On April 09 2011 22:27 Zona wrote: Both Flash and fans were dismissing the idea that a build could get the better of Flash, but time to eat your words. 1 gate expo (before core!) with zealot pump worked perfectly to set up Bisu for a significant eco advantage midgame
finally some wise analysis I am looking for among countless empty "Bisu is so imba" posts. I still think its not that difficult to prepare a good build when you know your enemy. And todays Bisu victory also lies on the shoulders of his teammates.
Idk, I feel that the build worked because A. It's a reverse ramp, Rines can't just shoot from the highground B. Flash scouted Bisu second, and so wasn't expecting so many lots from a forward-gate C. No bunker for the hurt marines
I think if Flash scouted bisu first, he could've gone for a bunker rush and caused a gg right there. I mean, we all saw how pretty his rine micro was.
Uh, Bisu's early zealots would have made a bunker rush very difficult to pull off, and a failed bunker rush would've similarly put flash economically behind
So, KT fans, it's all fair and square. 21/4 we will again see Bisu vs Flash, but on a Terran favored map. So no need for whining about map imba, next time you guys will have map advantage.
On April 09 2011 22:25 kamikami wrote: it just showed early game that Flash couldn't catch up with Bisu multitask (attack on many places at the same time). He never got attacked like that before just because he's Terran (precisely a turtle Terran) and there was no way to use that kind of multi-harassment against him. Now Bisu just found a way to make it work and win lol.
You mean the fact that zealots are by far the strongest early game units, so if he just gets 2 to attack separate places he can basically a-move while Flash actually has to micro marines to avoid them and SCVs to block?
You clearly haven't played this game enough (hence you not knowing that Zeal micro is intense vs scv/rine and can really put you in the hole, that it slows your tech and thus makes you vulnerable to vultures or counter-pressure, etc.) and you clearly are too biased to give any credit where it's due because Bisu WAS microing and not a-moving. Please pull your head out of you know where.
Indeed. Microing Zealots is Bisu's forte, I doubt he'd even break a sweat while microing 3 at a time while making probes and stuff.
On April 09 2011 22:18 TheOnly92 wrote: Well, KT should learn. SKT sent bisu as their 2nd player
SKT sent Bisu second because that map was 65% PvT, I have a hard time believing they would do that on any other map.
Grats Bisu and SKT, things just worked out in your favor today, monster effort from s2! I have a feeling we'll meet again during the PL finals =).
The thing that made it work though was the lack of a wall-in. I don't remember if T can wall on Aztec, if not... map needs to go because that build > Terran, anybody but Flash would have lost to the zeals.
That, and the fact that Bisu was really good at keeping the vultures at bay.
I didn't mean to degrade Bisu's performance or imply that map imba was the only reason why he won. Bisu played well, had a good build, scouted Flash first, and Flash scouted Bisu last. Flash played well too but the concatenation of these four things just overwhelmed him.
From a purely resource respect the initial zealot harass was not cost effective but it kept Flash penned back while he was comfortable to take and lock up four bases. In this respect it's very similar to the play Bisu used against Flash the last time they played, and for that matter Flash's response was the same as it was then as well. Bisu played an aggressive open which penned Flash back while securing a large number of bases. Instead of shoring up defense and taking a third, Flash responded by adding more Facts and playing a strong 2 base game. In the previous game Bisu's expo's were to separate mains which let Flash cut him in half whereas in this game Bisu only had 2 spots that were connected to defend.
You can't really fault Flash's play there, he knew that his army would be most effective if he put up a contain on those four bases forcing Bisu to run through chokes to break him. Had Flash not put up a contain it's likely that Bisu would have beaten Flash to the 3rd main and could have slowly starved Flash out.
Uhh yes it WAS cost effective early harassment from ressource POV. Flash lost a ton of mining time microing with scvs, losing scvs(remember, each scv is worth its mineral cost AND the amount of mining forgone due to its death) and marines. Thats why his 2 base push was so weak compared to the macro that bisu had up at the time.
His 2 base push was "weak" because it was going up against a 4 base toss! In my opinion Flash very effectively defended that zealot harass losing a minimal amount. The strength of Bisu's build was NOT in how much mining time/SCV/marine kills he got but in how long it kept Flash on the back foot. Recall that Bisu had his expansion up quite delayed as a result of his zealot pressure. Again I feel that from a pure resource perspective the lost mining time from Bisu's much delayed nat + cost of lost units < cost of Flash's lost units + lost mining time. Again I'm not saying it wasn't an effective opening, it very much was, I'm saying that its chief strength was in the amount of time it kept Flash reeling and how this allowed him to establish 4 bases.
I think that's just that the team is KTFlash again. For sure they expected their other 3 players to carry it at least past Bloody Ridge and Aztec, that said, to get at least 2 wins out of 5 maps. But they failed to get even one.
Well played by Bisu, and as you've seen from fantasy's play on this map, it isn't THAT imbalanced.
Cant really do if statements when it comes to games like these because we do not know whether or not bisu had a plan if flash made a bunker in front.
If this build was planned, he definitely considered the possibility of flash scouting him first like bisu did himself, and would of branched off maybe into a different build.
On April 09 2011 22:29 zeru wrote: s2 ruined everything QQ
Action ruined everything. Seriously the guy is a liability, plain and simple. I hate seeing him play because it's always a loss unless the game doesn't matter or it's against ACE or other weaklings.
Guy hasn't had a 3 or more game winstreak since Nov that hasn't been padded with wins over ACE players.
I wouldn't trust him to lead off a friendly Special Event, much less the biggest match of the year.
God it's hard to overstate how much I hate that guy. Get rid of him ASAP PLEASE.
I don't think Action's that good, but he's got his points: if he survives to late-game he's amazing, sort of an anti-Kwanro.
If you want to hate on somebody, what about KT's player choices? Action to lead off (against "probably a Protoss" even though it wasn't) is a decent idea - you're not wasting a good player.
But then if you're determined to make your other two CH and Stats - which I would advocate, they're KT's two best non-Flash players - why send Crazy-Hydra on Fortress and Stats on Icarus? Should clearly have been the other way around.
I think the problem was that KT prepped their lineup without really considering the possibility of players not winning their first game.
In all honesty I would pick any of KT's zergs over Action. Perfective shows promise, HoeJJa and Yellow are experienced, Crazy-Hydra is a coinflip. Action is a choke. Guaranteed.
Everyone has analyzed him now - like you said, he's a good lategame zerg. So guess what? Nobody lets him get to lategame. Easy enough to do against a Zerg nowadays, to be brutally honest.
On April 09 2011 22:43 kamikami wrote: So, KT fans, it's all fair and square. 21/4 we will again see Bisu vs Flash, but on a Terran favored map. So no need for whining about map imba, next time you guys will have map advantage.
I don't think you can fairly say Monte Cristo is terran favored when no games have even been played on it yet. Everyone seems to assume (wrongly) that every map is terran favored when they first come out.
On April 09 2011 22:43 doubleupgradeobbies! wrote: Incidently, someone should totally make a gif of bisu being giddy like a girl when he broke that contain :D Awesome moment!
yeah, that was so gay lol. but oh well, i guess SKT deserved the win.
Although if it really was on purpose, that SKT figured out a way to screw up the computer's sound output just by plugging in earbuds/keyboard/mouse so much that Kespa refs using another headset also got no sound... then nobody would ever admit to it, of course.
On April 09 2011 22:33 revy wrote: From a purely resource respect the initial zealot harass was not cost effective but it kept Flash penned back while he was comfortable to take and lock up four bases.
First of all, did you keep a count of how many marines and scvs Flash lost? It was no small number. You can't measure things just in a "purely resource respect", either, since Bisu was able to get away with 1 gate expo (before core!) which is normally incredibly dangerous vs Terran.
not only that... but flash was pulling scvs left and right to help the fight sacrificing precious mining time... and also flash had to get the early vulture before tank because of the two zealots... if he had skipped the vulture and tried tank, he might have lost even more scvs before that... but then sacrificing the early tank made it hard because dragoon range was killing the bunker so flash's economy was draining even more... all because of the zealots... and you call this not cost effective?