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new Two months, damn it's been a long time since their last release
For those who don't know them they were on Superstar k3 the season that Ulala Session won with Busker runner up. They haven't done anything since signing with Yoon jong shin's label after the release of The Romantic ost. Also it seems that Kim Yerim will be releasing an EP before they release an album as a duo, since the dude is in murica finishing his studies or stuff.
If they were gonna sign with the big 3 I think that's the best fit. Least likely to fuck with them and all, seeing as they wouldn't make them turn hip-hop style.
I secured a spot at the Kara fanmeeting in June. I am 100% excited. Only western name in the namelist (of course). Never saw Kara before. Now its just Apink left!!!!!!
The thing I hate about this Secret promotion cycle is how the mics picks up the sound of their bracelets smacking against the wrists. It drives me nuts for some reason.. >.<