http://www.ygosu.com/?m=starlife&m2=manual&idx=1913 Original Korean user article Writer Topgun
Bonjwa - Originally a term used in martial arts novels to indicate a unbeatable martial artist, the SC community uses it to describe a SC player who was unbeatable at his prime.
1st Bonjwa - Boxer 2nd - Nada 3rd - iloveoov 4th - SaviOr 5th - ???
Can we call Jaedong the 5th Bonjwa? - By Topgun (Translated by samsammy)
Although the 5th Bonjwa theory went down with Bisu's recent losses, after Jaedong's win the SC community has started once again talking about who the 5th Bonjwa is. If you look at Jaedong's current career
2007.01.07 Sky Proleague 2006 2nd half MVP 2007.08.12 Seoul eSports Festival Champion (vs Jangbi) 2007.12.22 Ever OSL 2007 Champion (vs Stork) 2008.03.08 GomTV MSL Season 4 Champion (vs Kal) 2008.03.19 Kespa 2007 Year's best player, Zerg best player, Highest win rate 2008.07.26 Arena MSL 2nd place (vs ForGG) 2008.08.10 TGSambo-Intel Classic Season 1 Champion (vs Flash) 2009.04.04 Batoo OSL Champion (vs Fantasy)
- Both leagues added up 3 champion titles, 1 2nd place title
Jaedong has currently conquered both leagues, and recently in the Batoo Finals he accomplished a reverse sweep against Fantasy, and won two OSL's, which only a few players in SC history were able to accomplish (Garimto, Boxer, Nada, July, Jaedong). He is also showed immense "force" in the winners league playoff, Finals by making 4 kills and 3 kills.
Due to this the SC community is now saying things like "Lim Lee Choi Ma Dong!' [Each word represents the players last name, or nickname, or part of the first name of the 4 bonjwa's, there really is no pattern to it actually - in this case Dong is from Lee Jae "Dong", indicating he is the 5th Bonjwa]
Now can we say with JD's career and stats, that he is a 'Bonjwa'?
Using Savior, "the 4th Bonjwa"'s case, i will explain and give the ultimate reason why JD can not 'yet' become the 5th Bonjwa.
The picture above, or what we Koreans call "Jjalbang" describes the "holy war" which occurred between Savior and Nal_Ra. To be truthful, although it was called the "holy war", the score was one-sided, almost to the point of pure massacre. But why was it that this kind of rivalry formed between Savior and Nal_Ra?
This is because at the time, besides Nal_Ra, there weren't any pro-gamers who actually challenged Savior. People who watched SC at the time probably know, at the time great terran players like iloveoov, Nada, midas, Xellos and also all the protoss players like Reach, Kingdom, Pusan and Nal_Ra all fell down in front of Savior.
Even what was known to be Savior's weakest match up ZvsZ was proven wrong when Savior beat s.s.mSilver, the "gambler". All in all, it can be said at the time, there was simply NO pro gamer out there who was able to beat Savior.
In Nal_Ra's case, although he had a history of taking championship from both leagues and had a very high win rate, at the time there were pro-gamers out there who seemed like they could win Nal_Ra anytime, and there were pro-gamers who had leading scores against Nal_Ra. This would be the reason why Nal_Ra was unable to enter the Bonjwa line. Same goes for Bisu and July.
Then what does Jaedong, currently the player most closest to the title of the "Bonjwa" need the most? Is it a better record? A win ratio above 70percent? This is probably not so. Like the pictures I posted above, there ares still pro-gamers out there who people consider can beat JD (Flash, Bisu, SkyHigh, free, etc). In other words, JD is not "unbeatable." It is too quick yet, therefore, to say JD is the 5th Bonjwa.
But I am not saying JD does not have the possibility of becoming the 5th Bonjwa. Depending on how he does now, he can beat the pro-gamers above and grab the "Bonjwa" title as his. Like how Savior did in the 2006 Shin-Han Starleague Season 3, vs Nada.
Everything, depends on Jaedong's hands
Yes. Yes we can. There is no debate.
No. No we can't. There is debate.
On April 21 2009 11:43 MoRe_mInErAls wrote: Yes. Yes we can. There is no debate. Seconded
I think it's possible. He isn't right now, he wasn't before, he probably won't be for a while.
He's got the potential. He has the mechanics but he's missing something. That little bit of Star power than makes him more than just a mechanically sound Zerg.
I don't want to insinuate he's somehow a stupid player but he's missing that meta game sense Savior had. Right now I see him as more of a terribly efficient robot. If someone could somehow clone JulyZerg and Jaedong together into one Zerg, then you'd have quite a bonwja! 
Interesting read though, thanks for translating! It's nice to see what the Koreans think.
It amazes me how quickly the conversation swung from "Is Bisu Bonjwa?" to "Is Jaedong bonjwa?". Isn't a bonjwa supposed to dominate for an extended period of time? A month before the OSL finals, would any sane person have claimed Jaedong was dominating the scene?
I agree with the conclusions. Too early and too many players crowding the top. Jaedong will need more time as the undisputed #1 to claim the bonjwa title.
jaedong has certainly proven he is capable of owning and manhandling even the best players. and his matchups are unquestionably among the best in the Zerg line much less progamers overall. -the hands down BEST mirror matchup player out there - the top 4 in the ELO of every matchup (vP, vZ, vT) - 13 straight wins until the debacle that was a 5 pool on a heavily terran favored map but his inconsistency is worth noting too when he is in his game, i believe he is indeed a force to be reckoned with but he's also known to just have WTF JAEDONG moments, and other moments that just leave you wondering.
so imo it's still up to debate which is exactly why he is not considered bonjwa, because there must be no doubt for him to be classified as such, it has to be sound, unanimous, and obvious
3 Lions
United States3705 Posts
Baa?21242 Posts
The article makes such a retarded argument. Just because people can "beat" Jaedong so he can't be considered bonjwa? I love how he conveniently overlooks stuff like Chojja beating Savior in a MSL in the midst of his "bonjwa domination." He's trying to make it sound like JD needs 100% winrate against everyone or something. Stupid argument imo.
The only literal bonjwa is sAviOr. The title was given to other players because some fans just had to capitalize on the 3 MSL 1 OSL correlation, oh and BoxeR too because he was special.
sAviOr is the true bonjwa. He gave the term its meaning.
3 msl and an osl. I don't want jaedong to be a bonjwa, bonjwa after a period of time falls from grace, i don't want to see jaedong to ever do that.
United States13896 Posts
If anyone out there is going to fit the bill soon, it's going to be JD, not Bisu/Flash etc. imo.
Currently though, he needs to go 2 more seasons in a row of being the reigning champ in either the OSL/MSL for me to consider him being bonjwa. No doubt the odds are stacked against this happening.
As much as i like Jaedong I must say no this time.
there are some ridiculous posts in this thread, there is obviously debate
3 Lions
United States3705 Posts
In my opinion, the progaming scene is completely different now compared to the time of the previous Bonjwas. The skill level of all players is so great that it is impossible for anybody, even Jaedong, to dominate on the level that Savior, Nada, and Oov did.
Back in times of Shinhan 3, Savior was favored against everyone he came up against. It really felt like nobody was at the same level as he was. However, nowadays there are some strong players who could take down Jaedong in a Bo5 imo (Flash, Bisu). Jaedong obviously is the best zerg, but he is not dominating enough to be called a Bonjwa imo.
Imo except for zvz, Jaedong is too inconsistent. When he wants to, he goes and completely dominates his opponents. But then there are still days where he decides he doesn't care, and loses games through carelessless, or somehow just gets raped. I don't think a bonjwa can have bad days like that. Jaedong's losses can't really imo be called flukes, they're quite legitimate. So aside from zvz he's not unbeatable, atm.
He's a zvz bonjwa though :O