United States47024 Posts
On October 08 2010 18:59 Niton wrote: HEY NITON JUNGLE FOR US PLZ BTW I NEED EXP BECAUSE I TRIED TO SOLO LANE JAX AND WOUND UP 0/4 BEFORE 6 I never understood the burning desire of some people to solo lane with people that are obviously bad at it. Sure there's the basic logic of solo-lane = more gold/xp, but that doesn't mean anything if your champ doesn't do enough in lane to not get completely zoned out of minion kills.
The worst is when someone insists on taking, say, Trynd in the 1v2 lane when I jungle, then blames ME for jungling when he feeds 4 times before in the first 10 minutes.
On October 08 2010 09:28 BlackPaladin wrote: Was told by an AP Chogath and a 1-8 swain that Kayle is not a carry and is only support. And that she's a bad carry b/c she's melee and only range is e that she can't have on 24/7 except when on lvl 18. lol
Are you implying that AP Cho is bad?
On October 08 2010 16:02 Celestial wrote: So, has anyone around figured out some solid builds with Swain? I've been enjoying RoA openings, but with my personal preferences I have the most stupid urges to get tank gear after that.
I found Swains with Spirit Visage / Zhonyas to be pretty annoying. I can't really judge how much damage he does because it's such a weird 3 random target crap, but he surely tanks quite a bit of damage with his ult on. His ult heals while Zhonyas is active, so if he pops that you'll have to bring him down from full once again. Since he has a flat heal (instead of a heal of a % of his HP), Armor/MRes should be better than HP, so I don't think RoA is all that awesome. But I haven't seen one wih RoA yet (or if I met one he sucked enough that I didn't even check his items :p).
On October 08 2010 19:10 TheYango wrote: The worst is when someone insists on taking, say, Trynd in the 1v2 lane when I jungle, then blames ME for jungling when he feeds 4 times before in the first 10 minutes.
The WORST is when Vlad occupies mid, so I go top with Ashe (easy gank target, whatever). Sona decides to join me top against solo Cho. Sona steals all my farm because her Q and passive are silly. I tell the team that I am not getting enough farm so they shouldn't expect much from me anytime soon. Sona leaves the lane midway through level 5 ("so you can farm more"). Yay great, underleveled, underfarmed and on a lane where I can be ganked with ease. Team obviously blames me for losing the game.
On October 08 2010 19:14 spinesheath wrote:Show nested quote +On October 08 2010 09:28 BlackPaladin wrote: Was told by an AP Chogath and a 1-8 swain that Kayle is not a carry and is only support. And that she's a bad carry b/c she's melee and only range is e that she can't have on 24/7 except when on lvl 18. lol Are you implying that AP Cho is bad? You know, as much as I am the sickest chogath in the game, after MF was introduced he became quite useless because there's the threat of you vs her in any solo lane and she absolutely wrecks you with her MS/range/kiting.
Vlad was pretty bad already but you had silence for the teamfights which wrecks him, but MF killed cho completely. Now I only jungle with him and he's not as fun as Yi to jungle with so I pretty much just jungle with Yi now.
It just shows how broken MF's early game is.
And then you see that WCG game where MF with red buff at level 1 would run from Ashe XD
Also I ran into some trouble installing the EU client, it tried to install over my NA client, so I uninstalled everything and am trying to reinstall, but I'm getting this error at 41/60 or something stupid... does anyone know a fix or do I have to wait for a standalone? I've been doing what I can, I know my way around jury-rigging computers pretty well as I used to work tech support but is there a specific procedure for it? Lots of people are having this problem and none of the wrenchmen have anything to say but "standalone client".
Dear fellow TLers help me to chose! I'm thinking about buying Singed or Mundo for TT and I want to play mainly as tank. Which one do you recommend more and why?
What do you thin a Tank is first? "Tank" in LoL means durability and being good at initiating, and regarding that I´d suggest singed. However Mundo is basically God-Tier on TT since it´s much harder to burst through his regen with 3 people than it is with 5.
On October 08 2010 16:58 SnK-Arcbound wrote:![[image loading]](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b282/SnK-Arcbound/TotallyMe-7.jpg) I've never been in a poppy/blitz lane that didn't leave with atleast 4 kills. Galio thought he could get away without taking a dorans item, and had no flat hp quints (because he had sona?). When I hit level two, he got unlucky enough to be caught by blitz and died instantly. I pressed E>Q and he was dead before I could ignite him (which would have been overkill had I gotten it off). Xin left when we were taking an inhib at 14 minutes (and apparently complained to his team about how bad I was because we were on the same team the game before). I should find someone to duo with that plays blitz, he makes the most fun laning ever.
Are you EU client. I have a 60% winrate (soloQ) blitz there, would love to lane with a good poppy.
Are there any Canadians here that have bought riot points at a store? If so, which one because I couldn't find any? I feel like buying some points but I really don't want to transfer money to my paypal account.
Also, to find teemo use left right left right down down up up 3 4.
Haha > You can't hide from me Teemo.
ive actually been really liking poppy as well, one of her major limiting factors tho is her extremely poor farming. On another note tho, with dfg, lichbane, zhonyas, and rylais for dmg items i could 2hit an ashe and mf that was in that game (dfg + q = dead), 2 bad we ended up losing since i got shut down by cc tho 
on another note i came across some fucked up hybrid kass that worked surprisingly well. He went manamune, zerker greaves, hextech gunblade and unfortunately i dont remember what other items he had, but it was very bizarre to say the least, but totally blew me away with the amounts of dmg he could output
On October 08 2010 20:57 nOia.pod wrote: Dear fellow TLers help me to chose! I'm thinking about buying Singed or Mundo for TT and I want to play mainly as tank. Which one do you recommend more and why?
I use Mundo in TT and I find him quite godlike as mentioned.However i managed to build up a solid singed and to be honest the fun is too immense to not play with him ^^
edit:nvm ur eu client i guess
Change the UI
It's very buggy, but is better than editing by hand.
Be sure you know how to change file extensions, copy/paste, bug test etc.
Screenshot of everything at 0.2 scale instead of 1.0 and 1.2 scales like normal.
I began that game at 1-3, and ended up being able to 3shot any of them with 1.6 AS and 100% crit chance
that was always how my GP games ended too, but haven't played him for quite a while, i noticed my opponents getting better, so they gonna build armor now prolly :D
On October 08 2010 20:28 spinesheath wrote: It just shows how broken MF's early game is.
And then you see that WCG game where MF with red buff at level 1 would run from Ashe XD
Clearly you just need to play zilean.
I figured out the golden rule for zilean laning:
Punish everything with a bomb to the face.
Moving forward to last hit? Bomb on your face Moving up to shoot me with double-up? Bomb to your face Making it rain and following it up with double up + auto attack? Two bombs to your face.
Rinse and repeat until level 6, then you ult yourself and MF dies (or whoever you're laning against)
It's surprisingly obnoxious even if you have a retard Sona that is pushing the lane even though you can zone with ease instead.
Ps nothing is more satisfying than letting someone (like say amumu) get extremely low and then ult them right as DEMACIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-n justice is queued up and about to blow him up. Garen had 3 kills the entire game.
On October 08 2010 23:30 ghen wrote:Change the UI http://wp.phryneas.de/?page_id=2&lang=enIt's very buggy, but is better than editing by hand. Be sure you know how to change file extensions, copy/paste, bug test etc. Screenshot of everything at 0.2 scale instead of 1.0 and 1.2 scales like normal. ![[image loading]](http://home.comcast.net/~ghen//random/skinlol%20test.jpg)
What is this supposed to be?
You realize there's an option to alter the UI in-game?
On October 09 2010 00:06 byFd wrote: that was always how my GP games ended too, but haven't played him for quite a while, i noticed my opponents getting better, so they gonna build armor now prolly :D Parley is so good, sometimes i forget i have an autoa ttack
On October 09 2010 00:10 Phrost wrote:Show nested quote +On October 08 2010 20:28 spinesheath wrote: It just shows how broken MF's early game is.
And then you see that WCG game where MF with red buff at level 1 would run from Ashe XD Clearly you just need to play zilean. I figured out the golden rule for zilean laning: Punish everything with a bomb to the face. Moving forward to last hit? Bomb on your face Moving up to shoot me with double-up? Bomb to your face Making it rain and following it up with double up + auto attack? Two bombs to your face. Rinse and repeat until level 6, then you ult yourself and MF dies (or whoever you're laning against) It's surprisingly obnoxious even if you have a retard Sona that is pushing the lane even though you can zone with ease instead. Ps nothing is more satisfying than letting someone (like say amumu) get extremely low and then ult them right as DEMACIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-n justice is queued up and about to blow him up. Garen had 3 kills the entire game.
Honestly i lane change when zilean is in lane with me just because his nuke costs no mana and every once in a while youre gonna lose alot of health
On October 09 2010 00:24 arb wrote:Show nested quote +On October 09 2010 00:06 byFd wrote: that was always how my GP games ended too, but haven't played him for quite a while, i noticed my opponents getting better, so they gonna build armor now prolly :D Parley is so good, sometimes i forget i have an autoa ttack >_> Show nested quote +On October 09 2010 00:10 Phrost wrote:On October 08 2010 20:28 spinesheath wrote: It just shows how broken MF's early game is.
And then you see that WCG game where MF with red buff at level 1 would run from Ashe XD Clearly you just need to play zilean. I figured out the golden rule for zilean laning: Punish everything with a bomb to the face. Moving forward to last hit? Bomb on your face Moving up to shoot me with double-up? Bomb to your face Making it rain and following it up with double up + auto attack? Two bombs to your face. Rinse and repeat until level 6, then you ult yourself and MF dies (or whoever you're laning against) It's surprisingly obnoxious even if you have a retard Sona that is pushing the lane even though you can zone with ease instead. Ps nothing is more satisfying than letting someone (like say amumu) get extremely low and then ult them right as DEMACIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-n justice is queued up and about to blow him up. Garen had 3 kills the entire game. Honestly i lane change when zilean is in lane with me just because his nuke costs no mana and every once in a while youre gonna lose alot of health Zil is good vs squishies but he can't do crap vs tanks. Especially udyr's turtle is nasty vs bombs