On November 12 2004 12:17 Liquid`Drone wrote: shiv, nah not really
basically cheese is something that requires you to get lucky with your opponent's location (him scouting the wrong place) or him not playing as good as he could/should to win.
a build where you deny him scouting capabilities and then do something he needs to scout to beat (like say, making a fast zealot in ramp so his scv doesn't get inside your base followed by a carrier rush pvt is not cheese, imo. however building the starport in a random location of the map which he would be perfectly capable of scouting if he scouted is cheese. fast expanding to a random location of the map is cheese. )
proxy gates= cheese proxy rax = cheese cannon rush = cheese 5-7 pool = cheese 9pool can win against any build order if you're good with it. bringing 1-2 drones is something you only do to punish your opponent if he powered harder than he can expect to be allowed to do.
Boxer did what he set out to do, play iloveoov in the finals. Seems remeniscent of WCG this year, almost like 2 players that knew they would make it to the finals to face eachother.
On November 12 2004 04:54 Gryffindor_us wrote: Wow a paradox championship, I can't decide who I want to get pounded more. Do I want oov to destroy Boxer? or Boxer to show oOV off. Screw that, go ooV. GOO OOV.
This statement made me extremely satisfied. The purported leader of the "anti-oov fan club" finds it in his little black heart to support oov. Talk about a paradox...
On November 12 2004 11:07 cav wrote: 8 rax is cheese.
Not IMO, its just an offensive build, it doesnt really get owned by any zerg build.
I don't like people complaining about cheese anyway. You just do what you have to do to win. When boxer does his cute stuff, he know they will work. He doesnt fuck up.
On November 12 2004 04:54 Gryffindor_us wrote: Wow a paradox championship, I can't decide who I want to get pounded more. Do I want oov to destroy Boxer? or Boxer to show oOV off. Screw that, go ooV. GOO OOV.
This statement made me extremely satisfied. The purported leader of the "anti-oov fan club" finds it in his little black heart to support oov. Talk about a paradox...
At least oov and reach created some great games.
I guess I'll be added to Abyss's list of dumbasses.
On November 12 2004 08:58 iloveoo wrote: Boxer: "I will show everyone the highest level of Terran-Zerg games"
thanks a lot faggot
haha grow up.
It takes both players to make a super gg. If one player, in this case yellow, can not defend the first attack(cheese or not) from boxer, how do u expect boxer from showing off his possible strats he had in mind?
On November 12 2004 11:51 Liquid`Drone wrote: 8 rax is not cheese. you 8rax, depot, scout opponent. if he goes for a build order which defends against it, like a 9pool, then you don't bother attacking. you don't lose much. if he 12pools, you're barely behind. if he fast expands, you win.
if you 2rax, you're more "even" against every build. but only better off vs a 12pool, and worse off against a fast expander.
8rax is no more cheese than 9pool is. and definitely not more cheesy than a fast expand.
so you think fast expand is cheesier than 8 rax? wtf?
On November 12 2004 04:54 Gryffindor_us wrote: Wow a paradox championship, I can't decide who I want to get pounded more. Do I want oov to destroy Boxer? or Boxer to show oOV off. Screw that, go ooV. GOO OOV.
This statement made me extremely satisfied. The purported leader of the "anti-oov fan club" finds it in his little black heart to support oov. Talk about a paradox...
At least oov and reach created some great games.
I guess I'll be added to Abyss's list of dumbasses.
Highest level of T v Z play?
Your response has no relevance to my post whatsoever.
Oh really? You really are kind of fucked up. My black little heart? I may kid around and say some stuff that sounds outrageous but I don't sound as fucked up as you can. I am not the "purported" leader of the anti-oov club. Maybe I voice my opinion more often than others but what ever! You have to support one of the two, and I support the new guy because he is closer to NaDa than Boxer is and I like NaDa so pFFFFt.
On November 12 2004 16:04 Gryffindor_us wrote: Oh really? You really are kind of fucked up. My black little heart? I may kid around and say some stuff that sounds outrageous but I don't sound as fucked up as you can. I am not the "purported" leader of the anti-oov club. Maybe I voice my opinion more often than others but what ever! You have to support one of the two, and I support the new guy because he is closer to NaDa than Boxer is and I like NaDa so pFFFFt.
On November 12 2004 14:07 wasted wrote: Boxer and Yellow sitting in a tree...
P - W - N - E - D
Oh snap!
lol poor yellow :-( but seriously, I agree with those who say 8 rax isn't cheese only because it's not do or die, it's not randomly based on map positions. Attacking with 1 rax and scvs is merely an option that comes with that build order. In a game, if you 8 rax and the z has done a build that seemingly counters or equalizes the rush, then you can just get a later 2nd rax at like 13 or 14 supply and continue playing as normal. Normally however, you can use the 8 rax option to threaten z with the risk of losing their fast expo... if z scouts the 8 rax fast, you can move as if you are attacking, causing z to pull drones or even cancel expo, then you yourself can pull back and expo or utilize the advantage in some other way. You dont HAVE to attack, cuz 8 rax isn't do or die, its just a strat that provides a variety of different options. It's aggressive and forces the z to respond to you and all the attack options you hold in your hand... personally, i think yellow just mentally shut down and lost so easily because he just couldn't mentally deal with the multitude of attack options that boxer now possessed (especially after winning the first game... cuz that adds another element of whether boxer will actually do the same bo or not in the next game) and so stuck with the same bo and got murdered +_+