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Pitcairn19291 Posts
On March 12 2010 07:45 MorningMusume11 wrote: Yuri is overrated geez lol. And I don't care if my favorite progamer chose her as his #1 SNSD member. After all I'll take Son DamBi and Kim SungHee over Yuri anyday They see me rollin, they hatin. You be hatin kay?
Son Dambi gets trolled by her stylists, cause she's actually pretty good looking. However, her stylists are antis and like butcher her look on stage.
Kim Sunghee can sing, and we'll leave it at that. =D
You be hatin. It's all this thread is. Hatin.
Hong Kong4685 Posts
You know, but you acting like you don't know Girls Generation is overrated fo' sho' They fake personality for mo dough And you know but you acting like you don't know
the worst thing is the dough goes to SM...not the actual girls
and there's A LOT of mouths to feed
not gonna fly mang yuri by far better
i like my sunghee, but she has such a tomboy personality in the few clips i've seen of kara when she was around
she looks so... weird like that.
semi-related: Does anyone else feel like soshi have really big feet?
+ Show Spoiler +
Me wanty in high quality.
I think i just got myself a new wallpaper for the month.
wow makes seohyun look like she has nice tits
dude...they are this "< <" shaped...
United States5784 Posts
they're abnormal. obviously so. mubank so good. no snsd!!!!
On March 12 2010 10:43 sMi.MeOw wrote: dude...they are this "< <" shaped... who cares. -_-
Normally, you wouldnt want them sharp instead of --> ( <--
youre missing the point. its seohyun...
when your standards for a person are low, you are decently suprised.
lesat they didnt release Hyorc yet
On March 12 2010 11:42 Disregard wrote: Normally, you wouldnt want them sharp instead of --> ( <--
But most of them are like this. | True story
But the thing is... Photoshop does wonders. So Im not surprised. Not that I dislike her or anything, Im not a hater.