On August 19 2010 05:26 Kraz.Del wrote: I saw a recent youtube video of GW: 2; wasn't impressed. Sure, the world and art style is different, but they seem to be a year behind of WoW mechanics wise.
It's an alpha, all NCsoft rpgs have been like that before release.
I was a HUGE fan of the original so this is very exciting! It feels like I've been waiting for so long so I am really hopeful this will be out soon enough to blow Cataclysm out of the water.
I love how Anet is taking the time to make sure everything is perfect and to make sure we all have something new and exciting to look forward to outside of the generic MMO. They are actually introducing NEW concepts, as well as building upon the old; a breath of fresh air in a post-WoW world.
Hopefully we will see nothing like what the above post is talking about and we will have another mechanically perfect korean MMO with western game balance...
On August 20 2010 11:28 Karliath wrote: Any chance this will beat WOW?
You can't just "beat" WoW. WoW is always going to have a strong community and a zealous fan base. That doesn't mean other games won't be fundamentally better, most people who have cleared ICC 12/12 won't want to give up all their cool shit in WoW to devote time to another MMO. However, this game has enough hype that I'm sure it's not going to be starving for a community or players. Without a subscription, they aren't going to make as much money as Blizzard, but hell, at least they've mad a Grade A game that's DIFFERENT.
Gamescom is here. I would say that Guild Wars 2 is going to be great and, atleast for me, has blown WoW away. There are many more videos than what I put here, so go searching.
On August 21 2010 17:27 miniwheats wrote: Gamescom is here. I would say that Guild Wars 2 is going to be great and, atleast for me, has blown WoW away. There are many more videos than what I put here, so go searching.
Also, there's quite a few skill movies for various classes:
Edit: Found some warrior compilation:
I must say that it all looks stunning. What I don't like however is that they entered the path of large numbers (ie: you have thousands of hp, hits do hundreds of dmg etc.) and stats on character. I really liked how the original GW was solved, with skill points you could freely allocate into few skills you had and then re-allocate them at a whim, and the fast pace of game with characters having 400hp tops and stuff like that.
I mean, why the hell make a hit do 120 dmg and your character have 700 hp when you can easily cut the last number to make it 12 and 70 which is easier to track.
On August 21 2010 20:57 Manit0u wrote: Also, there's quite a few skill movies for various classes:
These aren't new. They are on the Guild wars website.
Sorry, I don't have time to check on the updates regularly. So that's new to me (and it wasn't discussed in this thread until 'old post' appears, so I thought it wouldn't hurt).
Sorry, I don't have time to check on the updates regularly. So that's new to me (and it wasn't discussed in this thread until 'old post' appears, so I thought it wouldn't hurt).
Its okay and it doesn't hurt. I was just saying it to establish for some people that there is content ahead of that. Sorry if I came across as a jerk. You can see the ele and ranger ones(like the warrior) at the guild wars website.
I must say that it all looks stunning. What I don't like however is that they entered the path of large numbers (ie: you have thousands of hp, hits do hundreds of dmg etc.) and stats on character. I really liked how the original GW was solved, with skill points you could freely allocate into few skills you had and then re-allocate them at a whim, and the fast pace of game with characters having 400hp tops and stuff like that.
I mean, why the hell make a hit do 120 dmg and your character have 700 hp when you can easily cut the last number to make it 12 and 70 which is easier to track.
The numbers you're mentioning are pretty funny considering that 600 hp was the average hp for any pvp character, with 630/645 in the overdefensive set (45 in hexway meta), 565 for fire eles in their offensive set (sinfire meta, also used by some aggressive steam ice eles after that), 570 if you're polly.
I must say that it all looks stunning. What I don't like however is that they entered the path of large numbers (ie: you have thousands of hp, hits do hundreds of dmg etc.) and stats on character. I really liked how the original GW was solved, with skill points you could freely allocate into few skills you had and then re-allocate them at a whim, and the fast pace of game with characters having 400hp tops and stuff like that.
I mean, why the hell make a hit do 120 dmg and your character have 700 hp when you can easily cut the last number to make it 12 and 70 which is easier to track.
The numbers you're mentioning are pretty funny considering that 600 hp was the average hp for any pvp character, with 630/645 in the overdefensive set (45 in hexway meta), 565 for fire eles in their offensive set (sinfire meta, also used by some aggressive steam ice eles after that), 570 if you're polly.
It was ages since I last played it and didn't remember correctly it seems. Wanted to refresh my memory but can't log in to GW any more since they added this new security feature which includes entering the character name (which I don't remember ofc)...
I must say that it all looks stunning. What I don't like however is that they entered the path of large numbers (ie: you have thousands of hp, hits do hundreds of dmg etc.) and stats on character. I really liked how the original GW was solved, with skill points you could freely allocate into few skills you had and then re-allocate them at a whim, and the fast pace of game with characters having 400hp tops and stuff like that.
I mean, why the hell make a hit do 120 dmg and your character have 700 hp when you can easily cut the last number to make it 12 and 70 which is easier to track.
The numbers you're mentioning are pretty funny considering that 600 hp was the average hp for any pvp character, with 630/645 in the overdefensive set (45 in hexway meta), 565 for fire eles in their offensive set (sinfire meta, also used by some aggressive steam ice eles after that), 570 if you're polly.
Its true he probably never got much into PvP enough to realize this but he does have a really good point. Since ANET is now going the way of high level caps and making their game more like WoW and less like the Guild Wars we know and love we're going to be seeing a lot of unwelcome changes. When I saw the Charr Necromancer video I both loved and hated some of the things they did. For one, the Necromancer is now a more independent class since they have geared the game to be played solo or with a friend, which is pretty nice. But I hated seeing all those huge numbers on the screen, 7k hit points, hundreds of points of mana, enemies dealing damage in the hundreds. I long for the simplicity of the old Guild Wars where the cap was at 20 and what you worried about after that was what skills you used and where your attributes were set and your party makeup.
I'm slowly losing my faith in ANET and I'm slowly losing my interest in the game despite every negative aspect being displaced by something awesome. Its good to finally see the necromancer though, I just hope the Ritualist is in there somewhere too.
EDIT: @Manit0u, in PvP players would often wear high HP sets of armor or take the minor runes instead of major or superior because of the health lost from wearing those so while untouched your HP sits at 480, with the runes that add health and such you could easily get up to 600hp for more survivability. For single player most people sit around 450-525hp depending on their class.