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sell your soul to the world Girls' Generation, tiffany-centric R (for bad, bad themes) ~ 284 words tiffany knows she's not talented.
(hold onto your tears sweetheart, because there's no one here to see them.)
tiffany (stephanie) knows she's not talented.
her singing is sub-par, she's the slowest when it comes to picking up dances and according to the korean public, she's a rude, impolite bitch.
but she's willing to spread her legs for the right people and that counts for more than netizens will ever know.
(she feels like a filthy, filthy whore afterwards, but she's in the center for the next MV so it doesn't matter.)
casting directors, variety show hosts, lee soo man - she lumps them all in a group called people that will make tiffany famous and closes her eyes when they thrust into her because this was what she wanted, after all.
she comes back bruised and sore, but she's scored a permanent guest spot on we got married so it's worth it.
jessica fixes her a cold glare (how could you you're worth so much more whore whore whore) before leaving the room.
tiffany swallows, hard, before reminding herself that it's not like she has jessica's talent to make it in this industry. she's doing the best with what she's got and she'll take whatever she can get before it (spread your legs a little more, that's it bitch) doesn't work anymore.
the next week on star golden bell tiffany gets the most screen time and she can see the PD wink at her and she knows what she's expected to do (him, them - it's almost like she's used to being a whore)
but she's not bitter about it, not at all.
(after all, it's not like she has the talent to make it in this industry anyway.)