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On December 10 2009 20:49 Ziph wrote: People that think Lelouch is dead don't understand the anime. I can say the same about people who thinks he should be alive.
Mori, the hair cutting motif is slowly fading out, but it is still a pretty big one. Bakemonogatari takes a little jab at it actually 
Tarolg, some of those cuts are "We don't have enough money", like ones in Nadeko Snake, but most of them are there because Shaft is weird and Bakemonogatari isn't the most animation friendly of light novels. The author originally intended it to be something that's very difficult to animate in comparison to his other series, which thrived on conversations. Instead a good amount of things falls in descriptions, the mix of Araragi's thoughts and narration, as well as humor based on the written text that makes no sense with just sound. The cutin to text provides a nice reference to all of those (they are for the most part direct quotations from the book).
Kara no Kyoukai left out the "epilogue" in the books
Is anyone else excited about The Qwaser Of Stigmata?
In St. Mikhailov Academy, Oribe Mafuyu meets a silver haired boy called Alexander. He is a Qwaser, a being who can manipulate iron and draws his power from breast milk.
A mystery surrounding an icon tranforms the academy into a setting for conflict between the various Qwasers
On December 11 2009 02:31 Southlight wrote:Kara no Kyoukai left out the "epilogue" in the books  I think that part is too hard to follow for people who has never read the books.
On December 11 2009 02:45 CrimsonLotus wrote:Is anyone else excited about The Qwaser Of Stigmata? Show nested quote +In St. Mikhailov Academy, Oribe Mafuyu meets a silver haired boy called Alexander. He is a Qwaser, a being who can manipulate iron and draws his power from breast milk.
A mystery surrounding an icon tranforms the academy into a setting for conflict between the various Qwasers http://myanimelist.net/anime/6500/Seikon_no_QwaserLMAO. its pretty good. a little confusing at parts but pretty good
another manga i enjoy
bitter virgin
onemanga it up baby
Canada8028 Posts
So apparently this week's episode of Kampfer is the last one - next week's a Christmas episode.
+ Show Spoiler +The episode itself was kinda disappointing. I was expecting an epic fight, but the battle lasted all of thirty seconds. Everything just seemed incredibly rushed. I don't really understand how Natsuru was supposed to tip the balance of power by choosing to be a boy or girl. Also, power level increase? LOL.
I guess it wrapped up the story arc, but there are an awful lot of unanswered questions. Pretty much the only thing they confirmed was that Sakura's evil, and that Natsuru's an idiot (no progress on the romance front, of course). Season 2 is pretty much a given at this point.
I guess I'll try the manga and see if they do a better job describing what's going on. Has anyone here read the light novels?
Lol episode 11 was kinda cheap (but then again, isnt that the whole point of kampfer?)
Still looking forward to more shizukuuu
As popular as Kampfer at TL, the reception outside is pretty bad. I doubt that a second season will come out.
United States10264 Posts
On December 12 2009 07:30 Mori600 wrote: As popular as Kampfer at TL, the reception outside is pretty bad. I doubt that a second season will come out. You're just being deceived by a small subsection of TL's anime community (I think). I completely agree that a 2nd season just isn't happening.
From my experience in this thread, it seems like many of the people in this thread are not part of the mainstream anime fans.
You'd think the mainstream fans would love Kampfer. With that said, the light novel is still continuing strong afaik, might just have enough audience.
Though if that logic applies Bakemonogatari wouldn't just stop at two extra books
Of all the ecchi/yuri/harem whatnot kampfer is definately on the top of that list right now Mainly because, shizuku is a REALLY awesome character
For a thread that is not allowed to talk about Naruto, Bleach, or One Piece, it certainly has to be quite different from mainstream fans.
So, Mystlord, what would you like to talk about? I can't promise you that I have seen many anime, and am pretty adamant about skipping moe-blob anime series.
Is the ROmance of the Three kingdoms airing yet? if so, where can I happen to find a subbed version of it?
I've seen worse anime get sequels. I'm probably giving a bad example, but it's fairly recent and is the first anime that came to mind, Queen's Blade. Sure, it's more way more fanservice than Kampfer, but it's trash. And having Kampfer end with the way it did in episode 11 is just blah. There is effectively no resolution. I can probably see it continuing, but I'm in the minority.
+ Show Spoiler [Kampfer, Ep. 11] +The White Kampfer can't fight and basically got one-shot. It's a rushed episode with terrible fights. Nice transformation sequences for the hero Kampfers. As with basically all the recent episodes in the series, Shizuku wins and is probably the only reason to watch it.
For some reason, started watching Nyan Koi!
+ Show Spoiler [Nyan Koi, Ep. 11] +A Kana episode. It finally brought that Nyam doll that's been looming since the beginning of the series into the story. It makes me feel sad for Sumiyoshi in that her love for her childhood friend is doomed to be unrequited. Just like Kampfer, this series is going to have a rushed ending. The episode ends with Junpei growing cat ears and the preview has a cat with Junpei's hairstyle. They're trying to resolve his curse and possibly his relationship with Kaede in one episode?
Just started Bakemonogatari as well. Not much to say here so far since I've only seen the first two episodes. I noticed quickly the voice actor of Itoshiki Nozomu from Zetsubou Sensei. I'm liking Senjougahara so far.
And why I'm bringing this up, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's...honestly, a filler arc in the middle of the main arc? I'm probably the only one here watching this. It's entertaining, I'll give it that much. The series is marginally better than GX.
I'll just voice some manga stuff here as well since I don't know where else to.
+ Show Spoiler [Claymore Manga, Chapter 98] +Not much to say other than Priscilla is imba.
I'm still backed up on 10 episodes of FMA: Brotherhood, but have been keeping up with the manga. + Show Spoiler [FMA Manga, Chapter 102] +Not much to say here either. Sucks for Mustang; losing his eyesight.
+ Show Spoiler [Hayate no Gotoku! Manga, Chapter 252] +Nagi cracks the jewel that Hayate was supposed to protect. In effect, this is supposed to mean that Nagi loses all her inheritance and money that supported her over the years, but did so because of the pain Hayate had to endure deliberating between A-tan and Nagi. With the way the chapter ended, it could mean a Hayate x Nagi ending.
On December 12 2009 10:53 Ecael wrote:You'd think the mainstream fans would love Kampfer. With that said, the light novel is still continuing strong afaik, might just have enough audience. Though if that logic applies Bakemonogatari wouldn't just stop at two extra books  I think I can perfectly understand why Kampfer would not be very popular. First of all, harems are pretty damn unpopular. Second of all, it easy to see where the show will be going. Gender switching (male protagonist)+harem+ yuri+ecchi=An otaku's wet dream. Now, this is based off from the information I got from the anime series, not the light novels but I do not expect it to be much different.
I can't say anything since I watched two episode before being fed up and didn't bother reading the light novels. From where I stand, I'd much prefer not seeing a sequel so that money can go elsewhere.
United States10264 Posts
Agree with Ecael. Nomad needs to pick up a series like Rozen Maiden again. They did a damn good job with that.