On March 02 2013 00:54 refmac_cys.cys wrote: You could at least be civil with your response. I'm not one to buy into the whole 'SC2 is dying zomg' thing either, but even you have to admit that, compared with the big events of 2011, 2012 (MLG Columbus, Dreamhack Winter 2011, etc., crowds, tournament viewership numbers, the whole nine yards have gotten smaller. That's not to say that the scene is dying out, but it is smaller than it used to be. Just compare viewership numbers between TSL 3 and TSL 4.
Well but whats the reason some tournaments got less viewers? Is it because people stopped watching SC2 or is it because there is a lot more SC2 content these days which spreads out the viewers?
I was attacking you because you lacked factual information and were working for inference and your own personal thoughts. You were also attempting to make the SC2 is dying argument, which always gets me into rage mode because it so dumb. Now that there is overwhelming evidence that IPL is scaling back, I will say you inferred correctly. But they shutting down has nothing to do with SC2 in any way.
I don't see how you can't connect SC2 to IPL's dying. If the games being played were good enough, people would watch and stay invested. Again, just common sense on my part, go ahead and attack me some more for expressing my opinion.
Artosis said it best on SotG when he said “how can you have an opinion that’s so wrong. Opinions aren’t supposed to wrong.” The sale of IGN has nothing to do with SC2, but more that News Corp was looking to unload an unsuccessful site that was getting its lunch eaten by Giant Bomb, Game Spot and newcomers like Total Biscuit. Because IGN was sold, IPL now was in a place where they might not have funding for a while, so they needed to pull back on their events until they found a buyer/sponsor. The number of views on SC2 has nothing to do with any of those events. Even if 200K people watch IPL6, they might not have a buyer to help them run the next event or cover the cost of their employees until they run that event.
To put it another way, IPL was put in a place where they didn’t know if any more money would be coming beyond what they had. So they are forced to go responsible route and decided not to bet all of it on a single event and hope that it was profitable enough to get them to IPL7. You don’t bet the entire business on one event, that is a terrible plan. But none of it has anything to do with SC2.
Sorry, I just don't agree. I've grown up with Blizzard games, I know just how much higher quality the games that both BW and even TFT offered when compared to SC2. Imo Blizzard dropped the ball with SC2, and most recently D3. I still stand by my statement, if SC2 offered games that were as exciting or intense as most Professional BW games, then viewers would rise or at least stay consistent. Instead, we have had the scene slowly but surely shrinking over the past 3 years, and now IPL is simply not able to sustain itself any longer.
I also think Gom expanding their tournament selection to more than just SC2 is even more evidence, they're likely not able to sustain themselves with the small viewership either. This is even with a partnership with Blizzard, whom are still raking in plenty of cash off WoW I assume.
Well I disagree and I think you are cherry picking your information in an effort to make your point. GOM has moved into a new studio and has always been open to running other games. No company that runs events is going to run one game, ever. They will always be looking to expand their market and get more viewer. The idea one company would run SC2 until the end of time and never get involved in another game is unreasonable and simply cannot be used as proof that SC2 is shrinking. GOM owns a studio and they are going to use the studio to show more things that SC2.
As for Blizzard, they make mistakes, but their launch games are also not the games we remember. SC prime was not amazing in any way and was completely broken, with no replays, shit maps and terrible balance. D2 prime was not the game people remember and love today. It was the expansions that made those games great, as Blizzard refined the games down to the experience we remember today.
Your entitled to your opinion but you have little evidence to back it up beyond a few leaps of logic like GOM showing more than just SC2 and personal feelings. If you are going to express that opinion, that is fine, but don’t expect the people who strongly disagree to ignore it. There is a growing group of TL members that are extremely tired of the negativity in the community and are expressing that opinion as well. I am one of them and I see the same people expressing their frustration with the negativity.
Indeed, it is just leaps in logic upon my part, and I absolutely don't expect everyone to view it the same way I do. However, I also would like to know your opinion on exactly why there has been so much negativity surrounding SC2 lately? That doesn't just happen for no reason at all, some people are just starting to see all the cracks, imo.
Ok, last one and then I must do work. The negativity is coming from… the internet. People are negative on the internet because they are. Look at the launch of new Sim City, people are whining about how the game is being dumbed down and is bad. Look at the new Devil May Cry, more whining. But if you read up on those games, they got great reviews or have great feedback from people playing it, but still people bitch and whine. People claiming that the gaming is dying, that Apple slipping because they had less profitable quarter. Netflix is going under, TV is going to go away forever. Bookstores are going to disappear.
Everyone thinks the sky is falling on the internet. Its world wide, anyone can find 15 people to agree with them on the internet and post a lot about something. But that doesn’t make it true.
So that's it then, the internet is to blame? People are just inherently negative, and that's all there is to it? Grasping at straws are we?
It is a perfect counter argument to “People are negative about SC2, so there must be a reason they are like that. And that reason is the game is bad and it is dying.” Once again, your proof for SC2 is dying is that people are negative about it on internet forums and the twitch numbers are sometimes lower than LoL.
Uhh no, Twitch numbers have been sinking steadily for SC2. That's my point. And saying they're "sometimes" lower than LoL is a pretty big stretch, try something along the lines of, sometimes during major finals SC2 gets close to LoL's average viewer numbers.
For instance, LoL is at 116k viewers right now, and WoL is at 5.8k. HoTS is at 3.4k, figured I should mention that before someone goes crazy on me
Please post some actual long-term numbers or politely shut the frick up and stop saying how twitch.tv numbers are going steadily downhill. You don't know what you are talking about.
Yes, LoL has more viewers than SC2. No, that's not new. It's been like that for more than a year.
On March 02 2013 01:01 marvellosity wrote: wow, this Anomaly guy sure knows how to trash a thread.
A thread about the cancellation of a major SC2 tournament. You were expecting everyone to be all happy and cheerful about it in here? Specifically someone (that someone being me), whom called it in the last IPL thread and was absolutely assaulted on a personal level by about 5 individuals for connecting the dots.
Who cares? You're not bringing anything to the table except for ranting. I read this thread in one go from page 1 to here, and the only feelings i was left with were that you're very annoying.
Do you have valid points? Possibly (i have no idea), but the way you're putting them across is just begging to be ignored and/or get other people angry.
Lol @ people trollfeeding AnomalySC2. I regret doing it myself but at least I was brief enough to just point out his error in logical reasoning and be done with it. Getting into the particulars of his non-argument is pointless because he's just going to repeat his leaps of logic that you can't break down because they're just his "opinion and personal belief".
He even admitted he has nothing but leaps of logic so that ends the discussion right there...PLEASE stop feeding him, you are just making it seem like a legitimate debate.
I don't see how you can't connect SC2 to IPL's dying. If the games being played were good enough, people would watch and stay invested. Again, just common sense on my part, go ahead and attack me some more for expressing my opinion.
Artosis said it best on SotG when he said “how can you have an opinion that’s so wrong. Opinions aren’t supposed to wrong.” The sale of IGN has nothing to do with SC2, but more that News Corp was looking to unload an unsuccessful site that was getting its lunch eaten by Giant Bomb, Game Spot and newcomers like Total Biscuit. Because IGN was sold, IPL now was in a place where they might not have funding for a while, so they needed to pull back on their events until they found a buyer/sponsor. The number of views on SC2 has nothing to do with any of those events. Even if 200K people watch IPL6, they might not have a buyer to help them run the next event or cover the cost of their employees until they run that event.
To put it another way, IPL was put in a place where they didn’t know if any more money would be coming beyond what they had. So they are forced to go responsible route and decided not to bet all of it on a single event and hope that it was profitable enough to get them to IPL7. You don’t bet the entire business on one event, that is a terrible plan. But none of it has anything to do with SC2.
Sorry, I just don't agree. I've grown up with Blizzard games, I know just how much higher quality the games that both BW and even TFT offered when compared to SC2. Imo Blizzard dropped the ball with SC2, and most recently D3. I still stand by my statement, if SC2 offered games that were as exciting or intense as most Professional BW games, then viewers would rise or at least stay consistent. Instead, we have had the scene slowly but surely shrinking over the past 3 years, and now IPL is simply not able to sustain itself any longer.
I also think Gom expanding their tournament selection to more than just SC2 is even more evidence, they're likely not able to sustain themselves with the small viewership either. This is even with a partnership with Blizzard, whom are still raking in plenty of cash off WoW I assume.
Well I disagree and I think you are cherry picking your information in an effort to make your point. GOM has moved into a new studio and has always been open to running other games. No company that runs events is going to run one game, ever. They will always be looking to expand their market and get more viewer. The idea one company would run SC2 until the end of time and never get involved in another game is unreasonable and simply cannot be used as proof that SC2 is shrinking. GOM owns a studio and they are going to use the studio to show more things that SC2.
As for Blizzard, they make mistakes, but their launch games are also not the games we remember. SC prime was not amazing in any way and was completely broken, with no replays, shit maps and terrible balance. D2 prime was not the game people remember and love today. It was the expansions that made those games great, as Blizzard refined the games down to the experience we remember today.
Your entitled to your opinion but you have little evidence to back it up beyond a few leaps of logic like GOM showing more than just SC2 and personal feelings. If you are going to express that opinion, that is fine, but don’t expect the people who strongly disagree to ignore it. There is a growing group of TL members that are extremely tired of the negativity in the community and are expressing that opinion as well. I am one of them and I see the same people expressing their frustration with the negativity.
Indeed, it is just leaps in logic upon my part, and I absolutely don't expect everyone to view it the same way I do. However, I also would like to know your opinion on exactly why there has been so much negativity surrounding SC2 lately? That doesn't just happen for no reason at all, some people are just starting to see all the cracks, imo.
Ok, last one and then I must do work. The negativity is coming from… the internet. People are negative on the internet because they are. Look at the launch of new Sim City, people are whining about how the game is being dumbed down and is bad. Look at the new Devil May Cry, more whining. But if you read up on those games, they got great reviews or have great feedback from people playing it, but still people bitch and whine. People claiming that the gaming is dying, that Apple slipping because they had less profitable quarter. Netflix is going under, TV is going to go away forever. Bookstores are going to disappear.
Everyone thinks the sky is falling on the internet. Its world wide, anyone can find 15 people to agree with them on the internet and post a lot about something. But that doesn’t make it true.
So that's it then, the internet is to blame? People are just inherently negative, and that's all there is to it? Grasping at straws are we?
It is a perfect counter argument to “People are negative about SC2, so there must be a reason they are like that. And that reason is the game is bad and it is dying.” Once again, your proof for SC2 is dying is that people are negative about it on internet forums and the twitch numbers are sometimes lower than LoL.
Uhh no, Twitch numbers have been sinking steadily for SC2. That's my point. And saying they're "sometimes" lower than LoL is a pretty big stretch, try something along the lines of, sometimes during major finals SC2 gets close to LoL's average viewer numbers.
For instance, LoL is at 116k viewers right now, and WoL is at 5.8k. HoTS is at 3.4k, figured I should mention that before someone goes crazy on me
Please post some actual long-term numbers or politely shut the frick up and stop saying how twitch.tv numbers are going steadily downhill. You don't know what you are talking about.
Yes, LoL has more viewers than SC2. No, that's not new. It's been like that for more than a year.
Way to just completely disregard proof right in front of your face and then tell me I have no idea what I'm talking about. This is getting silly and ugly just like the last IPL thread. I'll humbly back out now, and lets just wait and see what happens just like last time.
On March 02 2013 01:01 marvellosity wrote: wow, this Anomaly guy sure knows how to trash a thread.
A thread about the cancellation of a major SC2 tournament. You were expecting everyone to be all happy and cheerful about it in here? Specifically someone (that someone being me), whom called it in the last IPL thread and was absolutely assaulted on a personal level by about 5 individuals for connecting the dots.
You talk a lot, but you don't actually bring anything to the conversation. You offer no constructive criticism, just trashing SCII like you hate it all along, and any negative thing that impacts the scene you revel on. There's a word for people like this: Whiners
On March 02 2013 01:11 kollin wrote: Is Anomaly still arguing despite being beaten down in every aspect the last time he brought this up?
The last time this was brought up you told me IPL wouldn't close, and look what just happened. I was RIGHT in every aspect, you're blatantly lying. And I'm not sure why you all keep claiming I'm providing no proof, you can't read or something?
On March 02 2013 01:01 marvellosity wrote: wow, this Anomaly guy sure knows how to trash a thread.
A thread about the cancellation of a major SC2 tournament. You were expecting everyone to be all happy and cheerful about it in here? Specifically someone (that someone being me), whom called it in the last IPL thread and was absolutely assaulted on a personal level by about 5 individuals for connecting the dots.
Doesn't it also mean that the IPL lol tournament is closing? Are you also arguing that "Lol is dying" all over the Lol forums? If not, why don't you start, because judging by your logic IPL's cancellation must mean imminent death for Lol, too.
Also, what's the point of reiterating your opinion over and over, either just state your opinion once (which is your good right of course) and be upset about SC2's death, or - better - do something constructive about it if you have a good idea. Just saying over and over that SC2 is dying doesn't help anyone, I'm afraid.
On March 02 2013 00:54 AnomalySC2 wrote: Your entire post is utter bs, especially the parts about all the teams that closed, only closed, because they were managed poorly (LOL). However, I'd like to hone in specifically on the underlined part.
You mean to tell me you can honestly, with a straight face, tell me that teams like Eclypsia, mTw, SlayerS, Old Quantic, and apeX were managed well and took the best opportunities they could? You're either delusional or you actually believe everything you read on the internet in press releases. I'm not sure which is worse, especially because you're naive enough to think the only reasons teams would merge is due to financial problems.
By saying skeptical posters, such as myself, are GOING to be the reason SC2 declines, implies that SC2 hasn't already declined. Which is purely false. The only tournament to see any growth in viewership is Dreamhack, the rest all have vastly lower viewer numbers according to Twitch.tv. No viewers, no money. No money, players/teams/tournaments start to go under.
Most of the industry, unlike yourself, is able to realize that SC2 is currently in the lull of a mid-expansion switch, combined with the fact that it's the start of the year and the 2013 tournament circuit has yet to begin in full swing. Sitting here saying "SC2 is dead guys, nothing to see here, lets all go back to Call of Duty!" is going to be what actually permanently harms the scene.
Right now, most of the playerbase is waiting for HotS Retail Release before the circuit kicks back into an upswing and to everyone that currently puts money into the growth of eSports it's pretty blatantly apparent.
Funny thing is, if you go to the thread about IGN wanting to sell IPL, you'll see tons and tons of posts similar to this one, proclaiming with absolute confidence that the sceptics simply don't understand business and how the industry functions, IPL is definitely profitable and will find a buyer any day now, and everyone who disagrees is a dumb troll.
Just keep on believing everything's fine bro, surely if you believe hard enough it will become true, right?
Also, if I didn't know better, I'd suspect Plansix, with his "People on the internet just hate these games because they're haters. They got great reviews, so they must be great, right? Those damned entitled gamers!" argument of being some kind of viral marketer drone. Unfortunately though, I've been on the internet long enough to accept the sad truth that there will always be someone who genuinely believes this nonsense.
In any case, I wish you good luck, my brothers. Even though I don't care much for the game anymore, it would be a shame for the scene to fall apart, so I hope things turn for the better somehow. I hope, but I don't really believe it.
No, you said SC2 was dying and then used irrelevant facts to back it up. Also, at no point has this been made official, and looking at David Ting's recent tweets he heavily hints IPL has been sold. I suggest, instead of non-stop whining you actually stop and think.
Artosis said it best on SotG when he said “how can you have an opinion that’s so wrong. Opinions aren’t supposed to wrong.” The sale of IGN has nothing to do with SC2, but more that News Corp was looking to unload an unsuccessful site that was getting its lunch eaten by Giant Bomb, Game Spot and newcomers like Total Biscuit. Because IGN was sold, IPL now was in a place where they might not have funding for a while, so they needed to pull back on their events until they found a buyer/sponsor. The number of views on SC2 has nothing to do with any of those events. Even if 200K people watch IPL6, they might not have a buyer to help them run the next event or cover the cost of their employees until they run that event.
To put it another way, IPL was put in a place where they didn’t know if any more money would be coming beyond what they had. So they are forced to go responsible route and decided not to bet all of it on a single event and hope that it was profitable enough to get them to IPL7. You don’t bet the entire business on one event, that is a terrible plan. But none of it has anything to do with SC2.
Sorry, I just don't agree. I've grown up with Blizzard games, I know just how much higher quality the games that both BW and even TFT offered when compared to SC2. Imo Blizzard dropped the ball with SC2, and most recently D3. I still stand by my statement, if SC2 offered games that were as exciting or intense as most Professional BW games, then viewers would rise or at least stay consistent. Instead, we have had the scene slowly but surely shrinking over the past 3 years, and now IPL is simply not able to sustain itself any longer.
I also think Gom expanding their tournament selection to more than just SC2 is even more evidence, they're likely not able to sustain themselves with the small viewership either. This is even with a partnership with Blizzard, whom are still raking in plenty of cash off WoW I assume.
Well I disagree and I think you are cherry picking your information in an effort to make your point. GOM has moved into a new studio and has always been open to running other games. No company that runs events is going to run one game, ever. They will always be looking to expand their market and get more viewer. The idea one company would run SC2 until the end of time and never get involved in another game is unreasonable and simply cannot be used as proof that SC2 is shrinking. GOM owns a studio and they are going to use the studio to show more things that SC2.
As for Blizzard, they make mistakes, but their launch games are also not the games we remember. SC prime was not amazing in any way and was completely broken, with no replays, shit maps and terrible balance. D2 prime was not the game people remember and love today. It was the expansions that made those games great, as Blizzard refined the games down to the experience we remember today.
Your entitled to your opinion but you have little evidence to back it up beyond a few leaps of logic like GOM showing more than just SC2 and personal feelings. If you are going to express that opinion, that is fine, but don’t expect the people who strongly disagree to ignore it. There is a growing group of TL members that are extremely tired of the negativity in the community and are expressing that opinion as well. I am one of them and I see the same people expressing their frustration with the negativity.
Indeed, it is just leaps in logic upon my part, and I absolutely don't expect everyone to view it the same way I do. However, I also would like to know your opinion on exactly why there has been so much negativity surrounding SC2 lately? That doesn't just happen for no reason at all, some people are just starting to see all the cracks, imo.
Ok, last one and then I must do work. The negativity is coming from… the internet. People are negative on the internet because they are. Look at the launch of new Sim City, people are whining about how the game is being dumbed down and is bad. Look at the new Devil May Cry, more whining. But if you read up on those games, they got great reviews or have great feedback from people playing it, but still people bitch and whine. People claiming that the gaming is dying, that Apple slipping because they had less profitable quarter. Netflix is going under, TV is going to go away forever. Bookstores are going to disappear.
Everyone thinks the sky is falling on the internet. Its world wide, anyone can find 15 people to agree with them on the internet and post a lot about something. But that doesn’t make it true.
So that's it then, the internet is to blame? People are just inherently negative, and that's all there is to it? Grasping at straws are we?
It is a perfect counter argument to “People are negative about SC2, so there must be a reason they are like that. And that reason is the game is bad and it is dying.” Once again, your proof for SC2 is dying is that people are negative about it on internet forums and the twitch numbers are sometimes lower than LoL.
Uhh no, Twitch numbers have been sinking steadily for SC2. That's my point. And saying they're "sometimes" lower than LoL is a pretty big stretch, try something along the lines of, sometimes during major finals SC2 gets close to LoL's average viewer numbers.
For instance, LoL is at 116k viewers right now, and WoL is at 5.8k. HoTS is at 3.4k, figured I should mention that before someone goes crazy on me
Please post some actual long-term numbers or politely shut the frick up and stop saying how twitch.tv numbers are going steadily downhill. You don't know what you are talking about.
Yes, LoL has more viewers than SC2. No, that's not new. It's been like that for more than a year.
Way to just completely disregard proof right in front of your face and then tell me I have no idea what I'm talking about. This is getting silly and ugly just like the last IPL thread. I'll humbly back out now, and lets just wait and see what happens just like last time.
Quoting random Twitch numbers from a random date and time, with no context is proof of nothing. If you believe otherwise, you are wrong. If you continue to state it over and over when others have pointed that out to you, you are stubborn or unable to understand anything beyond one number is higher than another.
On March 02 2013 01:11 kollin wrote: Is Anomaly still arguing despite being beaten down in every aspect the last time he brought this up?
The last time this was brought up you told me IPL wouldn't close, and look what just happened. I was RIGHT in every aspect, you're blatantly lying. And I'm not sure why you all keep claiming I'm providing no proof, you can't read or something?
Rofl, nice humble back down. Btw, isn't IPL heavily invested into League of Legends, not just sc2? Pretty sure that just ends your silly little arguments in their tracks.
Artosis said it best on SotG when he said “how can you have an opinion that’s so wrong. Opinions aren’t supposed to wrong.” The sale of IGN has nothing to do with SC2, but more that News Corp was looking to unload an unsuccessful site that was getting its lunch eaten by Giant Bomb, Game Spot and newcomers like Total Biscuit. Because IGN was sold, IPL now was in a place where they might not have funding for a while, so they needed to pull back on their events until they found a buyer/sponsor. The number of views on SC2 has nothing to do with any of those events. Even if 200K people watch IPL6, they might not have a buyer to help them run the next event or cover the cost of their employees until they run that event.
To put it another way, IPL was put in a place where they didn’t know if any more money would be coming beyond what they had. So they are forced to go responsible route and decided not to bet all of it on a single event and hope that it was profitable enough to get them to IPL7. You don’t bet the entire business on one event, that is a terrible plan. But none of it has anything to do with SC2.
Sorry, I just don't agree. I've grown up with Blizzard games, I know just how much higher quality the games that both BW and even TFT offered when compared to SC2. Imo Blizzard dropped the ball with SC2, and most recently D3. I still stand by my statement, if SC2 offered games that were as exciting or intense as most Professional BW games, then viewers would rise or at least stay consistent. Instead, we have had the scene slowly but surely shrinking over the past 3 years, and now IPL is simply not able to sustain itself any longer.
I also think Gom expanding their tournament selection to more than just SC2 is even more evidence, they're likely not able to sustain themselves with the small viewership either. This is even with a partnership with Blizzard, whom are still raking in plenty of cash off WoW I assume.
Well I disagree and I think you are cherry picking your information in an effort to make your point. GOM has moved into a new studio and has always been open to running other games. No company that runs events is going to run one game, ever. They will always be looking to expand their market and get more viewer. The idea one company would run SC2 until the end of time and never get involved in another game is unreasonable and simply cannot be used as proof that SC2 is shrinking. GOM owns a studio and they are going to use the studio to show more things that SC2.
As for Blizzard, they make mistakes, but their launch games are also not the games we remember. SC prime was not amazing in any way and was completely broken, with no replays, shit maps and terrible balance. D2 prime was not the game people remember and love today. It was the expansions that made those games great, as Blizzard refined the games down to the experience we remember today.
Your entitled to your opinion but you have little evidence to back it up beyond a few leaps of logic like GOM showing more than just SC2 and personal feelings. If you are going to express that opinion, that is fine, but don’t expect the people who strongly disagree to ignore it. There is a growing group of TL members that are extremely tired of the negativity in the community and are expressing that opinion as well. I am one of them and I see the same people expressing their frustration with the negativity.
Indeed, it is just leaps in logic upon my part, and I absolutely don't expect everyone to view it the same way I do. However, I also would like to know your opinion on exactly why there has been so much negativity surrounding SC2 lately? That doesn't just happen for no reason at all, some people are just starting to see all the cracks, imo.
Ok, last one and then I must do work. The negativity is coming from… the internet. People are negative on the internet because they are. Look at the launch of new Sim City, people are whining about how the game is being dumbed down and is bad. Look at the new Devil May Cry, more whining. But if you read up on those games, they got great reviews or have great feedback from people playing it, but still people bitch and whine. People claiming that the gaming is dying, that Apple slipping because they had less profitable quarter. Netflix is going under, TV is going to go away forever. Bookstores are going to disappear.
Everyone thinks the sky is falling on the internet. Its world wide, anyone can find 15 people to agree with them on the internet and post a lot about something. But that doesn’t make it true.
So that's it then, the internet is to blame? People are just inherently negative, and that's all there is to it? Grasping at straws are we?
It is a perfect counter argument to “People are negative about SC2, so there must be a reason they are like that. And that reason is the game is bad and it is dying.” Once again, your proof for SC2 is dying is that people are negative about it on internet forums and the twitch numbers are sometimes lower than LoL.
Uhh no, Twitch numbers have been sinking steadily for SC2. That's my point. And saying they're "sometimes" lower than LoL is a pretty big stretch, try something along the lines of, sometimes during major finals SC2 gets close to LoL's average viewer numbers.
For instance, LoL is at 116k viewers right now, and WoL is at 5.8k. HoTS is at 3.4k, figured I should mention that before someone goes crazy on me
Please post some actual long-term numbers or politely shut the frick up and stop saying how twitch.tv numbers are going steadily downhill. You don't know what you are talking about.
Yes, LoL has more viewers than SC2. No, that's not new. It's been like that for more than a year.
Way to just completely disregard proof right in front of your face and then tell me I have no idea what I'm talking about. This is getting silly and ugly just like the last IPL thread. I'll humbly back out now, and lets just wait and see what happens just like last time.
You know, the amusing thing is that I have the actual numbers from twitch.tv. Not just from right now, but going up for over a year. And I can tell you with absolute certainty that SC2 numbers have not, in fact, gone "steadily downhill". In fact, they have been pretty stable over the last 6 months.
On March 02 2013 00:54 AnomalySC2 wrote: Your entire post is utter bs, especially the parts about all the teams that closed, only closed, because they were managed poorly (LOL). However, I'd like to hone in specifically on the underlined part.
You mean to tell me you can honestly, with a straight face, tell me that teams like Eclypsia, mTw, SlayerS, Old Quantic, and apeX were managed well and took the best opportunities they could? You're either delusional or you actually believe everything you read on the internet in press releases. I'm not sure which is worse, especially because you're naive enough to think the only reasons teams would merge is due to financial problems.
By saying skeptical posters, such as myself, are GOING to be the reason SC2 declines, implies that SC2 hasn't already declined. Which is purely false. The only tournament to see any growth in viewership is Dreamhack, the rest all have vastly lower viewer numbers according to Twitch.tv. No viewers, no money. No money, players/teams/tournaments start to go under.
Most of the industry, unlike yourself, is able to realize that SC2 is currently in the lull of a mid-expansion switch, combined with the fact that it's the start of the year and the 2013 tournament circuit has yet to begin in full swing. Sitting here saying "SC2 is dead guys, nothing to see here, lets all go back to Call of Duty!" is going to be what actually permanently harms the scene.
Right now, most of the playerbase is waiting for HotS Retail Release before the circuit kicks back into an upswing and to everyone that currently puts money into the growth of eSports it's pretty blatantly apparent.
Funny thing is, if you go to the thread about IGN wanting to sell IPL, you'll see tons and tons of posts similar to this one, proclaiming with absolute confidence that the sceptics simply don't understand business and how the industry functions, IPL is definitely profitable and will find a buyer any day now, and everyone who disagrees is a dumb troll.
Just keep on believing everything's fine bro, surely if you believe hard enough it will become true, right?
Also, if I didn't know better, I'd suspect Plansix, with his "People on the internet just hate these games because they're haters. They got great reviews, so they must be great, right? Those damned entitled gamers!" argument of being some kind of viral marketer drone. Unfortunately though, I've been on the internet long enough to accept the sad truth that there will always be someone who genuinely believes this nonsense.
In any case, I wish you good luck, my brothers. Even though I don't care much for the game anymore, it would be a shame for the scene to fall apart, so I hope things turn for the better somehow. I hope, but I don't really believe it.
I'm just going to take this guy's post, whom had the balls to point out that clearly some of the people attacking me have ulterior motives (sup blizzard). Yup, I can't add much to this because he said everything better than I ever could, so instead I'll just say lets wait and see how it all turns out
On March 02 2013 00:54 AnomalySC2 wrote: Your entire post is utter bs, especially the parts about all the teams that closed, only closed, because they were managed poorly (LOL). However, I'd like to hone in specifically on the underlined part.
You mean to tell me you can honestly, with a straight face, tell me that teams like Eclypsia, mTw, SlayerS, Old Quantic, and apeX were managed well and took the best opportunities they could? You're either delusional or you actually believe everything you read on the internet in press releases. I'm not sure which is worse, especially because you're naive enough to think the only reasons teams would merge is due to financial problems.
By saying skeptical posters, such as myself, are GOING to be the reason SC2 declines, implies that SC2 hasn't already declined. Which is purely false. The only tournament to see any growth in viewership is Dreamhack, the rest all have vastly lower viewer numbers according to Twitch.tv. No viewers, no money. No money, players/teams/tournaments start to go under.
Most of the industry, unlike yourself, is able to realize that SC2 is currently in the lull of a mid-expansion switch, combined with the fact that it's the start of the year and the 2013 tournament circuit has yet to begin in full swing. Sitting here saying "SC2 is dead guys, nothing to see here, lets all go back to Call of Duty!" is going to be what actually permanently harms the scene.
Right now, most of the playerbase is waiting for HotS Retail Release before the circuit kicks back into an upswing and to everyone that currently puts money into the growth of eSports it's pretty blatantly apparent.
Funny thing is, if you go to the thread about IGN wanting to sell IPL, you'll see tons and tons of posts similar to this one, proclaiming with absolute confidence that the sceptics simply don't understand business and how the industry functions, IPL is definitely profitable and will find a buyer any day now, and everyone who disagrees is a dumb troll.
Just keep on believing everything's fine bro, surely if you believe hard enough it will become true, right?
Also, if I didn't know better, I'd suspect Plansix, with his "People on the internet just hate these games because they're haters. They got great reviews, so they must be great, right? Those damned entitled gamers!" argument of being some kind of viral marketer drone. Unfortunately though, I've been on the internet long enough to accept the sad truth that there will always be someone who genuinely believes this nonsense.
In any case, I wish you good luck, my brothers. Even though I don't care much for the game anymore, it would be a shame for the scene to fall apart, so I hope things turn for the better somehow. I hope, but I don't really believe it.
I'm just going to take this guy's post, whom had the balls to point out that clearly some of the people attacking me have ulterior motives (sup blizzard). Yup, I can't add much to this because he said everything better than I ever could, so instead I'll just say lets wait and see how it all turns out
Oh shit, you caught me I work for Blizzard! Show's over guys, go home.
Starcraft 2: $6,865,805.70 in prize money over 696 tournaments.
League of Legends: $4,186,941.01 in prize money over 80 tournaments, with $1,970,000.00 (47%!) of that from Riot's Season 2 finals.
Pretty interesting... most of that league prize money is from Riot, while almost none of the SC2 money is from Blizzard. I'd say SC2 is pretty healthy, and not dying