United States37500 Posts
On July 17 2010 03:45 keV. wrote:Show nested quote +On July 17 2010 03:23 Southlight wrote:On July 17 2010 03:19 DanceCommander wrote: amumu's bandage toss still hits people with banshee veil shield on.... is this fair? It brings him to them but it doesn't stun, I think, right? As for whether it's fair, I think it is. You can punt into someone with Veil with Alistar and it'll take him to them, and instead of punting them way he'll stop right at them, so one of the tricks Turkey always does is to punt into someone with Veil for a free teleport, then ground slam. Easy initiation. Speaking of Alister can you still charge->knock up? I haven't had a chance to try yet.
Yes, Riot reverted it so you can W into a Q. You just need to have the timing down.
Wow some people are dumb. Just played vs an ashe that literally kept taking lay waste without moving then took 2 in a row while standing next to her tower for the death haha. I love playing stupid people.
Only if they don't move away from you at the point of impact, ie. if they have Veil or if they're right next to a wall? Or were you asking something else.
On July 17 2010 03:46 NeoIllusions wrote:Show nested quote +On July 17 2010 03:45 keV. wrote:On July 17 2010 03:23 Southlight wrote:On July 17 2010 03:19 DanceCommander wrote: amumu's bandage toss still hits people with banshee veil shield on.... is this fair? It brings him to them but it doesn't stun, I think, right? As for whether it's fair, I think it is. You can punt into someone with Veil with Alistar and it'll take him to them, and instead of punting them way he'll stop right at them, so one of the tricks Turkey always does is to punt into someone with Veil for a free teleport, then ground slam. Easy initiation. Speaking of Alister can you still charge->knock up? I haven't had a chance to try yet. Yes, Riot reverted it so you can W into a Q. You just need to have the timing down.
Nice, that was always fun.
On July 17 2010 03:46 NeoIllusions wrote:Show nested quote +On July 17 2010 03:45 keV. wrote:On July 17 2010 03:23 Southlight wrote:On July 17 2010 03:19 DanceCommander wrote: amumu's bandage toss still hits people with banshee veil shield on.... is this fair? It brings him to them but it doesn't stun, I think, right? As for whether it's fair, I think it is. You can punt into someone with Veil with Alistar and it'll take him to them, and instead of punting them way he'll stop right at them, so one of the tricks Turkey always does is to punt into someone with Veil for a free teleport, then ground slam. Easy initiation. Speaking of Alister can you still charge->knock up? I haven't had a chance to try yet. Yes, Riot reverted it so you can W into a Q. You just need to have the timing down.
oooh, that's cool.
So after a few games with Kass, I'm just like, "He's pretty strong. Imagine if he actually could farm!" Definitely the hardest character I've tried though.
On July 17 2010 03:48 Kultcher wrote: So after a few games with Kass, I'm just like, "He's pretty strong. Imagine if he actually could farm!" Definitely the hardest character I've tried though.
Play the lazy man's Kass. All cloaks of flame then just stand there getting spell charges and throwing shitty spell waves to slow the whole team. Don't need to be good for that! It's actually pretty terrible! Most humorous though!
On July 17 2010 02:32 myopia wrote: Flat Energy Regen vs Flat HP Quints on Shen (and Kennen) - which is better?
I'm using flat energy right now. I run max def. masteries and always, always open Doran's Shield + HP Pot, which makes it pretty easy for me to be aggressive in lane, the extra 90 HP would help. BUT I also love to spam my skills, the extra vorpal and 1 point early feint I can use with the energy regen will make up for that HP.
Late game, the 90 HP is barely noticeable, but with energy regen runes + golem buff I can dashvorpalfeint to my heart's content.
What do you pros say?
(I also run MPen // Energy Regen plvl // CDRplvl)
flat HP quints is the only way to go on shen imo. they allow shen to play super aggressively and be totally dominant with a good lane partner, or stay in lane much easier in a 1v2 lane.
feint hardly takes any energy at all, in fact i'm pretty sure that by the time it's off cooldown (5 seconds? 4.5?) you've regen'd the energy needed to cast it again. the extra 7 or 9 energy you'll get in those 5 seconds will have no effect on your ability to feint again. the only time i'd see energy regen useful is in a chase situation where you've hit them several times with vorpal and need a taunt to let a teammate finish them off but just don't have enough energy for it. that's really frustrating, but not worth the missing 90 hp imo.
also you shouldn't be spamming vorpal in lane. use it to harass or last hit, not to push the lane. if you need healing, vorpal a siege minion and attack it once, wait 3 seconds, then repeat. if you attack twice after vorpaling you restart the animation and timer on vorpal and don't get the first heal.
all in all, what i'm saying is, with the extremely low energy cost of all shen's techniques (assuming you always hit your taunt it only costs, what, 50 also?), energy should NEVER be your problem. shen doesn't have amazing base HP or HP growth so the hp quints go a lot further IMO. *especially* in an early 2v2 bush fight or something like that.
On July 17 2010 03:28 Phrost wrote: Vorpal blade doesnt do a lot of damage
ekeke wat
flat hp quints feel useless in the long run, i prefer extra dodge from dodgequints.
feint is not a prio before max vorpal or taunt/dash.
as for energy runes i thought southlight and co bashed on them for a large amount of pages ago.
As shen I have yet to find myself in a situation where i would say to myself. "Damn i wish i had more energy right now" and even if i had i would rather than wish for more energy and jump on the energy bandwagon simply adjust my playstyle and not get put in that particular situation again. xD
Im sticking to 0021/09 masteries and armor pen reds, dodge yellows, cd pr level blues. if anyone plays shen at a higher level it would be nice with some help but really i only take shen if he isnt banned or taken before its my turn to choose, it feels stupid to try to optimise for heroes that usually end up banned.
Late game, the 90 HP is barely noticeable, but with energy regen runes + golem buff I can dashvorpalfeint to my heart's content.
also i forgot to mention that late-game shen's utility and survivability is really really low anyways, feint's going to save you for about 1 second and then any amount of focus fire will destroy you as you have no other damage mitigation. his ult's utility is virtually none late-game. early game you can save someone from a 3-man gank and even turn it into a counter gank, but late-game even a support hero can pop the bubble and get the kill, then you've just TP'd into a bad situation yourself. better to try to end the game before the 35 minute mark. that's why i run flat HP quints, flat magic pen reds, mostly flat armor yellows, and mostly flat mag resist blues.
8748 Posts
On July 17 2010 02:44 pokeyAA wrote: Lol Im having fun smurfing with eve again. Team was raging hard at my pick. I ended up 14-1-14, 20 stack mejais. That shut them up lol. ugh I hate people raging about champ pick. the skill of the player is 10x more important than which champ they play.
elementz refused to let me take ryze/amumu/pantheon (and he banned kayle after i said i wanted to pick kayle. he swore that if you dont get first pick, you have to ban kayle, cuz the other team will 100% take kayle with their first pick. when i told him i'd never seen that happen, of course it was because all 7 ranked games i'd played had been full of idiots) and he told me to take soraka to lane with alistar. hadnt played soraka since several patches ago. terrible game. he was playing annie in mid and was losing so when ganks started happening, i started dying. had like 10 minion kills. zzzzz i could've been infinitely more helpful as ryze but oh no elementz made a tier list and it's his fucking bible
moral of the story: when solo queuing, i'll pick the champ that fills the role we need and fuck my teammates if they dont like the one i pick. they can queue 5 if they care
On July 17 2010 03:30 pokeyAA wrote: My eve smurf is gonna get a higher ELO rating than my main account hahaha, most fun I had in weeks.
how do you build ur eve to carry? some general tips to play eve. she seems way to squishy to do anything + she got hard countered by oracle.
dodge is counterproductive on shen because every hit you take from a champion activates your ki strike faster. since that's 50% of your damage output (vorpal being the other half (unless you run 5 sunfires which i've done with great success)), you need that to be up constantly. i'd rather have the HP/armor to tank a hit (and get ki faster) than the dodge to survive a hit (and hit back pitifully)
i run 8/21/1 with the 1 in ghost, the 8 in crit chance and cooldowns. ability power means nothing to shen unless you build it specifically (which would be silly)
![[image loading]](http://i405.photobucket.com/albums/pp132/Gallowmere08/LOLMORDE.jpg) LOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.
Check out my items.
I had 60 stacks.
1v5'd their entire team.
<3 low ELO games.
On July 17 2010 04:22 Liquid`Tyler wrote:Show nested quote +On July 17 2010 02:44 pokeyAA wrote: Lol Im having fun smurfing with eve again. Team was raging hard at my pick. I ended up 14-1-14, 20 stack mejais. That shut them up lol. ugh I hate people raging about champ pick. the skill of the player is 10x more important than which champ they play. elementz refused to let me take ryze/amumu/pantheon (and he banned kayle after i said i wanted to pick kayle. he swore that if you dont get first pick, you have to ban kayle, cuz the other team will 100% take kayle with their first pick. when i told him i'd never seen that happen, of course it was because all 7 ranked games i'd played had been full of idiots) and he told me to take soraka to lane with alistar. hadnt played soraka since several patches ago. terrible game. he was playing annie in mid and was losing so when ganks started happening, i started dying. had like 10 minion kills. zzzzz i could've been infinitely more helpful as ryze but oh no elementz made a tier list and it's his fucking bible moral of the story: when solo queuing, i'll pick the champ that fills the role we need and fuck my teammates if they dont like the one i pick. they can queue 5 if they care
Pick whatever you want to pick. kiLouu bitched this morning about me picking Kassadin with last pick, and when I told him I crushed him yesterday (true story) he bitched more. And ofc we romped in 25 minutes despite all his QQing. It's no fun picking something because you feel obligated to. I did that for ~5 months with tanks and ever since I said screw everyone else and started picking heroes I like (like Kassadin) I've had infinitely more fun (and success).
Just played Sivir again after a long, long time and I have to say, I really like her playstyle and I think it fits with my personal(lawl ricing) playstyle quite well. There also were some things like knowing their blitz was going to grab -> shield it and then the teamfight was initiated.
The build I used was doran's ring -> bloodthirster -> stark's fervor -> black cleaver -> banshee veil -> guardian angel (although I never finished the guardian angel, game was too short), and it felt really good but there might be better alternatives. I also spammed red pots the whole time after I got the bloodthirster and agi pots as well whenever I felt like a big fight was coming.
Maybe it's worth it to learn this champion
What happens when you premade with 2,3 or 4 people in ranked games? Do they count as solo, 5man or not at all?
you can't premade with 3 or 4, only solo, duo, or 5-man duo counts towards your solo ELO
I just got 612 AP with Sion by 25 minutes thats gotta be a record