United States10264 Posts
NO EXPO for July!
Mutas are out for July... Vults going to get picked off as they enter his base...
Mutas incoming... This looks all in kind of. July misses a vult.. Uh oh...
No gols for Baby it seems....
Speed vult...
Not.. caring..
july still on 1 base.... Baby has all the time in the world to set up some AA, July going all-in muta-ling 1 vulture causing havoc in july's base
july so dead, like 7 drones on mineal now.
United States10264 Posts
This is completely all in for July..
Harassing with his Mutas... Not enough Mutas...
July now looks fucked.
baby just turtling up with gols and turrets, July at 4? mutas, vults in main raping drones again
gotta love low econ tvz's.
July zomg just defend baby is turtling hard you cant touch him -.-
Too much anti-air. July's screwed. Vultures eating more drones...
United States33091 Posts
I can't believe I woke up to watch July fail
Canada5565 Posts
Baby going mech again it seems, good map for it too
On April 01 2010 17:59 Roffles wrote:
You serious? The guy won an OSL in 04. That's 6 years ago he won a Starleague. Most of these newbies on the scene probably weren't even playing Starcraft back then.
Yeah I guess, I never think of him as an old school player though. But I think of Reach and Yellow as old school. Hm, I duno lol
this is so over, baby with 8 turrets and 6 gols vs 6 mutas max
On April 01 2010 18:12 Waxangel wrote:I can't believe I woke up to watch July fail  But first he succeeded!
baby has inherited nadas amazing vultures it seems
speed vultures raping drones, July's econ off of 1 base is in the shitter
I can't watch this, please make it stop
Baby's vult micro is sooooo good O_O
United States10264 Posts
Vults are all dead, so if July can get a TON of lings, he might have a chance...
Baby spent a lot of money on turrets...
Baby microing his speed vult against speedlings...
Picking off Drones now...
July Drone pumping and taking Drones off gas.
July going into macro moduu.
vultures are faster than hell.
fuck, that vulture is so sick, picked that 1 drone while circling the base.
United States33091 Posts
July's poor play is making me so angry