On October 19 2010 11:03 Haemonculus wrote:Show nested quote +On October 19 2010 10:54 Scamp wrote: The only problem with learning Garen is getting to ranked games and finding he's banned every game.
But maybe that'll change by the time you get to level 30. That will take at least a month. I know what you mean. I land Morgana like 1 out of 5 games if I'm lucky, T_T
I get amummu like once a month. And then my team fails and we lose. Yes, it is possible! and then I cry in chat how I just want to be friends
On October 19 2010 10:43 r33k wrote: -the carry you called for blue/redbuff does not answer and sits at mid farming, firmly convinced that leaving the lane for one millisecond will cause him to fall years behind his opposite, you idle/apm spam while tanking unnecessary damage and letting your bluebuff expire. From full hp/mana with bluebuff you now have to recall while you just came from base,with no money, mana or health. A good amount of times your opponents will gank you/your ally/both of you and/or do dragon while you are waiting for the retard to move his ass.
This actually probably annoys me the most when I'm jungling, sometimes I think it's because they don't speak English so I try pinging them then the buff, still to no avail.
I am relieved during the champion selection whenever people answer to my "hello", whenever I get no answers I know for sure that the game is going to be a free loss.
So Im seriously considering going a Jungling Warwick main now, just to experiment a bit to get a feel for a different type of play.
One of my games though someone says we apparently dont jungle the whole game. Whats a good idea as to when we apparently stop jungling? And what do you people find to be a good route? I read a guide that says your first kill should be Blue Buff Golem, but I can't seem to kill it.
On October 19 2010 10:37 YunhOLee wrote: so i just started playing this game last night and it's fairly fun.. but could anyone suggest me a few heroes that i should try to unlock first ? Their price doesn't really bother me even if it costs a ton if you say it's a really good hero. I mostly used to like playing carry/tanks in dota/hon.. so anything that has the same roles.
Try just playing the free heroes for now. But if you have to unlock something, Ashe and Kayle are two very good carries and only 450 IP each.
On October 19 2010 11:24 Daxunyrr wrote: So Im seriously considering going a Jungling Warwick main now, just to experiment a bit to get a feel for a different type of play.
One of my games though someone says we apparently dont jungle the whole game. Whats a good idea as to when we apparently stop jungling? And what do you people find to be a good route? I read a guide that says your first kill should be Blue Buff Golem, but I can't seem to kill it.
double golem, big wolf (leave the 2 little ones), blue golem, finish little wolves, red buff -> kill someone
On October 19 2010 11:24 Daxunyrr wrote: So Im seriously considering going a Jungling Warwick main now, just to experiment a bit to get a feel for a different type of play.
One of my games though someone says we apparently dont jungle the whole game. Whats a good idea as to when we apparently stop jungling? And what do you people find to be a good route? I read a guide that says your first kill should be Blue Buff Golem, but I can't seem to kill it.
Guess you didn't read my earlier posts replying to you? u_u
Open cloth armor + 5 hp pots (or cloth armor, ward, 2 hp pots). Take your Q and wait next to blue. Autoattack it and let it hit you a few times, then Q on cooldown. Smite to last hit. Just go blue, wolves, wraiths, lizard, mini golems for Warwick. Make sure that you take experience and jungle masteries in the utility tree.
On October 19 2010 11:24 Daxunyrr wrote: So Im seriously considering going a Jungling Warwick main now, just to experiment a bit to get a feel for a different type of play.
One of my games though someone says we apparently dont jungle the whole game. Whats a good idea as to when we apparently stop jungling? And what do you people find to be a good route? I read a guide that says your first kill should be Blue Buff Golem, but I can't seem to kill it.
each jungler is different but generally you stop jungling around level 4 to gank, go back in the jungle til 6 and gank again, and then just start going with the flow
i'm pretty sure warwick can kill blue without masteries and runes but a lot of other junglers need some sort of armor/hp to help them kill golem
Hrm. Im not getting runes till I can get the T3, so maybe thats where Im messing up....
I usually open up Cloth & HP Pot just in case, but the sad fact is I just dont do something right. I don't start the fight with Hungering Bite, I let my HP drop a bit so I can use its healing as well. I also smite and drop it to half health but it & the lizards just do too much damage too quick. I don't wanna try fightin the minions before lizards Golem though
Thank you for the advice on times though.
On October 19 2010 11:27 TieN.nS) wrote:Show nested quote +On October 19 2010 11:24 Daxunyrr wrote: So Im seriously considering going a Jungling Warwick main now, just to experiment a bit to get a feel for a different type of play.
One of my games though someone says we apparently dont jungle the whole game. Whats a good idea as to when we apparently stop jungling? And what do you people find to be a good route? I read a guide that says your first kill should be Blue Buff Golem, but I can't seem to kill it. Guess you didn't read my earlier posts replying to you? u_u Open cloth armor + 5 hp pots (or cloth armor, ward, 2 hp pots). Take your Q and wait next to blue. Autoattack it and let it hit you a few times, then Q on cooldown. Smite to last hit. Just go blue, wolves, wraiths, lizard, mini golems for Warwick. Make sure that you take experience and jungle masteries in the utility tree.
Also, yes I did read it... but I just can't seem to get it to work. Figured a confirmaiton would help. Sorry for re-asking.
On October 19 2010 11:30 Daxunyrr wrote: Hrm. Im not getting runes till I can get the T3, so maybe thats where Im messing up....
a full page of tier 1 runes is 800 IP, well worth it if it will help you learn how to properly jungle with WW
and you can use them in the rune combiner when you hit level 21 for 2 tier3 runes which may or may not be useful ones
Eh, I guess... I don't think I can buy T1's anymore though, unles theres a way to filter out T2's?
Just change the option to Tier 1.
Aight. I just wanted a bit of confirmation and to have it re-stated so I could get it cemented in my brain. Thanks for the patience and help. Off to test this and see if it works.
On October 19 2010 08:00 NeoIllusions wrote:Show nested quote +On October 19 2010 07:45 Liquid`Tyler wrote: jax is so bad wow. eve is 3x as viable as jax. LOLOLOL, even the king of UP champions hates Jax. That says something. Wait until the buffs come out for Jax next patch. Then try him. He shouldn't be as bad, tbh. I dunno if the Jax buff will be enough. So many AP heros and undodgeables
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
everytime a warwick opens cloth armor I facepalm, he doesnt even need potions to jungle. long sword opening is way faster and better
either start at blue buff with Q opening and clear the entire jungle from golem to small golems or start small golems with w opening and go small golem --> wraiths --> wolves --> golem ---> small golems --> lizard
these are the 2 fastest routes, ive played a million warwick games
Uh, I honestly can't imagine how you're having this much trouble. I guess you're probably not chugging an hp pot right as you take damage?
Oh, and yeah you have the right idea. Definitely don't want to attack the little guys before the golem is dead (with a few exceptions like if you didn't start at blue and need one mob to level up etc).
So i just played this game with about 90 ping the entire tiem except..everytime kat shunpo'd me my game with start frame by framing
has anything like thsi happened with anyone else? and it did it throughout the game too
That's the new Kat buff, didn't you read the patch notes?
On October 19 2010 11:42 Brees wrote: everytime a warwick opens cloth armor I facepalm, he doesnt even need potions to jungle. long sword opening is way faster and better
either start at blue buff with Q opening and clear the entire jungle from golem to small golems or start small golems with w opening and go small golem --> wraiths --> wolves --> golem ---> small golems --> lizard
these are the 2 fastest routes, ive played a million warwick games
I start with cloth armor when there's an opposing jungler that's likely to harass me (like Shaco) or if my team is going for teleport-ganks in which case I'm getting the ward.
I'd like to add to this Warwick discussion with my first blood route. I start at the small golems and if either the bottom lane or mid lane is getting pushed toward our tower (or I predict that it will) then I get the lizard and go gank right away.
If my prediction was wrong then I just finish my jungle normally.