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Ooo, I like where this anime is going so far. I dont exactly understand the premise, or really whats the point of everything, but Im already interested. I enjoy the artstyle with the "hallow" theme, it gives this anime something refreshing to stand out on its own.
The characters are extremely likeable with their big egos and their counterpart team members with contrasting personalities. Makes for a good balance and equal likeability between all of them. And so far, from my understanding, we got 3 individual teams, and theyll all get their own air time and focus on the show. I can dig that, interesting approach.
The voice actresses I recognized immediately, Tsubasa from Amagami and P-ko from Arakawa lol. This is definitely a plus no matter how you look at it ^_^
And the fight scenes are great too, nothing too corny or stupid of what you expect out of most "shounen esque" animes.
I have a feeling that Im gonna be marathoning through this anime pretty fast.
Oh and fanservice, yes, they did good with fanservice-uu. Cant forget about that ^_^
Garbage ending. Okish otherwise.
Lol Soul Eater, this pretty much sums up the show in a simple .gif + Show Spoiler +
Most anime with a unique ending that's not in the manga turn out to be utter crap. A few examples I can think of: FMA original, Soul Eater, Beelzebub. Can't think of any with an awesome ending.
That's like, your opinion dude.
Duh, it's an opinion. I'm free to express it. So you liked the endings of those animes? Stay classy.
Soul Eater was shit though, and I'm indifferent when it comes to Beelzebub.
The ending where the brothers were separated in different worlds (and the movie where they reunited) was pretty lame. I thought it was hated by a lot of people. I never remembered the nazi zeppelins, had to search it up on wiki to figure out what you mentioned.
I thought the nazi zeppelings was kinda cool (well not the zeppelins in particular) but the fact that they were separated. It gave the ending a much darker tone that brotherhood, where everyone lived happily forever after. Though if they were reunited in a movie then that sux, ruins the ending.
Amazingly the wiki article said that the movie was received well. I might be too critical I guess. I don't like 90% of the animes that are airing (and watching some that I don't like lol).
Ooo, I like where this anime is going so far. I dont exactly understand the premise, or really whats the point of everything, but Im already interested. I enjoy the artstyle with the "hallow" theme, it gives this anime something refreshing to stand out on its own.
The characters are extremely likeable with their big egos and their counterpart team members with contrasting personalities. Makes for a good balance and equal likeability between all of them. And so far, from my understanding, we got 3 individual teams, and theyll all get their own air time and focus on the show. I can dig that, interesting approach.
The voice actresses I recognized immediately, Tsubasa from Amagami and P-ko from Arakawa lol. This is definitely a plus no matter how you look at it ^_^
And the fight scenes are great too, nothing too corny or stupid of what you expect out of most "shounen esque" animes.
I have a feeling that Im gonna be marathoning through this anime pretty fast.
Oh and fanservice, yes, they did good with fanservice-uu. Cant forget about that ^_^
Garbage ending. Okish otherwise.
Lol Soul Eater, this pretty much sums up the show in a simple .gif + Show Spoiler +
Most anime with a unique ending that's not in the manga turn out to be utter crap. A few examples I can think of: FMA original, Soul Eater, Beelzebub. Can't think of any with an awesome ending.
That's like, your opinion dude.
Duh, it's an opinion. I'm free to express it. So you liked the endings of those animes? Stay classy.
Soul Eater was shit though, and I'm indifferent when it comes to Beelzebub.
The ending where the brothers were separated in different worlds (and the movie where they reunited) was pretty lame. I thought it was hated by a lot of people. I never remembered the nazi zeppelins, had to search it up on wiki to figure out what you mentioned.
I thought the nazi zeppelings was kinda cool (well not the zeppelins in particular) but the fact that they were separated. It gave the ending a much darker tone that brotherhood, where everyone lived happily forever after. Though if they were reunited in a movie then that sux, ruins the ending.
Amazingly the wiki article said that the movie was received well. I might be too critical I guess. I don't like 90% of the animes that are airing (and watching some that I don't like lol).
Ohh I actually have that movie downloaded, ill watch it this weekend, elric brothers slay hitler gogogogoog!!
Ooo, I like where this anime is going so far. I dont exactly understand the premise, or really whats the point of everything, but Im already interested. I enjoy the artstyle with the "hallow" theme, it gives this anime something refreshing to stand out on its own.
The characters are extremely likeable with their big egos and their counterpart team members with contrasting personalities. Makes for a good balance and equal likeability between all of them. And so far, from my understanding, we got 3 individual teams, and theyll all get their own air time and focus on the show. I can dig that, interesting approach.
The voice actresses I recognized immediately, Tsubasa from Amagami and P-ko from Arakawa lol. This is definitely a plus no matter how you look at it ^_^
And the fight scenes are great too, nothing too corny or stupid of what you expect out of most "shounen esque" animes.
I have a feeling that Im gonna be marathoning through this anime pretty fast.
Oh and fanservice, yes, they did good with fanservice-uu. Cant forget about that ^_^
Garbage ending. Okish otherwise.
Lol Soul Eater, this pretty much sums up the show in a simple .gif + Show Spoiler +
Most anime with a unique ending that's not in the manga turn out to be utter crap. A few examples I can think of: FMA original, Soul Eater, Beelzebub. Can't think of any with an awesome ending.
That's like, your opinion dude.
Duh, it's an opinion. I'm free to express it. So you liked the endings of those animes? Stay classy.
Soul Eater was shit though, and I'm indifferent when it comes to Beelzebub.
NAZI ZEPPELINS was the part where I stopped taking FMA's ending seriously. I guess it wasn't as bad as CONGRATULATIONS, but it was still shit. Brotherhood's ending was 100x better.
Ooo, I like where this anime is going so far. I dont exactly understand the premise, or really whats the point of everything, but Im already interested. I enjoy the artstyle with the "hallow" theme, it gives this anime something refreshing to stand out on its own.
The characters are extremely likeable with their big egos and their counterpart team members with contrasting personalities. Makes for a good balance and equal likeability between all of them. And so far, from my understanding, we got 3 individual teams, and theyll all get their own air time and focus on the show. I can dig that, interesting approach.
The voice actresses I recognized immediately, Tsubasa from Amagami and P-ko from Arakawa lol. This is definitely a plus no matter how you look at it ^_^
And the fight scenes are great too, nothing too corny or stupid of what you expect out of most "shounen esque" animes.
I have a feeling that Im gonna be marathoning through this anime pretty fast.
Oh and fanservice, yes, they did good with fanservice-uu. Cant forget about that ^_^
Garbage ending. Okish otherwise.
Lol Soul Eater, this pretty much sums up the show in a simple .gif + Show Spoiler +
Most anime with a unique ending that's not in the manga turn out to be utter crap. A few examples I can think of: FMA original, Soul Eater, Beelzebub. Can't think of any with an awesome ending.
That's like, your opinion dude.
Duh, it's an opinion. I'm free to express it. So you liked the endings of those animes? Stay classy.
Soul Eater was shit though, and I'm indifferent when it comes to Beelzebub.
NAZI ZEPPELINS was the part where I stopped taking FMA's ending seriously. I guess it wasn't as bad as CONGRATULATIONS, but it was still shit. Brotherhood's ending was 100x better.
Seconded, I fucking LOVED that ending, it was what made me start watching anime in the first place! :D
Ooo, I like where this anime is going so far. I dont exactly understand the premise, or really whats the point of everything, but Im already interested. I enjoy the artstyle with the "hallow" theme, it gives this anime something refreshing to stand out on its own.
The characters are extremely likeable with their big egos and their counterpart team members with contrasting personalities. Makes for a good balance and equal likeability between all of them. And so far, from my understanding, we got 3 individual teams, and theyll all get their own air time and focus on the show. I can dig that, interesting approach.
The voice actresses I recognized immediately, Tsubasa from Amagami and P-ko from Arakawa lol. This is definitely a plus no matter how you look at it ^_^
And the fight scenes are great too, nothing too corny or stupid of what you expect out of most "shounen esque" animes.
I have a feeling that Im gonna be marathoning through this anime pretty fast.
Oh and fanservice, yes, they did good with fanservice-uu. Cant forget about that ^_^
Garbage ending. Okish otherwise.
Lol Soul Eater, this pretty much sums up the show in a simple .gif + Show Spoiler +
Most anime with a unique ending that's not in the manga turn out to be utter crap. A few examples I can think of: FMA original, Soul Eater, Beelzebub. Can't think of any with an awesome ending.
That's like, your opinion dude.
Duh, it's an opinion. I'm free to express it. So you liked the endings of those animes? Stay classy.
Soul Eater was shit though, and I'm indifferent when it comes to Beelzebub.
NAZI ZEPPELINS was the part where I stopped taking FMA's ending seriously. I guess it wasn't as bad as CONGRATULATIONS, but it was still shit. Brotherhood's ending was 100x better.
So fucking epic man. So many parts just give u chills. Epic ballz just talking gave me chills
Ooo, I like where this anime is going so far. I dont exactly understand the premise, or really whats the point of everything, but Im already interested. I enjoy the artstyle with the "hallow" theme, it gives this anime something refreshing to stand out on its own.
The characters are extremely likeable with their big egos and their counterpart team members with contrasting personalities. Makes for a good balance and equal likeability between all of them. And so far, from my understanding, we got 3 individual teams, and theyll all get their own air time and focus on the show. I can dig that, interesting approach.
The voice actresses I recognized immediately, Tsubasa from Amagami and P-ko from Arakawa lol. This is definitely a plus no matter how you look at it ^_^
And the fight scenes are great too, nothing too corny or stupid of what you expect out of most "shounen esque" animes.
I have a feeling that Im gonna be marathoning through this anime pretty fast.
Oh and fanservice, yes, they did good with fanservice-uu. Cant forget about that ^_^
Garbage ending. Okish otherwise.
Lol Soul Eater, this pretty much sums up the show in a simple .gif + Show Spoiler +
Most anime with a unique ending that's not in the manga turn out to be utter crap. A few examples I can think of: FMA original, Soul Eater, Beelzebub. Can't think of any with an awesome ending.
That's like, your opinion dude.
Duh, it's an opinion. I'm free to express it. So you liked the endings of those animes? Stay classy.
Soul Eater was shit though, and I'm indifferent when it comes to Beelzebub.
NAZI ZEPPELINS was the part where I stopped taking FMA's ending seriously. I guess it wasn't as bad as CONGRATULATIONS, but it was still shit. Brotherhood's ending was 100x better.
Ooo, I like where this anime is going so far. I dont exactly understand the premise, or really whats the point of everything, but Im already interested. I enjoy the artstyle with the "hallow" theme, it gives this anime something refreshing to stand out on its own.
The characters are extremely likeable with their big egos and their counterpart team members with contrasting personalities. Makes for a good balance and equal likeability between all of them. And so far, from my understanding, we got 3 individual teams, and theyll all get their own air time and focus on the show. I can dig that, interesting approach.
The voice actresses I recognized immediately, Tsubasa from Amagami and P-ko from Arakawa lol. This is definitely a plus no matter how you look at it ^_^
And the fight scenes are great too, nothing too corny or stupid of what you expect out of most "shounen esque" animes.
I have a feeling that Im gonna be marathoning through this anime pretty fast.
Oh and fanservice, yes, they did good with fanservice-uu. Cant forget about that ^_^
Garbage ending. Okish otherwise.
Lol Soul Eater, this pretty much sums up the show in a simple .gif + Show Spoiler +
Most anime with a unique ending that's not in the manga turn out to be utter crap. A few examples I can think of: FMA original, Soul Eater, Beelzebub. Can't think of any with an awesome ending.
That's like, your opinion dude.
Duh, it's an opinion. I'm free to express it. So you liked the endings of those animes? Stay classy.
Soul Eater was shit though, and I'm indifferent when it comes to Beelzebub.
NAZI ZEPPELINS was the part where I stopped taking FMA's ending seriously. I guess it wasn't as bad as CONGRATULATIONS, but it was still shit. Brotherhood's ending was 100x better.
Brotherhood's ending was a bit better. Shame the rest of the series sucks in comparison though. Though as I've said it's to be expected considering who made it.
Also Echo, NAZI ZEPPELINS sounds better than ZEPPELINS, so deal with it.
[12:49] <popo> b/c she made it sound like not being circumsized is the most abnormal thing ever [12:49] <popo> >_> [12:49] <popo> so then if it's not too personal, are you guys not...? >< [12:50] <Sentenal> popo why are you asking us about our dicks [12:50] <onemoredayinchina> lol. [12:50] <wreakhvc> popo tell us your sizes first then ~ [12:50] <kupon3ss_> is she jewish popo [12:51] <Sentenal> yeah you never told us your bra size [12:51] <nagisama> O YEAH [12:51] <nagisama> me and sent still have that argument to be settled [12:51] <popo> kupon she's filipino [12:51] <Vysaga> lol [12:52] * wala is now known as wala-afk [12:52] <popo> like she was seriously nonchalantly saying [12:52] <wreakhvc> its ok nagi [12:52] <popo> oh yea everyone in america does it! [12:52] <onemoredayinchina> why does it seem that sent has an argument with everyone [12:52] <wreakhvc> you can traade info [12:52] <wreakhvc> tit for tat [12:52] <Vysaga> gdi hvc [12:52] <popo> ~cites her brother and father [12:52] <wreakhvc> gdi ? [12:52] <Sentenal> panda you dont understand [12:52] <kupon3ss_> well popo [12:52] <kupon3ss_> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prevalence_of_circumcision [12:52] <Vysaga> god damn it [12:52] <kupon3ss_> doesn't that [12:52] <kupon3ss_> tell u [12:52] <Vysaga> tit for tat lol [12:52] <kupon3ss_> what u need to know? [12:52] <wreakhvc> hehehe [12:52] <wreakhvc> i thoguht it was clever [12:52] <onemoredayinchina> uh [12:52] <onemoredayinchina> no i don't understand [12:53] * rorom (~nnscript@1522537D.F8215B59.B352A98C.IP) has joined #tladt [12:53] <popo> 20-80% is a huge range dude [12:53] <Elem> dis echo [12:53] <Elem> coming with the military history [12:53] <onemoredayinchina> why is there a harem and a rorom [12:53] <kupon3ss_> did u know that its hard [12:53] <kupon3ss_> to poll a random sample of men [12:53] <kupon3ss_> and be like [12:53] <kupon3ss_> "can we look at ur penis?" [12:54] <popo> what's so hard about that? [12:54] <Vysaga> goddammit guys [12:54] <Vysaga> jesus christ [12:54] <popo> you guys pee without stalls [12:54] <popo> -_- not that hard to just peek [12:54] <wreakhvc> wtf [12:54] <Elem> also wait what the fuck is this convo [12:54] <Vysaga> wtf [12:54] <onemoredayinchina> wtf [12:54] <popo> unless it's not a noticeable piece of skin [12:54] <Elem> did popo start this shit [12:54] <Elem> lol [12:55] <Vysaga> yes elem [12:55] <wreakhvc> she did start this 'shit' [12:55] <Elem> HOW SUPRISING
Ooo, I like where this anime is going so far. I dont exactly understand the premise, or really whats the point of everything, but Im already interested. I enjoy the artstyle with the "hallow" theme, it gives this anime something refreshing to stand out on its own.
The characters are extremely likeable with their big egos and their counterpart team members with contrasting personalities. Makes for a good balance and equal likeability between all of them. And so far, from my understanding, we got 3 individual teams, and theyll all get their own air time and focus on the show. I can dig that, interesting approach.
The voice actresses I recognized immediately, Tsubasa from Amagami and P-ko from Arakawa lol. This is definitely a plus no matter how you look at it ^_^
And the fight scenes are great too, nothing too corny or stupid of what you expect out of most "shounen esque" animes.
I have a feeling that Im gonna be marathoning through this anime pretty fast.
Oh and fanservice, yes, they did good with fanservice-uu. Cant forget about that ^_^
Garbage ending. Okish otherwise.
Lol Soul Eater, this pretty much sums up the show in a simple .gif + Show Spoiler +
Most anime with a unique ending that's not in the manga turn out to be utter crap. A few examples I can think of: FMA original, Soul Eater, Beelzebub. Can't think of any with an awesome ending.
That's like, your opinion dude.
Duh, it's an opinion. I'm free to express it. So you liked the endings of those animes? Stay classy.
Soul Eater was shit though, and I'm indifferent when it comes to Beelzebub.
NAZI ZEPPELINS was the part where I stopped taking FMA's ending seriously. I guess it wasn't as bad as CONGRATULATIONS, but it was still shit. Brotherhood's ending was 100x better.
Brotherhood's ending was a bit better. Shame the rest of the series sucks in comparison though. Though as I've said it's to be expected considering who made it.
Also Echo, NAZI ZEPPELINS sounds better than ZEPPELINS, so deal with it.
Zeppelins never bombed London. Period. It was retarded.
Are you saying the rest of Brotherhood sucked compared to the first anime...? If you, u are craze
Ooo, I like where this anime is going so far. I dont exactly understand the premise, or really whats the point of everything, but Im already interested. I enjoy the artstyle with the "hallow" theme, it gives this anime something refreshing to stand out on its own.
The characters are extremely likeable with their big egos and their counterpart team members with contrasting personalities. Makes for a good balance and equal likeability between all of them. And so far, from my understanding, we got 3 individual teams, and theyll all get their own air time and focus on the show. I can dig that, interesting approach.
The voice actresses I recognized immediately, Tsubasa from Amagami and P-ko from Arakawa lol. This is definitely a plus no matter how you look at it ^_^
And the fight scenes are great too, nothing too corny or stupid of what you expect out of most "shounen esque" animes.
I have a feeling that Im gonna be marathoning through this anime pretty fast.
Oh and fanservice, yes, they did good with fanservice-uu. Cant forget about that ^_^
Garbage ending. Okish otherwise.
Lol Soul Eater, this pretty much sums up the show in a simple .gif + Show Spoiler +
Most anime with a unique ending that's not in the manga turn out to be utter crap. A few examples I can think of: FMA original, Soul Eater, Beelzebub. Can't think of any with an awesome ending.
That's like, your opinion dude.
Duh, it's an opinion. I'm free to express it. So you liked the endings of those animes? Stay classy.
Soul Eater was shit though, and I'm indifferent when it comes to Beelzebub.
NAZI ZEPPELINS was the part where I stopped taking FMA's ending seriously. I guess it wasn't as bad as CONGRATULATIONS, but it was still shit. Brotherhood's ending was 100x better.
Brotherhood's ending was a bit better. Shame the rest of the series sucks in comparison though. Though as I've said it's to be expected considering who made it.
Also Echo, NAZI ZEPPELINS sounds better than ZEPPELINS, so deal with it.
Zeppelins never bombed London. Period. It was retarded.
Are you saying the rest of Brotherhood sucked compared to the first anime...? If you, u are craze
They rushed through the first few episodes at blazing speed. I guess it would be better to slow down a bit. But the entire series was good.
On June 15 2012 01:59 EchOne wrote: IRC shenanigans + Show Spoiler +
[12:49] <popo> b/c she made it sound like not being circumsized is the most abnormal thing ever [12:49] <popo> >_> [12:49] <popo> so then if it's not too personal, are you guys not...? >< [12:50] <Sentenal> popo why are you asking us about our dicks [12:50] <onemoredayinchina> lol. [12:50] <wreakhvc> popo tell us your sizes first then ~ [12:50] <kupon3ss_> is she jewish popo [12:51] <Sentenal> yeah you never told us your bra size [12:51] <nagisama> O YEAH [12:51] <nagisama> me and sent still have that argument to be settled [12:51] <popo> kupon she's filipino [12:51] <Vysaga> lol [12:52] * wala is now known as wala-afk [12:52] <popo> like she was seriously nonchalantly saying [12:52] <wreakhvc> its ok nagi [12:52] <popo> oh yea everyone in america does it! [12:52] <onemoredayinchina> why does it seem that sent has an argument with everyone [12:52] <wreakhvc> you can traade info [12:52] <wreakhvc> tit for tat [12:52] <Vysaga> gdi hvc [12:52] <popo> ~cites her brother and father [12:52] <wreakhvc> gdi ? [12:52] <Sentenal> panda you dont understand [12:52] <kupon3ss_> well popo [12:52] <kupon3ss_> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prevalence_of_circumcision [12:52] <Vysaga> god damn it [12:52] <kupon3ss_> doesn't that [12:52] <kupon3ss_> tell u [12:52] <Vysaga> tit for tat lol [12:52] <kupon3ss_> what u need to know? [12:52] <wreakhvc> hehehe [12:52] <wreakhvc> i thoguht it was clever [12:52] <onemoredayinchina> uh [12:52] <onemoredayinchina> no i don't understand [12:53] * rorom (~nnscript@1522537D.F8215B59.B352A98C.IP) has joined #tladt [12:53] <popo> 20-80% is a huge range dude [12:53] <Elem> dis echo [12:53] <Elem> coming with the military history [12:53] <onemoredayinchina> why is there a harem and a rorom [12:53] <kupon3ss_> did u know that its hard [12:53] <kupon3ss_> to poll a random sample of men [12:53] <kupon3ss_> and be like [12:53] <kupon3ss_> "can we look at ur penis?" [12:54] <popo> what's so hard about that? [12:54] <Vysaga> goddammit guys [12:54] <Vysaga> jesus christ [12:54] <popo> you guys pee without stalls [12:54] <popo> -_- not that hard to just peek [12:54] <wreakhvc> wtf [12:54] <Elem> also wait what the fuck is this convo [12:54] <Vysaga> wtf [12:54] <onemoredayinchina> wtf [12:54] <popo> unless it's not a noticeable piece of skin [12:54] <Elem> did popo start this shit [12:54] <Elem> lol [12:55] <Vysaga> yes elem [12:55] <wreakhvc> she did start this 'shit' [12:55] <Elem> HOW SUPRISING
The Sequel: 13:02 popo wait so if you don't get circumsized... 13:02 wreakhvc migraine ? 13:02 popo you get aids? 13:02 popo ._. 13:02 Sentenal what 13:02 wreakhvc ... 13:02 kupon3ss_ yes popo 13:02 kupon3ss_ 100% 13:02 wreakhvc what the fuck 13:02 kupon3ss_ aids 13:02 Vysaga jesus fucking christ
Ooo, I like where this anime is going so far. I dont exactly understand the premise, or really whats the point of everything, but Im already interested. I enjoy the artstyle with the "hallow" theme, it gives this anime something refreshing to stand out on its own.
The characters are extremely likeable with their big egos and their counterpart team members with contrasting personalities. Makes for a good balance and equal likeability between all of them. And so far, from my understanding, we got 3 individual teams, and theyll all get their own air time and focus on the show. I can dig that, interesting approach.
The voice actresses I recognized immediately, Tsubasa from Amagami and P-ko from Arakawa lol. This is definitely a plus no matter how you look at it ^_^
And the fight scenes are great too, nothing too corny or stupid of what you expect out of most "shounen esque" animes.
I have a feeling that Im gonna be marathoning through this anime pretty fast.
Oh and fanservice, yes, they did good with fanservice-uu. Cant forget about that ^_^
Garbage ending. Okish otherwise.
Lol Soul Eater, this pretty much sums up the show in a simple .gif + Show Spoiler +
Most anime with a unique ending that's not in the manga turn out to be utter crap. A few examples I can think of: FMA original, Soul Eater, Beelzebub. Can't think of any with an awesome ending.
That's like, your opinion dude.
Duh, it's an opinion. I'm free to express it. So you liked the endings of those animes? Stay classy.
Soul Eater was shit though, and I'm indifferent when it comes to Beelzebub.
NAZI ZEPPELINS was the part where I stopped taking FMA's ending seriously. I guess it wasn't as bad as CONGRATULATIONS, but it was still shit. Brotherhood's ending was 100x better.
Brotherhood's ending was a bit better. Shame the rest of the series sucks in comparison though. Though as I've said it's to be expected considering who made it.
Also Echo, NAZI ZEPPELINS sounds better than ZEPPELINS, so deal with it.
Zeppelins never bombed London. Period. It was retarded.
Are you saying the rest of Brotherhood sucked compared to the first anime...? If you, u are craze
I'm proudly crazy then lol. Imo original FMA is in my top 3 for sure while I'd be suprised if Brotherhood was in the top 50.
Lol Soul Eater, this pretty much sums up the show in a simple .gif + Show Spoiler +
Most anime with a unique ending that's not in the manga turn out to be utter crap. A few examples I can think of: FMA original, Soul Eater, Beelzebub. Can't think of any with an awesome ending.
That's like, your opinion dude.
Duh, it's an opinion. I'm free to express it. So you liked the endings of those animes? Stay classy.
Soul Eater was shit though, and I'm indifferent when it comes to Beelzebub.
NAZI ZEPPELINS was the part where I stopped taking FMA's ending seriously. I guess it wasn't as bad as CONGRATULATIONS, but it was still shit. Brotherhood's ending was 100x better.
Brotherhood's ending was a bit better. Shame the rest of the series sucks in comparison though. Though as I've said it's to be expected considering who made it.
Also Echo, NAZI ZEPPELINS sounds better than ZEPPELINS, so deal with it.
Zeppelins never bombed London. Period. It was retarded.
Are you saying the rest of Brotherhood sucked compared to the first anime...? If you, u are craze
They rushed through the first few episodes at blazing speed. I guess it would be better to slow down a bit. But the entire series was good.
Only the first 13 episodes out of wut? 63? If they didnt speed through that shit it would be like 10 more episodes of shit that people already seen. Its a waste of production time. Everyone can agree that the first 13 episodes are the low point of the series but no one can really blame it for that
Lol Soul Eater, this pretty much sums up the show in a simple .gif + Show Spoiler +
Most anime with a unique ending that's not in the manga turn out to be utter crap. A few examples I can think of: FMA original, Soul Eater, Beelzebub. Can't think of any with an awesome ending.
That's like, your opinion dude.
Duh, it's an opinion. I'm free to express it. So you liked the endings of those animes? Stay classy.
Soul Eater was shit though, and I'm indifferent when it comes to Beelzebub.
NAZI ZEPPELINS was the part where I stopped taking FMA's ending seriously. I guess it wasn't as bad as CONGRATULATIONS, but it was still shit. Brotherhood's ending was 100x better.
Brotherhood's ending was a bit better. Shame the rest of the series sucks in comparison though. Though as I've said it's to be expected considering who made it.
Also Echo, NAZI ZEPPELINS sounds better than ZEPPELINS, so deal with it.
Zeppelins never bombed London. Period. It was retarded.
Are you saying the rest of Brotherhood sucked compared to the first anime...? If you, u are craze
I'm proudly crazy then lol. Imo original FMA is in my top 3 for sure while I'd be suprised if Brotherhood was in the top 50.
On June 14 2012 14:00 DarthXX wrote: [quote] Lol Soul Eater, this pretty much sums up the show in a simple .gif + Show Spoiler +
Most anime with a unique ending that's not in the manga turn out to be utter crap. A few examples I can think of: FMA original, Soul Eater, Beelzebub. Can't think of any with an awesome ending.
That's like, your opinion dude.
Duh, it's an opinion. I'm free to express it. So you liked the endings of those animes? Stay classy.
Soul Eater was shit though, and I'm indifferent when it comes to Beelzebub.
NAZI ZEPPELINS was the part where I stopped taking FMA's ending seriously. I guess it wasn't as bad as CONGRATULATIONS, but it was still shit. Brotherhood's ending was 100x better.
Brotherhood's ending was a bit better. Shame the rest of the series sucks in comparison though. Though as I've said it's to be expected considering who made it.
Also Echo, NAZI ZEPPELINS sounds better than ZEPPELINS, so deal with it.
Zeppelins never bombed London. Period. It was retarded.
Are you saying the rest of Brotherhood sucked compared to the first anime...? If you, u are craze
I'm proudly crazy then lol. Imo original FMA is in my top 3 for sure while I'd be suprised if Brotherhood was in the top 50.
Those people cant be reasoned with. Its best to stand back and pretend you didn't read anything. ^^
On June 15 2012 00:06 Heh_ wrote: [quote] Most anime with a unique ending that's not in the manga turn out to be utter crap. A few examples I can think of: FMA original, Soul Eater, Beelzebub. Can't think of any with an awesome ending.
That's like, your opinion dude.
Duh, it's an opinion. I'm free to express it. So you liked the endings of those animes? Stay classy.
Soul Eater was shit though, and I'm indifferent when it comes to Beelzebub.
NAZI ZEPPELINS was the part where I stopped taking FMA's ending seriously. I guess it wasn't as bad as CONGRATULATIONS, but it was still shit. Brotherhood's ending was 100x better.
Brotherhood's ending was a bit better. Shame the rest of the series sucks in comparison though. Though as I've said it's to be expected considering who made it.
Also Echo, NAZI ZEPPELINS sounds better than ZEPPELINS, so deal with it.
Zeppelins never bombed London. Period. It was retarded.
Are you saying the rest of Brotherhood sucked compared to the first anime...? If you, u are craze
I'm proudly crazy then lol. Imo original FMA is in my top 3 for sure while I'd be suprised if Brotherhood was in the top 50.
Those people cant be reasoned with. Its best to stand back and pretend you didn't read anything. ^^
I disagree with you, therefore I cannot be reasoned with and should be ignored.
Nice logic you got there, if anything it implies that you are the one that cannot be reasoned with.
On June 14 2012 14:00 DarthXX wrote: [quote] Lol Soul Eater, this pretty much sums up the show in a simple .gif + Show Spoiler +
Most anime with a unique ending that's not in the manga turn out to be utter crap. A few examples I can think of: FMA original, Soul Eater, Beelzebub. Can't think of any with an awesome ending.
That's like, your opinion dude.
Duh, it's an opinion. I'm free to express it. So you liked the endings of those animes? Stay classy.
Soul Eater was shit though, and I'm indifferent when it comes to Beelzebub.
NAZI ZEPPELINS was the part where I stopped taking FMA's ending seriously. I guess it wasn't as bad as CONGRATULATIONS, but it was still shit. Brotherhood's ending was 100x better.
Brotherhood's ending was a bit better. Shame the rest of the series sucks in comparison though. Though as I've said it's to be expected considering who made it.
Also Echo, NAZI ZEPPELINS sounds better than ZEPPELINS, so deal with it.
Zeppelins never bombed London. Period. It was retarded.
Are you saying the rest of Brotherhood sucked compared to the first anime...? If you, u are craze
They rushed through the first few episodes at blazing speed. I guess it would be better to slow down a bit. But the entire series was good.
Only the first 13 episodes out of wut? 63? If they didnt speed through that shit it would be like 10 more episodes of shit that people already seen. Its a waste of production time. Everyone can agree that the first 13 episodes are the low point of the series but no one can really blame it for that
I wouldn't mind re-watching it though. Would be a good refresher. I did the same with HxH. Technically they haven't shown any new content yet.... Extending the first part would also allow people new to the series to get a better understanding of it.
On June 15 2012 00:06 Heh_ wrote: [quote] Most anime with a unique ending that's not in the manga turn out to be utter crap. A few examples I can think of: FMA original, Soul Eater, Beelzebub. Can't think of any with an awesome ending.
That's like, your opinion dude.
Duh, it's an opinion. I'm free to express it. So you liked the endings of those animes? Stay classy.
Soul Eater was shit though, and I'm indifferent when it comes to Beelzebub.
NAZI ZEPPELINS was the part where I stopped taking FMA's ending seriously. I guess it wasn't as bad as CONGRATULATIONS, but it was still shit. Brotherhood's ending was 100x better.
Brotherhood's ending was a bit better. Shame the rest of the series sucks in comparison though. Though as I've said it's to be expected considering who made it.
Also Echo, NAZI ZEPPELINS sounds better than ZEPPELINS, so deal with it.
Zeppelins never bombed London. Period. It was retarded.
Are you saying the rest of Brotherhood sucked compared to the first anime...? If you, u are craze
They rushed through the first few episodes at blazing speed. I guess it would be better to slow down a bit. But the entire series was good.
Only the first 13 episodes out of wut? 63? If they didnt speed through that shit it would be like 10 more episodes of shit that people already seen. Its a waste of production time. Everyone can agree that the first 13 episodes are the low point of the series but no one can really blame it for that
I wouldn't mind re-watching it though. Would be a good refresher. I did the same with HxH. Technically they haven't shown any new content yet.... Extending the first part would also allow people new to the series to get a better understanding of it.
True but you kinda have to see thier thoughts for viewers when it was airing. They were probably worried that alot of people would think its the same thing as last FMA and wouldn't bother watching. I do agree tho the series would of been alot better and more complete if the extended tho 13 episodes to like 20
On June 15 2012 00:06 Heh_ wrote: [quote] Most anime with a unique ending that's not in the manga turn out to be utter crap. A few examples I can think of: FMA original, Soul Eater, Beelzebub. Can't think of any with an awesome ending.
That's like, your opinion dude.
Duh, it's an opinion. I'm free to express it. So you liked the endings of those animes? Stay classy.
Soul Eater was shit though, and I'm indifferent when it comes to Beelzebub.
NAZI ZEPPELINS was the part where I stopped taking FMA's ending seriously. I guess it wasn't as bad as CONGRATULATIONS, but it was still shit. Brotherhood's ending was 100x better.
Brotherhood's ending was a bit better. Shame the rest of the series sucks in comparison though. Though as I've said it's to be expected considering who made it.
Also Echo, NAZI ZEPPELINS sounds better than ZEPPELINS, so deal with it.
Zeppelins never bombed London. Period. It was retarded.
Are you saying the rest of Brotherhood sucked compared to the first anime...? If you, u are craze
I'm proudly crazy then lol. Imo original FMA is in my top 3 for sure while I'd be suprised if Brotherhood was in the top 50.
Those people cant be reasoned with. Its best to stand back and pretend you didn't read anything. ^^