On May 04 2019 07:51 Uldridge wrote: You think the quietness of the inside of a castle is the same as the outside of the castle? Where wind blows and snow falls and people are croaking and fire is burning?
I generally would've favored a brief fighting scene with Arya, her getting hurt, getting some kind of intuition moment from Melisandre and then not to be seen again for the rest of the episode, implying she was in a tree the entire time, something some people have mentioned in these very forums already. Would've been WAY more plausible and satisfying. They could've even upped the tension by her being disappeared from the scene, implying she fled because she was almost overrun by a horde and suddenly remembered she was still a kid and wasn't ready to give up her life yet (idk how fitting that would've been though, perhaps she would need to see the Hound and/or some other people being killed brutally or something), but they could've handled it way better.
The castle was in the middle of a battle. Everyone was screaming everything was burning and all the metal was being clanged against other metal. But even if the sound of everything wasn't an issue the basic sight of everyone in the godswood would have given her away long before she started yelling for some reason when she super jumped at the night king.
No ones not calling the men on doing silly crazy big things. I can't count how many times people were swept under multiple zombies only for them to be saved when someone else comes along and kills one of them. Breene is at there with everyone in the end not taking damage from anything. Jorah got killed through this breastplate with a rusty kinfe, Theons steel armor was blown through by a broken wooden stick.
On May 04 2019 08:03 Uldridge wrote: I'm just thinking I would've felt way more satisfied with her assassination because it felt so impossible, even though it was kind of foreshadowed by Melisandre telling her about her prophecy, however, it's just not set up well. Like, at all.
Maybe let her climb a tree all sneakily in the background when the camera is focused on the NK and Theon or some shit, IDK.
Did you enjoy the conclusion of the episode? I didn't follow every conversation here, only snippets, so you must excuse me if I failed to remember your opinion about it.
No it was stupid. I wouldn’t have had a massive issue if it was presented differently, like the NK saw through the ruse tibait him and there was a degree of bluffing/double bluffing to it, or him and Bran had some kind of dialogue that might have filled a few holes.
I said before the episode that I thought this bait strategy was too dumb to just straight up work and somekind of spanner in the works or misdirection was needed to add some jeopardy
If Cersei is still being a bitch all Arya has to do is assassinate her. But she cant just show up from the shadows and stab her while shes in the shitter--no that wouldn't make sense (lol). She has to do it in theatric fashion--She puts on LF's face (if LF isnt coming back) and then stabs her after some shallow, chaos ladder speech (how Arya would know about the speech? I dont know, but itll be a great scene). Dany becomes Queen and sits on the Iron Throne. Boom done. End credits roll.
Dany goes MAD: "THE THRONE IS MINES" (as she fear's Jon's lineage as him being the rightful heir). And with her last 2 dragons she threatens to burn King's Landing to the ground. Jaime/Jon now becomes the Queenslayer.
There, I did it. Next 3 eps in a nut shell. Feel free to add if I missed anything.
On May 04 2019 09:16 Emnjay808 wrote: If Cersei is still being a bitch all Arya has to do is assassinate her. But she cant just show up from the shadows and stab her while shes in the shitter--no that wouldn't make sense (lol). She has to do it in theatric fashion--She puts on LF's face (if LF isnt coming back) and then stabs her after some shallow, chaos ladder speech (how Arya would know about the speech? I dont know, but itll be a great scene). Dany becomes Queen and sits on the Iron Throne. Boom done. End credits roll.
Dany goes MAD: "THE THRONE IS MINES" (as she fear's Jon's lineage as him being the rightful heir). And with her last 2 dragons she threatens to burn King's Landing to the ground. Jaime/Jon now becomes the Queenslayer.
There, I did it. Next 3 eps in a nut shell. Feel free to add if I missed anything.
Yeah you're gonna have to change that Arya theory, because....
ep 6: Realizing they're not going to get their money back from the now deceased Cersei, the Iron Bank begins to fund the final antagonist of the series, who is none other than Littlefinger! That's right the faceless man theories were true! He agrees to pay them back using the fortune he's amassed from his secret chain of brothels in Essos, echoing his words from s1, "I'm going to fuck them!". It turns out the debt collection methods of the Iron Bank are scarier than the Night King. LF sweeps in with a fresh army of sellswords. Everyone dies. LF gets the throne.
Honestly, remembering that clip from earlier seasons when Jorah's plate armor stops a dothraki blade and allows him to win just highlights who ridiculous this show has become.
The last episode looked like it was made from people who did not watch the show or read the books, but someone summarized in half an hour for them what happened until now and with the given information they had to come up with the scenario. Obviously these people had the skills and the experience to shoot a movie, however, they neither knew the story they are dealing with nor had ever filmed a battle scene
On May 06 2019 05:31 SK.Testie wrote: Reminder: They had two full years for this season and this is the writing they came up with.
true. it is what happens when you tell a group of a hundred people to create something original. I think the writing could have been much better if it was done by just 1 or 2 guys.
I don't think its the writing that is at fault. From the start the writers have never been in a place of power for the show. Its always been the directors and producers that have dictated what happenes. Now that they don't have books to draw from the writers are in ever more service to what the directors and producers want to do more than anything. The Ice island sequence with the undead polar bear was a pit that the show had to direct itself to and the whole season went off the rails for it. Now we had the battle of winterfell which might have been the dumbest thing to describe to someone I've seen on television for a while. Now we're getting talk about how the second to last episode is also going to be a battle episode and be bigger and better then anything else.
Poor Tormund getting denied. Arya also denying Gendry. At least Jaime gets some. Everyone hooking up. It's like every fanfic romance jumbled into one.
They lost only about 50% of their army? Doesn't look so bleak.
Fun little Bronn and Lannister brothers moment. I knew he and the writers wouldn't have the balls to let him kill any of the two.
Show acknowledges they don't give a shit about Ghost so he gets thrown up Beyond the Wall. Lame.
Looks like Sam will live on to write the books.
RIP Rhaegal. Jack Sparrow does more asshole things. I find it kind of hard to believe a ballista could hit a dragon that's flying, and no one noticed when they had the air advantage.
Everything just feels rushed.
After all that Jaime suddenly realizes he would betray everything for Cersei? BS.
Could turn everyone into a pincushion and end a lot of things, but I guess not.
RIP Missandei. Kept alive for this one dramatic moment.
Personally a really wrong episode for me. So far my ratings are
1) 6/10 2) 8/10 3) 6/10 4) 9/10
I personally think that HBO wanted to introduce and give "The others" a face and head (Nightking) and they kind of struggled to find a good end to him. Thus I thought it was a really weak solution. Why this is relevant you might ask? I believe GRRM will kill off a lot more people and so far he has not introduced a leader of the Others and I think he wont. I believe there won't be a battle of winterfell potentially with the Others but that Cersei is the main focus and "the Others" are the side-line.
I expected a dragon to go down at the attack on kings landing and Dany still winning against Kings Landing, but maybe even dying during battle. I didn't expect the Dragon go down at that point and I felt the tension was really great again. Constant fear of who can die - good dialogue for me this episode(!) and the only real piece missing was Tyrion being killed too - because that just fits Cersei but I guess she is so hateful, she wants to see him defeated and see his queen die.
Half and half episode for me, but the good generally overshadow the bad. The good being the party at Winterfell, the politicing between Varis, Tyrion and Sansa, Dany starting to lose her patience after years stranded in a war in a far away land, I also loved the last scene in KL (despite the weir visual setting and Quibern disappearance lol) And Jame refusing the comfortable life in Winterfell to go kill Cercey (be hateful in the end) Also they did an alright job closing characters story quite quickly but in a satisfying way. The bad being fucking Euron, Bronh scene cause why, Euron, the fleet BC blink and Euron (god this characters is the worst)
They did a very good job setting up the stake and hinting at many possible endgame without making it impossible to loop in around, and since it's what GOT was all about I'm glad we are back to the politics.