I lost all expectations for S8. I don’t blame them. 2 years is not enough to give us a proper season finale. I get it.
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United States10638 Posts
I lost all expectations for S8. I don’t blame them. 2 years is not enough to give us a proper season finale. I get it. | ||
Australia6097 Posts
On May 03 2019 06:16 -Archangel- wrote: Ah, that video is a nice reminder of the times when this show was good. That is a really well done scene | ||
4703 Posts
Its one thing knowing whats going to happen , but the way it was done , jeez. Not following the books at all , but i hope they will take a different direction , maybe i will go read the final books. GoT is going the way of "Lost" - a great show that could not tie things together for a cohesive and satisfying ending , GoT will be remembered the most for its bad ending unfortunately. | ||
Austria18311 Posts
On May 03 2019 15:45 bluzi wrote: Not going to try and explain it as i am sure not "qualified" enough , the matter of fact is that i found my self FAST FORWARDING in the MIDDLE OF THE EPISODE , because i could not bare watching that travesty of an episode. Its one thing knowing whats going to happen , but the way it was done , jeez. Not following the books at all , but i hope they will take a different direction , maybe i will go read the final books. GoT is going the way of "Lost" - a great show that could not tie things together for a cohesive and satisfying ending , GoT will be remembered the most for its bad ending unfortunately. Branching out stories is not nearly as hard as tieing everything together. Lost and GoT/aSoIaF are the best examples of that. So yeah stories should be judged by how cohesive they were. I dont see why its a "unfortunately". | ||
Bulgaria4097 Posts
p.s. the worst part is that in an attempt to get along with the core of the show, they will probably go into killing some main characters before the end and it will look even more ridiculous and out of place. But lets hope I am not right about that | ||
United States3737 Posts
On May 02 2019 06:50 Nakajin wrote: Ya but why make him a zombie, couldn't he just survive? Part of it is to show that Qyburn has necromancer skills, rather than anything to do with the Mountain's story line. | ||
United States3737 Posts
Littlefinger explaining the Hound to Sansa was OK, but wasn't particularly memorable: When you compare it to the Hound's audition tape for the book scene though... Now all the content is show writer generated, with just a rough outline of where the series ends up. The show writers force in major plot points with no concern to whether the journey to those plot points makes sense in the context of changes they have made. GRRM said that he understands why they have to wrap things up faster than he would like, but if they did a more faithful conclusion to his plans it would be about 5 more seasons of content. Condensing 5 seasons of content into 6 episodes gets you the Night King losing in his first major attack beyond the wall (of course in the books there is no Night King and GRRM has said he doesn't like the dark lord idea so it's unlikely to be something coming in the future books). GRRM: Much as I admire Tolkien, and I do admire Tolkien — he’s been a huge influence on me, and his Lord of the Rings is the mountain that leans over every other fantasy written since and shaped all of modern fantasy — there are things about it, the whole concept of the Dark Lord, and good guys battling bad guys, Good versus Evil, while brilliantly handled in Tolkien, in the hands of many Tolkien successors, it has become kind of a cartoon. We don’t need any more Dark Lords, we don’t need any more, ‘Here are the good guys, they’re in white, there are the bad guys, they’re in black. And also, they’re really ugly, the bad guys. It is certainly a genuine, legitimate topic as the core of fantasy, but I think the battle between Good and Evil is waged within the individual human hearts. We all have good in us and we all have evil in us, and we may do a wonderful good act on Tuesday and a horrible, selfish, bad act on Wednesday, and to me, that’s the great human drama of fiction. I believe in gray characters, as I’ve said before. We all have good and evil in us and there are very few pure paragons and there are very few orcs. A villain is a hero of the other side, as someone said once, and I think there’s a great deal of truth to that, and that’s the interesting thing. In the case of war, that kind of situation, so I think some of that is definitely what I’m aiming at. | ||
19533 Posts
On May 03 2019 15:58 sharkie wrote: Branching out stories is not nearly as hard as tieing everything together. Lost and GoT/aSoIaF are the best examples of that. So yeah stories should be judged by how cohesive they were. I dont see why its a "unfortunately". Unfortunately because it was a great show the first few seasons, that's why. You simply don't accept reality, the big drop in quality since then ![]() It's not like a tv series or story in general doesn't tie things together all the time during its run, there are mutliple subplots and plot/character developments they had to hit in a satisfying manner before and they did, they had the source material to copy. Now they struggle because they have nothing, it's really easy to see tbh. It's still true though, the absolute ending is probably the hardest thing to get right and if only because there is nothing to follow it, so it has to be satisfying, you obviusly want to end on a high note. | ||
Spain17848 Posts
On May 03 2019 21:59 The_Red_Viper wrote: Unfortunately because it was a great show the first few seasons, that's why. You simply don't accept reality, the big drop in quality since then ![]() It's not like a tv series or story in general doesn't tie things together all the time during its run, there are mutliple subplots and plot/character developments they had to hit in a satisfying manner before and they did, they had the source material to copy. Now they struggle because they have nothing, it's really easy to see tbh. It's still true though, the absolute ending is probably the hardest thing to get right and if only because there is nothing to follow it, so it has to be satisfying, you obviusly want to end on a high note. Well, no. You can end successfully on a low note (6 feet under) or on a scorched earth note (breaking bad). You can also end with a high note that absolutely nobody thinks is a good ending (Dexter) or on a cop-out note (Lost). What you need to do is wrap up all the plot endings believably. Whether that is a high note or a low note. Right now the show is *not* doing that. The last episode was a beautiful stand-alone episode with a fantastic battle. But its place in the overall story was hamfisted at best. | ||
Poland17191 Posts
On May 03 2019 21:59 The_Red_Viper wrote: Unfortunately because it was a great show the first few seasons, that's why. You simply don't accept reality, the big drop in quality since then ![]() It's not like a tv series or story in general doesn't tie things together all the time during its run, there are mutliple subplots and plot/character developments they had to hit in a satisfying manner before and they did, they had the source material to copy. Now they struggle because they have nothing, it's really easy to see tbh. It's still true though, the absolute ending is probably the hardest thing to get right and if only because there is nothing to follow it, so it has to be satisfying, you obviusly want to end on a high note. It's fine to struggle when you run out of source material. What's not fine is taking the super lazy approach without thinking about anything. This episode single-handedly ruined the franchise. Here are some highlights: 1. The biggest battle on screen ever: cool, but everything about this battle was wrong - war machines in front, unsupported cavalry charge that did nothing except die, lack of lighting and shaky cam that make it impossible to see what's going on etc. It's just a dark blur of stuff happening without any impact (and some really dumb choices by characters, like Dany just sitting there on her dragon until a zillion zombies climbed on top of it). 2. Jon Snow's story arc was put into a dead end. 3. Hound's story arc was reversed (he's back to being a coward during the battle with a bit of fire, where he should thrive instead). 4. Beric-ade's reason for being brought back so many times is downplayed a lot. 5. Arya who has not had anything to do with WWs before now kills the NK in the most anticlimactic ending ever. 6. Bran is the most boring thing ever. 7. Nothing is properly explained (why does NK leave those spirals everywhere? Why does he need to get to Bran?) 8. NK is killed before really becoming a threat to Westeros. They stopped him at Winterfell so the southern kingdoms have no idea it even happened and will relege it to northern myths and legends instead of WWs being the external threat that unites the kingdoms. 9. Girl power! (She-bear slaying the giant, Arya slaying the NK) 10. After NK has been killed who's the next threat? Cersei with the Golden Company? Doesn't sound as bad as an endless army of the dead if you ask me... The only way they could probably redeem it is if in next episode NK raises from the dead somehow and is now immune to valyrian steel (kind of like Doomsday, who becomes immune to whatever killed him, that would also explain why dragon fire did nothing to him, he was previously killed by it). That would definitely rise the stakes again. | ||
19533 Posts
On May 03 2019 22:05 Acrofales wrote: Well, no. You can end successfully on a low note (6 feet under) or on a scorched earth note (breaking bad). You can also end with a high note that absolutely nobody thinks is a good ending (Dexter) or on a cop-out note (Lost). What you need to do is wrap up all the plot endings believably. Whether that is a high note or a low note. Right now the show is *not* doing that. The last episode was a beautiful stand-alone episode with a fantastic battle. But its place in the overall story was hamfisted at best. High note not for the characters in the story but the story itself, as in a satisfying conclusion. Not happy ending necessarily ![]() Six Feet Under for example is still the best ending i have ever experienced, at least for tv shows. The idea was just that the ending is the last thing your audience will experience, which is why it will stick out forever. You can end certain plotthread in an unsatisfying manner throughout the story and noone will care, because there is more story to tell after that, with new high points. But the ending is the last chance, it has to stick the landing. | ||
United States18818 Posts
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19533 Posts
On May 03 2019 22:27 farvacola wrote: I find it very interesting that pretty much everyone I know who has seen SFU considers its ending one of, if not the best series endings ever. It really does set the bar in a way no other show seems able to compare with. If you are ok with heavy drama (with some humoristic bits, dark humor at that) then i would certainly recommend the show. And yeah the ending is just perfect, fits with everything that came before and will leave a big impression on you. Six Feet Under, Sopranos and The Wire, that was HBO at its best. On May 03 2019 22:18 Manit0u wrote: It's fine to struggle when you run out of source material. What's not fine is taking the super lazy approach without thinking about anything. This episode single-handedly ruined the franchise. Here are some highlights: 1. The biggest battle on screen ever: cool, but everything about this battle was wrong - war machines in front, unsupported cavalry charge that did nothing except die, lack of lighting and shaky cam that make it impossible to see what's going on etc. It's just a dark blur of stuff happening without any impact (and some really dumb choices by characters, like Dany just sitting there on her dragon until a zillion zombies climbed on top of it). 2. Jon Snow's story arc was put into a dead end. 3. Hound's story arc was reversed (he's back to being a coward during the battle with a bit of fire, where he should thrive instead). 4. Beric-ade's reason for being brought back so many times is downplayed a lot. 5. Arya who has not had anything to do with WWs before now kills the NK in the most anticlimactic ending ever. 6. Bran is the most boring thing ever. 7. Nothing is properly explained (why does NK leave those spirals everywhere? Why does he need to get to Bran?) 8. NK is killed before really becoming a threat to Westeros. They stopped him at Winterfell so the southern kingdoms have no idea it even happened and will relege it to northern myths and legends instead of WWs being the external threat that unites the kingdoms. 9. Girl power! (She-bear slaying the giant, Arya slaying the NK) 10. After NK has been killed who's the next threat? Cersei with the Golden Company? Doesn't sound as bad as an endless army of the dead if you ask me... The only way they could probably redeem it is if in next episode NK raises from the dead somehow and is now immune to valyrian steel (kind of like Doomsday, who becomes immune to whatever killed him, that would also explain why dragon fire did nothing to him, he was previously killed by it). That would definitely rise the stakes again. I didn't defend the episode, not at all^^. I just explained sharkie why it is really unfortunate that the show will be remembered for a bad, generic ending (though this point itself might be arguable, we'll see). It's funny to me that you want to make it political again with your 9th point though, i guess female characters aren't allowed to have their moments out of principle ![]() | ||
Croatia7457 Posts
On May 03 2019 22:35 The_Red_Viper wrote: If you are ok with heavy drama (with some humoristic bits, dark humor at that) then i would certainly recommend the show. And yeah the ending is just perfect, fits with everything that came before and will leave a big impression on you. Six Feet Under, Sopranos and The Wire, that was HBO at its best. And Rome. But Rome didn't have a good ending since the show was canceled due to being too expensive. | ||
Northern Ireland23821 Posts
I suppose GoT is so big it’s got a rather fragmented fan base at this point and people who want all sorts of different things which probably doesn’t help matters either but it feels like they’ve been pretty sloppy with a bunch of stuff. | ||
United States7681 Posts
I liked Rome. | ||
19533 Posts
On May 03 2019 22:47 -Archangel- wrote: And Rome. But Rome didn't have a good ending since the show was canceled due to being too expensive. I think Rome isn't quite up there, it was just too rushed in the 2nd season. Still definitely worth a watch though! On May 03 2019 22:53 Wombat_NI wrote: The Shield ended pretty well for me, alas despite me continually recommending it few people I know have actually seen it. Other shows like Dexter I felt went on way too long anyway, so the ending wasn’t the biggest deal to me. Other shows the absolute ending might be a let-down but they had a good final season running into it. I suppose GoT is so big it’s got a rather fragmented fan base at this point and people who want all sorts of different things which probably doesn’t help matters either but it feels like they’ve been pretty sloppy with a bunch of stuff. I have never seen the shield, have heard good things about it though. Dexter had a nice premise but not even during the good seasons was it ever close to the greats on HBO imo, i stopped watching during season 3 or 4 i think. I think the idea that "people want different things" is true to some degree, but GoT got as big as it is now due to early seasons and word of mouth there, noone is looking for something completely different here. | ||
Macedonia2616 Posts
The same could be said for Bran I guess since his story was in direct link with the NK. As far as John goes, yeah I could see why some would be upset that he didnt have a bigger impact in the conclusion of the NK story, but there's still room for him to play a major role in reforming Westros (in a political sense) after they've dealt with Cersei. My only hope at the moment is that GRRM isnt too happy with the show either and motivates him to finish the books sooner. | ||
Northern Ireland23821 Posts
On May 03 2019 23:04 The_Red_Viper wrote: I think Rome isn't quite up there, it was just too rushed in the 2nd season. Still definitely worth a watch though! I have never seen the shield, have heard good things about it though. Dexter had a nice premise but not even during the good seasons was it ever close to the greats on HBO imo, i stopped watching during season 3 or 4 i think. I think the idea that "people want different things" is true to some degree, but GoT got as big as it is now due to early seasons and word of mouth there, noone is looking for something completely different here. Well yeah although some of that nowadays feels weird. Not that I am disparaging of the preferences of others at all but I don’t get how some people who are loving this season because wow cool shiny things got into the show in the first place, when to me it was House of Cards/Wire style multi character storytelling in a fantasy setting that I liked. I still feel an idiot for not getting into the show earlier as I used to frequently be in the same bars as the cast and had no idea who anyone was, ofc the show blowing up meant the cast had to partake less in the social life of Belfast as they’d get mobbed. | ||
United States30730 Posts
On May 03 2019 22:53 Wombat_NI wrote: The Shield ended pretty well for me, alas despite me continually recommending it few people I know have actually seen it. Other shows like Dexter I felt went on way too long anyway, so the ending wasn’t the biggest deal to me. Other shows the absolute ending might be a let-down but they had a good final season running into it. I suppose GoT is so big it’s got a rather fragmented fan base at this point and people who want all sorts of different things which probably doesn’t help matters either but it feels like they’ve been pretty sloppy with a bunch of stuff. Yeah, I don't know why the Shield doesn't get much fanfare, it stumbles in a few of its seasons but overall it's top-tier TV. The season with Forest Whitaker (s5?) in particular was extremely good. | ||
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