yea, winner can't switch ultras even if loser switches chars. So if you picked an anti air ultra and your opponent switches to guile or something... lol @ you @ evo I guess.
Supposedly evo 3rd strike always had this rule. Guess with yun/chun/ken you just never notice the difference >.>
The given reason is so that you can counterpick someone's chun u2 with seth u1 since chun can't switch to u1 (which punishes seth u1 on block full screen). Evo seems to like counter picking a little TOO much.
PSN TheEvilTree invite any time you see me on. Right now bouncing between psn / xbl / sc2 is keeping me pretty busy o.O
On May 19 2010 20:05 Trumpet wrote: In other news, apparently evo isn't allowing people to switch ultras between matches, only if you lose can you switch o.O
Wtf? This makes no sense to me.
If some scrub rufus picks Ultra 2 because its 'anti-fireball' and loses a game they're giving him a chance to redeem himself and MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE.
The weird thing is that the winner cannot change ultra after the loser changes character/ultra. I'm curious to know the reasoning behind this.
The reasoning is that the the winner is already up one set, they shouldn't getting any additional advantages for winning. If need be, they can switch their ultras/characters for the finals set.
Pringles means fragile. Those things are hella thin and break really easily. It started in MvC2 when someone took out another guys character (Psylocke iirc) in one combo. There was also a damage multiplier from a snapback or something .I don't really know too much about marvel, I play GG, BB, and a bit of MB myself. I think it was Sanford Kelly yelling about it. It's up on youtube, such great lines as "Oh he got that mango Sentinal?", "Fuck the Knicks!" and "Where the curley mustache at?".
What controlers do you use? I Play it on PS3 and have serious problem constantly executing what I want to. I've been even thinking about getting that MadCatz fight stick, because dualshock is driving me crazy, during training I can pull of the ability 6-7/10 times, but during match no fkin way...
On May 20 2010 19:02 BlackHat wrote: Pringles means fragile. Those things are hella thin and break really easily. It started in MvC2 when someone took out another guys character (Psylocke iirc) in one combo. There was also a damage multiplier from a snapback or something .I don't really know too much about marvel, I play GG, BB, and a bit of MB myself. I think it was Sanford Kelly yelling about it. It's up on youtube, such great lines as "Oh he got that mango Sentinal?", "Fuck the Knicks!" and "Where the curley mustache at?".
On May 20 2010 16:50 Dandy4 wrote: The reasoning is that the the winner is already up one set, they shouldn't getting any additional advantages for winning. If need be, they can switch their ultras/characters for the finals set.
Well the loser is going to have the advantage of changing characters either way. It's just a bigger advantage if the winner's ultra is also locked.
The game was obviously designed to let you choose your ultra in response to your opponent's character, rather than having to commit to one for all matchups. To me, having your choice of ultra is a part of the character: characters have access to different normals and different specials for different purposes, and likewise they have access different ultras for different purposes, except that you can access only one ultra per game.
Evo's rule is analogous to saying that U1 Ryu and U2 Ryu are two different characters.
Moreover, I imagine every major tournament besides evo is going to let you choose your ultra if the opponent changes character, just like in 3s (I, too, had no idea that your supers were locked in 3s in evo).
But hey, evo can do what they want. I'm just saying I think it's a dumb rule. =P
On May 20 2010 19:11 red.venom wrote: Its Yipes that yells the catchphrases..
Yeah it's IFC Yipes. On our lunch break at work usually we'll play some SSF4 and because many of us watch vids from FADC, there are many impersonations of Yipes and Chris Hu while we're playing. "oh cody looking very morton's right now, dat's bohshi"
people that dont even play marvel shouldnt be allow to quote him
also blackhat the combo you are referring to is probably a double-snap like the one that magneto does to commando at the start of this video.. happens 2 more times in video:
it requires an opponent for both their point and assist character to be on the screen at the same time and the point character be caught by a snap out which then allows the assist character to be launched repeatedly. this launch repeatedly is not normally a combo, but the assist is an assist and cannot block.
basically the opponent has to fuck up in a bigger way than just getting hit by itself... its kinda like how in sf4 if they mash shoryu then they just fadc on block well on marvel they mash assist and then they dont get to fadc on block they just get fucked in the ass
i am not really sure if any of the mentioned origins of the term pringles have any relevance to the explanations here... the source vid of the "mahvel baby" vid is demon hyo vs. potter ft10 from season's beatings... 2? (search on preppy's site and you will find it prolly) i think, and it basically happens sequentially exactly like on the "mahvel baby" vid just with a bunch of gameplay cut out and yipes yelling "fuck arcana heart" and "sorry arturo but arcana heart sucks" several times in between all of that