't going to be outlasting Warwick or Udyr anyways, you have enough staying power already, and you can outlast ranged carries without it (assuming you can even get close). You rarely land enough hits to make it pay off in teamfights and it won't help you against towers. That said, if you have a super pro all physical DPS solo queue, you should probably be the one to pick it up. Merc Treads because CC is the weakness of all melee DPS; Swifties if you can get away with it or if they have, say, Ashe, where cc reduction doesn't really save you. Infinity Edge means 800 damage crits, which is enough to 3-shot any squishy. Best DPS item in the game, and you can farm it quickly. Luxury items: Sunfire Cape is more pushing and more desperately needed survivability. Cost-efficient, too. Force of Nature should be picked instead if they have lots of magic damage. The hp regen is just a nice bonus; the real meat is MR and movespeed. Just get a Negatron Cloak early if that's all you need; FoN is a little pricey. Sash is if you're having lots of trouble with Ignite or lots of stun. Zeal is movespeed, attackspeed, and critical strike. Everything Mundo needs. Stinger again to max out CDR (almost exactly!) and more attackspeed. Not that you really need it. P.Dancer because the dodge is crazy good against the biggest Mundo threats. Also movespeed. Honestly, by this point you should be far more worried about survival than DPS; going crazy DPS is only good for smashing down turrets, and there are better heroes for that. Only try backdooring with Ghost-Cleanse-Ult up. First, let us consider the advantages Dr. Mundo has over other melee DPSes. 1) Incredible early game damage 2) Great lane staying power after level 6 3) Good mobility, thanks to low cooldown ultimate 4) Good (but not amazing) natural escaping ability from ultimate + Burning Agony 5) Cleaver is almost like having a ranged attack Now, his disadvantages. 1) His lone survival skill is effectively negated by Ignite, Gangplank, Katarina, Tristana, or Executioner's Calling (and Cleanse can't fix that any more!) 2) He doesn't scale as well as most physical DPS heroes 3) He has NO hard CC and one 2 second skillshot slow 4) His lone steroid skill boosts his damage, which is better early game but falls off comparatively 5) He is extremely easy to kite and has no closing mechanism beyond his speed 6) He isn't Jax (or Xin Zhao) So, how do you win solo queue games with a hero that is strong early on? VERY EASILY. Mundo is arguably the best pusher in the game. 100 AoE damage per second removes minions very quickly. +100 ( - 200) damage that works on towers. Most importantly, no need to go back to base ever. Mundo can push a lane to tower, run as soon as his Mundo-sense begins to tingle, and head to either a different lane or to jungle until he sees a pushing opportunity again. Supposing you misjudge (or just really want to finish that tower): You should have cleanse, ghost, and sadism, which should be able to get you away from anything short of Udyr or Xin Zhao with a Lizard buff. (Ashe can be dealt with by ducking into brush with good timing.) This alone is sufficient to win games up to at least 1300 ELO. After being chased out of a lane, look for somewhere else to push. With Spirit Visage and CD/lvl runes, Sadism is up every ~45 seconds, so you can even blow it just to get across the map faster. If no lanes seem safe (i.e. enough of the enemy team is able to chase you down and kill you), run through the jungle and slaughter it. Dragon if you think it's safe - level 6 Mundo with Spirit Visage can solo dragon but it takes too long and leaves him too low to be safe. If you really don't have anything to do, go back to base and buy. Mundo should get every creep in every wave - feel free to blow your abilities to make lasthitting easier. Just don't leave BA on too long. Usually, the enemy team will have no idea how to react. Sometimes they'll get very aggressive and try to chase you down. In this case, run away and/or bait them toward your team. Often you can get an ace this way. Sometimes they'll ignore you. If they do, hope your team isn't stupid enough to try and fight them 4v5. Usually, they will all die, but at least you'll get a tower. Repeat as much as necessary. Sometimes they'll split up and a few will come after you while the rest mess around in mid. This is the tricky one. Push tower until you think you can run, then run. If your team has a good initiator, hopefully they can get a few kills. Teamfights: if your enemies are uncoordinated, run around the edges of the fight and draw as much fire as you can. Back off and use ult to heal; cleaver anyone trying to run. Then, when you're at a comfortable level of health again, charge in and DPS it up. If they're coordinated, they won't attack you unless they can kill you, or they'll ignore you in favor of a more dangerous ally. In this case, wait for someone else to soak up as much damage (and hopefully all the ignites) before charging in and MUNDOing. Really, Mundo isn't very good, but he's really fun to play, especially if you like spamming skills a ton and running all over the map. | ||
Canada2485 Posts
auras are too good to pass | ||
Finland33997 Posts
Yep true, that's really weird though. Last time I saw reginald rage for something similar for 40 minutes despite the other person saying sorry. wouldn't have been surprised if he hadn't reconned but yeah maybe my post is too harsh... hmm nah it's all fact EDIT: Imho mundo should be played as semi-DPS with mallet and HP stacking and atmas. | ||
United States2928 Posts
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Canada2843 Posts
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United States3977 Posts
On July 21 2010 11:48 shawster wrote: ^ starks >>>>> stinger auras are too good to pass This is a guide for low ELO solo queue. Starks is about as good as Stinger for Mundo, but 1500 gold more expensive. I added the disclaimer about Starks because it is good if you have the right team for it, but usually Stinger is better. On July 21 2010 12:30 ATeddyBear wrote: I've just started this game, and it's been tough. When going for the higher end items like some of the guides say to get, do you need to buy all the ingredients individually? Nope. If you have enough money, just buy right from the store. | ||
United States1039 Posts
On July 21 2010 11:16 Shikyo wrote: Grackis KSed Reginald with tibbers on stream, Reginald leaves the game "dude now you lost a ranked game man". He's such a retarded asswipe. Does he stream on the AoN Channel on Livestream? | ||
United States17077 Posts
On July 21 2010 12:30 ATeddyBear wrote: I've just started this game, and it's been tough. When going for the higher end items like some of the guides say to get, do you need to buy all the ingredients individually? Starting on your birthday, awesome haha. | ||
United States548 Posts
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Canada5878 Posts
Best carry is Ezreal. | ||
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