Let's begin with what sort of pets are obtainable. " A ranger has three active pet slots. Outside of combat, or through the use of utility skills, the ranger can swap their active pet. There are 12 different types of pets, including some terrestrial (spiders), some amphibious (lizards), and some aquatic (sharks)." Since pets from Elona and Cantha won't be an option. ArenaNet has beefed up the selection in Tyria. "Within each type there are subtypes that can influence pets' abilities. For example, a polar bear might have an Icy Roar, while a brown bear might have a Fearsome Roar."
Yeah I was thinking the same thing zeuS~. As a fan of GW1, I think the difference in GW2 is quite strange, but I'm open to change, since it might turn out to be good, and not as bad as it appears on the showcase here. They are showcasing the skills in these videos, which is quite distinct from real combat. They are probably high level characters fighting easier targets to showcase the abilities.
One thing I want in GW2 is real streaming technology. In GW1 they advertised streaming tech, where AFAIK they said they could upload new content to users while the game is running. All it turned out to be (or at least used for), was a download-on-demand before loading an area (sometimes when going through the gate/warp and going to a load screen, but sometimes while playing in the current area that's beside one you might go to [pre-loading]). You would download the files that you don't have for that area (including any monsters/characters/items) if you've never been there before, but otherwise everything was static unless a patch was released.
On May 14 2010 01:49 sob3k wrote: This just makes RPG's frustrating and confusing.
Its not about the immersion.
Its about making the grind fun.
I agree. I played the original GW and I honestly only found the grinding fun. But they HAD to nerf grinding for some stupid reason....
At the end I had to quit.
I think GW is a game for non-hardcore players; it penalizes grinding and rely on skill and teamwork for both PvE and PvP. The premise is really good. Unfortunately I could never find competent players to do those things with me (most people you find randomly in public were extremely nubbish).
Then again I might be biased as I only played the original. Perhaps I just did not find a good guild....
If there will be a TL guild for GW2 let me know :D
On July 19 2010 16:39 Kare wrote: Im looking forward to this game, but I am always very very sceptic about MMO's, one mistake or bad thing can ruin the entire fun of the game.
I think in GW that is not a problem. You can freely modify the statistics of your character with zero penalties. It's nothing like in Diablo.
I was hoping somebody would say something along the lines of "lol parrying axes"...
Anyways, who cares about PvE hopefully GW2 will be all about pvp as its predecessor... And about the shark pets, it may seem weird mostly because it's a new concept for a MMO but the GW2 plot is mostly about big bad dragons who popped around earth and need to get killed for loot and xp (because who are we kidding, that's everyone's motivation), "dragons popping around earth" means that some of them woke up in the middle of a volcano, one or two more are in a desert and a couple of big ones are in the sea, personally I'm hoping for a couple of swimming dungeons and heck, since they did all that work for environment to have an impact on the game I can easily see casting fire-based spells on water creating blinding steam clouds.
Yea, sad thing is there is more money in catering guildwars to PvE players, its PvP base is so much smaller. I played in the Aussie/NZ timezone and after the first year there was only a handful of teams still playing in my timezone. This game could be epic if they keep on top of balancing and get a large enough playerbase -because waiting around for 30 minute in order to get a match is not cool. An issue in this first game is that the devs who made the game were never very good at PvP, and how can you balance something properly if you don't know what it is you are balancing? They will need regular contributions from the top competitive players if they want to keep high end pvp balanced.
Unlike starcraft, where your initial choice at the start of the game narrows down your possibilities to 1/3, in guildwars you can take only a very small fraction of the total skills into the game, and so you have to account for a wide variety of possibilities your opponent might have using only a few skills. So sometime it can feel sorta like you being 6 pooled when your protoss, and are not allowed to make zealots or cannons (gg much?)
Finally, rangers will have a bit more general control over their pets through a combination of commands and control modes. You can set your pet to aggressive, defensive, or passive mode overall, as well as giving specific attack, heel, and stay commands.
Whether there's still GW and especially GW2 I would never pay blizzard 1 buck for WoW that's all I gotta say.Guild Wars is by far one of THE best MMO's.
Can't wait to try it out at gamescom, btw they are giving free signed copies of Artbook and novel at gamescom too, well probably not unlimited number of them, but they are signing them every day
This game was so fun when I played it. I played competitively in the PvP aspect (top 100 GvG if that means anything to anyone). I feel like what they're doing is making the PvE element of the game great, but they're killing the PvP element =(. It makes me very sad. They're removing dedicated healers, essentially eliminating variety of roles. They're giving you basically set skills based on weapons and profession, further limiting variety (although in top level play there was little variety in builds anyway, some players still used different skills).
I'll put it in sc terms for you guys that don't play GW. It's almost as if what they're doing is saying, okay you're playing Protoss. You MUST gateway 12, cyber 16, then skip your zealot and get stalker first. After that you can either choose robo facility or twilight council, that is your only choice. All play would be exactly the same, just with very small adjustments made with micro. That's essentially what they're doing to GW.
GW was a tactical game depending on WHEN and WHERE you used your skills, but with them making the battle mechanic more like WoW where it is active attacking etc. it makes the game more about hand dexterity than dexterity of the mind.
The only good thing they are doing with this game (in the realm of PvP that is, which is all that matters to me after I blow through campaign in 12 hours by abusing AI) is allowing environment to affect game play. LITERALLY the ONLY good thing. I mean, they added CoD's last stand into an RPG for god's sake, wtf? Quoting one of the developers, "that's not alright with me."
Generic SC: That's the beauty of guild wars, you alone cannot stand a chance against all the possibilities. You must rely on your teammates play to account for your lack of ability to deal with a certain build, or I guess a better way to explain it for SC players, "play style." Adding self-healing is killing that idea of mandatory teamwork. It seems like ArenaNet is trying to cater to all those wammos with mending -_-.