On October 09 2010 00:35 Kaniol wrote:Show nested quote +On October 09 2010 00:24 arb wrote:On October 09 2010 00:06 byFd wrote: that was always how my GP games ended too, but haven't played him for quite a while, i noticed my opponents getting better, so they gonna build armor now prolly :D Parley is so good, sometimes i forget i have an autoa ttack >_> On October 09 2010 00:10 Phrost wrote:On October 08 2010 20:28 spinesheath wrote: It just shows how broken MF's early game is.
And then you see that WCG game where MF with red buff at level 1 would run from Ashe XD Clearly you just need to play zilean. I figured out the golden rule for zilean laning: Punish everything with a bomb to the face. Moving forward to last hit? Bomb on your face Moving up to shoot me with double-up? Bomb to your face Making it rain and following it up with double up + auto attack? Two bombs to your face. Rinse and repeat until level 6, then you ult yourself and MF dies (or whoever you're laning against) It's surprisingly obnoxious even if you have a retard Sona that is pushing the lane even though you can zone with ease instead. Ps nothing is more satisfying than letting someone (like say amumu) get extremely low and then ult them right as DEMACIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-n justice is queued up and about to blow him up. Garen had 3 kills the entire game. Honestly i lane change when zilean is in lane with me just because his nuke costs no mana and every once in a while youre gonna lose alot of health Zil is good vs squishies but he can't do crap vs tanks. Especially udyr's turtle is nasty vs bombs
you won't see a lane udyr past the 1200 level though
I just downloaded this game yesterday and am level 4.
So far the three characters I wanna play as are Karthus, Kog'Maw, and Mordekaiser. Ima focus on Kog though because he seems really fun (long range artillery, what?)
What are yalls opinions on him / the other 2?
As a newbie who's only played a little more than you, ranged carry heroes like Kog'Maw, Miss Fortune, Ashe are pretty nice to get started with since you can focus on learning to last-hit well and you can make most of the damage come from auto-attacks. Although I've played HoN, so I can't say for sure those are the best heroes to learn with.
You might get raged at if your team is relying on you to carry them, but shouldn't be too bad if everyone in the game is low level.
SIIIIIGH, I really thought I was going to get a very unlikely win just now. TWO players disconnect at the start of the game when I'm intending on playing jungle Amumu, so I'm forced to 1v2 a lane vs Trynd/Malz, our Trist 1v2 against Alistar/Eve (not really a problem) and Teemo 1v1 mid against Morg. Well, Teemo dominates Morg mid and gets a couple kills, I play super defensive and hold my lane, Trist somehow dies once but still easily outfarms the other two. Disconnected Olaf comes back when we're all about level 7 and after he gets enough exp to get ~3-4 I catch Trynd and Malz in my ulti and we double kill.
From there our team starts bossing the game and Trist and Teemo start farming like crazy and I think we're actually going to pull it out, especially after we ace them near mid, get several Dragon kills, and take Baron. However, it all went downhill after Baron. I didn't notice Teemo was off farming instead of with the team (stupid of him to not be with team after Baron, stupid of me to engage a 3v5) and we lose the 3v5. They don't get anywhere though and Teemo/Olaf retain Baron, so we push mid when Tristana and I are up...except now Tristana decides to go off and farm, they engage a 3v5 we can't get away from, and I get stunned forever and can't even get off my ulti before I die despite all my tank items. From there we lose every 4v5 team fight (Trist and Teemo learned their lesson a bit too late) and lose the game. Blech.
(It also didn't help that Trist and Teemo always attacked Tryndamere first. Undying Rage, guys.....)
On October 09 2010 00:40 gtrsrs wrote:Show nested quote +On October 09 2010 00:35 Kaniol wrote:On October 09 2010 00:24 arb wrote:On October 09 2010 00:06 byFd wrote: that was always how my GP games ended too, but haven't played him for quite a while, i noticed my opponents getting better, so they gonna build armor now prolly :D Parley is so good, sometimes i forget i have an autoa ttack >_> On October 09 2010 00:10 Phrost wrote:On October 08 2010 20:28 spinesheath wrote: It just shows how broken MF's early game is.
And then you see that WCG game where MF with red buff at level 1 would run from Ashe XD Clearly you just need to play zilean. I figured out the golden rule for zilean laning: Punish everything with a bomb to the face. Moving forward to last hit? Bomb on your face Moving up to shoot me with double-up? Bomb to your face Making it rain and following it up with double up + auto attack? Two bombs to your face. Rinse and repeat until level 6, then you ult yourself and MF dies (or whoever you're laning against) It's surprisingly obnoxious even if you have a retard Sona that is pushing the lane even though you can zone with ease instead. Ps nothing is more satisfying than letting someone (like say amumu) get extremely low and then ult them right as DEMACIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-n justice is queued up and about to blow him up. Garen had 3 kills the entire game. Honestly i lane change when zilean is in lane with me just because his nuke costs no mana and every once in a while youre gonna lose alot of health Zil is good vs squishies but he can't do crap vs tanks. Especially udyr's turtle is nasty vs bombs you won't see a lane udyr past the 1200 level though Yeah that's what i kinda forgot... The fact that when i played Zil the most imba champ was TF, followed by Ali and Sivir... Ahh fun times, now they are considered UP  "GJ balancing champs Riot"
On October 09 2010 00:46 Daxunyrr wrote: I just downloaded this game yesterday and am level 4.
So far the three characters I wanna play as are Karthus, Kog'Maw, and Mordekaiser. Ima focus on Kog though because he seems really fun (long range artillery, what?)
What are yalls opinions on him / the other 2?
karthus isn't entirely useful but people tend to play him as an ult-killsteal-bot to rack up Mejai stacks and then die late-game because he's got like 800 hp and 30/30 armor/mres and the other team finally decides to focus him and then you lose
mordekaiser is really really popular at all levels up to (1500?), i literally see him in 9/10 games either as a ban or a pick which is baffling. he's got 2 nukes, no CC, no support skills, no escape mechanism... basically if he gets fed he's hard to kill but when i'm on the other team, i see no reason to kill mordekaiser ever. his ult is decent though if used on your fed ranged dps, i'll give him that, and he's a good pusher/counterpusher
kogmaw is considered godmode right now and has been for about 2 patches and i've never understood the hype. he does insane damage with very little farm, but he also suffers from extreme squishy syndrome and no escape mechanism. they're about to change his passive from bad to utterly useless too.
kog is definitely the best of those 3 though. if you have to choose from one of those, go with kogmaw, rice for 15 minutes solo top or solo mid, use W to harass and never, EVER push your lane because the second you cross river you will be ganked by 23097 enemy champs who don't want to see you get fed. get a 20 minute BloodRazor + boots and go to town. next items are all defensive: banshee, thornmail, etc. you want items that encourage the other team NOT to focus you so you can do your damage in peace
Karthus is fantastic if played well and with a great team. Hence ScarletDoom's ridiculous win rate. However, most people suck at him and also don't have a fantastic team. He's definitely not supposed to get Mejai IIRC.
Mord is popular because he's fun to play but he's kinda underwhelming and really not that good.
Kog is the most overhyped gunk ever. Not even CLG, which spearheaded the KM IS OP train really picked him even when available during WCG. Go figure.
On October 09 2010 00:35 Kaniol wrote:Show nested quote +On October 09 2010 00:24 arb wrote:On October 09 2010 00:06 byFd wrote: that was always how my GP games ended too, but haven't played him for quite a while, i noticed my opponents getting better, so they gonna build armor now prolly :D Parley is so good, sometimes i forget i have an autoa ttack >_> On October 09 2010 00:10 Phrost wrote:On October 08 2010 20:28 spinesheath wrote: It just shows how broken MF's early game is.
And then you see that WCG game where MF with red buff at level 1 would run from Ashe XD Clearly you just need to play zilean. I figured out the golden rule for zilean laning: Punish everything with a bomb to the face. Moving forward to last hit? Bomb on your face Moving up to shoot me with double-up? Bomb to your face Making it rain and following it up with double up + auto attack? Two bombs to your face. Rinse and repeat until level 6, then you ult yourself and MF dies (or whoever you're laning against) It's surprisingly obnoxious even if you have a retard Sona that is pushing the lane even though you can zone with ease instead. Ps nothing is more satisfying than letting someone (like say amumu) get extremely low and then ult them right as DEMACIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-n justice is queued up and about to blow him up. Garen had 3 kills the entire game. Honestly i lane change when zilean is in lane with me just because his nuke costs no mana and every once in a while youre gonna lose alot of health Zil is good vs squishies but he can't do crap vs tanks. Especially udyr's turtle is nasty vs bombs
Zilean can be a gigantic dick and still support your team without killing anyone.
With just a tear you can fly around the map with timewarp and rewind or be super obnoxious to tanks trying to engage by timewarping them.
Let me tell you, garen does not want to fight against a zilean
On October 09 2010 00:46 Daxunyrr wrote: I just downloaded this game yesterday and am level 4.
So far the three characters I wanna play as are Karthus, Kog'Maw, and Mordekaiser. Ima focus on Kog though because he seems really fun (long range artillery, what?)
What are yalls opinions on him / the other 2?
Kog is very team dependent. If your team blows (which is the case 99% of the time in solorank at your level), kog will die before he gets to do anything. Oh, and you need Flash.
Karthus is also squishy, but for some reason newbs get scared shitless of him.
Mord.... cannot die at that lvl. He gets kinda boring to play with affter a while (which is why I'm not maining him anymore), but with ghost/ignite, armor/mres stacking and good ult timing mord cannot die, ever. And you actually get kills too.
On October 09 2010 01:19 gtrsrs wrote:Show nested quote +On October 09 2010 00:46 Daxunyrr wrote: I just downloaded this game yesterday and am level 4.
So far the three characters I wanna play as are Karthus, Kog'Maw, and Mordekaiser. Ima focus on Kog though because he seems really fun (long range artillery, what?)
What are yalls opinions on him / the other 2? karthus isn't entirely useful but people tend to play him as an ult-killsteal-bot to rack up Mejai stacks and then die late-game because he's got like 800 hp and 30/30 armor/mres and the other team finally decides to focus him and then you lose mordekaiser is really really popular at all levels up to (1500?), i literally see him in 9/10 games either as a ban or a pick which is baffling. he's got 2 nukes, no CC, no support skills, no escape mechanism... basically if he gets fed he's hard to kill but when i'm on the other team, i see no reason to kill mordekaiser ever. his ult is decent though if used on your fed ranged dps, i'll give him that, and he's a good pusher/counterpusher kogmaw is considered godmode right now and has been for about 2 patches and i've never understood the hype. he does insane damage with very little farm, but he also suffers from extreme squishy syndrome and no escape mechanism. they're about to change his passive from bad to utterly useless too. kog is definitely the best of those 3 though. if you have to choose from one of those, go with kogmaw, rice for 15 minutes solo top or solo mid, use W to harass and never, EVER push your lane because the second you cross river you will be ganked by 23097 enemy champs who don't want to see you get fed. get a 20 minute BloodRazor + boots and go to town. next items are all defensive: banshee, thornmail, etc. you want items that encourage the other team NOT to focus you so you can do your damage in peace
But the people he's gonna play with are worse than the guys you played with back when you were trolling the triple digit elo :/
Guys, if you wanna teach people a lesson of facechecking bushes...
Then try out ap teemo garen combo.
shroom, dart, dfg, ignite, DEMACIAAAAAAAA
We both went 7-2-7, soo fun =)
On October 09 2010 01:30 Southlight wrote: Karthus is fantastic if played well and with a great team. Hence ScarletDoom's ridiculous win rate. However, most people suck at him and also don't have a fantastic team. He's definitely not supposed to get Mejai IIRC.
Mord is popular because he's fun to play but he's kinda underwhelming and really not that good.
Kog is the most overhyped gunk ever. Not even CLG, which spearheaded the KM IS OP train really picked him even when available during WCG. Go figure.
I really don't see a reason not to get Mejai's on Karthus, other than it delays your Zhonya's. I suppose the problem lies in that you need to be close to your enemies in teamfights so you tend to die even if played well, which means it's hard to keep stacks up. I think it's best to say not to get Mejai's until you get at least a little defense first.
I think Kog is overhyped now, but he wasn't before they fixed the innate attack speed ability of his. back then you had a ridiculous attack speed from just Bloodrazor. Now you need to get another item after that to get that kind of attack speed which means your defensive items are delayed that much more which means you get killed easier....
Still really good, though.
Soulstealer is an ineffective item for the majority of AP heroes because all it gives is AP, and even the only if you can actually score kills and if you can stay alive. To that end only a handful of heroes should really be considering it at all.
When it comes to Karthus you are significantly better off building AP items with bonus stats, such as RoA (mana pool + survival), Zhonya (must have), and Void Staff (magic pen) than buying an item that only gives you AP. Actually I think Scarlet builds a very fast Archangel into Zhonya or something of the sort, last I remember.
I haven't played as Kog or Morde. Karthus seems fun (my comps too slow for normal / ranked matches, so I mostly play on the practice ones) cause I just use his E attack and run through the minions and watch em fall. I just got out of a game with 1k damage on Requiem, so that was kinda cool.
Kog looks and seems real cool. I wanna play him not cause of any hype or anything but he just SOUNDS like a fun person to play as.
Anywho, thank you for your input.
On October 09 2010 01:52 Daxunyrr wrote: I haven't played as Kog or Morde. Karthus seems fun (my comps too slow for normal / ranked matches, so I mostly play on the practice ones) cause I just use his E attack and run through the minions and watch em fall. I just got out of a game with 1k damage on Requiem, so that was kinda cool.
Kog looks and seems real cool. I wanna play him not cause of any hype or anything but he just SOUNDS like a fun person to play as.
Anywho, thank you for your input. well if youre playing against bots you could prob get any hero really..
they arent exactly challenging
This is true, but I do intend to get a new computer soon.
I was just wondering what the general consensus is on various heroes I was looking at.
That way when I DO start to play humans, I don't end up liking a champion thats like LOL IM COMPLETELY USELESS :>
I'm thinking about giving Annie a try (only 1350 IP anyways). I gotta spend my 10k IP somehow :p
Does she really need the Mana from RoA? Disintegrate is basically for free, Molten Shield is cheap, and other than that she should mostly be pulling off her combo and retreat, so I wonder if she needs any Mana or MP5 aside from Meditation. Can you plop AP/L into her seal/glyph slots? Since they tie up with flats at level 6 they seem nice for Annie.\
On October 09 2010 02:08 Daxunyrr wrote: This is true, but I do intend to get a new computer soon.
I was just wondering what the general consensus is on various heroes I was looking at.
That way when I DO start to play humans, I don't end up liking a champion thats like LOL IM COMPLETELY USELESS :>
For your first bunch of games your champion choice won't have a significant effect anyways. You'd probably be better off with the cheaper heroes instead of 6300 IP Kog because the chance that you will switch is high.
On October 09 2010 02:13 spinesheath wrote:I'm thinking about giving Annie a try (only 1350 IP anyways). I gotta spend my 10k IP somehow :p Does she really need the Mana from RoA? Disintegrate is basically for free, Molten Shield is cheap, and other than that she should mostly be pulling off her combo and retreat, so I wonder if she needs any Mana or MP5 aside from Meditation. Can you plop AP/L into her seal/glyph slots? Since they tie up with flats at level 6 they seem nice for Annie.\ Show nested quote +On October 09 2010 02:08 Daxunyrr wrote: This is true, but I do intend to get a new computer soon.
I was just wondering what the general consensus is on various heroes I was looking at.
That way when I DO start to play humans, I don't end up liking a champion thats like LOL IM COMPLETELY USELESS :> For your first bunch of games your champion choice won't have a significant effect anyways. You'd probably be better off with the cheaper heroes instead of 6300 IP Kog because the chance that you will switch is high. She needs this HP from ROA, she needs this healing from catalyst. Also in prolonged fights her mass stun spam requires good amounts of mana
Oh and BTW she doesn't need too much mana in laning phase, that's a fact
Just play Yi and get good with him. Learn jungling and how that works, learn pro skills and how to carry baddies, then pick a hero you think you'd like more.
Why would I have a high chance to switch?
I mean at best I might alternate between him N someone else to not just do the same thing repeatedly, but...