On October 09 2010 02:08 Daxunyrr wrote: This is true, but I do intend to get a new computer soon.
I was just wondering what the general consensus is on various heroes I was looking at.
That way when I DO start to play humans, I don't end up liking a champion thats like LOL IM COMPLETELY USELESS :>
There's no champion that's completely useless when you're just starting out. Eve, considered pretty trash at high levels, is an absolute beast at the low because she punishes ignorance. Tryndamere too. I'd say just play whoever you really enjoy and the more you play against different heroes/the more heroes you play you'll get better at.
Also, Nunu is such a fun jungler.
On October 09 2010 02:20 Daxunyrr wrote: Why would I have a high chance to switch?
I mean at best I might alternate between him N someone else to not just do the same thing repeatedly, but...
See the newbie FAQ in the original post.
On October 09 2010 01:43 Southlight wrote: Soulstealer is an ineffective item for the majority of AP heroes because all it gives is AP, and even the only if you can actually score kills and if you can stay alive. To that end only a handful of heroes should really be considering it at all.
When it comes to Karthus you are significantly better off building AP items with bonus stats, such as RoA (mana pool + survival), Zhonya (must have), and Void Staff (magic pen) than buying an item that only gives you AP. Actually I think Scarlet builds a very fast Archangel into Zhonya or something of the sort, last I remember.
While I agree with you in theory, you're also discounting the cost and possible flow of the game. Mejai's is much cheaper than all of those items. Void Staff isn't much more expensive but the magic pen is percentage-based so it's mostly useful after seeing opponents with magic resist items.
If the game is poke-heavy instead of teamfight-heavy then Karthus tends to get a number of kills/assists with his ultimate. This makes it so it's not terribly difficult to get and maintain stacks on the Mejais. If you have a healthy Mejais then you won't need to get an AP item such as RoA, Rylai's, or the Void Staff and can instead get some defensive items (no substitute for Zhonya's, though. That is, indeed, a must-get). Karthus in the middle of a team fight with heavy defense along with Zhonya's (and a GA, too) is an absolute monster.
If you screw it up, though, then you just wasted about 800 gold.
That's my take on it, though. I haven't really gotten a chance to use Karth at a really high ELO but I do find it funny that every time I pick him someone usually has to complain about it. It seems most people don't play him very well. I don't really know because I rarely see him outside of free Karthus week.
On October 09 2010 02:56 Scamp wrote:Show nested quote +On October 09 2010 01:43 Southlight wrote: Soulstealer is an ineffective item for the majority of AP heroes because all it gives is AP, and even the only if you can actually score kills and if you can stay alive. To that end only a handful of heroes should really be considering it at all.
When it comes to Karthus you are significantly better off building AP items with bonus stats, such as RoA (mana pool + survival), Zhonya (must have), and Void Staff (magic pen) than buying an item that only gives you AP. Actually I think Scarlet builds a very fast Archangel into Zhonya or something of the sort, last I remember. While I agree with you in theory, you're also discounting the cost and possible flow of the game. Mejai's is much cheaper than all of those items. Void Staff isn't much more expensive but the magic pen is percentage-based so it's mostly useful after seeing opponents with magic resist items. If the game is poke-heavy instead of teamfight-heavy then Karthus tends to get a number of kills/assists with his ultimate. This makes it so it's not terribly difficult to get and maintain stacks on the Mejais. If you have a healthy Mejais then you won't need to get an AP item such as RoA, Rylai's, or the Void Staff and can instead get some defensive items (no substitute for Zhonya's, though. That is, indeed, a must-get). Karthus in the middle of a team fight with heavy defense along with Zhonya's (and a GA, too) is an absolute monster. If you screw it up, though, then you just wasted about 800 gold. That's my take on it, though. I haven't really gotten a chance to use Karth at a really high ELO but I do find it funny that every time I pick him someone usually has to complain about it. It seems most people don't play him very well. I don't really know because I rarely see him outside of free Karthus week. 800 gold is actually very much Most games end when you have 1 big item anyway so delaying this big item by 800 gold may be huge deal
Yeah I've only been playing for ~4 months and I've switched mains several times. Taric - Shen - Nasus. Considering even swapping again for Ezreal. You learn so much on your grind up to 30, there's little chance you'll enjoy the same champ from beginning to end.
There's like all of two Karthus at really high Elo (Scarlet and Araragi) and the latter isn't even all that impressive, although I haven't seen his Karthus in a 5-man team yet (which I think is a major portion of the effectiveness of the hero).
Pure AP is over-rated unless you're making up for it by buying items that have absolutely zilch, and even then it's debatable. It's cost-efficient in terms of AP (which is something I argued vehemently about before) but only certain heroes really value AP over aggregate items - someone mentioned a couple weeks ago that the big items in LoL have ridiculous cost-efficiency over the individual parts, and that's a big thing to remember. For instance, RoA gives AP but it's also one of the strongest survival items in the game. I like SS on Kass (although of late I've stopped getting it as much because I load up on even more tanky stuff than ever before), but that's as I mentioned before because he has so much innate "everything else" that sometimes all you need is that AP.
Void Staff is an item that's almost necessary in every game for a purely damage-based hero (as Karthus is) because most heroes will hit at least 70 MR every game (and at least half of opposing teams will generally hit over 100 in no time).
et cetera et cetera.
On October 09 2010 02:13 spinesheath wrote: I'm thinking about giving Annie a try (only 1350 IP anyways). I gotta spend my 10k IP somehow :p
Does she really need the Mana from RoA? Disintegrate is basically for free, Molten Shield is cheap, and other than that she should mostly be pulling off her combo and retreat, so I wonder if she needs any Mana or MP5 aside from Meditation. Can you plop AP/L into her seal/glyph slots? Since they tie up with flats at level 6 they seem nice for Annie.
catalyst/sorc boots->mejais(if you're doing well)->double RoA will put you at like 3.4k health and infinite mana by the time you can't burst anyone down any more
what i do after that is grab an Aegis or soul shroud (or both!) and give some nice auras to your teammates. you're gonna get focused cause you're annie but with Aegis+molten shield (i run mres/level runes) you're looking at 3.5k HP with 150/150 armor/mres, you're literally unkillable and you can pop out an AOE stun every 8 seconds or something ridiculous
also you DO need mp5/level in lane because disintegrate is only free if you get the killing blow. it's easy enough to do it on minions but as soon as you want to harass (which you will at level 3 with disintigrate stun->cone flame combo) you'll burn through your mana incredibly fast
don't expect to carry with annie. if your KDA is at least 3:1 by 25 minutes you've done your job, its up to your real carries at this point
Is Karthas the only caster that can solo Baron?
On October 09 2010 00:17 Jazriel wrote:Show nested quote +On October 08 2010 23:30 ghen wrote:Change the UI http://wp.phryneas.de/?page_id=2&lang=enIt's very buggy, but is better than editing by hand. Be sure you know how to change file extensions, copy/paste, bug test etc. Screenshot of everything at 0.2 scale instead of 1.0 and 1.2 scales like normal. ![[image loading]](http://home.comcast.net/~ghen//random/skinlol%20test.jpg) What is this supposed to be? You realize there's an option to alter the UI in-game?
Yes, but with this tool you can alter each item individually and make certain pieces completely hidden if you don't want to see them
You can also change location on the screen with an easy to use preview of the end result without editing the ini, loading a game, editing the ini, etc etc.
You realize I wouldn't post something just to hear myself talk? (Or maybe I do.)
Lately I've been using a very risky Kassadin build.
Deathfire, Sorc Shoes, 3 Archangels, and a Zhonya.
It's risky because basically, any CC will instantly get you kill because of your low survivability (this is why I pack flash along with me, so I can flash + rift walk).
But oh boy is the damage output insane. I get around 700-800 AP using this build. It's worked really well for me. Deathfire does about 55-58% of their max health in magic damage. Then my Null sphere and Force pulse both do over 1000 damage, and my rift walk does about 500.
The reason for the 3 archangels is because I always run out of mana fast with Kassadin, but once I get 3 archs I can rift walk for ages which allows me to catch up or run away from anyone.
I love this build. It instantly destroys enemy casters who don't have much MR, like Veigar, or Karthus.
One time, a Tryndamere ran up to kill me and I deathfired and nuked him. He died so fast he couldn't even use his ult. The next time I faced him, he used his ult before he engaged me.
WW is the bane of my existence though. With suppression now, everytime WW ults me I'm guaranteed dead.
By contrast of late I've been running Cleanse/Ghost Shield + Health Pot -> Cata -> Sorc Boots if they have Warwick -> QSS
However my invincibility when running Cleanse + QSS is making me feel like rushing QSS after Cata if they have multiple CC anyways or stupid shit like saving-all-three-ignites-for-kassadin, hahah.
On October 09 2010 03:21 Pandonetho wrote: I love this build. It instantly destroys enemy casters who don't have much MR, like Veigar, or Karthus.
I've seen a Kassadin use this build before when I was veigar. I just put my stun cage fairly close to where I stand. When he riftwalks in he gets stunned and then I nuke him dead in a second because he has no survivability.
I've seen a Kassadin use this build before when I was veigar. I just put my stun cage fairly close to where I stand. When he riftwalks in he gets stunned and then I nuke him dead in a second because he has no survivability.
Because we all know Kassadin players purposely rift walk into a stun before it expires.
And we all know Kassadin players make it obvious that they're going for the veigar. Who needs bushes or trees?
Oh and forget that Kassadin has silence.
On October 09 2010 03:30 BlackPaladin wrote:Show nested quote +On October 09 2010 03:21 Pandonetho wrote: I love this build. It instantly destroys enemy casters who don't have much MR, like Veigar, or Karthus. I've seen a Kassadin use this build before when I was veigar. I just put my stun cage fairly close to where I stand. When he riftwalks in he gets stunned and then I nuke him dead in a second because he has no survivability. I went up against a kass like that as malzahar with a similar glass-cannon build. Our duels were like 1 second tops. If I landed my ult, he died a horrid insta-death. If I got silenced before I could pop my ult, then I died a horrid death.
I went up against a kass like that as malzahar with a similar glass-cannon build. Our duels were like 1 second tops. If I landed my ult, he died a horrid insta-death. If I got silenced before I could pop my ult, then I died a horrid death.
lol this is exactly what happens all the time. It's hilarious though to see such ridiculously short battles.
On October 09 2010 03:21 Pandonetho wrote: Lately I've been using a very risky Kassadin build.
Deathfire, Sorc Shoes, 3 Archangels, and a Zhonya.
It's risky because basically, any CC will instantly get you kill because of your low survivability (this is why I pack flash along with me, so I can flash + rift walk).
But oh boy is the damage output insane. I get around 700-800 AP using this build. It's worked really well for me. Deathfire does about 55-58% of their max health in magic damage. Then my Null sphere and Force pulse both do over 1000 damage, and my rift walk does about 500.
The reason for the 3 archangels is because I always run out of mana fast with Kassadin, but once I get 3 archs I can rift walk for ages which allows me to catch up or run away from anyone.
I love this build. It instantly destroys enemy casters who don't have much MR, like Veigar, or Karthus.
One time, a Tryndamere ran up to kill me and I deathfired and nuked him. He died so fast he couldn't even use his ult. The next time I faced him, he used his ult before he engaged me.
WW is the bane of my existence though. With suppression now, everytime WW ults me I'm guaranteed dead.
problem with squishy kass is that eventually you're gona need hp, don't care how perfect you play if you want to be even the slightest bit aggresive you need hp otherwise a decent team will destroy you
they don't even need to be organized all they gotta do is have someone stun you then you're dead
mr scales better then ap so a banshee and a negatron would probably rape your dps as well
Anyways because I'm feeling nice for once instead of being cranky from sleep deprivation (I'm still sleep deprived though! but don't worry Shakey I'll take a nap when I get home <3), Uta's current "what do I do" on Sona at relatively high team-ranked elo:
First of all I run my support (troll) rune page, using flat armor quints, marks, and seals with flat MR glyphs.
Opening items depends on your lanemate - if you have a mana-hog stunner or a second support hero you can open Mana Manipulator - the backup will help you stay alive. On the other hand if you're straight baby-sitting or playing alongside something that won't really help you stay alive you're better off being selfish and opening Ring for the extra HP, which amounts to some ridiculous EHP due to your starting defenses.
Skillwise open W (defense) and cast it twice at fountain. That makes it so you don't waste power chord if you don't need to, but it's still "on call." This preps you for a level 1 fight, but in the event there is none, if you're on purple team this also sets you up for a really quick jungler help (heal -> chord golem -> be on your way). This also leads you to start level 1 with like 60 armor and 50 MR, making you virtually unkillable. I've tanked a Xin and Garen at level 1 and laughed at them.
I usually open W Q Q without fail, but after that I go Q>R>W>E without really having a set order for when I get E and when I keep pumping W. Just depends on the game, because E really isn't that good.
Item-wise I don't do anything necessary the same from game to game, with the exception of turning MM into Soul Shroud if I had it. The only CDR items I'll get are Spirit Visage and Kindlegem as the game goes on (as they give HP), otherwise I'm content spamming AP, such as RoA, turning me into this ridiculous tank.
Edit: Fun fact: with this runeset, Janna hits over 100 armor naturally, rofl.
Yesterday I lost to a random Kennen as Nid when I was doing normal 5's with Aaerox. Never felt so helpless vs that little ninja. Just going to blame it on being very tired.
I think Kennen should beat Nidalee always 1v1 :o