United States37500 Posts
I do love sniping characters like Kass and Shaco. In and out, get your kills. Turn the tide of team fights. Your total presence is probably less than half of the team fight but you make it count. I haven't Kass in a while so I guess I'm underestimating his level 5 skill damage output.
Hahah, the weird thing is I don't often snipe, I'm usually the initiator. Force Pulse is just such a ridiculous spell. I guess you only saw me play him those two games, but if we're pushing tower, for instance, I'm usually parked up front, poking at their team with Sphere and Pulse. If they go after me, I just run back or teleport out, before running back up to resume poking and/or chase, etc. If they decide to run, I'm usually the first guy chasing, teleporting up into Pulse range and snare as many as possible, rinse repeat. Sometimes they turn around and try to countergank, because they either think they can kill me (I randomly die like this a few times) and/or they give up trying to run from telepulse. It's why I took Cleanse every game (until draft mode, then I just switch Cleanse -> Clarity if they don't have enough disables that scare me) - I play at a very "dangerous" position for a "squishy."
One of my very random deaths, for instance, came in a 5v5 where we took out 4 of their team, leaving only their almost-dead Kat, so I teleported up to snare with like 200 HP, not realizing she'd not actually used her ult yet. Unfortunately Sphere was too late to stop the channel so I didn't get my Pulse off before I died, but in an ideal situation I woulda snared her for the kill, whilst still getting away.
On July 17 2010 02:57 Southlight wrote: To that end I find GA really important because I'm almost at melee range of most enemy heroes (as I'm always dancing at Pulse range), so I'm an "accessible squishy." It's really rare that I've ever found myself pining for more damage. And if I am, the game's usually out of my control :\
Wow, yeah, I'm learning this very quickly. I literally died within 5 seconds of the start of every teamfight. I think Kass is the squishiest character I've ever tried, going to take some getting used to.
What summoner spells should I run?
United States37500 Posts
On July 17 2010 03:05 Kultcher wrote:Show nested quote +On July 17 2010 02:57 Southlight wrote: To that end I find GA really important because I'm almost at melee range of most enemy heroes (as I'm always dancing at Pulse range), so I'm an "accessible squishy." It's really rare that I've ever found myself pining for more damage. And if I am, the game's usually out of my control :\ Wow, yeah, I'm learning this very quickly. I literally died within 5 seconds of the start of every teamfight. I think Kass is the squishiest character I've ever tried, going to take some getting used to. What summoner spells should I run?
Cleanse + Ghost/Flash, normally.
But he just said he drops Cleanse for Clarity if there isn't much CC to concern him.
On July 17 2010 03:05 Kultcher wrote:Show nested quote +On July 17 2010 02:57 Southlight wrote: To that end I find GA really important because I'm almost at melee range of most enemy heroes (as I'm always dancing at Pulse range), so I'm an "accessible squishy." It's really rare that I've ever found myself pining for more damage. And if I am, the game's usually out of my control :\ Wow, yeah, I'm learning this very quickly. I literally died within 5 seconds of the start of every teamfight. I think Kass is the squishiest character I've ever tried, going to take some getting used to. What summoner spells should I run?
I rarely die without expecting to die (like when I gambled against the Kat I knew there was a chance I could die, but I expected a death would occur to a really fast Shunpo BB Attack combo, not to her ult LOL), because he has a lot of tools for getting away (and high base HP), but...
I usually run Cleanse/Ghost as my main two, with the possible cycling of Clarity/Ghost if they don't have enough disables or they have no disables that really scare me. Like against a team that consisted of something like Garen/Shen/Xin I was like meh, the only disable that scared me was Garen but I was willing to gamble on my own playskill to avoid dying to it.
Oh, also what's a safe level/time to go for Golem?
On July 17 2010 03:08 Kultcher wrote: Oh, also what's a safe level/time to go for Golem?
Safe time? Depends on the game, lol, there's no universal safe time. Safe level? I don't know, I think golem almost killed me at level 9. I usually bug people for help, even if I solo it it's slow and I'll end up with such low HP that it's usually gonna force me back to base for added timeloss.
United States37500 Posts
Yeah, I would say the only caster that can easily solo Golem without any trouble is Heimer. Annie can also do it to an extent cause she has two damage spells and an armor.
Kass and all the other casters don't have very much HP and with Kass's case, you only have Q and it takes you a long time to get E charged. Simply put, ask for help if you want golem.
I like to think I make up for incredible stupidity regarding positioning and what I can/can't survive with a good understanding of who should be doing what.
This most recent game (unranked solo queue) the lanes are Mundo (me) / Twitch v XinZhao / Pantheon top, Annie v Ashe mid, and Soraka / Mal'Zahar v Shen / Zilean bottom. Nothing much happens in mid or bottom, but in top, our Twitch gets firstblooded at level 2 by their nasty combo. I'm unable to help, so I towerhug and make it to level 4 at the same time XZ and Panth do. Twitch is level 2. He almost dies again. Then he dies again. He is 2/3 levels under where everyone else is and underfarmed. Not good. Our Annie wasn't in a ganking mood, unfortunately (I think she was convinced she could get Ashe and was just waiting for a chance) but lanes broke down soon after when top tower died (oh and I died stupidly here and gave Panth lizard T_T) and when annie finally came top to gank (while I was still dead), Ashe followed. Shen ulted. It was 4v2 and did not last long. Twitch could have escaped but he got greedy and chased Pantheon all the way back to tower before dying. As usual for my low ELO games, not much happened for a while. People ganked and failed to gank. People universally failed to push. I snuck dragon. Our Twitch tried to 1v5 the enemy team thinking one of us was Amumu I guess. The killboards were something like 15 to 27. Then, three things happened. Their early game heroes started to fall off. Pantheon could still instagib our Infinity Edge + Mobiliboots Twitch, but said Twitch had started to do damage; Shen would actually die if we focused him; Zilean was building too heavily AP and kept reviving Pantheon and Shen. Second, at my recommendation everyone except Twitch bought a Chainmail. Third, we started pushing as a team. Coming from a four tower disadvantage, we pushed all the way to bottom turret as minions killed top before they could mount a coherent resistance. Then in a lucky teamfight in mid we aced them with no losses ourselves (it's amazing the magic Twitch can work when he doesn't reveal himself until the enemy is committed), which turned into a lost inhibitor for them (now we were even on towers). Then our Twitch disconnected. He reconnects in about a minute... to tell us "sorry guys I have to be somewhere." Then he leaves again. Fortunately we have enough of an advantage (and they're raging so much at each other) that we can push through top and win a teamfight with no losses, then take down all three inhibitors. As Ashe, Shen, and XinZhao chase Soraka halfway down mid, super minions kill nexus.
On July 17 2010 03:12 NeoIllusions wrote: Yeah, I would say the only caster that can easily solo Golem without any trouble is Heimer. Annie can also do it to an extent cause she has two damage spells and an armor.
Kass and all the other casters don't have very much HP and with Kass's case, you only have Q and it takes you a long time to get E charged. Simply put, ask for help if you want golem.
Annie owns Golem if Tibbers is up :D
Edit: Up as in, she'd nuked someone, and has Tibbers following her around. Don't use ult ON golem >_<
United States37500 Posts
On July 17 2010 03:13 Southlight wrote:Show nested quote +On July 17 2010 03:12 NeoIllusions wrote: Yeah, I would say the only caster that can easily solo Golem without any trouble is Heimer. Annie can also do it to an extent cause she has two damage spells and an armor.
Kass and all the other casters don't have very much HP and with Kass's case, you only have Q and it takes you a long time to get E charged. Simply put, ask for help if you want golem. Annie owns Golem if Tibbers is up :D Tibbeeeeeeeeeeeers. Edit: Up as in, she'd nuked someone, and has Tibbers following her around. Don't use ult ON golem >_<
"but, but... Southlight said it was ok to use Tibbers on a Golem!"
Noooooooooooooooooooooooo /o\
amumu's bandage toss still hits people with banshee veil shield on.... is this fair?
On July 17 2010 03:12 NeoIllusions wrote: Yeah, I would say the only caster that can easily solo Golem without any trouble is Heimer. Annie can also do it to an extent cause she has two damage spells and an armor.
Kass and all the other casters don't have very much HP and with Kass's case, you only have Q and it takes you a long time to get E charged. Simply put, ask for help if you want golem. how about fiddle lol
United States37500 Posts
On July 17 2010 03:20 DanceCommander wrote:Show nested quote +On July 17 2010 03:12 NeoIllusions wrote: Yeah, I would say the only caster that can easily solo Golem without any trouble is Heimer. Annie can also do it to an extent cause she has two damage spells and an armor.
Kass and all the other casters don't have very much HP and with Kass's case, you only have Q and it takes you a long time to get E charged. Simply put, ask for help if you want golem. how about fiddle lol
Fiddle is a jungler, go away. :[ But ok, blanket statement fail, alright?!
On July 17 2010 03:19 DanceCommander wrote: amumu's bandage toss still hits people with banshee veil shield on.... is this fair?
It brings him to them but it doesn't stun, I think, right? As for whether it's fair, I think it is. You can punt into someone with Veil with Alistar and it'll take him to them, and instead of punting them way he'll stop right at them, so one of the tricks Turkey always does is to punt into someone with Veil for a free teleport, then ground slam. Easy initiation.
On July 17 2010 02:32 myopia wrote: Flat Energy Regen vs Flat HP Quints on Shen (and Kennen) - which is better?
I'm using flat energy right now. I run max def. masteries and always, always open Doran's Shield + HP Pot, which makes it pretty easy for me to be aggressive in lane, the extra 90 HP would help. BUT I also love to spam my skills, the extra vorpal and 1 point early feint I can use with the energy regen will make up for that HP.
Late game, the 90 HP is barely noticeable, but with energy regen runes + golem buff I can dashvorpalfeint to my heart's content.
What do you pros say?
(I also run MPen // Energy Regen plvl // CDRplvl)
I'm pretty sure energy and energy regen is garbage compared to what you could get in that slot.
Dodge in yellow yields a lot more survival than energy regen/level.
90 hp is HUGE early game when you are the strongest (especially with shen) anyway. Vorpal blade doesnt do a lot of damage and you should be using energy on shadow dash over everything else anyway.
On July 17 2010 03:23 Southlight wrote:Show nested quote +On July 17 2010 03:19 DanceCommander wrote: amumu's bandage toss still hits people with banshee veil shield on.... is this fair? It brings him to them but it doesn't stun, I think, right? As for whether it's fair, I think it is. You can punt into someone with Veil with Alistar and it'll take him to them, and instead of punting them way he'll stop right at them, so one of the tricks Turkey always does is to punt into someone with Veil for a free teleport, then ground slam. Easy initiation.
Man, that's dirty
My eve smurf is gonna get a higher ELO rating than my main account hahaha, most fun I had in weeks.
On July 17 2010 03:23 Southlight wrote:Show nested quote +On July 17 2010 03:19 DanceCommander wrote: amumu's bandage toss still hits people with banshee veil shield on.... is this fair? It brings him to them but it doesn't stun, I think, right? As for whether it's fair, I think it is. You can punt into someone with Veil with Alistar and it'll take him to them, and instead of punting them way he'll stop right at them, so one of the tricks Turkey always does is to punt into someone with Veil for a free teleport, then ground slam. Easy initiation.
Speaking of Alister can you still charge->knock up? I haven't had a chance to try yet.