This is a thread that is dedicated to discussing One Piece. Do not read this thread if you are not currently caught up as there are spoilers in here.
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On September 27 2013 16:38 agahamsorr0w wrote: i dont mind them arguing about this kind of stuff. the thread is dead anyways when theres no chapter out and i am fascinated by mythical creatures and physics. i seriously dobt mibd. ... phoenixes are mythical creatures and marco has never been seen in pure blue flames. we can be pretty certain hes a zoan.
sc2holar seems to know his shit while forik just... keeps arguing against hard proof... it even males me wonder if he follow one piece or just copy pastes from other fora
dont encourage him. this thread is gonna turn into 2 guys comparing dick sizes over a fictional story, although it already kind of is
On September 27 2013 12:14 vndestiny wrote: Yeah he might be able to recover small injuries given his main body is relatively still intact, much like Wolverine lol. I have a hard time believing that he can survive a full blast from Whirebeard which might blow him to pieces.
And healing holes on your body is completely different to, idk, regrowing a head.
In his phoenix form he can basicly not be harmed. he took a maigou punch to the chest, the same kind that killed ace, and it did nothing.
Akainu took a full blast from WB and survived. in his phoenix form, Marcos healing and doding powers are waaay beyond logias. because he is made up of magical blue flames that everything will just pass through, even if you use haki. because thats the advantage of his fruit being a zoan instead of logia. his phoenix form counts as his physical body. And his phoenix form is like a hologram that everything just passes through, even haki cannot harm him in this form.
So then Garp must be some sort of sorcerer, since he punched Marco in his phoenix form and he clearly felt it lol.
i dont see the problem. this thread was made to talk about one piece. two people are talking about one piece and you guys are pissed off because they post more than "good chapter" or "what an awesome chapter". i do encourage sc2holar to talk about one piece because im into one piece. if you dont like to talk about one piece unsubscribe and forget. stop shouldnt be reading this anyways if u dont have time to. personally i think posts like "take it to pms" or "stop arguing" are even more useless and anger provoking.
There is such a thing as too much talking. And it's not a thread worthy discussion imo if it is only kept afloat by 2 people which happens to be in disagreement with each other by default.
I would love to see you guys report me to a mod. What are you going to say "This guy sc2holar is discussing one piece in the one piece thread, and i dont like that. his posts are too long, he goes into a lot of details, brings up example and likes to analyze different things like how different devil fruits work. He never just writes "great chapter lol zoro is so badass!" like a true fan would do!"
seriously, what is the problem here?
Robot: im pretty sure that was anime filler, hence non-canon? they gave garp a lot of filler in the war.
On September 27 2013 20:52 playnice wrote: There is such a thing as too much talking. And it's not a thread worthy discussion imo if it is only kept afloat by 2 people which happens to be in disagreement with each other by default.
We arent. we use to PM each others and exchange ideas and even talk about other stuff likes movies etc.
and if you look at it there is always more people involved than just us two.
you dont have to read it if there is too much talking. What do you want to see in this thread? currently the options are me and forik contributing alot to keeping it alive or the thread being dead until next chapter comes.
The last page was more readable than this one because it was a OP-related discussion with 5 participants ( i think). this page sucks because its just a bunch of people complaining about people talking about one piece.
Everybody wants to discuss OP and read opinions on it, what nobody likes is two guys dissing everybody and thinking all they say is right and everybody is wrong..
Just take it easy, this is a fun manga with such a interesting story and characters, we don't need to get pissed because of it.
Discuss all you want about OP, we can see and read your passion for it, just evoid stupid dick measuring arguments and sometimes even if it costs you, don't feed into bait trolls!
I want to talk about OP but not "X is stronger then Y because of Z" followed by "Stupid.. Y>X because Z<U" just let it go... it's a fucking manga
On September 27 2013 21:38 shell wrote: Everybody wants to discuss OP and read opinions on it, what nobody likes is two guys dissing everybody and thinking all they say is right and everybody is wrong..
Just take it easy, this is a fun manga with such a interesting story and characters, we don't need to get pissed because of it.
Discuss all you want about OP, we can see and read your passion for it, just evoid stupid dick measuring arguments and sometimes even if it costs you, don't feed into bait trolls!
I want to talk about OP but not "X is stronger then Y because of Z" followed by "Stupid.. Y>X because Z<U" just let it go... it's a fucking manga
there are some of us who are actually enjoying their discussion. and what they are discussing IS actually relevent to one piece, X is stronger than Y is actually an appropriate discussion topic in manga threads as long as they provide evidence, and at least s2cholar does.
if u really don't like the discussion, it's not difficult to skip over posts when you see "forikorder" or "s2cholar"
Yeah don't double post sc2holar, edit your original to include the extra information.
But I have to agree with him, because I'm tempted to try get a mod in here to stop the discussion thread being used to discuss forum rules, dislike for two people discussing and complaining about an active thread.
On topic: I don't watch the anime, so when you say they gave Garp a lot of war filler, can you elaborate a bit? Gimme some examples.
I'm a bit of a fan of that old geezer, so I'd be pretty annoyed if they crapped on him in animated versions...but if he was awesome there I'd go watch it for that hehe.
What shell said. The strength discussion is pointless since none of the characters fight as anyone actually would fight (i.e. to win), they all fight to progress story therefore their strength is adjusted accordingly.
I assume that most of the World Nobles are crappy at fighting and DD is an exception. Seems like not many people are aware of the names of the Royal families? Arg so much back story not quite revealed (or I missed it).
edit: @bittmann: The only bits I remember about Garp are he lands a good punch on Marco in blue flame mode (after a bunch of bullets pass through him), which appears to cause some damage. He then sits in the Admirals chair like a boss.
Theres also the bit where he's tries to kill Akainu and Sengoku stops him.
Oh yeah and there's the bit where he gets hit on purpose by Luffy but it does almost fuck all to him.
I took it to mean that he is probably still stronger than the current Admirals and Luffy, because that's be cool.
Yeah Garp is hard to pick, because we haven't really seen a full fight with him. I actually had high hopes he'd be a big player in the WB war, but he just had some cameos like the ones you mentioned. It's also super clear he's not as strong as he used to be. But then again WB was weaker too, and he was still OP as hell.
EDIT: That clip also proves to me why I shouldn't watch the anime hahaha. Like 2 minutes vs 1.5 pages. Manga 4 life yo!
On September 27 2013 21:00 sc2holar wrote: I would love to see you guys report me to a mod. What are you going to say "This guy sc2holar is discussing one piece in the one piece thread, and i dont like that. his posts are too long, he goes into a lot of details, brings up example and likes to analyze different things like how different devil fruits work. He never just writes "great chapter lol zoro is so badass!" like a true fan would do!"
seriously, what is the problem here?
Robot: im pretty sure that was anime filler, hence non-canon? they gave garp a lot of filler in the war.
I had always assumed that Garp was on the same level as Roger/WB because Roger always said that he and Garp had brought each other to the brink of death so many times, it was as if they were closer than brothers (when he turned over Ace to Garp's care). Since in theory, we could say that Roger > Everyone else, then it isn't that much of a stretch to say that Garp is at the top or near the top of the Marines (Prime Garp would clearly be at the top IMO). Currently therefore, he'd probably be a bit stronger or just about equal to Akainu, since the latter did damage to an old and injured (albeit enraged) WB but was ultimately defeated.
After the timeskip, I would think that the tier for the Marines would be Akainu barely at the top (since we haven't seen WG fight, and it looks to me that they'd be some of the final bosses given their appearance), with Garp close behind or just about equal, and then the old Admirals, and then the rest of the Admirals in no particular order. On the assumption that the Marines can still beat or at least tie the 4 Yonkou, then Akainu's probably at the level of one of them.
What is going on with this manga? The way flamingo treats his former friend is uncalled for. You'd think he would have more manners not to do that. Whoever wrote this is really rude and a jerk, would hate to be his friend.
On September 27 2013 12:06 DODswe4 wrote: I have a hard time beliving you could cut hes head off. mostly because he needs to revert to hes phonix form (or semi form). How is he gonna do that if he lost hes head
No if you strap seastone to him and cut his head off, he dies. no seastone and he will just revert to phoenix upon contact as a reflex, like even weak logias like enel could do. or use observation haki and dodge. he is suuperfast.
His fruit practicly works more like a logia than a zoan. i wish we got to see more of sengokus mythical zoan, because that one actually did feel underwhelming for a mythical zoan wich is supposed to be the most powerful devil fruits.
It was like, he could turn into a golden statue that could send shockwaves that looked less potent that whitebeards quakes
On September 27 2013 12:14 sc2holar wrote: he will just revert to phoenix upon contact as a reflex, like even weak logias like enel could do.
weak like enel
Just how new to this thread are you?
Also if we're going by real world physics, then gravity should arguably be the strongest power(which may be Fujitora's power, but we cannot be sure). Gravity can accelerate objects in space(asteroids) to almost light speed, giving them the power to destroy planets.
Anyway, thanks for already bringing up why Marco, the incredbile flying highlander, failed to singlehandedly beat the Marines and rescue Ace. His secret weakness must be the element of fist, I guess.
This goes to show that Legendary is better than Mythical, Marine and Zoan respectively. Oda is awesome because of stuff like this.