This is the video that has inspired this thread. If you can't view it, it is basically 3 notable identities in the halo community discussing their thoughts on starcraft in general, and most are just plain offensive and cheap shots at our game (most are in the first 10 minutes so that is all you have to watch to get the general idea).
This has virtually all stemmed from MLG in particular, and the total domination of the scene SC2 brought with it. Halo fans are feeling the pressure to even sustain their game through next year
There are a coupe of questions that arise from this video, such as how do we as a community take this? Do we sympathize with them and try to co operate and help their cause, or remain on the path we are on and continue to drive these sort of games out of the MLG spotlight? Is there even room to share with games like these anymore?
Do we as a community helping e sports forward, encourage all games or our game?
I think this is a very relevant discussion point, and I would also like to put forward my opinion, that although it is sad some games have fallen from their prime, at the end of the day you take the game with the bigger viewing audience, and right now it is starcraft 2. An interesting point to think about is, what if League of Legends and Dota2 all of a sudden become the only game for e sports, and everything else becomes irrelevant. How would you feel, to see the community you know and love, fall from its peak. This is where these people are coming from, but I think unfortunately it is a business, and the most views is where e sports goes
How do you guys react to a video like this, what does it mean to you, what would you like to see done?
EDIT: There seems to be a misconception on how serious this video actually was. Although they are taking a poke at SC2, they are just having fun, and have even made an apology located here:
The rest of the video is about them praising Starcraft as a sport and hoping to lead their community in the right direction, this is at most a joke and should not be taken seriously
And what the hell do they mean that we are nerds and they are cooler than us! Just look at this!:
On December 05 2011 17:14 Bayyne wrote: They may claim they have more style, but you can't say we don't have the swagger:
I have no problem to support other esports games if they are worthy but some should really not be at the place they are
Huk opinion about it
LorangerChris Chris Loranger @Kennigit mmmm ive talked a bit with some of them, a lot of their points are valid but a lot of their points are pure ignorance TT
Don't really care what they think? Halo compared to Quake, Counter-Strike and other FPS games is a laughable excuse for an eSport. (Just personal opinion, dont bother flaming me.)
Honestly, I don't care, Starcraft community is so huge compared to halos community. You say that we maybe should sympathize because their community is getting smaller and possibly dying off, but why should we care? If a game deserves to be an eSport it will survive, also you talk like halo has a big loyal community, I am sorry to say it does not.
Nobody really cares what some halo people have to say about starcraft, most of their views and points are pure ignorance and anger fueled. Also, Halo is considered a Joke compared to other FPS games for most people. I am all for any game doing well and everything, but if you ask me if a game with a community that actually follows it as a devoted eSport is very few people. It is a game mostly for people to play and have fun casually, they do not have a huge devoted community.
I am sorry but I just don't care about a few halo people talking shit about starcraft because they are honestly, jealous and worried about their game.
Like you said, it is a business, and the game with the most viewers is what's gonna be focused on. Halo has dropped out, but I don't know if sc2 will drop out as easily. SC has been long established and ingrained in the community longer than halo has. But also, and I think this is the most important, is that sc2 is a developing game with constantly changing meta games, mind games, and tactics. Halo, while it does have different strategies, there is no metagame. . .
I vary well could be sc biased (could you blame me? hah), but sc2 has a lot more growth and intricacies that halo does not have that will sustain sc2 for muchhh longer =)
On December 05 2011 11:01 Mity wrote: Don't really care what they think? Halo compared to Quake, Counter-Strike and other FPS games is a laughable excuse for an eSport. (Just personal opinion, dont bother flaming me.)
These guys are a joke, they just did nothing but hurt the halo community and make a lot of people dislike them. Worst thing they could have done.
Edit: I don't mean that they are a joke in their community or anything, I just meant that what they did is pretty stupid considering how many people are going to be mad about this.
On December 05 2011 11:13 dAPhREAk wrote: im five minutes in and nothing they say seems to be even that controversial...
I completely agree. Is anyone going to be upset because one community thinks they dress better or that they are cooler? For the first, well hey, cool. For the latter, why would they not?
I mean, they want to light a fire for their community. Excellent, that is what they need to do. The little jab taken at StarCraft players and fans was so miniscule it should not be taken with anything but a smile and friendliness.
On December 05 2011 11:17 Fionn wrote: In all honesty, they don't seem very harsh. They're just playing around and joking. Some of their points are valid.
But hosting a Skype video blogcast about Halo is nerdy as well. E-sports in general are nerdy. Shit, sport fats are sport nerds.
Pretty much this. I hope people don't try to start a huge controversy over this video.
That was group of guys sharing some frustration about their game going from center stage to sidelines and it was not productive and will probably help to hurt the image of their community. If not, it will hurt the image of their little show.