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On November 03 2011 16:39 Rebs wrote: to be fair though.
On November 03 2011 13:05 Mysticesper wrote:
On November 03 2011 12:49 Rebs wrote:
On November 03 2011 11:42 MoonBear wrote:
On November 03 2011 11:11 Sentenal wrote:
On November 03 2011 11:08 Zergneedsfood wrote:
On November 03 2011 11:07 Sentenal wrote: [quote] I wasn't trolling, Geass is very good. Few anime keep you guessing time and time again, every episode. It never failed to surprise, and all the surprises were well thought out and intelligent. Such as Wakamoto transforming into a rocket.
Hey, Lucky Star's pretty good too amirite?
Yes, although in a different way. Whoever made Lucky Star was a comic genius who was able to have almost every line in the show be both incredibly insightful into the mind of your every day otaku, and also deeply hilarious on nearly every level.
Lucky Star was enjoyable because it just gave you a warm fuzzy feeling of high school and made you laugh. And some of the scenes with Nanako struck a little close to home, lol.
Tbh, if I enjoy a show and it's entertaining it's doing its job right. It doesn't have to be "intellectual" or anything. I'll watch Kanokon or whatever I feel like if I enjoy it and I don't care what other people think of my taste. If you enjoy something, then enjoy it. ^^
On November 03 2011 11:52 Mysticesper wrote: So uh, what all exists for emotional rollercoasters / highly depressing? The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is Clannad & Bokurano.
Saikono is pretty heavy on the morbid sadness aswell, closer to Bokurano if you want that kind of tear jerking.
I didnt like E.F and True Tears myself but im in the minority, but that may have been just exhaustion with the genre. Of the otheres that were mentioned Sola is rougly in the same vein as Clannad Air and Kanon. And 5cm/s is probably the best of the lot for me even if its a movie
I didn't really find Sola to be all that depressing. It's a sad story, I liked it, but I'm looking for more.
so Aoi Bungaku may well fit the bill perfectly for what he wants. I mean all of the suggestions dont really go much beyond Sola. Pretty low variance amongst the key style shows. Heck you could probably make a new category in the recs page called "For wrist slitters" and then put it there by itself.
I tried Clannad and got bored after 4 eps.
Most people don't watch Clannad for Clannad. Most watch it for After Story.
Didn't they hint that they were doing something? I forget... but there was that magazine scan of them saying some series was rehab for something else? :<
On November 03 2011 08:31 Camail wrote: I'm two years behind, but I just finished up Spice and Wolf and I must ay that it is my second favorite anime ever. I don't watch a ton of anime, probably about 15-ish full series, but it's rare for me to actually like dialogue in any form. This show somehow managed to make conversations enjoyable, just came here to say that. The dubbed version came out recently (watched various subbed episodes, but didn't like the dubs) so I thought it was semi-semi-relevant. I want a season 3 right now.
might want to brace yourself.
Spice and Wolf is ok. Theres alot better conversation and plot driven shows out there. It has a unique enough setting but thats about as much as it has going for it as far as being interesting is concerned.
Meh, tbh you have your opinion and I have mine. I made it a point that I'm not just comparing it no anime dialogue, personally I think your missing a lot of subtly that I'm getting out of it, but I'm no willing to say your viewing was wrong by any means. This is all opinion until we break out analysis, which I seriously don't care enough about the disagreement to do. I simply find it a little irritating that you are stating it like a fact =/.
edit: ugh I regret even posting in this thread, clearly not my type of people, sorry about this.
Spice and Wolf is awesome, dude. I love that show, especially the furry girl, and how intellectually stimulating the conversation is. Its almost as good as Code Geass and Death Note.
It was awesome but i grew tired of merchanting side of it. If you don't care at all about middleage trading system you might find it boring suddenly after many many episodes when you are already attached to characters. It also ends way before the real story ends so you might want to surf internet for real ending of Spice and Wolf saga. (I can tell too if you pm me).
You can guess from watching one season and I assure you, you won't be too off.
On November 03 2011 08:31 Camail wrote: I'm two years behind, but I just finished up Spice and Wolf and I must ay that it is my second favorite anime ever. I don't watch a ton of anime, probably about 15-ish full series, but it's rare for me to actually like dialogue in any form. This show somehow managed to make conversations enjoyable, just came here to say that. The dubbed version came out recently (watched various subbed episodes, but didn't like the dubs) so I thought it was semi-semi-relevant. I want a season 3 right now.
might want to brace yourself.
Spice and Wolf is ok. Theres alot better conversation and plot driven shows out there. It has a unique enough setting but thats about as much as it has going for it as far as being interesting is concerned.
Meh, tbh you have your opinion and I have mine. I made it a point that I'm not just comparing it no anime dialogue, personally I think your missing a lot of subtly that I'm getting out of it, but I'm no willing to say your viewing was wrong by any means. This is all opinion until we break out analysis, which I seriously don't care enough about the disagreement to do. I simply find it a little irritating that you are stating it like a fact =/.
edit: ugh I regret even posting in this thread, clearly not my type of people, sorry about this.
Spice and Wolf is awesome, dude. I love that show, especially the furry girl, and how intellectually stimulating the conversation is. Its almost as good as Code Geass and Death Note.
It was awesome but i grew tired of merchanting side of it. If you don't care at all about middleage trading system you might find it boring suddenly after many many episodes when you are already attached to characters. It also ends way before the real story ends so you might want to surf internet for real ending of Spice and Wolf saga. (I can tell too if you pm me).
You can guess from watching one season and I assure you, you won't be too off.
On November 03 2011 08:31 Camail wrote: I'm two years behind, but I just finished up Spice and Wolf and I must ay that it is my second favorite anime ever. I don't watch a ton of anime, probably about 15-ish full series, but it's rare for me to actually like dialogue in any form. This show somehow managed to make conversations enjoyable, just came here to say that. The dubbed version came out recently (watched various subbed episodes, but didn't like the dubs) so I thought it was semi-semi-relevant. I want a season 3 right now.
might want to brace yourself.
Spice and Wolf is ok. Theres alot better conversation and plot driven shows out there. It has a unique enough setting but thats about as much as it has going for it as far as being interesting is concerned.
Meh, tbh you have your opinion and I have mine. I made it a point that I'm not just comparing it no anime dialogue, personally I think your missing a lot of subtly that I'm getting out of it, but I'm no willing to say your viewing was wrong by any means. This is all opinion until we break out analysis, which I seriously don't care enough about the disagreement to do. I simply find it a little irritating that you are stating it like a fact =/.
edit: ugh I regret even posting in this thread, clearly not my type of people, sorry about this.
Spice and Wolf is awesome, dude. I love that show, especially the furry girl, and how intellectually stimulating the conversation is. Its almost as good as Code Geass and Death Note.
It was awesome but i grew tired of merchanting side of it. If you don't care at all about middleage trading system you might find it boring suddenly after many many episodes when you are already attached to characters. It also ends way before the real story ends so you might want to surf internet for real ending of Spice and Wolf saga. (I can tell too if you pm me).
You can guess from watching one season and I assure you, you won't be too off.
On November 03 2011 23:15 Zergneedsfood wrote:
On November 03 2011 22:15 Skilledblob wrote:
On November 03 2011 21:55 Blasterion wrote: Just waiting for a Little Busters and a Rewrite Anime now
will be interesting hat KyoAnis next project will be.
Can't wait! :D Nichijou was awesome.
Probably my Kokoroconnect, shrug.
THAT'S what I've been trying to find. OMG I CAN'T WAIT. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
The series that only Eca reads and you can't wait somehow. Real.
On November 03 2011 08:31 Camail wrote: I'm two years behind, but I just finished up Spice and Wolf and I must ay that it is my second favorite anime ever. I don't watch a ton of anime, probably about 15-ish full series, but it's rare for me to actually like dialogue in any form. This show somehow managed to make conversations enjoyable, just came here to say that. The dubbed version came out recently (watched various subbed episodes, but didn't like the dubs) so I thought it was semi-semi-relevant. I want a season 3 right now.
might want to brace yourself.
Spice and Wolf is ok. Theres alot better conversation and plot driven shows out there. It has a unique enough setting but thats about as much as it has going for it as far as being interesting is concerned.
Meh, tbh you have your opinion and I have mine. I made it a point that I'm not just comparing it no anime dialogue, personally I think your missing a lot of subtly that I'm getting out of it, but I'm no willing to say your viewing was wrong by any means. This is all opinion until we break out analysis, which I seriously don't care enough about the disagreement to do. I simply find it a little irritating that you are stating it like a fact =/.
edit: ugh I regret even posting in this thread, clearly not my type of people, sorry about this.
Spice and Wolf is awesome, dude. I love that show, especially the furry girl, and how intellectually stimulating the conversation is. Its almost as good as Code Geass and Death Note.
It was awesome but i grew tired of merchanting side of it. If you don't care at all about middleage trading system you might find it boring suddenly after many many episodes when you are already attached to characters. It also ends way before the real story ends so you might want to surf internet for real ending of Spice and Wolf saga. (I can tell too if you pm me).
You can guess from watching one season and I assure you, you won't be too off.
On November 03 2011 23:15 Zergneedsfood wrote:
On November 03 2011 22:15 Skilledblob wrote:
On November 03 2011 21:55 Blasterion wrote: Just waiting for a Little Busters and a Rewrite Anime now
will be interesting hat KyoAnis next project will be.
Can't wait! :D Nichijou was awesome.
Probably my Kokoroconnect, shrug.
THAT'S what I've been trying to find. OMG I CAN'T WAIT. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
[/B] The series that only Eca reads and yet somehow you can't wait. Real.[/QUOTE]
On November 03 2011 21:27 grobo wrote: Could anyone recommend any good 80s/early 90s action series or movies? for some reason i can't stand the art style in the newer animes except for the GAINAX productions.
I absolutely love shows/OVAs/movies like
Violence Jack Devilman Yoshiaki Kawajiri's movies Berserk Hokuto No ken Angel Cop AD Police files Bubblegum Crisis Akira Ghost in the shellp
You know those movies that us ually have a huge blue toned skyline and a neo-film-noir feel to it, i absolutely love those movies!
slayers! golden boy! or galaxy 999 but its not too action packed
According to most people it's not as big of a hit in the anime because you don't get as comfortable with the couple before they die :/ If you've read the novels though it's like MANLY TEARS /salutes Tadakatsu. So awesome.
According to most people it's not as big of a hit in the anime because you don't get as comfortable with the couple before they die :/ If you've read the novels though it's like MANLY TEARS /salutes Tadakatsu. So awesome.
i am already saluting, the book will make me shed manly tears if i can read it
On November 03 2011 21:27 grobo wrote: Could anyone recommend any good 80s/early 90s action series or movies? for some reason i can't stand the art style in the newer animes except for the GAINAX productions.
I absolutely love shows/OVAs/movies like
Violence Jack Devilman Yoshiaki Kawajiri's movies Berserk Hokuto No ken Angel Cop AD Police files Bubblegum Crisis Akira Ghost in the shellp
You know those movies that us ually have a huge blue toned skyline and a neo-film-noir feel to it, i absolutely love those movies!
slayers! golden boy! or galaxy 999 but its not too action packed
Thanks! just what i was looking for. I'm starting with Slayers now
On November 03 2011 21:27 grobo wrote: Could anyone recommend any good 80s/early 90s action series or movies? for some reason i can't stand the art style in the newer animes except for the GAINAX productions.
I absolutely love shows/OVAs/movies like
Violence Jack Devilman Yoshiaki Kawajiri's movies Berserk Hokuto No ken Angel Cop AD Police files Bubblegum Crisis Akira Ghost in the shell
You know those movies that usually have a huge blue toned skyline and a neo-film-noir feel to it, i absolutely love those movies!
Scryed Getter Robo Armageddon Gunbuster (gainex btw) Pretty much any Gundam show (Zeta, G, and 08th MS Team are the best from that era)
On November 03 2011 19:55 Skilledblob wrote: sorry but you got trolled. Sentenal only likes mecha anime.
That aside Spice and Wolf is great if you like Horos character but the story isnt really the shows strong side.
Hey jackass, don't try and tell people what I do and don't like, since you have no idea.