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is awesome32269 Posts
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United States2395 Posts
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Slovakia1320 Posts
Im going to play LoL next week and i have few simple Q. on you : ) I was playing LoL beta but, well i can say i did well it was 1st time DotA type of game for me but i adapted fast, when beta ended i tried HoN beta and i like it even more (so much more) and when HoN beta ended i didnt play any Dota based games after that time not even watched replays and so on. but few days ago my good friend asked me to play with him so its my duty to kick his ass ! ... or at least try ^^ Qs 1. What is new ? are there any new heroes ? 2. When i was last time playing LoL there there wasnt rune system yet so how it works ? and i remember there were a lot of em like 3 books or something. 3. Items - what items should i get 1st ? at the early game ? i think for Katarina (i love her : P) 4. I also remember that stupid Level system i hated and leaving ppl before game even started A LOT. as they saw big levels against em so they left. is it fixed ? 5. when there is now Levels and Runes added that means players with bigger level than you are SO MUCH MORE POWERFUL or you can still kick they asses ? thanks : ) | ||
Poland8075 Posts
On October 20 2010 15:49 Niton wrote: The highlight of that game was Milkfat "baiting" us by running back into the lane at low HP and subsequently getting his team aced. Fuck I wish I screenshotted that. troll | ||
United States40 Posts
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United States437 Posts
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United States775 Posts
On October 20 2010 16:22 babyface wrote: can somebody tell me how or where can i find a different ui? like those fancy ones that are super tiny and basic. well you can scale the default UI to make it smaller, and then take away the gray "walls" on the bottom of the UI. Those are in the options ingame | ||
Poland8075 Posts
Hurray you bought a piece of jail bait. Unfortunately chances are either you've been having so much fun lasering every 24 seconds that you lost the game, or had somebody carry you during this time. Here's Lux's what the hell I should be doing guide. Early Game-Laning Having you lane with Garen is quite nice. I would also take solo-mid or a 1v1 lane. Lux has a very hard time dealing with a 1v2 lane so I advise either mid or lane duo. Jungling won't work because she's way too squishy and does best with a level advantage. She has a very weak anti-push (her e) but she can hold tower fairly well with q and e. Skills to level are: a) if you can sense there will be early team fights: q first (always) then r>w>e>q b) if you are doing a normal push timing: q first, then r>e>q>w, but get w before 11. Mid Game-Ganking and Counter-Ganking. Most important item on Lux is boots 3. If you're taking damage you're fucked anyways, and 10 measely penetration isnt worth the loss in speed. I usually add archangel's for mana, and depending on how gay the other team is I either grab lich bane -> zhonyas or frozen brain -> shurelia's reverie. Usually the former. LateGame: use your lazy to fry creep waves so you can defend towers. In fact you should be doing this all game. Don't forget to mash keyboard and click randomly, all your abilities work pretty well like this. more later ~ | ||
10417 Posts
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10417 Posts
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United States40 Posts
On October 20 2010 16:28 caution.slip wrote: well you can scale the default UI to make it smaller, and then take away the gray "walls" on the bottom of the UI. Those are in the options ingame oh yeah i didn't realize you could do that, thanks | ||
Finland772 Posts
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United States4330 Posts
On October 20 2010 16:39 Caller wrote: Caller's Lux Guide Hurray you bought a piece of jail bait. Unfortunately chances are either you've been having so much fun lasering every 24 seconds that you lost the game, or had somebody carry you during this time. Here's Lux's what the hell I should be doing guide. Early Game-Laning Having you lane with Garen is quite nice. I would also take solo-mid or a 1v1 lane. Lux has a very hard time dealing with a 1v2 lane so I advise either mid or lane duo. Jungling won't work because she's way too squishy and does best with a level advantage. She has a very weak anti-push (her e) but she can hold tower fairly well with q and e. Skills to level are: a) if you can sense there will be early team fights: q first (always) then r>w>e>q b) if you are doing a normal push timing: q first, then r>e>q>w, but get w before 11. Mid Game-Ganking and Counter-Ganking. Most important item on Lux is boots 3. If you're taking damage you're fucked anyways, and 10 measely penetration isnt worth the loss in speed. I usually add archangel's for mana, and depending on how gay the other team is I either grab lich bane -> zhonyas or frozen brain -> shurelia's reverie. Usually the former. LateGame: use your lazy to fry creep waves so you can defend towers. In fact you should be doing this all game. Don't forget to mash keyboard and click randomly, all your abilities work pretty well like this. more later ~ You don't like the Rod of Ages? I find it's pretty nice to beef up her mana pool with. If you have tier 3 regen/lvl/5 runes you'll usually do ok mana wise. Even better if you can snag blue once and awhile. I've debated lich bane before but I don't know yet if it's worth it but I agree on Frozen Brain(Heart). | ||
United States37500 Posts
9 0 21, standard for caster. Ghost / Clarity QEEWER, R > E > W > Q Items: Ring + hp pot, Catalyst + Boots, Mejai's, RoA, BoS or Sorc Boots, Zhonya's, Void Staff <> Banshee's, whatever you didn't get last She does fine in solo top or laning bot. I personally avoid mid as she isn't too hot against real carries that go mid. Then again, I've gone against Twitch and MF and done fine. E's range is somewhat deceiving, it's larger than the casting circle implies. At level 5, your E + auto attack can kill the ranged creeps so farm those up ez pz. Team fights, just stay behind and spam your W and E. Ghost in and Q when there's an enemy at half life or less. Be patient with your ulti. Don't use it when the fight starts, use it as a sniping skill. Their carry flashed and is ghosting away? That's when Lux is supposed to ulti. One good thing about Lux at bot is with a ward on Dragon you can always snipe the dragon if the enemy jungler's smite is down. Her biggest problem is her CD, I'm considering fitting in Frozen Heart somewhere. But for now, the AP build will suffice. | ||
Malaysia1676 Posts
anyone knows wtf is up with that -.- | ||
Ota Solgryn
Denmark2011 Posts
Also can't wait for the new patch on EU. Will make my blitzcrank play and build fucking sick. | ||
Poland5551 Posts
On October 20 2010 17:38 Ota Solgryn wrote: So I will try to ask again. Does anyone know where to find a stream of Utahime playing kass. If there is such a stream? Also can't wait for the new patch on EU. Will make my blitzcrank play and build fucking sick. http://www.livestream.com/utahime He rarely plays though ![]() UTAH PLEASE TEH FANS@!!! | ||
United States3889 Posts
On October 20 2010 17:39 Kaniol wrote: http://www.livestream.com/utahime He rarely plays though ![]() UTAH PLEASE TEH FANS@!!! i think he has trouble with his fps while streaming or maybe his connection, he said fraps works much better, for him you should check out his youtube account also: Lux is... not impressive.. love the lazerz though ! | ||
70 Posts
On October 20 2010 14:09 Navi wrote: wat this makes no sense to me so you would take a 10-20% chance of dodging instead of taking no damage at all? damage prevented by dodge is only really "consistent" in jungle unless you're up against a full physical dps team... at which point you should stop tryharding and build 6 sunfire capes 'sides, can't dodge spells but you can run the hell away from skillshots or from casting zones both of which are aided by movequints and they help to get around the map a bit easier and they make demacia more easy etc. dodge runes and items have diminishing returns the more you get them seeing as the formula for them makes it so that, say, you have a 20% dodge chance item (pdancer) and get two of them you would have 80% chance of getting hit with the first pdancer and then the next 20% comes out of the 80% chance of getting hit which becomes 36% dodge instead of 40. they have historically been outshined by other runes but ofc are nice on jax because he actually has a skill that both increases dodge chance and can be used after a dodge How would that work with runes and masteries then? Would it be like 2% chance to dodge from masteries, then 0.75% for each rune o_O? or do all the runes count as one "item/instance" I already have the MS quints so I was just wondering if dodge quints were useful on anyone other than jax. I suppose HP or ArPen quints work fine on jax though. On October 20 2010 14:36 Atrioc wrote: Does anyone have any sort of advice for this hero? Personally I run mp5/lvl glyphs rather than CDR because I feel that jax has some mana issues and CDR is kind of a waste on heros who don't have long CD ults (wait did they put a long one on his ult now?). Laning with jax is generally a bitch...he can't really take harassment but has to get up close to last hit. Jungle jax is pretty good if you want to have decent farm/levels. Taric would be a good lane partner, though hes pretty much a good lane partner for anyone. | ||
Ota Solgryn
Denmark2011 Posts
On October 20 2010 17:48 BraveGhost wrote: i think he has trouble with his fps while streaming or maybe his connection, he said fraps works much better, for him you should check out his youtube account also: Lux is... not impressive.. love the lazerz though ! Ok thx guys ![]() | ||
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