Where are the female casters? - Page 5
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Philippines2589 Posts
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Sweden1112 Posts
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499 Posts
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United Kingdom3022 Posts
The demographics of the scene tend to be young males who are either caucasian or asian. If you look at the crowd scenes in any major SC2 LAN then you will see that this is universally the case. This is also reflected in the casters and pro-gamers. The scene could probably be more welcoming to other demographics. SC2 is not a computer game that really appeals to most females. It is by nature a war game and not really marketed towards females. I am curious whether HoTS had a higher percentage of female buyers compared to WoL, due to the main protagonist Kerrigan being a female. Starcraft is a game about macho marines fighting a space war and creepy bug-like aliens. Such concepts seem more prone to appeal to men rather than women. Warhammer 40K has similar concepts and a similar male-dominated fanbase. I think there are increasingly more women playing games and this is a good thing, but I do still think that they generally tend to prefer RPG's such as The Last of Us rather than war games or RTS games like SC2 or COD. I think games such as the Last of Us or Mass Effect series show that games can appeal to women a great deal. SC2, FIFA and COD will always be male dominated games simply due to the nature of these games holding more appeal to men. I think the lack of female casters is a consequence of SC2 being a game that attracts mainly males. Obviously you could change the game to appeal to females more, but then it would be a different game entirely. | ||
France15952 Posts
On July 28 2013 22:02 Za7oX wrote: The peak of female commentary was Kelly Milkies. She set such a high standard that others are afraid to follow her. I'm sorry I laughed at that comment :'( | ||
United States2520 Posts
On July 28 2013 22:09 Entropia wrote: This. I think it's biological, women simply don't enjoy measuring the lenght of their penis like we do. My favorite post of today, well done. Probably fairly accurate as well, I really wouldn't be surprised. | ||
Netherlands359 Posts
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United States32 Posts
On July 28 2013 19:16 Thylacindae wrote: That's like saying ''He is black but asks us to consider him white. Skin colour doesen't matter.'' It does matter. I will call her female, because I got respect for her, but when talking conrecetely about gender, I will admit, that Scarlett has an Y chromosome. Actually, her gender is concretely female. Gender is fluid and not determined by biological sex, which also means any conversation about chromosomes is pointless. | ||
Canada4948 Posts
Second, when you read some of the comments in this thread, reddit, or anywhere else, it is hard to imagine why any woman would want to be in this scene. I mean, this scene can treat up-and-coming casters pretty terrible, just imagine how much worse it would be if they were female. They wouldn't have time to develop an incredibly thick skin - they would need to start with one along with a lot of willpower and confidence. I think it'd be great if there were female casters, but I don't blame anyone for not wanting to enter that arena when this community is the way it is. | ||
Germany4434 Posts
On July 28 2013 18:59 Gnusnu wrote: There just aren't that many. I don't see the big deal about it. kellyMILKIES casted the GSL briefly in 2011. yeah that was great :D she called the hellions racing cars | ||
United States1874 Posts
On July 28 2013 22:21 H0i wrote: Although sexism is a very bad thing, if people believe the word "rape" is hostile to women, then they are truly exaggerating. Then we are just looking for something to be offended by, instead of pointing out an actual issue. Men can be the victim of rape as well, although this generally happens to them at very young age and less so at mature age. Additionally, I see no reason to ignore the context. If the word rape is used to describe a situation, in which one player completely destroys the other player, then what is wrong with that? It is just a game after all, and not real rape. With the "correct" point of view, anything can be understood as hostile and offensive to anything. Having this attitude does not help to fix the real problems, and only distracts from them. And this is the problem. You're deflecting the issue and failing to understand that in emotional contexts, emotional reactions are relevant. If you're trying to present a good face to Rwandans, don't joke about genocide. If you're trying to welcome women, you don't joke about rape. If you're trying to appeal to Roman legionaries, don't use the word "decimate." Saying that genocides don't just happen to Rwandans is missing the point. Rape is an offensive term in the usage of "completely destroy," especially in terms of the valuation implicit (good/honorable to rape, bad/dishonorable to be raped). Language is powerful, and you have to think about the terms you use if you mean to present a good face to the world. | ||
Netherlands405 Posts
On July 28 2013 21:43 ACrow wrote: Yep, and the twitch chat unfortunately has a lot of examples of the aforementioned sexist stuff. She is actually pretty decent as a caster, nothing spectacular certainly, but solid casting all around. Basetradetv's chat mostly in jest, no real sexism like in other chats to be honest, but if you feel like that, ok. On July 28 2013 19:28 Grovbolle wrote: https://twitter.com/TheyCallMePansy Not an sc2 caster though, I believe she used to do a lot of CS and now she casts WoT. Works for ESL/Turtle Entertainment Pansy is pretty cool; CS, WoT, CoD and she plays a lot herself as well. But really, having not read all comments, there's a couple of womenfolk that come to mind that I've watched casting (@Eleine_Sun @Cheesemuffinish but they don't cast anymore), but I feel they didn't really fancy dedicating themselves to 1 game, or never really prioritized casting over other things in life. Currently I only know @zepphsc2 and @ZGGaming for SC2. I think at one point Soë cast sc2 games as well, right? Yeah and @maddelisk edit: oh and @LivinpinkSC2 casts in french sometimes, I think? (edit: and that Becci girl I guess from Mori's german stream, but I haven't heard her myself) I think the main thing about SC2 casting is that you need a lot of stamina and ability to not get tired after hours and hours of casting, it might just start feeling like a chore. So, if I had to take a guess, is that someone needs to somehow introduce a more fun and playful way of casting a tournament that not just consists of talking about the games. Although I'm not exactly sure how that would look like, maybe with a lot more interaction with people or custom games than normal... My 2 cents. | ||
Sweden169 Posts
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24 Posts
On July 28 2013 19:04 Ragnarork wrote: It's hard to dodge the topic of sexism (and esp. as you said, "latent" sexism) because it might be one of the reasons we don't see that much women in esports at all. Even though there might not be blatant sexism (like people simply refusing women in these specific domains), we're still in a society that (sadly) qualifies women as weaker and not suited for some jobs/roles. Some people consider it "bad" to lose to a women for example. Some other would say this isn't their "place" etc. The fact is, even if you don't encounter this kind of behavior directly as a female, there are cases where we witnessed that this atmosphere hold back some women, prevent them to jump in and try these roles, because they consider themselves that it's not their place/role and that they're not suited for that (and in my opinion it's a fucking shame that this can happen, that people belittle themselves because others printed by force this idea in their mind through society...) So uh, yeah, in a world that is roughly half women, half men, you only find "merit" by men ? Of course, that seems "logical"... And please respect feminism. Affirmative action didn't die with it. FEMEN aren't feminism. And about your bolded part, "so don't give caster positions to women because people would think she doesn't merit ?" You sir, are part of the reasons there's so few women in esports. You seem to have a stick up your ass about an issue that doesn't exist. In fact didn't Seltzer post before that being a woman *helped* her get into eSports? There were statistics posted before that men made up the overwhelmingly large majority of StarCraft 2 players. Quite simply there are just more men interested in the game, who are likely to become pros or casters. Or are you also saying sexism prevents women from actually playing the game too? | ||
United States3584 Posts
On July 28 2013 22:02 Za7oX wrote: The peak of female commentary was Kelly Milkies. She set such a high standard that others are afraid to follow her. Actually, one would think more females would be willing to try casting after seeing her performance ![]() | ||
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United States760 Posts
Just google "female sports casters" and you see what the problem is. Everything around females in the media is based around looks. While its never the case for male. Thats the big problem. | ||
Canada52 Posts
On July 28 2013 19:34 Qikz wrote: It's odd, but it's not concerning. If there are few women who want to go in to proffesional esports commenating they shouldn't get a free ride to the top purely because they're a woman. There's two women in Korea who cast both Proleague and GSL and they do fine. Women/Men don't need to have equality in every single sector of human life. If there's no women going for a job for example, why should we force a women into a position? I support this outlook. Same with every other job out there - the job goes to the most qualified APPLICANT. They must apply first. For example, in the police in my region, it's largely dominated by white males simply because that's 90% of the applicant demographic. That doesn't mean that other races/genders are less qualified, it means they haven't applied or aren't interested. Arms are wide open for them, and when they do, they'll be evaluated at the same level as everyone else - do they meet the expectations of the employer? If they do, great, welcome aboard! The place for encouragement is in a friend you may know who wants to do it, but is holding themselves back because of wrong mentality - this is where it would be appropriate to jump in and push them, encourage them, get them to take themselves further ![]() | ||
Singapore5922 Posts
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4297 Posts
I honestly don't care either way though, I just want the best casters possible, regardless of gender. | ||
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