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United States2131 Posts
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United States1320 Posts
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United States1817 Posts
On October 19 2010 10:02 oberon wrote: Could MF run GRB? It'd give a big bonus to her ult, at least. Probably worse than other options, but not unplayable. Her ult is like Kat's it takes the highest of the two so going hybrid only gimps you. And as far as the trolling comments go, look at the rest of my posts from today, particularly the photo. Think I'm in serious games? ^^ The point of my post was simply I was doing the best on our team as far as teamfight performance was concerned and still being blamed for everything. | ||
United States3889 Posts
On October 19 2010 10:04 STS17 wrote: Her ult is like Kat's it takes the highest of the two so going hybrid only gimps you. And as far as the trolling comments go, look at the rest of my posts from today, particularly the photo. Think I'm in serious games? ^^ The point of my post was simply I was doing the best on our team as far as teamfight performance was concerned and still being blamed for everything. I've been blamed for losing a game before since I chose a jungler.. the guy claimed solo lane 1v2, died lvl 1, told me it was my fault for jungling, rage quit the game. It's common practice to blame people who are doing well (I wasn't that game, I hadn't done anything other then kill blue/wolves.. the guy insta died)... | ||
United States3977 Posts
On October 19 2010 10:12 BraveGhost wrote: It's common practice to blame people who aren't you (I wasn't that game, I hadn't done anything other then kill blue/wolves.. the guy insta died)... FIXED | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
fuck my life | ||
United States3889 Posts
lol ty, that is actually correct | ||
United States1817 Posts
It makes people raaaaaaaaage | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On October 19 2010 10:34 STS17 wrote: I love telling people that they are actively seeking someone to blame for their own failures because they can't cope with failure and this inability to cope has caused them to live in a delusional world where they can do no wrong and I wish I could live in such a fantasy. It makes people raaaaaaaaage uusally i just go with a lol u mad bro? they usually respond lol u bad bro? at which i go "y u mad tho?" promptly causing them to call me a worthless piece of 4chan /b/ trash and then bitch in all chat i love it | ||
Canada2470 Posts
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Noobville17920 Posts
On October 19 2010 10:37 YunhOLee wrote: so i just started playing this game last night and it's fairly fun.. but could anyone suggest me a few heroes that i should try to unlock first ? Their price doesn't really bother me even if it costs a ton if you say it's a really good hero. I mostly used to like playing carry/tanks in dota/hon.. so anything that has the same roles. easiest tank heroes are.. Garen Easiest carry is.. Garen Easiest mage is Garen Easiest support is .. Garen Just buy Garen(he's free this week) and all your dreams will come true | ||
United States3889 Posts
On October 19 2010 10:37 YunhOLee wrote: so i just started playing this game last night and it's fairly fun.. but could anyone suggest me a few heroes that i should try to unlock first ? Their price doesn't really bother me even if it costs a ton if you say it's a really good hero. I mostly used to like playing carry/tanks in dota/hon.. so anything that has the same roles. Carries and tanks make up like 70% of the heroes.. anything specific you want to do? I suggest trying free heroes out, testing the water.. see what you like | ||
United States1817 Posts
On October 19 2010 10:40 arb wrote: easiest tank heroes are.. Garen Easiest carry is.. Garen Easiest mage is Garen Easiest support is .. Garen Just buy Garen(he's free this week) and all your dreams will come true I'd correct this, but it's true. | ||
Italy3402 Posts
A few scenarios you will run into when jungling: -you get lv1 ganked or get bluebuff stolen on a character who needs it like a costipated homosexual needs lube (udyr, mumu) because nobody on your team bothered to come anywhere close to you when you were setting up, you are 2-3 lvls behind your team until lv 8-9, team rages at you for being low and falling victim to a few more ganks (the number depends on how smart the enemy team is). -your 1v2 guy sucks balls and has 7 cs by lv 10. -your 1v2 guy dies, repeatedly and ragequits. -your 1v2 guy loses the tower, it's like he falls from grace and hellfire is around him, his feelings are a mixture of pure fear, anguish and rage, he has no idea what to do until the 30 min. mark. -your 1v2 guy desperately calls you to gank as if you were the messiah and only joined the game to save him, gank fails because he/you have no mana/hp but he neither recalls nor wants you to leave, you have to sit in a half-pushed lane with an underfarmed moron against 2 farmed people who have blood in their eyes. -you have to cover a lane. And then another one. And another one. And another one... -the carry you called for blue/redbuff does not answer and sits at mid farming, firmly convinced that leaving the lane for one millisecond will cause him to fall years behind his opposite, you idle/apm spam while tanking unnecessary damage and letting your bluebuff expire. From full hp/mana with bluebuff you now have to recall while you just came from base,with no money, mana or health. A good amount of times your opponents will gank you/your ally/both of you and/or do dragon while you are waiting for the retard to move his ass. -your arrival in the 2v2 lane is greeted with immense joy by your teammates who suddenly feel the urge to show their bravery (which since you were busy running around the map you had no chance to witness) by throwing themselves in the most audacious of dives. Unless you are olaf and you built tank 99% of the times this scenario will conclude with both your allies dead and the enemies farming happily behind their tower at 40% hp. ...and the most classic -1v2 goes bot, jax/tf go top. And you are on chogath or nunu, which means that you just won't be able to do dragon safely pretty much ever. In all of those cases and many more you will be able to drag your team to the midgame solely thanks to the solo top being 1-2 lvls higher than your opponents, which since he has 7 creep kills by the 20 min mark would not have been possible if not for you jungling. But in all of these scenarios your team will blame you for their badness, using phrases like "WTF NOOB MUMU U CAN LOOK AT DRAGON URSELF YOU ARE ALREADY AROUDN THE MAP", "omg nub jungle is for unranked games in ranked u play srs", "wtf olaf is a dps char get some dmg noob and btw he is not a jungler and ur mom is fat". "lol STFU ok you are 0/1(12), I'm 6/9, im doing better than you". The fun thing is that when I duo ranked me and whoever I play with always play jungler/solotop instead of demanding the duo lane... | ||
United States1817 Posts
On October 19 2010 10:43 r33k wrote: ^srsly whenever that happens I get so pissed off... A few scenarios you will run into when jungling: -you get lv1 ganked or get bluebuff stolen on a character who needs it like a costipated homosexual needs lube (udyr, mumu) because nobody on your team bothered to come anywhere close to you when you were setting up, you are 2-3 lvls behind your team until lv 8-9, team rages at you for being low and falling victim to a few more ganks (the number depends on how smart the enemy team is). -your 1v2 guy sucks balls and has 7 cs by lv 10. -your 1v2 guy dies, repeatedly and ragequits. -your 1v2 guy loses the tower, it's like he falls from grace and hellfire is around him, his feelings are a mixture of pure fear, anguish and rage, he has no idea what to do until the 30 min. mark. -your 1v2 guy desperately calls you to gank as if you were the messiah and only joined the game to save him, gank fails because he/you have no mana/hp but he neither recalls nor wants you to leave, you have to sit in a half-pushed lane with an underfarmed moron against 2 farmed people who have blood in their eyes. -you have to cover a lane. And then another one. And another one. And another one... -the carry you called for blue/redbuff does not answer and sits at mid farming, firmly convinced that leaving the lane for one millisecond will cause him to fall years behind his opposite, you idle/apm spam while tanking unnecessary damage and letting your bluebuff expire. From full hp/mana with bluebuff you now have to recall while you just came from base,with no money, mana or health. A good amount of times your opponents will gank you/your ally/both of you and/or do dragon while you are waiting for the retard to move his ass. -your arrival in the 2v2 lane is greeted with immense joy by your teammates who suddenly feel the urge to show their bravery (which since you were busy running around the map you had no chance to witness) by throwing themselves in the most audacious of dives. Unless you are olaf and you built tank 99% of the times this scenario will conclude with both your allies dead and the enemies farming happily behind their tower at 40% hp. ...and the most classic -1v2 goes bot, jax/tf go top. And you are on chogath or nunu, which means that you just won't be able to do dragon safely pretty much ever. In all of those cases and many more you will be able to drag your team to the midgame solely thanks to the solo top being 1-2 lvls higher than your opponents, which since he has 7 creep kills by the 20 min mark would not have been possible if not for you jungling. But in all of these scenarios your team will blame you for their badness, using phrases like "WTF NOOB MUMU U CAN LOOK AT DRAGON URSELF YOU ARE ALREADY AROUDN THE MAP", "omg nub jungle is for unranked games in ranked u play srs", "wtf olaf is a dps char get some dmg noob and btw he is not a jungler and ur mom is fat". "lol STFU ok you are 0/1(12), I'm 6/9, im doing better than you". The fun thing is that when I duo ranked me and whoever I play with always play jungler/solotop instead of demanding the duo lane... Your partner does solo top and has 7 cs by the 20 minute mark? dies twice then ragequits, calls you a scrub and doesn't back when low on health? You need a better partner dude | ||
United States3889 Posts
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United States1086 Posts
But maybe that'll change by the time you get to level 30. That will take at least a month. | ||
United States1508 Posts
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United States9109 Posts
glad i can finally give advice in this thread though now \m/ | ||
United States6980 Posts
On October 19 2010 10:54 Scamp wrote: The only problem with learning Garen is getting to ranked games and finding he's banned every game. But maybe that'll change by the time you get to level 30. That will take at least a month. I know what you mean. I land Morgana like 1 out of 5 games if I'm lucky, T_T | ||
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