On December 15 2011 00:32 nvrs wrote: In both of the other matchups a single micro mistake and your army is no more. This is how every MU works. If P misses FFs or gets flanked, their army is gone. If Z overextends or doesn't time an attack well, their gas-heavy units evaporate, and the game is over.
Cant speak for others, but with me its cause I'm frigging terrible
Terran has the worst unit replenishment, and requires better mechanics than the other two races to stay on the same level, so all in all terran punishes mistakes more than zerg or toss, which mostly affects players at diamond/masters level. Also in lategame terran needs better position/micro than z or p, because terran units scale with the players skill pretty hard. This leads to the situation we see at the moment, which is that very high level players can abuse terrans strength and opportunities, but mid and low level players suffer from it, because they basically dont have the mechanics to handle there army well and carefully while keeping up with their macro.
his is how every MU works. If P misses FFs or gets flanked, their army is gone. If Z overextends or doesn't time an attack well, their gas-heavy units evaporate, and the game is over.
Well thats not true, reason why: Protoss can pull out of trouble with forcefields in nearly every situation. If a protoss army is caught in a bad spot, you can forcefield the enemy army away from yours and escape, For terran its pretty much the other way around, if a terran army is caught in a bad spot by toss, they can stop them from fleeing by forcefields and theyll lose nearly their whole army. And yeah if you miss FF, your army should be gone, because its the only skill gateway units have ( besides shield). Not throwing ffs down is like not stimming once in the whole fight. And don't tell me you need gosu micro to retreat with ffs, u basically just throw a bunch down between you and your enemy and thats it.
Besides that protoss has the opportunity to warp in units behind, which may turn the situation. Cause terran units need to walk over the whole map their reinforcement is much weaker. So for TvP your statement isn't true. And for Zerg it may only be true if they lose like 10 broodlords at once. In early and mid game zerg is basically designed to to throw their army away a dozen times. So basically in ZvX your statement may only be true for the very and lategame, and even then its not an autoloss, just if P or T don't loose anything else.
On December 15 2011 00:44 Dfgj wrote:Show nested quote +On December 15 2011 00:32 nvrs wrote: In both of the other matchups a single micro mistake and your army is no more. This is how every MU works. If P misses FFs or gets flanked, their army is gone. If Z overextends or doesn't time an attack well, their gas-heavy units evaporate, and the game is over.
You have a point, compared to other games SC2 is more unforgiving if you don't babysit you army. However having played Zerg and from a ladder perspective being on a similar level to my Terran account, i d say that Zerg is not so vulnerable to this for two reasons, a) banelings....(and you must go marines on these huge maps cause mech requires mad desicion making skills due to it being so slow) and b) as a Zerg you can remake your army really fast! The b) point is very important on late game 200/200 battles, cause if you loose your army as Terran its gg 100%. This advantage actually applies for P as well because they can insta make a round of warp-ins to stall the advancing army, Terran simply are not allowed to loose their army.
edit: how many times have i lost by microing very well, killing a protoss deathball only to arrive at their expansion-base with a red army (from engagement + stimming) and get treated by 20 freshly warped in zealots? On the other hand, if i loose my army, by the time he gets to my expo(s) i ll have no army, unless i had army their in the first place as a defense, but then you are not fighting the first battle with your whole army...
On December 15 2011 00:32 nvrs wrote: boy, how much have i wanted to start a similar thread for the past weeks... I was a low diamond Terran for about a year (started as platinum), playing somewhere between 10 to 15 ladder games a week until recently when i decided to improve and get to masters. So first off all i decided to play a lot more matches and to stop 1-1-1 vs toss which gave me a good win percentage but obviously was not helping me improve. But then all Ts vs which i had a very good win percentage (70%+) were gone from the ladder and all of a sudden i was started getting matched against an endless stream of Protosses, sometimes 7-8 in a row. The results were a demotion to platinum and after 100 games i see from sc2 ranks 38 vs Zerg, 52 vs Protoss and the rest vs Terran, out of which i have won all but 1. I lost over 40 games to protoss to various death ball configurations and also a lot of cheesy all ins (i thought 3-4 bunkers would do the trick but no, if he has enough FF 4 bunkers are not enough). You may say that i am a noob and i deserved that cause i was going 1-1-1 every match but it really feels like i am loosing too lesser players, with half the APM (i have around 100 on the new patch) and no multitasking at all. They just defend an initial push and if i fail to do perfect drops i get swarmed by a zealot line that has support by either archons and HTs or Colossi. The main problem is zealots though, 20 zealots in the front are so difficult to handle, you must stutter step with 250 apm while keeping an eye for storm or colossi while he a moves and nurses his expensive units. This sounds like a whine, i don't care, i feel that in order to win this mu my opponent needs to be simply a worse player. And TvZ is fine and extremely fun, although Metalopolis and Antiga Shipyard are very muta-friendly. Finally I love TvT, i think its the only matchup where if my army evaporates suddendly and the opponent didnt loose his i made a huge blunder, like moving into a siege line etc. In both of the other matchups a single micro mistake and your army is no more.
I feel that if the game gets past 12 minutes ish in TvP you are severely behind because once Protoss can get to HT/Colo/Archon/Chargelot, you are in a position which is just terrible. I regularly feel like I play so much better than the Protoss players I face, but if I just ever engage head on with their army it just feels like the Terran army has 20 pop worth of supply, and that's with me having 320+ APM during the fights, and the Protoss having half that if even that much. My macro, multi-task, micro, and pretty much all other mechanics are superior, and it feels like I am even, or just behind. My TvZ is quite good (75-80%) win rate, and my TvT is about 65%, but ..... TvP I am just at a loss for words (30% ish).
Even with memorizing all the timings for the first 10 minutes for all the Protoss builds, and with good scouting, I find that my best chances of victory rely on cheese timings (IE; marine/tank stim/siege, 1-1-1, etc.). With more Protosses going Warp Prism that also adds another dimension you have to watch for on top of the all the other factors you have to take into account.
Honestly, I think that engaging the Protoss deathball is suicide with any Terran composition. The MU will probably rely on harass / contain / abusing mistake of deathball positioning.
Having to micro ghosts/vikings/stutter step/macro/split vs storm/colo/etc. against an army the Protoss has to 1a Zealot/Archon/Stalker/baby sit 1A Colo and then use HT to storm...It just feels like the Terran has to massively outplay the Protoss opponent just to have an even footing/chance. Even worse when you have to make that decision to either make Medivac or Viking...painful.
I've been playing a bit terran again.
I think for me the most frustrating part is how both TvT and TvP end going to late game and then getting decided in a few massive and extremely volatile engagements. It forces you to develop and play according to a very strong routine or vast majority of your 20+ minute games end up in a bad engagement followed by one player stomping over the other. It just doesn't feel like a very satisfying time to spend time, no matter whether you won or lost.
In my league (master) there is 1 Terran in the top 8 and a total of 4 in the top 25...
A large proportion of the rest are sitting on 1-2 games at the bottom. Terrans are simply not playing ladder as much as others it seems.
On December 15 2011 01:00 Wegandi wrote:Show nested quote +On December 15 2011 00:32 nvrs wrote: boy, how much have i wanted to start a similar thread for the past weeks... I was a low diamond Terran for about a year (started as platinum), playing somewhere between 10 to 15 ladder games a week until recently when i decided to improve and get to masters. So first off all i decided to play a lot more matches and to stop 1-1-1 vs toss which gave me a good win percentage but obviously was not helping me improve. But then all Ts vs which i had a very good win percentage (70%+) were gone from the ladder and all of a sudden i was started getting matched against an endless stream of Protosses, sometimes 7-8 in a row. The results were a demotion to platinum and after 100 games i see from sc2 ranks 38 vs Zerg, 52 vs Protoss and the rest vs Terran, out of which i have won all but 1. I lost over 40 games to protoss to various death ball configurations and also a lot of cheesy all ins (i thought 3-4 bunkers would do the trick but no, if he has enough FF 4 bunkers are not enough). You may say that i am a noob and i deserved that cause i was going 1-1-1 every match but it really feels like i am loosing too lesser players, with half the APM (i have around 100 on the new patch) and no multitasking at all. They just defend an initial push and if i fail to do perfect drops i get swarmed by a zealot line that has support by either archons and HTs or Colossi. The main problem is zealots though, 20 zealots in the front are so difficult to handle, you must stutter step with 250 apm while keeping an eye for storm or colossi while he a moves and nurses his expensive units. This sounds like a whine, i don't care, i feel that in order to win this mu my opponent needs to be simply a worse player. And TvZ is fine and extremely fun, although Metalopolis and Antiga Shipyard are very muta-friendly. Finally I love TvT, i think its the only matchup where if my army evaporates suddendly and the opponent didnt loose his i made a huge blunder, like moving into a siege line etc. In both of the other matchups a single micro mistake and your army is no more. I feel that if the game gets past 12 minutes ish in TvP you are severely behind because once Protoss can get to HT/Colo/Archon/Chargelot, you are in a position which is just terrible. I regularly feel like I play so much better than the Protoss players I face, but if I just ever engage head on with their army it just feels like the Terran army has 20 pop worth of supply, and that's with me having 320+ APM during the fights, and the Protoss having half that if even that much. My macro, multi-task, micro, and pretty much all other mechanics are superior, and it feels like I am even, or just behind. My TvZ is quite good (75-80%) win rate, and my TvT is about 65%, but ..... TvP I am just at a loss for words (30% ish). Even with memorizing all the timings for the first 10 minutes for all the Protoss builds, and with good scouting, I find that my best chances of victory rely on cheese timings (IE; marine/tank stim/siege, 1-1-1, etc.). With more Protosses going Warp Prism that also adds another dimension you have to watch for on top of the all the other factors you have to take into account. Honestly, I think that engaging the Protoss deathball is suicide with any Terran composition. The MU will probably rely on harass / contain / abusing mistake of deathball positioning. Having to micro ghosts/vikings/stutter step/macro/split vs storm/colo/etc. against an army the Protoss has to 1a Zealot/Archon/Stalker/baby sit 1A Colo and then use HT to storm...It just feels like the Terran has to massively outplay the Protoss opponent just to have an even footing/chance. Even worse when you have to make that decision to either make Medivac or Viking...painful.
That's pretty much how i feel too. There is a huge problem with the late game on this MU for a below high masters level of play and it's starting to show on the statistics. I strongly believe that this trend will get worse simply because Protoss players who were sick of the 1-1-1 and had stopped playing are back into the ladder and are getting better, while the Terrans are getting frustrated. Either HOTS will come out and this crap will be fixed or Blizzard will have to do something about it in order to make it more fair for the average joes like us, which i doubt will happen.
i found every other race than zerg kinda gay and cheesy. Maybe such thoughts among other non-terran-players have influenced them or what? (Or maybe they just dont like their match-ups?)
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A lot of people while starting used to play terran because it was quite forgiving and relatively simple to understand on a basic level. I switched to protoss because terran is just like any other RTS, I think the other 2 races are a little more interesting and unique.
On December 15 2011 01:10 Psychobabas wrote: In my league (master) there is 1 Terran in the top 8 and a total of 4 in the top 25...
A large proportion of the rest are sitting on 1-2 games at the bottom. Terrans are simply not playing ladder as much as others it seems.
What you said about Terrans not playing as much on the ladder as others is interesting to me. I've noticed that Sc2 hasn't been as fun for me in the last couple of months. I'm primarily a Terran player, but I have played the other three races off and on in order to change it up and enjoy the game more. But honestly, even though I constantly follow the sc2 scene and I like to play every now and then, my ladder motivation is gone and I just never feel like playing anymore. I wonder if any other Terran players feel the same? I'm diamond level btw.
I just know that I got two account. The first one is protoss. And I'm master with it. The second one is terran. And I'm diamond. And made me think to quit the game more than once. Now I just lurk around with it.
I've only been playing Sc2 for a few weeks now, but I rarely see T in my match ups. When I do its almost always cloaked banshee rushes or full on mech- both of which are easily countered with some basic scouting (Dedicated Zerg player since day 1). In the rare case that I dont see this most players only mass marines/marauders, and constantly only massing these units instead of having diverse unit composition like Z/P can get really boring. The simple fact is that marines are an all around good unit, excellent for repelling muta harass until missile turrets/thors are out and also are great for aggression with some mech backup. Granted idk about TvT but i think terran would be quite boring to play late game where your only massing 1 unit with some metavacs and maybe a few seige tanks for support. Zerg can constantly transition to higher units as the game progresses and same with Protoss. This is just my opinion on the game so far. First post
I got bored of Terran and switched to Zerg. The thing about Terran I found is your units seem slow and the builds that worked for me were quite inflexible. I felt like I was always doing the same things if I wanted to win. With zerg I get map control and can decide on strategies "on the fly" depending on what I scout. I just feel like I'm in control of the game, and if I lose I feel like I could have done something better.
The only thing I miss is TvT is way more interesting and fun than ZvZ and my Terran macro was way better than my Zerg.
I have been playing terran 6 months and now finally starting to think for switch cause i dont get better anymore and i play like 5 hours day its just so hard to multitask late game even if i macro better than my opponents almost always when i engage them my position is bad and zerg or protoss army just melts my 200/200 and once u have lost that army u cant remax that fast ;(
On December 15 2011 00:48 Nyxisto wrote: Well thats not true, reason why: Protoss can pull out of trouble with forcefields in nearly every situation. If a protoss army is caught in a bad spot, you can forcefield the enemy army away from yours and escape, For terran its pretty much the other way around, if a terran army is caught in a bad spot by toss, they can stop them from fleeing by forcefields and theyll lose nearly their whole army. And yeah if you miss FF, your army should be gone, because its the only skill gateway units have ( besides shield). Not throwing ffs down is like not stimming once in the whole fight. And don't tell me you need gosu micro to retreat with ffs, u basically just throw a bunch down between you and your enemy and thats it.
Besides that protoss has the opportunity to warp in units behind, which may turn the situation. Cause terran units need to walk over the whole map their reinforcement is much weaker. So for TvP your statement isn't true. And for Zerg it may only be true if they lose like 10 broodlords at once. In early and mid game zerg is basically designed to to throw their army away a dozen times. So basically in ZvX your statement may only be true for the very and lategame, and even then its not an autoloss, just if P or T don't loose anything else.
That's a lot of shoddy justification for how the T army is harder to use. Let's begin:
Yes, you can FF the enemy away - assuming you still have energy, or the enemy isn't already on top of you, likely at the cost of all your slow units (ie: ht, colossi, immortals, pre-charge zealots), and assuming you didn't get hit with an EMP. You're also missing a point - yes, T can't retreat if they get entirely FF'd in (except via medivacs, but w/e), but if you don't entirely FF the T, they can run from any P unit. On the other hand, concussive shell exists - one mistake from a P or Z army usually means they lose all their units too, either due to being unable to flee or how heavily they have to commit to any attack (Z mainly).
Protoss does have the ability to warp in units anywhere, and it's paid for by needing more army integrity. You're also assuming P is sitting on massed, charged warpgates and banked money - there'd be no reason that T doesn't have 30 rax churning during the battle either, assuring a new wave immediately after. Hooray for one-sided views - and hooray for assuming every race should be identical.
You're also really trying to diminish the importance of Z (or P) losing their critical support units. Losing a cluster of banes, a bunch of sentries/hts/infestors to an EMP, colossi or broods caught by vikings is a huge issue.
Every race can lose their army fast, and every race has different army properties. Deal with it.
On December 15 2011 00:58 nvrs wrote: edit: how many times have i lost by microing very well, killing a protoss deathball only to arrive at their expansion-base with a red army (from engagement + stimming) and get treated by 20 freshly warped in zealots? On the other hand, if i loose my army, by the time he gets to my expo(s) i ll have no army, unless i had army their in the first place as a defense, but then you are not fighting the first battle with your whole army... Probably less times than I've killed the T army, arrived at their fourth with the remnants of a gateway army, and been denied by a PF. Or not had 20 gates and 2000 minerals floating and simply lost my nexus.
You can cite a situation to prove any point, that doesn't make them a constant rule.
i switched to P for three reasons 1/TvZ was fucking bullshit on my level (mid diamond) 2/Protoss is way easier to play overall and especially on the new huge-ass maps 3/ you dont get mega angry after loosing to someone who has a fourth of your APM because that just doesnt happen
the drawback is that P is boring as hell to play, so I dont ladder that much anymore
I love the argument that the reason there are so few Terrans on the ladder is the lack of role models. It's just not true for Terran, or any race for that matter. There are a wealth of amateur and professional players that any T, P, or Z can look to for inspiration.
No, the fact is that the ladder has become a very discouraging place for Terrans, both in terms of the difficulty of the matchups and the social stigma attached to playing the race. Most people would rather switch races or quit SC2 altogether rather than put up with that. Despite my 30% TvP win rate for the duration of season 4, I'm sticking with Terran, even if it means demotion and being maligned by other players for playing the "easy" race.
As a former terran, I switched because it became impossible for me to kill zerg. I simply couldn't do it, so I went to toss.
On that note, as a toss, I find terran ridiculously easy to beat.