On October 19 2010 13:40 Jokey665 wrote: What exactly does the Zilean change mean?
It used to be that if you died while casting Morg ult or Garen E, the spell would continue even though you were dead and being revived. That's no longer the case.
On October 19 2010 13:40 Jokey665 wrote: What exactly does the Zilean change mean?
It used to be that if you died while casting Morg ult or Garen E, the spell would continue even though you were dead and being revived. That's no longer the case.
And Shurelia actually sounded pretty normal (compared to what i've heard previously that makes me ears bleed).
Lux actually looks pretty solid and as long as her ap ratios arent out of whack then she should be a pretty fun champion to play.
With the buffs to swain and jax we also might see some more playable champions (i was not expecting the MR from jax's ult, thats pretty awesome tbh)
27 extra AD at level 1 is pretty damn good IMO, will make some champs with physical damage harassing skills (volley mystic shot spear shot parrrley double up etc) much more potent, I wonder at what point they surpass ArPen in effectiveness, like what armor the opponent needs before one becomes more useful then the other.
meh, ill still probably take the arpen over the +ad, i dont play in such a way that i need an advantage @ lvl 1, i usually prefer to take my time in lane and farm with a bit of harass, nothing too aggressive.