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On June 13 2010 12:36 shadesofkarma wrote: Hi, can anyone recommend me some good film noir style anime? I have watched Darker Than Black S1 and S2 (loved S1, didn't think S2 lived up to it as a sequel), Requiem for a Phantom, and Death Note. What I'm looking for is a dark atmosphere and animation and a mature plot (preferably set in a crime setting). I also thought it was really cool how in all three of those series, the protagonist was an average nice guy but with a badass alter ego.
Thanks ^^
noir ( badass alter ego who kill everyone ) madlax ( same but less dark that the first one , realy more shounen like ) Gunslinger Girl ( mature and realy sad story , you will feal realy bad for the girls )
everyone plz read Onani Master Kurosawa
if you got no real life or are a nerd this one will break you in piece . never read this one if you are depressive lol .
for anyone else this manga realy realy good but you need to read more that 5 chapter for get to the real story .
just read reply , seriously READ THIS MANGA ! that like the best manga ever make .
can read here : http://www.mangafox.com/manga/onani_master_kurosawa/?no_warning=1#listing
Fell behind on Angel Beats
are the last 3 or 4 episode any good?
Dunno if I should bother catching up
United States10264 Posts
On June 14 2010 09:02 Ecael wrote:Show nested quote +On June 13 2010 15:36 Mystlord wrote: @Ecael: Angel Beats trying to be a drama with (as you admit), pretty much crazy characters? That's no good! Durarara!! trying to be a semi-serious show with unbelievable characters? That's also no good! If those shows were more of slapstick comedies like Arakawa, then the unbelievable characters are excusable, or even essential to the series.
@red_b: I didn't find Ergo Proxy one dimensional at all. It can be a little straightforward at times in its presentation, but it still says a lot more than most other animes out there.
And the anime in and of itself does little in terms of character development sure, but the focus wasn't supposed to be on character development. Why does that make it no good? This might just be personal opinion, but most dramas out there have crazy characters. Most things trying to be serious don't have believable characters. A matter of interpretation, perhaps. It feels to me that there are aspects of characters that's simply impossible for you to take too seriously and aspects meant to be more realistic, and those are to be looked at separately depending on circumstances. In the case of DRRR, the serious parts can in fact be looked at solely in terms of just parts of the character. In the case of AB, the characters might as well as be bipolar or suffer multiple personalities, but in all things still follow after a fashion. Consistency is a rather different matter than how believable a character is if we can accept the idea of allowing them that wide swing from aspect to aspect. Looking at AB characters as a whole, parts of them are just completely inconsistent. It isn't so much that there are contradictions as that there are just random gaps that feels unfilled. But I don't think that is something we can particularly fault creators for. In all honesty, we just don't see all that many characters that are consistent yet evoke passion from the audience. It is really kind of a balance, in search of realism you lose on drama potential, in adding onto their believability, you make it harder for the character to be interesting. More often then not, we'll see creators try to completely ignore how likely traits are to mix and mash all that together. The thing is that with crazy characters in AB, I seriously mean CRAZY characters. They're so exaggerated that they're ridiculously unbelievable when it comes down to the tragic part. Part of the problem definitely lies with the small time frame that the show has to work with, as there's literally no characterization before the drama bomb hits us, which doesn't work too well. If you want to look at Clannad, yes we have someone who's a little over the top like Fuko, but we get the feeling that something just not quite right about her. Before long, we end up sympathizing with her situation. Nagisa might be a ridiculously hopeless character, but she has a lot of time devoted to making the audience empathetic towards her. In AB, all the characters are just... crazy. Yui is comic relief for the entirety of the show... until that one episode. It just doesn't work.
I agree that consistency isn't the same as believability, but I'm not really arguing that consistency is the problem to these characters. It's just that the lack of progress in any of them is rather hard to believe. I can't believe that Kida has fallen into the same trap of being literally paralyzed and doing nothing when he has basically all the information right at his fingertips. Mikado is a bit more excusable mostly because he hasn't been seen in the spotlight at all for the past like 10 episodes or so, but his naivety is stretching the limit a bit.
Yeah, with AB I've pretty much accepted that it is next to impossible to have a coherent backstory and consistency in characters for more than like two or three characters in the very best case. Which is why I'll suck it up and blow the $20 + shipping for the AB novel...unless I find a scan first and find it worthless 
You'll be pissed off about Kida then, he does something this vol, then essentially does nothing for the next 4 vols. Luckily you won't see that aired, it'll make you want to kill someone. Mikado just doesn't move character wise, though with some advance knowledge, I feel like that's how the author wants him. Thing with Mikado is that he is reactionary, and it takes a lot of shit before he gets up and do anything. How he took over as the Admin of Dollars originally was pretty much Izaya forcing the situation on him. That he exercised the power at all in vol 1 was again another situation forced on him + random outside influences. Mikado has this interesting contrast of a longing for the supernatural and a world radically different from the norm, yet remains firmly in the realm of normal people. Any more ranting form me would probably be spoilers, so yeah, that Mikado isn't moving right now (and won't be moving for a while, except little by little) is really by design for a greater point in the future.
Shame all this won't be till season like...2~3, lol -.- This is reminding me of the parts earlier in this thread where I was saying good things about Index and how they won't come till a season 3
Same trap? There is nothing similar between the previous circumstance and the current one. Kida is doing the exact opposite of what he did the first time when he retaliated against the Blue Squares. He was frozen last time because he was afraid of being hurt/ possibly killed when facing the Blue Squares guys alone. He is trying to compensate for his misgivings last time by rejoining Yellow Scarves and avenging Anri. However, he is also keeping the Yellow Scarves in check until he gets the right information of who exactly the Slasher is. Episode 22 shows that he knows Anri was the one sneaking around, so he realizes that Anri is the slasher and that his vengeance is not one at all. He tries to get Anri to talk to Mikado (though the shouting doesn't really help there) and even calls up Mikado himself, though Mikado never picked up his cell.
What did Kida do wrong?
Disband the Yellow Scarves, and he loses the last tiny bit of leash he has on the hoodlum before they go out of control (though, by the end of the episode, they did). The guy's just got a series of unfortunate incidents and is losing his mind by each episode.
On June 15 2010 00:15 Thereisnosaurus wrote: Got some new recommendations
Time of eve: this has come up before but I want to back up the recommendations. It's super class, short enough to watch in one hit, funny, deep and original. Certainly worth a look for anyone
Summer wars: the girl who leaped through time is generally in competition for the best anime film in recent years, even over miyazaki's output. Summer wars is the next in that vein. Same studio, same style of animation and emotion, same excelent music. For those who like the cute soft romances it's probably a bit of smack in the face, but honestly as far as anime watching goes, you cannot go better than this. I mean it. It is beautifully drawn, amazingly well scripted, has a huge amount of in-jokes and references as well as kickass general humor. The dramatic part of the plot is genuinely moving, at once tragic and heartwarming, in the same vein as the girl who leaped through time, but this movie is saturated with an energy and vitality that eclipses its predecessor (note: the two aren't related other than that they're the same studio). If you watch nothing else this year, watch this.
Library wars: Similar style of animation again to the above, a bit lower class though. This one is a full season series, and has one of the most awesome premises I've seen yet, that libraries are the last bastion against media censorship and maintain their own paramilitary defense organisations. Book worm by day, dirt worm by night. It's ultimately a standard anime romance, with a character who is as alike to Sausuke from FMP as is humanly possible combined with a miyazaki style determined girl for the leads. It's not revolutionary, but it's well thought out, nicely executed and definitely worth a watch if you're in that crowd that like the bridger animes between hard mech/combat animes and school days/romances.
Holy shit "The girl who leapt through time" and "Summer Wars" were incredible! Thanks for your post and bringing these movies to my attention =D!
My pleasure. I certainly think that they should be on everyone's watch list. TGWLTT in particular is really the only anime I can feel comfortable recommending to random people I don't know who have no existing experience. Even summer wars I think is a bit too crazy for the uninitiated.
guess you ignore me because my english suck
well you can go fuck yourselft im done with this topic.
Backstory in any form, even in a prequel, is appreciated far as AB goes at this point I've been saying for a while that I am practically watching the show because I am currently in a phase of Kanade moe lol ><
I swear the Mikado-Kida relationship is that of a really screwed up love story, they'll call each other in turns and never pick up the damned phone. If we have to say that the trio did anything wrong though, it is the complete lack of communication. They either don't want to talk about it or don't want to drag others into it. Kida is actually doing a fairly good job with the Yellow Scarves, imo, though in a way that plays right into Izaya's hands.
Izaya is such a good bad guy though that I feel absolutely no hesitation in hating on him, not sure if that's a good thing.
I really fail to see how Noir had the alter ego part, it's established pretty early that both girls will kill and their lives are more or less messed up because of their professions and fates.
On June 15 2010 23:10 Ecael wrote:Backstory in any form, even in a prequel, is appreciated far as AB goes at this point  I've been saying for a while that I am practically watching the show because I am currently in a phase of Kanade moe lol >< I swear the Mikado-Kida relationship is that of a really screwed up love story, they'll call each other in turns and never pick up the damned phone. If we have to say that the trio did anything wrong though, it is the complete lack of communication. They either don't want to talk about it or don't want to drag others into it. Kida is actually doing a fairly good job with the Yellow Scarves, imo, though in a way that plays right into Izaya's hands. Izaya is such a good bad guy though that I feel absolutely no hesitation in hating on him, not sure if that's a good thing.
Dude Izaya is the best character in that show. He's not exactly a bad guy, he likes/enjoys humanity but doesn't connect with people on their own level. It's as if he's above everyone else, a justified elitist.
On June 16 2010 01:57 Shauni wrote:Show nested quote +On June 15 2010 23:10 Ecael wrote:Backstory in any form, even in a prequel, is appreciated far as AB goes at this point  I've been saying for a while that I am practically watching the show because I am currently in a phase of Kanade moe lol >< I swear the Mikado-Kida relationship is that of a really screwed up love story, they'll call each other in turns and never pick up the damned phone. If we have to say that the trio did anything wrong though, it is the complete lack of communication. They either don't want to talk about it or don't want to drag others into it. Kida is actually doing a fairly good job with the Yellow Scarves, imo, though in a way that plays right into Izaya's hands. Izaya is such a good bad guy though that I feel absolutely no hesitation in hating on him, not sure if that's a good thing. Dude Izaya is the best character in that show. He's not exactly a bad guy, he likes/enjoys humanity but doesn't connect with people on their own level. It's as if he's above everyone else, a justified elitist. He is pretty awesome as a character, but that doesn't mean we can't hate him I am fine with him being the way he is if he isn't actively stirring his own malice into everything, odd considering I have a lot for evil schemers, but something about Izaya just ticks me off. Might be how amazingly human he is.
Oh, that and I just like folks like Shizuo more, and the people I like tend to be the direction Izaya's malice hits. So I hate on him in turn~
Well the Japanese call him うざや, which is something I agree with. I don't dislike schemers but he's really, really annoying :x
When I first saw that surface on Pixiv I was wondering why.
Then I watched 3 episodes of DRRR.
Something about him. The way he carries himself, his mannerism, his speech pattern...oh hell everything just gives off that vibe of annoyance Oh well. + Show Spoiler [drrr anime ending] +We will probably get to see Simon beat him up at the end of anime, hopefully
Huh... mixed feelings on AB as I read the posts
Dunno if I should watch
Maybe if I get bored or something
Finished Kanon 2006 though :D
Didn't really like the first 10 episodes but the rest was pretty good And+ Show Spoiler + Nayuki got kind of gypped at the end Maybe the cousin x cousin thing was part of it  Dunno if that was controversial at all in the original VN and my God, the last 5 episodes or so, they dumped so many tragedies into such a short period of time. Almost made me want to stop watching
United States10264 Posts
On June 15 2010 15:37 bearbuddy wrote: Same trap? There is nothing similar between the previous circumstance and the current one. Kida is doing the exact opposite of what he did the first time when he retaliated against the Blue Squares. He was frozen last time because he was afraid of being hurt/ possibly killed when facing the Blue Squares guys alone. He is trying to compensate for his misgivings last time by rejoining Yellow Scarves and avenging Anri. However, he is also keeping the Yellow Scarves in check until he gets the right information of who exactly the Slasher is. Episode 22 shows that he knows Anri was the one sneaking around, so he realizes that Anri is the slasher and that his vengeance is not one at all. He tries to get Anri to talk to Mikado (though the shouting doesn't really help there) and even calls up Mikado himself, though Mikado never picked up his cell.
What did Kida do wrong?
Disband the Yellow Scarves, and he loses the last tiny bit of leash he has on the hoodlum before they go out of control (though, by the end of the episode, they did). The guy's just got a series of unfortunate incidents and is losing his mind by each episode. He never disbanded the Yellow Scarves. He just... left. He's running away again from the source of all the problems. He knows that Mikado is the head of the Dollars, and he doesn't go talk to him. He knows that Anri is the Slasher, and the first thing he does when he sees her is yell at her about playing with Mikado's feelings. Then again, he might even be bipolar considering his behavior during that scene. Well whatever.
@Ecael: I've gotten too tired of "omg I dun wanna talk w/ you" kind of plot devices, though Durarara handled it better than most. And on the Izaya thing, I don't really find him as engaging as some antagonists are. I don't find him annoying though, but lately he just bores me whenever he comes on screen.
Baa?21242 Posts
On June 15 2010 20:27 Thereisnosaurus wrote: My pleasure. I certainly think that they should be on everyone's watch list. TGWLTT in particular is really the only anime I can feel comfortable recommending to random people I don't know who have no existing experience. Even summer wars I think is a bit too crazy for the uninitiated.
I hated both of those :/
TGWLTT made no sense and had no plot. And the protagonist did literally nothing in Summer Wars.
I thought Summer Wars was gonna be good, watched it, raged, then found out it was same director as TGWLTT. Then it all made sense >.>
just finish DNAngel... silly anime but good ost
I wasn't really a huge fan of TGWLTT either... it was ok, but not great, I dunno.
Finished Kanon 2006 though :D Requisite "who was your favorite girl" question.