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On September 26 2011 11:43 Sentenal wrote: Am I the only one who thinks Vocaloid songs are really weird and sound like crap? The only reason I can think of people liking them is they like watching lolis dance around in slutty costumes.
As soon as there's a GLaDOS Vocaloid, your opinion will change.
Personally, I think it's an interesting concept, but I'll probably prefer singing done by people rather than computer compositions forever. The dancing lolis is hard to beat, though.
On September 26 2011 11:43 Sentenal wrote: Am I the only one who thinks Vocaloid songs are really weird and sound like crap? The only reason I can think of people liking them is they like watching lolis dance around in slutty costumes.
yea to me it sounds like music being raped by an electric donkey. But people like stranger things.
Most vocaloid song are crap. I only like a few one and they are usually the most well known one. Beside that, I kinda agree with you that most vocaloid song are terribad but cant we say that to any other kind of music? :o
I like a lot of Vocaloid songs. I find it to be a good outlet for composers who otherwise wouldn't be able to get their music out. There are a LOT of talented composers and lyricists that got exposure because of them.
Generally the good ones eventually get voicing, because there're also a lot of talented (even if not pro-level) singers that like to do that stuff for fun/exposure. Eventually you get people like supercell and nagi, all of whom came from vocaloid songs.
Incidentally most vocaloid songs don't actually have "lolis dancing" because they're usually accompanied by either a still image with text (usually black text on like gray/white image), or if it's an established, popular composer they can generally try to get someone to do an animation for them.
On September 26 2011 11:43 Sentenal wrote: Am I the only one who thinks Vocaloid songs are really weird and sound like crap? The only reason I can think of people liking them is they like watching lolis dance around in slutty costumes.
yea to me it sounds like music being raped by an electric donkey. But people like stranger things.
This made me lol, because that is a good description of how they sound to me. The only ones I ever see people link to are ones with those lolis dancing around, so IDK if there are other, better ones out there, that don't have the creepy-pedophile angle to them. I just know that the ones that are seemingly popular enough for people to link to them, make my ears bleed, and are attached to videos like the one that dude just posted.
On September 26 2011 11:43 Sentenal wrote: Am I the only one who thinks Vocaloid songs are really weird and sound like crap? The only reason I can think of people liking them is they like watching lolis dance around in slutty costumes.
yea to me it sounds like music being raped by an electric donkey. But people like stranger things.
This made me lol, because that is a good description of how they sound to me. The only ones I ever see people link to are ones with those lolis dancing around, so IDK if there are other, better ones out there, that don't have the creepy-pedophile angle to them. I just know that the ones that are seemingly popular enough for people to link to them, make my ears bleed, and are attached to videos like the one that dude just posted.
I absolutely adore supercell and nagi, but they're not the only ones who made it big out of the vocaloid scene.
Deco27, kz.livetune (composes everything for claris), chou Chou (mainstream debut with kamisama no memochou op) also are pretty huge in japan right now.
Also vocaloid popularity is spreading rapidly here especially among the younger people. There are very few people who don't recognize hatsune miku at this point. Her movement is gaining some legitimacy as her sales are considerably better than a lot of real artists.
I like the vocaloid concept and if done right some of the songs are good but just because someone is using the Miku vocaloid doesn't automatically make it good so for me its hard to find stuff that i'll like.
On September 26 2011 11:20 FFGenerations wrote: i found something else also jawdropping its nothing special at first ... then you suddenly realise just how damn good it is. made in MMD nsfw (dancing girl)
This is better, even if it isn't about a loli shaking her ass around the entire time:
Anyway, just to say again what I said to Southlight on IRC, I don't have a problem when the vocaloid songs are sung by a real person. Its just that the synthetic voices that are used for most of those videos that are commonly linked to make my ears bleed.
On September 26 2011 13:25 CrAzzYmr.BC wrote: I like the vocaloid concept and if done right some of the songs are good but just because someone is using the Miku vocaloid doesn't automatically make it good so for me its hard to find stuff that i'll like.
Yeah this is how I feel about Vocaloid. The vast majority of vocaloid music does make my ears bleed, but every now and then, there'll be a song that I will like. Also the concept itself I think is pretty cool and amazing as far as technology goes, including the holograms for live events.
Or rather, this conversation lol, is gonna be nsfw so funny + Show Spoiler +
C: i've seen it! yuuji once patted off a leaf from your head when you were sweeping! and when he touched your ears, your face blushed red, and you trembled and went 'nn!' i saw! he touched your ears! and then you imagined yourself having sex with him for a moment and soiled your underwear! and when he left! you placed a hand over your breast, and went, 'phew'! but in reality you were fondling your hardened breasts! you erotic maid! A: "it's also true that after yuuji touched you... you... "had your switch turned on" and began embracing your broom with your back turned to the garden and began panting there is nothing to be ashamed of... everyone here is a "comrade" and so i ask everyone here. if you've used kazami yuuji as your fantasy in masturbating, raise your hand honestly C: then how about you? A: of course i have. the one i favor most is where he forcibly puts his in my mouth, grabs my hair and roughly thrusts his hips C: Grotesque! What's with that fantasy!? Isn't it too grotesque!? A: I'm actually fundamentally masochistic S: I- I prefer to be dealt with kindly... you know... like he's treating me, a maid, as a princess
A: incidentally comrade S-kaki is probably close to me, right? Being treated like a tool, having them handle you roughly, and being trashed beyond comprehension, you're the type that becomes excited by that sort of fantasy Y: ... even if I refute that you wouldn't believe me... so yes, fine, I'm a helpless masochist that loves rough play... are you happy? A: well in truth it pisses me off that we're the same type, but, whatever incidentally comrade C-zuru is probably the same, right? H: ... it bothers me... that you would ask "right?" but... A: you would say something like, 'this isn't right, you know?' and act like you're the responsible, older party to your own student H: ........ A: what's wrong? you're sweating profusely... did you actually masturbate to that fantasy? H: ... guh... A: and then panting through your nose... you squeeze out a soft voice- "what a helpless little boy... fine, come... but just once... just this once, okay?" you become intoxicated with that image of yourself? H: ... uh... um... A: and even though you say "just once... just this once..." when he lusts your body so you can't really reject him, and on the other hand you become infatuated with THAT part of you anyways H: ... uh... guh...
S: S-kaki-san, you're a bit cheap, you know. Of late, you keep acting like the "girl that's hard to get" in an effort to grab his attention. Y: Wh- why're you being so abusive to me lately?
M: Anyways! Why did Yuuji OK being asked to become her dad? A: Well like I said earlier, Yuuji probably recognized that it was necessary. Also, Yuuji tends to be kind to younger people... M: What... really? A: Comrade K-mine must have recognized she was being approached kindly by Yuuji, right? K: Uh... umm... that's... yes... A: Right? Think about it, the only ones Yuuji places his hand over are younger girls? M: *gasp* Y- you're right! He's never done that to me!!
A: In summary, is Yuuji a lolicon? Y: How'd it summarize into that...? A: Because think about it, ME? M: What? I don't get it. A: I have a perfect, voluptuous body, and I'm kind, and pretty kinky. Wouldn't you expect boys Yuuji's age to be all over me? Enough that they'd become infatuated and jump at me? But what happens? When I try to come even remotely close, he responds, "go away" "you're making things hot"? Really? My confidence as a girl gets crushed every time! M: That JB woman has big breasts too, maybe he's just bored of big breasts?
M: So as long as they make sure to protect themselves? A: Oh, don't worry. I put a condom in Makina's purse, and told her that if things were ever to go that way, to make sure to request using it. C: How prepared... do people usually go to THAT length? A: You don't? M: You don't! A: Really? My mom taught me when I was 14.
[00:36:38] <gAOxI> "i am the type that can imagine better by watching" [00:37:04] <gAOxI> "I try not to watch, because it puts limits on my imagination" [00:37:32] <gAOxI> i think those statements are relevant to that LN/manga/anime discussion yesterday [00:37:35] <gAOxI> too bad eca isnt here [00:37:36] <gAOxI> zz
[00:36:38] <gAOxI> "i am the type that can imagine better by watching" [00:37:04] <gAOxI> "I try not to watch, because it puts limits on my imagination" [00:37:32] <gAOxI> i think those statements are relevant to that LN/manga/anime discussion yesterday [00:37:35] <gAOxI> too bad eca isnt here [00:37:36] <gAOxI> zz
or whenever we had that discussion.
Anything that happens over a weekend gets clumped into one massive "day" far as I am concerned
But yeah I think both are kinda true, having a visual basis on some things allows greater imagination on other parts, but having too much place a lot of constraints. Considering that the amount of details tend to go LN<manga<anime, anime tends to be the worst for me.
Only upside is getting seiyuus that I like, but audio drama does the same job~
Freezing is getting intense again =) Looks like another battle arc is unfolding ^_^ The relaxation arc is done and now onto the ass kicking \o/. I like this manga :D
On September 26 2011 11:13 Necrophantasia wrote: Is anyone else really really excited for guilty crown? that trailer 2nd trailer was mind blowing.
It has amazing super star music from supercell, all star seiyuu cast, nitroplus doing script writing, airing as a serious noitamina series, and is produced by Production IG. On top of that it's 2 cour.
The only Nitro+ most people know in the English community is Urobuchi, but I guess that's mostly cause of Madoka. His other anime works seem much less appreciated. Hopefully Haganeya transitions well into anime writing. I for one am excited for pink CC.
Also, it seems that from Urobuchi's twitter, he didn't actually write anything for the Fate/Zero anime, but he's doing the final script checks and attending the voice recording sessions.
On September 26 2011 13:34 Sentenal wrote: Anyway, just to say again what I said to Southlight on IRC, I don't have a problem when the vocaloid songs are sung by a real person. Its just that the synthetic voices that are used for most of those videos that are commonly linked to make my ears bleed.
Yea just to add to that, I didnt mean vocaloids in general sound like what I said. Just the ones linked up there. I think the synethetic voice is fine aswell if you know what your doing and can handle it when producing stuff. Sorta like dubstep, its really hit or miss.
I mean general music can be bad aswell but when you fuck up with vocaloids you go down harder.
On September 26 2011 20:00 aru wrote: The only Nitro+ most people know in the English community is Urobuchi, but I guess that's mostly cause of Madoka.
Yea well Urobachi is like 1/2 for me.
Blassreiter I really disliked it but I dont remember why. Maybe the CG. yea thats probably it.
Phantom was good but the ending left me a bit miffed
Again I dont think he was involved in these to the extent of Madoka but shit tends to go grim in shows when hes involved and Im more into happy ends. Not all the time ofcourse but generally.