Oh wow just had an awesome game... jax(me)/malph/ez/xz/morde vs shen/trist/ashe/corki/pant: Me and Malphite open going bottom spawning on the left side, we go to the small bush in the river and find an ashe looking to gank.
He didn't even have time to react and got obliterated. As we were killing him we see tristana and shen sprinting towards us from the side bushes, since malphite hadn't used his Q on ashe he cast it right away on tristana, I ignite+sprint and we get a 2nd kill with both me and malph at 30%, we run to the tower and safely escape from shen who got to 40% trying to dive us, we kill him before tristana manages to return to the lane.
Needless to say the game went extremely smoothly from there, ashe solomid was lv5 when we were lv5 too, at some point I see tristana coming in from the river, since ez was free mid he decides to join me but it turns out it was an ambush, ashe/shen/trist vs me/ez/malph, but as soon as we engage MALPHITE DCS :O We are left shivering in panic as he sits in a bush letting tristana survive with 10% hp... Fortunately they were just bad, XZ+morde held a full scale push top and we managed to take down bot, push mid and while they were regrouping towards mid we did dragon, I got golem and me and morde solopushed each side.
Mannnnn well played games get me pumped... :D
On July 16 2010 23:08 GranDim wrote:Show nested quote +On July 16 2010 22:05 Orpheos wrote:On July 16 2010 20:14 GranDim wrote:On July 16 2010 13:43 Phrost wrote:Here's my next novel on Kayle: Angel Wings and Flame Swords: Winning games in ranked solo queue: + Show Spoiler +
General: Q is a huge nuke that increases the damage that the target takes in addition to slowing. Use this to focus someone down and whenever possible continue to attack the person you nuked.
W is a heal with a move speed bonus. You can use this for longetivity or for chasing as 1 rank is sufficient for that most of the time.
E is a big part of your mid game and works amazingly well in combo with Q. It does a split of physical and magical damage thus forcing the enemy to get dual resistances to reduce the damage.
R is now on a short cooldown with a very short duration. A well timed ult can turn a gank around in a huge way or be used to bait a ton of damage.
Setup: Runes - Mpen in marks, mp5 per level seals, ap per level glyph, flat HP quintessences. Mastery - 9/21/0, same as my Morgana guide. Summoner spells - Ghost / Ignite or Cleanse/ Ghost if the enemy team has a ton of powerful stuns. Champion skills - > QEQW then R>Q>E>W
Items - Start - Doran's ring, hp potion first trip to base - basic boots, blasting wand or meki pendant, 2-3 health potions 2nd trip to base - Berserker Greaves (or if there is a lot of cc merc treads, but later), blasting wand or meki pendant (whichever you didn't already get), stinger if you can afford it
Eventually you'll want to finish a Guinsoo's rageblade then Nashor's Tooth. After those 4 items the game should be close to over but if it's not I suggest getting hextech gunblade started because you're probably facing some pretty tanky champions that you'll need the lifesteal to beat.
Strategy: By picking all of these tanky masteries, hp quints, and doran's ring, you will start with a ton of hp (something around just shy of 800) at level 1 and make it very easy to hold your ground. If you're confident in the damage exchange throw a Q at the enemy and take a few whacks then back away. Once you hit level 2 you can do some serious hurt with a Q followed by E activation and just going to town on an enemy champion. Most solo-mids will take about 1/4 to 1/3 of their HP with Q and a single auto attack during E. Use this to your advantage and if your opponent gets too cocky throw ignite on him and win. So far I've tested this against ashe, katarina, pantheon, and ezreal with great success. The damage output of most low level champions is too low to beat the burst of kayle. Once you have the hp lead you can continue to dominate the lane by last hitting with ease. At level 6 if you still haven't killed them then you should be able to save up enough mana to tower dive with ease.
Generally I'd say try to get red and blue buffs whenever possible. With blue buff and nashor's tooth your spells are almost max CDR so E comes off CD nearly as its effect wears off.
Make good use of kiting with kayle's superior move speed with W and her slow. You should never get killed by most melee champions.
Use Kayle's ult to turn the tide of a battle by making an enemy waste as much damage as possible. You can also use it to surprise an opponent when theyre trying to 1v1 you in the mid game.
Try not to be a dick and ks people once you have your 4 main items. She doesn't gain much from additional gold.
I differentiate from your build with 9-0-21 mastery cdr in glyph Zhonya's after Guinsoo/Nashor My first 4-5 levels skill ups are totally based on the lane but after that its usually R>E>W>Q. I find that R gives better lane control and farming than Q and low AP low level W just doesn't do anything. Q doesn't get much leveling aside from more damage and its mana cost increase per level. Also late game I don't need Golem to get CRD near capped. if you are playing dps kayle Q is always better than E. you can say all it gives is more damage, but it gives a heck of alot more damage per level than E does and it increases the subsequent damage you do to the person you hit with it. plus it makes your damage more bursty, which is great for poking. the only benefit to E is easier(not faster) farming, but you really shouldnt be doing that until late game because early laning you should not be pushing the creeps, and you should be saving mana for heals and Q harass. As I said I will put the first 5 skills in what the lane dictate. There are situations where having a strong E is definitly better(Mord, Heimer, most 1v2). If the lane can be controlled by burst than Q takes priority until 6. I havn't run the math but I think that once you get Guinsoo E will outpace Q in terms of dps.
i dont see how that would ever be the case. E picks up 6 damage per level, Q picks up 50 AND 2% increased damage. if you build AP, Q has better ratio. if you build AD, E doesnt help at all, while Q acutally does. and you and your opponent need to stick around to let E damage get even with Q damage, which only happens later in the game. you only need the lower CD on E later in teh game where you just spam it. you only need increased AOE on E later when you push lanes and get in teamfights and even then its not a major part of E(the range is). in laning i just dont see them staying close together enough for it to matter more than the buttload more damage a level of Q will give you.
edit* actually i guess E will outpace Q in damage with IAS from GRB. but you need to hit them 9 times to get ahead
On July 16 2010 20:47 jtype wrote: So, it seems in my absence, people still haven't understood the fact that teams need a tank. I haven't managed to play any of the new heroes yet, because it always falls to me to pick the tank, cos no one else will, even if I make my pick first..
Tanks are unnecessary in the new metagame. It's (sometimes) nice to have one, and in certain team compos they're phenomenal (esp. the trip/quad tank duo/single nuker setup), but they are far, far from needed.
Miniguide to understanding gameflow and stopping yourself from thinking you're kicking ass when you're not!
Step 1: Always imagine 10 60-minute timelines in your head.
Step 2: Imagine that every hero has a red streak (typical times of dominance/preference) on this timeline. For instance, Annie would have a streak from the 5 minute mark (~roughly when she would hit level 6 at solo mid) to around the 25 minute mark (after which she begins to drop off steeply, no matter how far ahead she is, and begins to transition into a support hero). Master Yi would have a streak running from about 5 minutes (when he can do a red buff alpha gank from Jungle) to about 10-13 minutes (when laning ends), and another streak say... 20 minutes into a game (when he completes two items) to about 24 (when those two items stop functioning as well), and then another blip about 30-35 for another set of items. Good players find ways to contract the times he's not "in the zone," or find ways to dominate/do well. Bad players fall apart during these zones. These red streaks also depend on both team compositions. An Annie against 5 tanks will have a much shorter red streak than against 5 squishies. Yet, if the other team has a Shaco the red streak will usually begin later, as the Annie has to play a bit safer.
Step 3: Imagine that every hero also has a blue streak. When they have a blue streak, it means they've "kicked in," and lighter tones of blue imply that they're likely to "kick in" in the very near future or they're beginning to fade out. For instance, Annie got first blood on a golem gank vs junglers, got a leg up, pushed you out of lane riding that half level advantage, and is now 3 levels above everyone with a super fast Mejai. She's now got a bright blue warning streak. When these blue streaks overlap with the red streak you have to pay attention to her, because this is when it's "her time" to carry. A good player will do the best s/he can during these red streaks, and when both streaks are overlapping, they'll move in to end the game. A bad player will misjudge respective blue streaks, and/or completely and utterly fail/miss the ball when their streaks overlap. People may remember tales of Annies "kicking it into high gear" and going 1X-X-X over the first 15 minutes, carrying his/her team. People may also remember games where these 1X-X-X Annies lose anyways, because they can't keep the momentum going - she falls off damage-wise as the game goes on, etc.
Step 4: Get better at projecting these streaks, especially the very mobile and unpredictable blue streak. The red streak comes with experience and understanding of how heroes play and relate to each other. The blue streak is your understanding of gameflow, period.
Step 5 - the Shikyo special: 300 creep kills is roughly 5000-6000 gold. Most heroes struggle to get 5000-6000 in a timely manner because they simply are not efficient at farming. Yes, this includes heroes like Ashe, who can only get a creep kill by last-hitting them. Last-hitting is in ef fi cient. Heroes like Corki, who can nuke down a whole creep wave in 1 second, are stronger farmers. If you end up with 300 creep kills on Ashe don't think you're actually ahead. Chances are, you're not. You're just treading water, if not deceptively behind. Not to mention gold/items mean more/less to different heroes.
Miniguide to playing MOBA games like DotA/HoN/LoL, by someone I played with from TL DotA like three years ago If you're weaker than the other team, farm, don't fight (aside from ganking stupids). If you're stronger than the other team, fight.
On July 16 2010 23:31 Southlight wrote: Miniguide to playing MOBA games like DotA/HoN/LoL, by someone I played with from TL DotA like three years ago If you're weaker than the other team, farm, don't fight (aside from ganking stupids). If you're stronger than the other team, fight.
haha i lol'd. love using stupid as a noun. nice guide but i think itll take alot of experience to figure it out for yourself
edit* anyone else really amused by how much panth tickles right now? i was nunu and i just kept walking up to him and farming right next to him
Hahah, yeah, but there're some things you can't really "teach." Player skill obviously factors into the equation, too. As I remarked once, there's a tremendous amount of pressure on you when there's a really good Corki on the other team, because it feels like a big train inching towards you, and with every kill or gank escape/teamfight survival the train feels like it accelerates more and more. If there's a bad/mediocre Corki you don't really care.
The big thing I get from some of the TL people talking about how they tried to carry and yet lost is that they're completely and utterly whiffing on their projection of how the game is going. For example, 20 minutes into a game if I see a Katarina solo mid that's 1-0-0 and 2 levels higher than our 0-1-0 solo mid Ashe with a 150 creep kill to 70 advantage, I'll sigh, mutter about crappy players and/or matchups, but I wouldn't care. I really wouldn't. Is it possible she'll kill us? Yes, but I wouldn't bet on it. And I'll happily take a well-placed/timed arrow over whatever the hell that Kat might try to do that late into a game.
Edit: In fact, if such a situation were to occur, I'd call both players even, or even weigh it toward the Ashe, based on Ashe having played safe and not fed in a bad matchup, and I'd very likely laugh and call the Kat terribad for not capitalizing on her area of dominance.
Edit2: Further expounding on that situation, let's say the Kat's team gets decimated. Yes, the Kat has the right to complain her team sucked. No, her teammates can't 100% complain about the Kat not helping, unless the Ashe had a hand in a number of kills (either by moving over to gank, or firing a long-range arrow that struck). Yes, her teammates have a point if they say the Kat didn't do enough to help, especially if they were running more carry/tanks in lane, because they're almost certainly going to be on the rear foot in their respective lanes. No, the Kat can't say she was doing her part, at all. Because she really, really didn't. In fact, she failed pretty badly.
On July 16 2010 21:24 oberon wrote: I posted a guide on Sivir a while back in this thread (TL search should be able to find it).
Thanks a ton for the link to you're guide, but can you explain the thinking behind your build to me a little bit? Keeping in mind I'm very new. From what I can tell the build gets a ton of lifesteal, a little damage, and the last item gives a little attack speed.
I feel like my build built up a good amount of life steal to be able to stay in the lane longer, then added in a TON of attack speed for tons of creep kills with ricochet which allows me to push towers more aggressively, and then pumps her damage towards the end of the game to help with more powerful enemies.
Point me in the right direction!
On July 17 2010 00:16 GnaR wrote:Show nested quote +On July 16 2010 21:24 oberon wrote: I posted a guide on Sivir a while back in this thread (TL search should be able to find it). Thanks a ton for the link to you're guide, but can you explain the thinking behind your build to me a little bit? Keeping in mind I'm very new. From what I can tell the build gets a ton of lifesteal, a little damage, and the last item gives a little attack speed. I feel like my build built up a good amount of life steal to be able to stay in the lane longer, then added in a TON of attack speed for tons of creep kills with ricochet which allows me to push towers more aggressively, and then pumps her damage towards the end of the game to help with more powerful enemies. Point me in the right direction!
Somewhere in the old LoL thread I posted a very in depth Sivir guide. She was my main for the longest time, and I still maintain over 110 wins with her with less than 50 losses, ^.^;
She got nerfed pretty hard a while ago, though, so it'd be reasonable to ask how true it (in its entirity) still is ;p For instance, when Yiruru plays Sivir he takes Heal, and it kicked ass :o
sweet psyched for next weeks free champ lineup. sigh i really need to just settle the fuck down on 2-3 mains and get better.
I win with Revive Teleport on Sivir.. no joke -_- Summoner Skills don't matter too incredibly much on her, just depends on playstyle. I'm leaning on Flash/Ignite now after last patch.
Revive/Teleport is pretty funny if you keep Teleport for Revive and you're pretty sure you're gonna get focused first in fights, hahah.
Level 23... it'll take around 100 more games before I hit 30. The upside is I'll probly have enough IP for 2 full rune pages by then, and I'll be good to go for whenever Season 2 starts. Plus grinding through pure solo queuing will make a man out of me.
You're probably fine playing solo/duo ranked in a bit, to be honest. There's no harm in finding out that you're below average (if you even are), and it'd probably be better motivation to find out you're at 12XX, for instance, than fishing around in a nameless elo cloud. Right now it's pretty cutthroat because you're still liable to running into some late starters.
I'd expect most of TL to at least be around the 1400 range when all's said and done. Probably more around the 17/1800.
As soon as all the baddies get weeded out of the ELO brackets because the really good players are carrying them it'll be a lot more cut-and-dry. So many feedersticks, master feeds, feedmos, noobnus, twisted feeds, malfeeds, tryndafeed, etc. in the game atm that just rode a lucky streak to ~1400 elo.
Do not play this game at 3 am in the morning while wasted. You end up going 5-6-8 as Annie. We won though Lol.
On July 17 2010 01:19 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: As soon as all the baddies get weeded out of the ELO brackets because the really good players are carrying them it'll be a lot more cut-and-dry. So many feedersticks, master feeds, feedmos, noobnus, twisted feeds, malfeeds, tryndafeed, etc. in the game atm that just rode a lucky streak to ~1400 elo.
Get to around 1500 and almost all you see are decent players hahah.
so when im ashe, and im laning with someone else do you think its better to
1.) let the other guy last hit mobs in front, while i take down mobs in back with autoattack
2.) use synergy with other player and we both target same creeps so that one of us tends to get the last hit
3.) just compete for last hits with the other player
basically, it can be annoying for me to lane with someone else(esp someone good at last hitting) when im ashe. i've mostly been trying to do #1, or #2 if i can't move that far forward. what do you guys think?
i guess there could be a
4.) focus more on hitting opponents than getting last hits. but with ashe that seems quite dangerous.
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
if you cant get a solo lane dont play ashe.
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
On July 17 2010 01:46 Brees wrote: if you cant get a solo lane dont play ashe.
preferably the top solo since she isnt that great mid
Uh, it's playstyle, how dependant your playstyle is on money, what your lane partner is, relative laning strength compared top opponents, etc.. I tend to go for #4 if I can, but I play very aggressive at the expense of farming. You can do perfectly fine playing like a selfish, greedy whore, too. I can't tell you which is better, but probably playing like a selfish, greedy whore, on Ashe.
Edit: I disagree, Brees. She makes a fine support/lane dominator. Ezreal/Ashe lane is always a good bet to gimp at least one hero (two if you get a 2v2 as ideal), as is Soraka/Ashe, and she works well in a pushing team even without money (esp. with a Heimer etc.).