On October 20 2010 08:40 Blitzkrieg0 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2010 08:24 -Kato- wrote: Am I the only one more than willing to pay 1k more for that 0.11% movespeed?
I really need the best runes i can get! I fail to see the point of the Tier 2 Quints. They're all trivial bonuses so you might as well get the best bonus seeing as IP is unlimited. I suppose they'd be nice if you're level 10 and want some almost Tier 3 stuff...but even then ^_^
Basically, you need a lot of IP to get everything you want at the start. Like, a lot. Shaving half the cost off some of those quints and making them basically as good helps a lot in buying other runes, champions, etc., and there's nothing stopping you from eventually getting the T3 Quint in the distant future if you're swimming in IP.
On October 20 2010 10:32 Juicyfruit wrote: From what I seen so far, Lux is largely inferior to Janna in about all aspects
Tornado better than the snare thing Janna has better shield that actually provides a LOT of damage for the team Janna's slow is reliable + its a passive speed boost for herself Janna's ult heals team for more than Lux's lazor does
Two things stand out to me about Lux:
1) Her range. She can spend 0 gold on survival. 2) Her utility: AoE slow, AoE snare, AoE shield.
The former calls for AP (glass cannon!), the latter for CDR (forget damage, just keep those CCs up). The things that provide both:
DFG: Terrible synergy. Is she ever going to be close enough to use this? Elixir of Brilliance: Seems awesome on Lux. Nashor's Tooth: Uh...
I kinda like the champion design, but she seems hard to itemize. If they added a new item, something like Needlessly Large Rod + Fiendish Codex = 125AP + 10 mana/5 + 25%CDR or something, that really synergizes with her, I'd be more enthused. Maybe if you keep blue elixir + golem up, you can just go for pure AP (Mejai -> Zhonya)?
Say what you will but those holiday HP quints are a total steal. 7 HP is nothing.
On October 20 2010 11:14 myopia wrote: Say what you will but those holiday HP quints are a total steal. 7 HP is nothing.
I'm with you. 95% percent of the effectiveness for 50% of the price? I'll take it in a heartbeat.
Until you survive a team fight with 6 life...
On October 20 2010 11:22 Darkchylde wrote: Until you survive a team fight with 6 life...
which happens approximately 1 every 10000 games
Oh man new patch! That means every idiot with a shitty champion who got a slight buff gets to pick him again and get completely owned! Alright!
On October 20 2010 10:32 Juicyfruit wrote: From what I seen so far, Lux is largely inferior to Janna in about all aspects
Tornado better than the snare thing Janna has better shield that actually provides a LOT of damage for the team Janna's slow is reliable + its a passive speed boost for herself Janna's ult heals team for more than Lux's lazor does i half agree with you but 100% honest, the breaking point for me is that lux is a lot of fun. janna is (imo?) the most boring hero by far in the game to play. babysitting just isn't fun.
my drafter rating: 1334 my rating: 1800
On October 20 2010 11:47 sRapers_ValkS wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2010 10:32 Juicyfruit wrote: From what I seen so far, Lux is largely inferior to Janna in about all aspects
Tornado better than the snare thing Janna has better shield that actually provides a LOT of damage for the team Janna's slow is reliable + its a passive speed boost for herself Janna's ult heals team for more than Lux's lazor does i half agree with you but 100% honest, the breaking point for me is that lux is a lot of fun. janna is (imo?) the most boring hero by far in the game to play. babysitting just isn't fun.
janna's ult heals a lot more than many ults in the game lol
it's like saying its superior to ez's ult because you can just heal that damage anyhoo but i doubt janna's gonna be hugging every low health hero as he snipes them >:D its just a matter of use instead of pure numbers imo imo imo. besides it does the damage at once instead of janna's heal in tix and its rainbow colored O.O
sides, all her skillz are practically aoe (aoe sloe instead of 1) and her snare is fairly fast whereas dodging tornadoes is ezpz unless you set em up, so other people have to start the fight before you can get off good tornadoes (unless they aren't proficient enough to tornado dodge) whereas lux and morgana can start a gank with their snare mmk
edit: most important. janna can't scream demacia, has no huge lazor coming out of her crotch
On October 20 2010 02:06 Mogwai wrote: I'm fairly certain that ArPen still beats out AD.
My current belief is that the Last Whisper changes are their attempt at buffing Pantheon because a bunch of people latched onto that as the key to fixing Pantheon's scaling issues, and that this will fail miserably. *shrugs* maybe I underestimate the power of LW, but I just really don't think this is going to really help pantheon except for in tank spamming games.
bleh, there are just so many changes, I honestly can't really process it all, but either way I'm still pissed that they didn't do jack to make me want to get HSS over pantheon's other abilities.
I never cast HSS at all when i play pantheon, maybe once or twice to get the shield buff up, but the scaling on HSS is hillariously bad, and the funny thing is that you only need one rank of HSS to get full benefit of its passive, leave it at rank 1 and no one would notice any difference lol... they should've jsut let HSS and spearshot apply on hit effect imo, HSS + black cleaver = instant 5 stack Arpen debuff?
On October 20 2010 11:58 Navi wrote: most important. janna can't scream demacia, has no huge lazor coming out of her crotch
I was trying out Kitty Cat Kat and ran into this
Riona had the new teemo skin
And his mushrooms really are satellite dishes
Sorry for the texture bugs not sure why my game did that, also space teemo seems sightly too small, kind of like what magnificient tf was.
On October 20 2010 12:03 Shizuru~ wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2010 02:06 Mogwai wrote: I'm fairly certain that ArPen still beats out AD.
My current belief is that the Last Whisper changes are their attempt at buffing Pantheon because a bunch of people latched onto that as the key to fixing Pantheon's scaling issues, and that this will fail miserably. *shrugs* maybe I underestimate the power of LW, but I just really don't think this is going to really help pantheon except for in tank spamming games.
bleh, there are just so many changes, I honestly can't really process it all, but either way I'm still pissed that they didn't do jack to make me want to get HSS over pantheon's other abilities. I never cast HSS at all when i play pantheon, maybe once or twice to get the shield buff up, but the scaling on HSS is hillariously bad, and the funny thing is that you only need one rank of HSS to get full benefit of its passive, leave it at rank 1 and no one would notice any difference lol... they should've jsut let HSS and spearshot apply on hit effect imo, HSS + black cleaver = instant 5 stack Arpen debuff?
HSS is so funny, it actually hurts your dps since you do more damage by auto attacking, throwing spears, and chasing them so you can stun again.. HSS actually will cause you to die/miss kills/get stunned or snared by skill shots(your sitting still..)
Awful skill
I do miss it insta killing teams though
HSS is so funny, it actually hurts your dps since you do more damage by auto attacking, throwing spears, and chasing them so you can stun again.. HSS actually will cause you to die/miss kills/get stunned or snared by skill shots(your sitting still..)
Its AoE though, so if you can hit more than 1 person with it, its great.
Are dodge quints even good on anyone? Debating whether I should grab the Halloween ones. I already have the dodge seals and when I first got them, I noticed their effects immediately.
the one possible use of HSS is to instacancel for a slightly faster block.