Ehh little people are afraid of going out of business from the big dogs ;P
Just cause the one guy who uses linux insists its better than PC or mac doesnt mean thats the case PC being sc, mac being ... LoL? mac pro being dota 2 insisting there is a difference...
But in all seriousness, who cares if they are criticizing a game they know nothing about. Prior to starcraft I seriously followed Halo 2 and Halo 3 scene and its all good and fun but in all seriousness, shooting games will just keep shifting to the next "greatest thing" and if they want any hope of competition, survival or even respect, they first gotta at least TRY to refer to starcraft in a manner way even if they wanna criticize it and secondly, they really gotta bind together behind FPS games in general cause the fact that literally no one plays any of the previous Halos or CODs (save maybe nazi zombies) shows how quick each game is to become obsolete.
Lol i don't really see this as a big deal.
Though i guess i really really don't care about, how our players dress or their so called "Style".
That's pretty much the least of my worries when it comes to our community.
Btw as far as the players go, i think the TSL or the Slayers jackets are pretty good looking. Given this is just a simple Sc2 fans, biased opinion. Though I really don't see what they are complaining about.
Edit: Watched a bit more. Honestly seems like they just want to have some kind of moral victory over SC. Though In such a trivial and subjective category i'm perfectly fine with that.
Wtf is this crap -_-
More dedication equals to Nerds.
Less dedcation equals to Noobs.
Basic pillar that carries over to a lot of gaming communities and is not going away for a while, sometimes even carries over to real life as well. The video was really not a bash on the Starcraft community and more of a bash on the Halo Fanbase and how they need to be more like the Starcraft fans (Barcraft anyone?).
On a side note, White-Ra so awesome he brings special tactics to Halo.
Lol if you're taking that first video seriously you need to lighten up. They're just joking around and they preface the video with saying that they're talking shit.
The reveal of the stolen headset was pretty hilarious.
LOL I really don't think those guys are really hating. Just having some fun. We give them shit about that game having a lack of skill. They hate on us for it taking too much time. Pretty funny actually. I guarantee you if a SC2 pro was saying that stuff about style and dedication in a funny way people would laugh. These guys do it and people flip.
edit: Did the op actually watch more than 10 minutes? They mock sc2 at first but around 15:30 they give huge props to the community. This video wasn't to piss off sc2 fans but get halo fans going.
lol these guys are goofs, i have no idea why people took this seriously.
Worst thing the OP could have done was saying you could just watch the first 10mins. They seem more negative about the Halo community than Starcraft one, they just tried to spark a little rivalry or something to bring some fire to their community, mostly joking. And now people watch 5mins and think they know what a 50mins video is about.
I hope this community realizes that the Halo community is starting base their entire format off us. They have a lot of respect for us and I think the biggest compliment they can give us is to take cues from the most passionate community. These shows they're doing now started up because SC has so much success with the fans. Take the jokes in stride. Seriously, because the more you bash these guys, the more you contradict your own statements about halo players being dumb by actually being the dumb ones.
funny video, nothing to get upset about really
They was just jokin already, having good time, calm down kiddos
Not very intelligent or thoughtful people but I give it that. They had some opinions and didn't sound like they want to hurt, but rather express their feelings about the community and promote something what they think is better in their community. :O I never thought about dressing.. Maybe it relates to polite acting of players, but it's another thing if you want crazy showpeople or not. e: I was expecting reallyl harsh stuff, too mild. =)
"We're not doing this for attention". Yeah right. And they have 8 YEARS OF GAMING under their belts. WHOAH! Thats like, A LOT, kind of. They are SO LEGIT. The pseudo black guy who taks all gansta like is so STYLISH. I'm gonna buy me some 200 € Nikes and a little woolly hat tomorrow and I still won't be half as cool as he is.
Seriosly, this sums it all up: "Starcraft requires dedication, it's for nerds. Halo is for consoles, it's for normal people." They do realize what they're saying. Doesn't this kind of mean that Halo doesn't even need a community. "Normal people" don't want any part in "gaming communities".
No problem here, stop overreacting. They were polite, and for the most part right. Starcraft does take a lot of time to go pro at and doesn't leave much time for other things. Though I don't really get what they're saying about the clothes.... They even gave respect to white-ra. This thread just makes us look all the more whiny to them.
I don't think people bashing this video are upset. Stupid is just stupid, thats all.
idk if i should be posting this, since the thread turned into a discussion about the video, but since this is about another incident with another videogame community, i think it belongs here
So, what happened was this: As some of you may watched, the dreamhack street fighter finals were broadcasted in between semifinals of SC2. The crowd emptied the stadium for the SF2 finals, which was pretty rough on both the casters and the players, but this isn't necessarily our problem. One pretty bad thing that happened was that the chat was swarmed with people saying shit about the game, talking trash and demanding that SC2 be on air(though it was a scheduled time for SF2). This same treatment from the SC2 crowd happened this weekend when the NASL finals got delayed on the first day due to the LoL finals, though this time it is a bit more understandable since it was the SC2 timeslot. Another problem came when the host (Ryan Hart? Not sure about name) came onstage and said "let's give it up for those button mashing heroes". Not before long, a few fighting game cumminities exploded with rage, deservedly so. The bad point was that since SC2 was pretty much the main event there, people started bashingthe low knowledge of the host and production towards their games, and blaming it on the superproduction of the SC2 event.
There's a post on shoryuken that can be found here, and also a more positive note here. You can read some and take your own conclusions, so i'm gonna just jump to mine.
I think they are correct on many of their complaints, though they shouldn't be associating it with SC2 growth. The host which was unintendly offensive against fightning games can be blamed on his lack of knowledge of the genre, and a very similar story happened at WCG 2005, where tasteless began his casting career(for those that don't know the story, you can check some it here), also, if i was hiring for dreamhack and SC2 was my bigger audience, i would probably would hire someone who knows about it.
One thing they are profoundly correct of complaining about is the bashing of other games on stream chats. SC2 is good for other games, and other games bring more audience to SC2, generating rivalry amongst gaming communities with incidents such as the halo video, the shoryuken article, etc. is bad for eSports in general, and splits the public. Even if SC2 thrives, without a backing eSports scene, we maybe can never have another rts on the limelight(even a possible SC3).
Hope the post isn't too long, but i think this thread deserves more discussion.
♥ you all
Hahaha that's a funny video, they are just fooling around guy, don't get your balls in a knot.
On December 06 2011 04:44 Makura wrote: Ehh little people are afraid of going out of business from the big dogs ;P
Just cause the one guy who uses linux insists its better than PC or mac doesnt mean thats the case PC being sc, mac being ... LoL? mac pro being dota 2 insisting there is a difference...
But in all seriousness, who cares if they are criticizing a game they know nothing about. Prior to starcraft I seriously followed Halo 2 and Halo 3 scene and its all good and fun but in all seriousness, shooting games will just keep shifting to the next "greatest thing" and if they want any hope of competition, survival or even respect, they first gotta at least TRY to refer to starcraft in a manner way even if they wanna criticize it and secondly, they really gotta bind together behind FPS games in general cause the fact that literally no one plays any of the previous Halos or CODs (save maybe nazi zombies) shows how quick each game is to become obsolete. i bet you wol will become obsolete after hots
On December 06 2011 05:35 kazie wrote:Show nested quote +On December 06 2011 04:44 Makura wrote: Ehh little people are afraid of going out of business from the big dogs ;P
Just cause the one guy who uses linux insists its better than PC or mac doesnt mean thats the case PC being sc, mac being ... LoL? mac pro being dota 2 insisting there is a difference...
But in all seriousness, who cares if they are criticizing a game they know nothing about. Prior to starcraft I seriously followed Halo 2 and Halo 3 scene and its all good and fun but in all seriousness, shooting games will just keep shifting to the next "greatest thing" and if they want any hope of competition, survival or even respect, they first gotta at least TRY to refer to starcraft in a manner way even if they wanna criticize it and secondly, they really gotta bind together behind FPS games in general cause the fact that literally no one plays any of the previous Halos or CODs (save maybe nazi zombies) shows how quick each game is to become obsolete. i bet you wol will become obsolete after hots
HOTS is an expansion pack, not a separate game.
There were 12 years between BW and SC2, and for that entire time, and through this day, BW stood and stands as the most popular e-sport with the most financial support.