How do you guys react to a video like this, what does it mean to you, what would you like to see done?
I'll be honest, whether they're serious or not didn't matter to me. I couldn't listen past around 4 minutes. They're basically just taking the usual cheap shots and it doesn't reflect well on -either- side. It was a terrible idea and if anything, them doing this makes me want them (Whoever they are within the Halo community) to lose their position. It's not tasteful.
While I didn't find the show funny it obviously wasn't something that got me worked up. It's all for luls and the starcraft communty is way harsher towards Halo players than they were towards us on that show anyway.
With that said I have no specific relation with any other game. I don't care about furthering E-sports as a whole as most games are horrible competetive titles. Mobas are a joke and console FPS games are too. There is no reason I should care about these games if I don't think they are worthy of being E-sport games.
On December 05 2011 11:53 Najda wrote: I think it was pretty obvious they were joking. When one of them could easily list the 4 pros that were interviewed during some meeting at IEM it made it pretty obvious he respects/pays attention to SC2. They were even saying that SC2 is a much harder game.
No, they got them wrong. They said something like, IdrA, Stephano, and some others who weren't. It was also at IPL3. I think it was MC, Stephano, Incontrol and Select.
Those guys are so... superficial... Talking about clothing style when talking about a video game... wtf is wrong with those guys ? "Starcraft is so hard and competitive that they basically have to play all day" Yeah, welcome to ESPORTS yo. Now Make fun of pro Football player training all week and wearing all the same clothes and you'll feel as ridiculous as you are right now. Why should we give a shit about that immature content ? No idea...
Actually I'm quite happy Halo community are doing this, that just prove my point that Starcraft community isn't as childish.
These guys aren't bashing SC2. In fact, they're bashing their own community more than the SC2 community. I think some of us here have been spoiled lately since SC2 is on top by FAR. So some of us are taking this video like it's all about us. It's not guys. It's about how the support for Halo has decreased over the past year(has nothing to do with SC2 by the way). They're just trying to get their community fired up.
I personally don't mind it. In fact, I respect these guys for doing what they did. They obviously knew that at least some of the SC2 community would have taken video seriously. They still did it because they felt it was necessary. If Halo was on top by far and we were at the bottom, the same thing should happen. So chill guys.
I just want to point out as well that Nexy has done more for e sports than you probably think he has. I don't follow what he does that much but I know he's done a lot for all types of games. Right now I believe he's doing the League of Legends stuff and I know he's done some SC2 stuff here and there.
"If you took the top 30 Koreans that play Starcraft 2 and put them on political affairs, we'd have world peace in like 6 hours" - DMAQ
This just goes to show the difference in mentality of many SC2 gamers vs. Halo gamers. The majority of the higher tier starcraft community is full of helpful, friendly, mannered individuals. It dissapoints me to see a video from players that gives all Esports a bad name, simply because Starcraft is sweeping the scene.
Starcraft is by FAR the best spectator sport that a video game has produced. Of course fans of other games are going to be jealous; it's perfectly natural.
On December 06 2011 04:11 Soldier92 wrote: This just goes to show the difference in mentality of many SC2 gamers vs. Halo gamers. The majority of the higher tier starcraft community is full of helpful, friendly, mannered individuals. It dissapoints me to see a video from players that gives all Esports a bad name, simply because Starcraft is sweeping the scene.
Judging the Halo community based off some JOKES that a few of the top guys in Halo said is more ignorant than anything they said.
On December 05 2011 11:53 Najda wrote: I think it was pretty obvious they were joking. When one of them could easily list the 4 pros that were interviewed during some meeting at IEM it made it pretty obvious he respects/pays attention to SC2. They were even saying that SC2 is a much harder game.
No, they got them wrong. They said something like, IdrA, Stephano, and some others who weren't. It was also at IPL3. I think it was MC, Stephano, Incontrol and Select.
How do you guys react to a video like this, what does it mean to you, what would you like to see done?
I'll be honest, whether they're serious or not didn't matter to me. I couldn't listen past around 4 minutes. They're basically just taking the usual cheap shots and it doesn't reflect well on -either- side. It was a terrible idea and if anything, them doing this makes me want them (Whoever they are within the Halo community) to lose their position. It's not tasteful.
* Doesn't watch entire video * * Makes over the top demands anyways *
On December 06 2011 04:11 Soldier92 wrote: This just goes to show the difference in mentality of many SC2 gamers vs. Halo gamers. The majority of the higher tier starcraft community is full of helpful, friendly, mannered individuals. It dissapoints me to see a video from players that gives all Esports a bad name, simply because Starcraft is sweeping the scene.
Judging the Halo community based off some JOKES that a few of the top guys in Halo said is more ignorant than anything they said.
I'm not bagging on the halo community, I play Halo myself. But I feel like this video reflects poorly on all Esports if viewed by someone outside the scene. I realise they were joking, but the big names should be constructive, and relatively professional if any non gamers are going to take the scene seriously.
On December 05 2011 11:53 Najda wrote: I think it was pretty obvious they were joking. When one of them could easily list the 4 pros that were interviewed during some meeting at IEM it made it pretty obvious he respects/pays attention to SC2. They were even saying that SC2 is a much harder game.
No, they got them wrong. They said something like, IdrA, Stephano, and some others who weren't. It was also at IPL3. I think it was MC, Stephano, Incontrol and Select.
Instead of watching the first 5 minutes. Please fast forward to minute 15.
These guys are tools but they aren't just trying to bash SC2. They know their game is dying and they need to try and bring their community together. Thats what the video is about. They are jealous of starcraft 2. This is what its about.
Honestly, I find this rather unprofessional, regardless if it was a joking or not. It is similar to the ads that some political campaigns run. Talk garbage about a competing organization to make one's self look better. In my eyes, that really just makes the trash talking organization look worse. It is much easier to catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
Turning around and doing the same thing doesn't really help either. It just proves that the other side can say something to bother you enough to get you to retaliate.
The only thing in this video that bothered me was their statement on how to be a pro level player of star craft, you have to put in a huge amount of time. Oddly enough to be a pro level basketball player, politician, teacher, under-water basket weaver, you have to do the same thing. Turns out that is what anybody has to do to be a professional of anything. If you aren't spending a large chunk of time on your profession. Then you aren't a professional. But then again, I suppose if you really like what you do then you don't notice the amount of time you put in. Where as if you don't like what you do then, you probably will notice the amount of time you put in.
After the ridiculously stupid SC2 bashing/Halo's pro style or whatever the fuck that shit was about, the show was actually decent and pretty hilarious. If you turned it off when the first negative word about SC2 hit your ears turn it back on and be patient, you'll see the real reason for this video and it has very little to do with Starcraft - in fact they later praise Starcraft for several things.