To ensure this thread won't be closed, you must adhere to several a number of simple rules;
Please use spoilers when quoting a post with pictures and/or videos.
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Normal posting standards that you find throughout the rest of the site still apply and will be enforced more strictly from here forward (2012/03/11)
Due to the poor nature of this thread in the past, temporary two-day bans will occur more than often if people slip up.
Brown eyes/hair confirmed for master race. Pretty much perfect as far as I'm concerned.
Be warned, the mods are eagle eyed. I got warned for a joke macro that I posted in response to some guy asking for a source for macros days later. They are watching!
Fancam of Sunny in "Catch Me If You Can". She was nominated for best newcomer musical actress. She did really well in this role. Some of the other scenes are really cute, but this was her big solo moment in the musical, and it's really amazing imo.
On June 17 2012 23:47 Xenocide_Knight wrote: Unfortunately, my non-kpop pics folder is like.. 30 pictures. Two of which is LMJ and one of those is just a screenshot. T.T Someone else needs to step up here + Show Spoiler +
On June 18 2012 07:54 TunaBarrett wrote: Yoo in na #1 easy, lee hyori not far behind and rest arent even close.
Yoo In Na and Hyori are both awesome, but the list is packed with top level noonas. LMJ happens to be my favourite, but I'm biased after watching Big. I just want to wife her so bad =D
List definitely needs Kim Tae Hee though, I remember having the biggest crush on her after watching My Princess. Drama was awesome