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Yuuji: To make sure you're not a spy that's hiding behind cardboard, can i ask you 2-3 questions? Maid: Fire away. Yuuji: Ok, then... who'd you get what you just called me from? Maid: Umm... Amane-san told me "if you call him that, Yuuji will definitely respond"... Yuuji: I figured it'd be Amane... Maid: Do you have any other questions? Yuuji: Hmm... how about, when's your birthday? Maid: September 23rd Yuuji: *come to think of, I don't actually know her birthday* How about your blood type? Maid: Such that you would exclaim Oh! O. Yuuji: *... I don't know this either* What's the color of your underwear? Maid: White with blue stripes Yuuji: ... Where are these undies kept? Maid: At the front of the top-most drawer in the chest in my room Yuuji: Hmm... *come to think of it, I can't actually confirm any of these... but the responses that're so honest that they make you worry are definitely coming from Sachi* Alright. I'll acknowledge that you're Sachi. Maid: Why, thank you. *and then along with the voice, the cardboard... also known as Sachi, bowed*
On September 25 2011 22:23 zasghu wrote: Change the chart on first page higher res, where you can read the text and updated version 3, also a few air dates.
On September 25 2011 18:09 Southlight wrote: Yuuji: To make sure you're not a spy that's hiding behind cardboard, can i ask you 2-3 questions? Maid: Fire away. Yuuji: Ok, then... who'd you get what you just called me from? Maid: Umm... Amane-san told me "if you call him that, Yuuji will definitely respond"... Yuuji: I figured it'd be Amane... Maid: Do you have any other questions? Yuuji: Hmm... how about, when's your birthday? Maid: September 23rd Yuuji: *come to think of, I don't actually know her birthday* How about your blood type? Maid: Such that you would exclaim Oh! O. Yuuji: *... I don't know this either* What's the color of your underwear? Maid: White with blue stripes Yuuji: ... Where are these undies kept? Maid: At the front of the top-most drawer in the chest in my room Yuuji: Hmm... *come to think of it, I can't actually confirm any of these... but the responses that're so honest that they make you worry are definitely coming from Sachi* Alright. I'll acknowledge that you're Sachi. Maid: Why, thank you. *and then along with the voice, the cardboard... also known as Sachi, bowed*
which VN is that? I haven't seen it on site I download VNs from
Cant believe its finally over. Ive been watching every single episode every Sunday morning for the past 6 months. I NEVER missed a show.
This is hands down my most favorite anime of all time: beautiful artwork, amazing storyline, amazing character development, and amazing voice acting (all of my favorite seiyuus).
There was not a single thing that I disliked, I LOVED it all!
Now excuse me while I listen to the OST all day today.
Horizon is fantastically difficult to describe. By all accounts it's a very shounen jump-esque story, as most of the main cast seems invincible, there's escalating power levels, odds stacked against the main characters (... sort of), and so on and so forth. Battles are won through friendship, trust, determination, and justice (... sort of).
For what it's worth, relatively early on you realize that most of the above is false (... sort of).
The author's very good at mixing really vulgar and bizarre contemporary <30s jokes with serious moments, epic moments, and the re-enactment of Japanese warring-states-era history. You have jabs at religions and ethnicities, yet a lot of these stereotypes play important roles in how some of the characters act, and by act I really mean "act." You have some of the most badass characters and speeches intersparsed with bizarre flirtation during a critical warring states era battle.
And most of all you have the most mind-fuck of a "hero" ever.
If nothing else it's going to be worth watching solely for the automata, as Kawakami is very talented at writing them. As Eca says the storyboarding is a nightmare (1/3 of volume 1 is spent describing a single 5 minute fight while narrating about 30 other characters), it's Sunrise, and because the original work is so delicately balanced between all these various genres and parodies and jokes and epicness, it can be very easy for the animated version to screw up on pacing and such. See Yuriyuri just this season, which is a fantastic manga but suffered in the anime because of pacing.
On September 19 2011 02:17 SheaR619 wrote: BLue Exorcist 23 + Show Spoiler +
soo.....Satan wasnt that bad of a guy....it seem he just wanted revenge on vatican and humanity for killing his wife -.- well this is rather disappointing. I was hoping something like this wouldnt come but i guess it not that bad of a choice to end a series if they approach it from this angle. But at least he has a reason and if i didnt know the manga existed, I would say it was a pretty good anime.
If I didn't realize the manga existed, I would've thought it was a retarded angle to approach. The anime ending has made Satan out to be some stupid lonely, emo, misunderstood person. Then it turned into some shitty drama about a father not approving his daughter's boyfriend, and said boyfriend got her pregnant.
It's also killed off what made Fujimoto an awesome character. The previous flashbacks, especially with Kuro the cat, that showed Fujimoto being caring and understanding of even demons completely worthless by showing him to be some cold-hearted demon killer in this one.
At least Satan somewhat corrects himself by possessing Yukio and sounding at least evil again.
Its possible that this flashblack was the furthest one in time, meaning that after this event Fujimoto changed into what we know him as. This makes a lot more sense, as I don't see why they would have given the title of a Paladin to someone who empathized with demons.
Odds are Satan was just using the girl to give birth to his children so he could actually have a real vessel, which is what he's doing to Yukio now. I dunno about you, but I wasn't exactly convinced he was simply misunderstood based on he acted to one girl. All of his other actions kind of contradict that.
Next episode satan will probably reveal me to either be wrong or right, so I guess we'll see then.
I actually wanted to believe this going into ep 24, but instead:
If you give a Zerozaki a knife, they will kill someone with it. -- That is what a Zerozaki is. But Hitoshiki is different. If you give Hitoshiki a knife, he will carve a pencil with it. -- A pencil as close to perfect as can be imagined. And then stab someone with the pencil. -- And then complain about the pencil. Because that is Hitoshiki.
Ahh, he's like me, but we go in opposite directions to reach the same path. I kill their bodies. He kills their minds.
Is anyone else really really excited for guilty crown? that trailer 2nd trailer was mind blowing.
It has amazing super star music from supercell, all star seiyuu cast, nitroplus doing script writing, airing as a serious noitamina series, and is produced by Production IG. On top of that it's 2 cour.
i found something else also jawdropping its nothing special at first ... then you suddenly realise just how damn good it is. made in MMD nsfw (dancing girl)
Seeing Mirai Nikki coming in as an anime makes me regret reading the manga a bit. I had thought it would have been better as an anime, and now I'm going to know everything coming. >.>
Am I the only one who thinks Vocaloid songs are really weird and sound like crap? The only reason I can think of people liking them is they like watching lolis dance around in slutty costumes.