Nada always go for fast CC, one day he'll double expand every game and you'll still whine it's unfair he looses within 10 mins. Cheese is the only thing preventing SC to evolve into over predictable maco fests, and often leads to more micro oriented & entertaining play styles.
It's like those Z who cry when they're zealot rushed cause they tried a greedy build, or cause their micro is absolutly horrible.
Bisu vs. Flash the first game was just Bisu absolutely raping Flash. I don't even remember seeing Bisu lose a goon until he was in Flash's base. Bisu's revenge. Glad Flash got knocked out, hopefully he doesn't come back.
Just watched the oov games. Really impressive stuff. First game vs nada he just knew exactly what to do. Nada totaly lost control against vultures only, a dropship and wraith. Really impressive how he timed everything. Once again nada showed his one dimensional fast cc moment. That's sometimes as predictable as his no turret policy wich just breaks his neck. I don't know why he's falling into this mechanics&multitasking-style-only-phase so often.
oov vs bisu was just nice. Not only did he build his factory outside on the upper side of the map, he just totaly kept his coolness and was no chickenshit at all. Like "you put pressure on me, than i put pressure on you nomatter what you do". Bisu knew that his reaver was born to die there and oov's comsat was timed perfectly. The typical oov one punch knock-out there.
oov really impressed me. Pulling osme pages out of his old teammate's book (meaning BOXER). Really solid, strategic play. Bisu raped Flash the first game. Lovely play by flash to knock out NaDa. I think people are finally going ot realize that when you play Flash ... scout constantly ! I still am not too impressed by bisu's PvT though. I think that if he had to play NaDa w/ the intention of using that ballsy. Arbiter Recall no obs strategy that he would've probably lost. But still extremely happy he's through though. I expect to see great things from oov this season though.
On September 14 2007 10:45 Fuu wrote: Wussy whiners about cheese are really annoying.
Nada always go for fast CC, one day he'll double expand every game and you'll still whine it's unfair he looses within 10 mins. Cheese is the only thing preventing SC to evolve into over predictable maco fests, and often leads to more micro oriented & entertaining play styles.
It's like those Z who cry when they're zealot rushed cause they tried a greedy build, or cause their micro is absolutly horrible.
yeah but flash cheeses wayy too often.... his scv rushes, marine cheese builds.... all the time, i remember in proleague he cheese scv rushed almost every game... it gets annoying, especially whenever he tries to play straight up he loses, flash is just a Ever)TT(P version of terran, cheese usually doesnt show much skill, and it is not the only thing preventing sc from becoming a macro whore fest, there are plenty of things preventing that.... and that is why sc is so popular today
On September 14 2007 10:45 Fuu wrote: Wussy whiners about cheese are really annoying.
Nada always go for fast CC, one day he'll double expand every game and you'll still whine it's unfair he looses within 10 mins. Cheese is the only thing preventing SC to evolve into over predictable maco fests, and often leads to more micro oriented & entertaining play styles.
It's like those Z who cry when they're zealot rushed cause they tried a greedy build, or cause their micro is absolutly horrible.
On September 15 2007 00:16 MesAiur wrote: I still am not too impressed by bisu's PvT though. I think that if he had to play NaDa w/ the intention of using that ballsy. Arbiter Recall no obs strategy that he would've probably lost. But still extremely happy he's through though.
hmmm...Bisu has beaten Nada with no obs and arbiter before though....
On September 15 2007 00:16 MesAiur wrote: I still am not too impressed by bisu's PvT though. I think that if he had to play NaDa w/ the intention of using that ballsy. Arbiter Recall no obs strategy that he would've probably lost. But still extremely happy he's through though.
hmmm...Bisu has beaten Nada with no obs and arbiter before though....
Rly, hmmm. Bisu really has cojones. But it seems wierd to me why he likes to use zealots as observers xD.
On September 15 2007 03:25 rushz0rz wrote: wooooow, game 5 was really good. Bisu got arbs so fast, with no obs either. Crikey. Flash didn't even know what the hell to do after the first recall.
Flash really sucks mid/lategame tvp imo. And yes, bisu played beautifully in that game