I actually took some of it as compliment..
"Halo is more casual, starcraft you have to play religiously to be even slightly competitive".
Damn right starcraft requires practice. Thats why people love it and watch it. That's why it is the closest to becoming a real ESport. I don't really take console games seriously.. they aren't competitive.
Well one thing that really hurts the game in my opinion is that they don't have live shoutcasting at events. They don't have sound proof booths so when they play on stage it's just watching them play. Which for someone like me who really doesn't play halo I don't understand what is really going on. Other than hey he shot that guy and that guy jumps alot.
The only thing I got out of the first 10 minutes of the video was that halo players spend money on clothes and starcraft players don't..... Halo requires very little skill level in terms of practice per day. Starcraft takes more practice to be at the top of top tiers. We are all nerds regardless. thats about it.
On December 05 2011 11:20 Liquid`Jinro wrote: Eh, there's a new Halo coming out at the end of 2012 I think? So they should be fine o.o
Im not gonna watch because I dont wanna feel annoyed, but I wanted to point out that their community wont die anytime soon unless that game is horrible... and probably not even then.
Yeah Halo won't die until either they get sick of Halo (doubt it'll happen) or they stop making Halo games. I would be surprised if the Halo scene died at all in the near future just like sc2.
I also didn't watch because I hate being annoyed by stupid comments :D
Nexy's Twitter Gandhi's Twitter
@Kennigit @dmaq Kennigit - You're 100% right. I jumped to a conclusion in a prior video, and we are kinda joking around at this point.
@Kennigit @dmaq I don't actually believe the argument I proposed - it just got so much attention that I ran with it.
Video is down. I don't feel like we were being serious. Going to have to hold up a professional attitude every time we make a video? :\
It was intended as a joke, came off the wrong way - and as you can see by their twitter accounts, they went live again to clarify all this (I haven't seen this part). Yes it was in bad taste and I agree that it was probably pretty stupid, but people are just going to read the OP and watch those videos and take it out of context.
I'm sorry but Jinro has more style in his pinkie than all of the Halo community combined.
You should feel bad for them. I was at MLG Anaheim where the sc2 scene was atleast 5 times the size of Halo. During the sc2 finals the Halo awards ceremony was literally boo'd off the stage so we could watch sc on their screens... Kinda of dick move by the fans at Anaheim. But if the crowds want it, they get it. That's the way of entertainment. These Halo guys are probably just mad about stuff like that haha
United States23455 Posts
Yep, listening now and they're fine. Shit, DJWheat makes fun of console gamers all the time. They just want their e-sport to thrive and get back to where it once was.
They actually praise the SC2 fans. They talk about how SC2 fans created Barcraft and are doing all these proactive things while Halo fans are immature, annoying, and don't do shit except whining.
Is "style" a real issue in the Halo community? At MLG Dallas earlier this year, some young (probably 16) Halo fan pointed at my jean cut-off shirts and laughed with his friends. I gave him my best "I'm about to whoop your ass with my nerd arms" face and he looked away.
This was the only problem I ever had with anyone at MLG. Everyone I met that was there for StarCraft was so incredibly nice. Especially in the Alienware area, where people were playing and giving tips. Not sure if any of that happens in the Halo community.
I don't really agree with what they're saying - just because they don't know the personal lives of the players, maybe because the players don't get exposure outside of the SC2/tournament environment, doesn't mean they're non-existent.
Why do they have to insult the SC2 players/community to fire up their own?
Well you know you can't take this video seriously when you see the idiots in this video 'attempting' to speak english.
The fact that they're making the argument: "starcraft players are nerds", is actually mind-blowing.
Oh and the fact that they're saying "we ain't hating on y'all" just fosters up suicidal thoughts. I didn't know kids with an IQ of 50 are actually capable of creating youtube videos..
I watched the beginning and I thought they were mostly joking. I don't think it's as bad as people make it out to be.
On December 05 2011 11:07 Kamikiri wrote: Honestly, I don't care, Starcraft community is so huge compared to halos community. You say that we maybe should sympathize because their community is getting smaller and possibly dying off, but why should we care? If a game deserves to be an eSport it will survive, also you talk like halo has a big loyal community, I am sorry to say it does not.
Nobody really cares what some halo people have to say about starcraft, most of their views and points are pure ignorance and anger fueled. Also, Halo is considered a Joke compared to other FPS games for most people. I am all for any game doing well and everything, but if you ask me if a game with a community that actually follows it as a devoted eSport is very few people. It is a game mostly for people to play and have fun casually, they do not have a huge devoted community.
I am sorry but I just don't care about a few halo people talking shit about starcraft because they are honestly, jealous and worried about their game.
I agree with everything you posted. All of their "points" just told me how upset and scared that Halo is dying and so they are taking it out on SC.
Also "buying 150$ woth of gear" does not make a valid point.
One of the top rated comments on the youtube page.
"I'm afraid to even type this. I'm a pro Halo Player, and this is nothing what most of us think. I respect the hell out of SC, I played WC3 back before I started playing Halo. I know ALOT of of the pros, and community respect your game also. This video, is just....stupid. I love all 3 of these guys, and this is nothing what they act like, but this is just down right fucking retarded."
YO GUYS halo players go out and buy dem 150 dolla nike shoes OH SNAP FELLAS
LOL... the not stylish thing is so baseless and pure ignorance... especially in the korean scene... remember the twilight/goth make up incident in GSL? Remember ALICIA!? OR MAYBE THE GRACKET?
On December 05 2011 11:26 kaisr wrote:Show nested quote +On December 05 2011 11:20 dAPhREAk wrote:On December 05 2011 11:16 Jedclark wrote:On December 05 2011 11:13 dAPhREAk wrote: im five minutes in and nothing they say seems to be even that controversial... What? They're taking the piss out of the SC2 community for their "dress sense". I don't even see what basis that has, but what the fuck. who gives a shit? its a video game. you are going to wear a freaking tuxedo to play a computer game? most people are wearing team jerseys. this video is mild, and i am pissed that i watched it. i thought it would be some interesting drama. instead, its just some people talking about their game and making dumb comments about dress sense and extracurricular activities. and they gave a shout out to white-ra drinking vodka, which was cool. for people who havent watched it yet, dont even bother. its boring and i am 12 minutes in now. yeh i stopped watching after 14 minutes and started skipping ahead. its all halo content except for the little bit about sc2 in the beginning - not controversial at all, not thread worthy, not discussion worthy.
The first 4 minutes are there to stir up controversy. The rest are about Halo and how the community needs to help support Halo. If anything the controversy is there to get the video viewed by more people.
+ Show Spoiler +On a side note, them talking about Halo being pushed into the limelight by bigger games sound like another game community....
ehh fruitful discussions... who is more nerdy of the nerd communities? They said that halo was more casual at the most competitive level well it's because of the skill cap in the halo game. Starcraft is a lot tougher and that doesn't require more "nerdiness" but more stamina, will power and dedication. Also starcraft attracts more causal non-players/only-spectators than halo which would lead to the conclusion that halo is more a insiders game than sc2.
Their community needs people like a Day[9] and his daily #100 to inspire their own fanbase to tell others how great their game is. I suppose the daily can also apply to anything one is really passionate about. But having someone charismatic that can infect strangers with joy is huge for any community.
The way this video started is not something I'd want to show my friends to convince how amazing my hobby is.
This is addressed at the Halo community telling them to get off their ass and do stuff like Day[9] does and barcrafts act.
But Starcraft players no style? Somebody has never seen the NaDa's body thread.
Honestly one of them addresses that they are mostly venting because they used to be at the top of the totem poll and now starcraft has blown them out of the water. It seems they feel backed into a corner and are trying to say something about it. They clearly lack a point because the majority of the rant was about how we are nerds even if we don't think we are.