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On November 04 2011 23:45 Vaelone wrote: DL'ing Fate Stay Night as my first visual novel, I blame Fate/Zero for making me want moar. Seen the FSN anime already ages ago but I've understood that VN is real the way to go with it.
Btw is it playing*, watching* or reading* when it comes to * visual novels. :<
Do not take F/SN to be the same level as all VNs.
IMO, it's one of those worth passing up. It's not all it's hyped up to be. Mainly because the MC is the biggest retard moralfag in the history of MCs.
The night before Masato starts seeing everyone around him is Masato, he gives a warning to the effect of "From now on I'll likely be aiming to prove that I'm the strongest. Don't get close if you don't want to get hurt." Later it's revealed that Kyousuke is the one who makes Masato hallucinate like that. Why does he make statements that are so prophetic of what will occur the next day? Does he know or he is referring to something else?
I need help!!! On episode 4 of Ben-to during the fight between the ice queen and shaga there's some really epic music playing in the background. Ive looked everywhere but i cant find the band nor the song... Someone help!?!?
On November 05 2011 07:21 Kiri wrote: I need help!!! On episode 4 of Ben-to during the fight between the ice queen and shaga there's some really epic music playing in the background. Ive looked everywhere but i cant find the band nor the song... Someone help!?!?
You are a General. Do not mistake yourself, Lady Eboshi. That which you seek, Trust, is not something to be found, but rather to intoxicate Warriors with your Ideal (Insanity), and then to triumph. That is the Road of Kings for Koga, for the one that lords of the Lindou car.
i had a super hard time finishing this episode. doing the "in game" thing again, and focusing a lot more on the two loli characters? man.... it was painful for me =(
gonna catch up on GC 04 as soon as i finish up GSL vods.
On November 05 2011 03:10 youngminii wrote: shinji's worse barely
Shinji Ikari is a worse character by alot, but Shinji also isn't a moral fag, so IDK why everyone always compares the two. Shinji was just a spineless kid who cried all the time. He didn't have the balls to even ATTEMPT to be a moralfag.
everything about this episode was great, the "which side are u on" part really got me into it.
only thing though was the big fight scene at the end, the kid just goes all rambo on their ass. not sure when he became so experienced in handling voids all of a sudden, maybe itll be explained better later on.
and at the end there, where he pulls out the transmitter. man oh man, what to expect from that?.... xD
everything about this episode was great, the "which side are u on" part really got me into it.
only thing though was the big fight scene at the end, the kid just goes all rambo on their ass. not sure when he became so experienced in handling voids all of a sudden, maybe itll be explained better later on.
and at the end there, where he pulls out the transmitter. man oh man, what to expect from that?.... xD
It was talked about a little earlier in the thread, but from my observation, whenever he pulls out Inori's void, his personality changes, and he goes into badass mode. So right now I'm assuming he knows how to handle the sword so well because pulling it out changes his personality, allowing him to.
Not to mention last episode he got plenty of experience yanking people's voids out when he was running around school doing it.
On November 03 2011 21:27 grobo wrote: Could anyone recommend any good 80s/early 90s action series or movies? for some reason i can't stand the art style in the newer animes except for the GAINAX productions.
I absolutely love shows/OVAs/movies like
Violence Jack Devilman Yoshiaki Kawajiri's movies Berserk Hokuto No ken Angel Cop AD Police files Bubblegum Crisis Akira Ghost in the shell
You know those movies that usually have a huge blue toned skyline and a neo-film-noir feel to it, i absolutely love those movies!
Scryed Getter Robo Armageddon Gunbuster (gainex btw) Pretty much any Gundam show (Zeta, G, and 08th MS Team are the best from that era)
i think the only reason i watched that was for cougar
for whatever reason guilty crown makes me think of Scryed sometimes(though code geass more for better or worse), think I may end up re-watching Scryed at some point or at least looking for the manga,
Taking a break from dresden files audiobooks (only two left till I'm caught up sadly) before bed, so went back to anime before bed. finished Yuru Yuri and the starship troopers ova recently. watching guilty crown, hunter x hunter ,mirai nikki, last exile, and Horizon, of the new stuff so far though behind on some of them. Anything else I should take a look at?
On October 31 2011 15:21 NationInArms wrote: You guys are making me want to watch Macross now...and reminding me to finish up Robotech: Battlecry
should finish Robotech. Id do that before anything else really. New generation is probably my favourite season of any show (even though I dont really like mech) by a long way, mostly out of nostalgia value so hardcore bias but still. Frontier can come latter.
Robotech? What's that?(LALALALACANTHEARYOU)
an amusing series of scifi novels based on an anime I really need to get around to watching far as I'm concerned any ways. I know I didn't quite finish them all but did read 17 or so of them when I was younger . Must stop backtracking amusing thread and go to sleep already.