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On December 09 2009 02:31 BrTarolg wrote: OH MY LORD
I am usually not the type for dark animes or anything
But i saw ONE episode of elfen lied and then marathoned the whole thing. JESUS CHRIST it is good i had absolutely no idea how good it was. And the OP track is absolutely amazing Wow kinda sad it was all over after 6-7 hours lol.. i heard theres a lot more in the manga but the anime ending was pretty damn good too
I absolutely loved the anime, and eventually got into reading the manga. The start was good, and the ending was good, but there was just too much weird shit going on, especially in the middle. I thought the anime did a great job, and just wish it were longer.
Now im stuck on haibane renmei DAYUM
Getting addicted to this stuff, 8 episodes in one day, and i will finish it tomorrow
Im watching all the animes i thought would not pique my interest at all but as soon as i start watching im like "MUST WATCH" Fortunately for me for some reason i am compelled to always watch the first 5 epis, which is important because most stories seem to only get good after 5 epis! (except for elfen lied which is incredible the whole way through) (But good examples are kanon, clannad, and in this case haibane renmei)
edit: Even though it sounds completely not my thing, i guess the next thing to get stuck on is Serial experiments lain
+ Show Spoiler +I thought the new CG project was a prequel manga set in the Tokugawa era. That means Lelouch hasn't even been born yet, so maybe that sort of somehow counts as Lelouch being dead?
Canada8028 Posts
It's kinda a shame that there'll be no Lelouch (assuming the word of God stands). After the awesome plans, the best parts of Code Geass were the ridiculous costumes and Lelouch being a large ham.
I also expect at least one Jeremiah Gottwald cameo.
Pfft CG, the only thing worth talking about today is Rakkyo chapter 7.
Totally a shame that they didn't include the epilogue of the second meeting in the snow, chapter 8 please I mean, they went as far as to mention the prediction (yeah yeah it was in novel either way).
Honestly I just want to see Mana animated.
nice 161 pages lmao.
New winter season looks like shit.
United States10264 Posts
Not all of it is shit...
Durarara!! is looking good, and the other one that I've heard good things about is Dance in the Vampire Bund. Yet the poster has be dubious as to what that show is going to focus on... We'll see... The only other one I was looking at is Ookami Kakushi. Sounds pretty neat.
Some ones I'm not thinking of: So Ra No Wo To - K-ON! in the army. Brilliant. The Qwaser Of Stigmata - Hentai that's been made into an anime but is still so inappropriate that no one is going to want to watch it. Not to mention the premise is just so stupid. Omamori Himari - Nyan Koi with a big breasted Azunyan? Honestly, I love Azunyan, but come on.
Dance of the Vampire Bund look interesting for winter (but I am reluctant to say many things look interesting any more because every time I do they turn out to be shit).
Also new season of Nodame Cantabile... cant do too wrong w/ that.
Also, new OVA episode of Denpa teki na Kanojo just came out few days ago... waiting on subs for that. First episode was pretty interesting.
New Hellsing ultimate episode comes later this month.
Overall not too bad... and Im sure something else will turn out to be pretty good. Maybe Durarara?
Edit: Not to mention KnK 7 should be subbed in the next couple of days.
Damn haibane renmei was good, so sad too :<
Lol watching all this heart wrenching stuff
Omamori Himari was pretty interesting manga wise, meh, I'll just happily watch like all of them for a bit and then promptly stop watching a good 3/4th of them like I usually do.
Monday we had Denpa OVA that was as great as the first one, and yesterday we had Rakkyo. Subbers need to get working so I have people to talk with
I finally finished Kyou's Route in Clannad. It got real fucking annoying since I did not have a walkthrough. I liked the ending but not the story overall. It felt a bit like too much High School Musical or some other really shitty high school drama but at least it was funny.
Canada8028 Posts
You didn't like her route? I thought it was one of the better ones, but that's probably just because I like Kyou. =/ Granted, it's definitely the angstiest of all the routes... It's also the only instance in the entire visual novel that Sunohara's not a jerkass.
I'm looking for a new series to watch. Is Bakemonogatari any good?
Bakemonogatari is good. It's a bit strange to get used to at first, but I think overall you'll like it. I know I'm still waiting on the last 2 episodes or whatever from the web series.
for the clannad game, save kyou/nagisa's route for last if you're using the choices walkthru so you're less biased on which route you prefer you like the most
I really liked Elfen Lied as well. At first it was confusing as fuck and stuff, and it never really stopped the intrigue and stuff going on.
Those two episodes could take some time, Testie, they delayed Tsubasa Cat's DVD release date iirc. For Clannad, why save those two routes for last? Hard to be biased, Fuuko's route is clearly inferior and the rest sort themselves out easily 
About Kyou route, I enjoyed it a lot, but story wise it is just weaker than Tomoyo, Nagisa and Kotomi routes. Like Mori said, it is rather dramatic, and rides on character more so than it does theme and plot. A throwback to the Key we knew.
What I thought was really funny was the CG art of Kyou kissing Tomoya. The epilogue was funny and the line "The taste of very sad" made me choke a bit. Plus, it was not the most original story. 2 girls love you, (the twins) your friend offers advice and expresses jealousy (Sunohara) and I could swear to God that I saw the cutting your hair motif everywhere. Well despite my criticism, Clannad is still one of my favorite VN and anime of all time. I plan on starting Minase's route soon after getting some more SC practice in.
People that think Lelouch is dead don't understand the anime.
Watching bakemonogatari now
Its kinda wierd, i don't really see where the plot is going but im watching it anyway haha
edit: well watched the first 10 ep, seems pretty good! However i really dont understand some of it - whats the point of the whole black/red voice/cut thing, what is it supposed to respresent? Not one of my top anime's but definately pretty origional and interesting