also, i can't stress how important cdr is on her. being able to spam your w fucking everywhere is a good thing-it has a tiny ass aoe and your teammates often try and run from the bouncing thingy.
With boots 3, it becomes fairly hard for people to catch you without popping ghost. this is assuming they don't have a zeal or something, or have some other form of movement speed bonus.
also lux's laser doesn't hit THAT's her ability to have it up every 24 seconds that makes it lulz worthy. I usually bust the ult during a poking phase in a team battle because usually i'll have it up again in not time to blast some poor low hp kid. Use your e to see into bushes and ahead of you, will save your ass so much.
whatever happens do not let yourself get surrounded. You die so so so fast when that happens. you're just so insanely squishy.
Man Garen carrys like a mofo.. i went 14/0 thanks to a bad malaphite and a pantheon, I was laning with morgana and we fucked them up anyways i got my first Cuadrakill later in the game! so im happy I would stop playing just to say that the last game I played i got a cuadrakill.
On October 21 2010 00:20 SCC-Faust wrote: So awesome I never got a cuadrakill before how did it feel?
I was dumbfounded, my heart was racing hahaha a bit too much right? but it felt awesome the whole day was good and I usually play before going to sleep or before eating dinner and I also ate a hell of a dinner so this song would exemplify how good i felt.
I went 9-0 with teemo in a TL inhouse, and I've never done that well in ranked or normal queue with him. Incontrovertible proof that teemo is (a) an amazing champion and (b) even more amazing at higher elos.
On October 21 2010 00:07 Caller wrote: lux cant actually carry tru fax
also, i can't stress how important cdr is on her. being able to spam your w fucking everywhere is a good thing-it has a tiny ass aoe and your teammates often try and run from the bouncing thingy.
With boots 3, it becomes fairly hard for people to catch you without popping ghost. this is assuming they don't have a zeal or something, or have some other form of movement speed bonus.
also lux's laser doesn't hit THAT's her ability to have it up every 24 seconds that makes it lulz worthy. I usually bust the ult during a poking phase in a team battle because usually i'll have it up again in not time to blast some poor low hp kid. Use your e to see into bushes and ahead of you, will save your ass so much.
whatever happens do not let yourself get surrounded. You die so so so fast when that happens. you're just so insanely squishy.
This raises the question what CDR items to get. I'd probably aim for 15 from runes/masteries and 25 from items, not hogging blue buff.
Some possible combinations: - Frozen Heart (if she stays out of range, the aura and armor are wasted) - Nashor's Tooth (ASpd is wasted) - DFG/Reverie/Soul Shroud (on ally?) + Kindlegem/Fiendish Codex/Innervating Locket/Blue Elix
Kindlegem + Codex + Blue Elix + 6 CDR from utility + 4 CDR from runes?
None of these is really great imo. Blue Elix pump sounds like a good idea.
On October 21 2010 00:07 Caller wrote: lux cant actually carry tru fax
also, i can't stress how important cdr is on her. being able to spam your w fucking everywhere is a good thing-it has a tiny ass aoe and your teammates often try and run from the bouncing thingy.
With boots 3, it becomes fairly hard for people to catch you without popping ghost. this is assuming they don't have a zeal or something, or have some other form of movement speed bonus.
also lux's laser doesn't hit THAT's her ability to have it up every 24 seconds that makes it lulz worthy. I usually bust the ult during a poking phase in a team battle because usually i'll have it up again in not time to blast some poor low hp kid. Use your e to see into bushes and ahead of you, will save your ass so much.
whatever happens do not let yourself get surrounded. You die so so so fast when that happens. you're just so insanely squishy.
This raises the question what CDR items to get. I'd probably aim for 15 from runes/masteries and 25 from items, not hogging blue buff.
Some possible combinations: - Frozen Heart (if she stays out of range, the aura and armor are wasted) - Nashor's Tooth (ASpd is wasted) - DFG/Reverie/Soul Shroud (on ally?) + Kindlegem/Fiendish Codex/Innervating Locket/Blue Elix
Kindlegem + Codex + Blue Elix + 6 CDR from utility + 4 CDR from runes?
None of these is really great imo. Blue Elix pump sounds like a good idea.
I was actually thinking Soul Shroud + Will of the Ancients + Elixir of Brilliance might be a good supporty build. If you have an Annie, Ryze, etc. within your aura range, the AP/vamp/CDR would probably be a pretty big deal.
Jungle Jax theorycrafting (EzPz mentioned something about this but I lost his post):
as / dodge / mresplvl / dodge 1/12/17 smite/ghost
eweqer / r>e>whatever
start cloth armor+ 5pots, normal blue on down to red run, back for tabis, gank, jungle run again.
Question is: does Jax even need madreds? Once he hits 6 he can shred any creep short of baron, and madreds will slow down his rageblade. BR sounds pretty sweet on him though.
On October 21 2010 00:51 Xenocide_Knight wrote: Question, does morgana shield/shen feint/lux shield apply armor and MR bonuses?
Yes, shields are counted as an extension of your HP.
Question is: does Jax even need madreds? Once he hits 6 he can shred any creep short of baron, and madreds will slow down his rageblade. BR sounds pretty sweet on him though.
Thars funny I was talking about this exact same thing with my friend last night. Seems to me madred's is a waste on jax because It is a dead end item on him. He doesn't need help killing creeps as he hits plenty hard and wriggle's/bloodrazor doesn't provide him any benefit. (jax is pretty much his own bloodrazor, providing hybrid dps.)
Question is: does Jax even need madreds? Once he hits 6 he can shred any creep short of baron, and madreds will slow down his rageblade. BR sounds pretty sweet on him though.
Thars funny I was talking about this exact same thing with my friend last night. Seems to me madred's is a waste on jax because It is a dead end item on him. He doesn't need help killing creeps as he hits plenty hard and wriggle's/bloodrazor doesn't provide him any benefit. (jax is pretty much his own bloodrazor, providing hybrid dps.)
would phantom dancer work good on him doesn't he need doge?
Question is: does Jax even need madreds? Once he hits 6 he can shred any creep short of baron, and madreds will slow down his rageblade. BR sounds pretty sweet on him though.
Thars funny I was talking about this exact same thing with my friend last night. Seems to me madred's is a waste on jax because It is a dead end item on him. He doesn't need help killing creeps as he hits plenty hard and wriggle's/bloodrazor doesn't provide him any benefit. (jax is pretty much his own bloodrazor, providing hybrid dps.)
would phantom dancer work good on him doesn't he need doge?
Phantom dancer is a fantastic item on Jax... but probably not a great one to rush. He's already the dodge king, and getting a PD will usually max out his dodge chance.
However, attack speed and crit do nothing for his passive, but still help with killing stuff.
Actually... don't listen to me. I know nothing about Jax, lol.
Phantom dancer is usually considered too expensive, although tbh with the new jax not needing to charge his ult I was thinking to zeal into triforce, his AS is high enough that he will constantly snare, he gets the MS from zeal and sheen syncs with his W like it does with siphon strike.
Rageblade I've always found to be annoying to keep charged on him bc as a melee char whenever you're preparing for a teamfight 90% of the times your opponents won't allow you to charge it and your allies won't allow you to attack creeps.
On October 21 2010 01:00 Horuku wrote: Lux + Garen lane is pretty awesome.
Lux roots and then you spin all over people and get kills at level 1, it's pretty funny.
I'd hardly think its that much better than the other potential Garen+stun lanes, though I guess having another CC and the shield for tower-diving are neat.