Fucking finally, KOTD released a new, watchable video. I haven't seen it yet, but I hope it's gonne be a good one. >inb4 dizaster tries to 'freestyle' everything and ruins the entire battle + Show Spoiler +
Meh, the battle wasn't as good as I hoped it would be. Dizaster is so fucking wack with his fake freestyles and stretched lines I can't listen to this shit. Liking Cortez more n more tho.
I've got a feeling they're going to realse the album this week, even though the release date is the 20th. An early release reduces the chance of it getting leaked, which would cost everyone a lot of money, plus why wouldn't he perform on Jimmy Fallon next week if the album is coming out the 20th?
Earl, like his father who moved to Africa, MF Doom, does not seem to be an artist that translates well live, or even hugely well to speakers, they're the definition of headphone music.
Also I really wanted it to leak earl(hue hue hue)y, which is the first time I've ever wanted that. I'm going away for the next 20 days with no ability to get it, so I wanted a leak before I leave, I would still have paid for it
I went to the same school as Akala but he'd finished and was starting to get well known by the time I started. The school still had a reputation for it's performing arts when I was there though, my friends from school set up a record label I'll post some of their stuff some time.
Kendrick's verse is nothing special imo. it's just long and he calls out a bunch of rappers (which is really strange to me, it doesn't fit his personality and why does he call out people he likes such as J Cole and the rappers on this very song). it's like he's trying to get some attention, which doesn't make much sense considering he's Kendrick fucking Lamar. i'm really disappointed in what he did there as he's my favorite new rapper by far.
meh. whatever. very strange move imo. and i think Sean had the best verse tbh, not that the others were bad. but for Kendrick this verse is very underwhelming.