On November 30 2016 04:08 disciple wrote: Offtopic question but do you guys know when TBLS are due for their military service? I fear they might all have to go soon
My understanding is that all Korean males have to be tested once they're adults (18+) and complete their draft duty before age 35, but that the military will come calling before you're 30 if you haven't voluntarily begun.
Stork at 28 is the oldest of the bunch so most likely to be called in soon. Flash at 24 is the youngest and can probably decide when he wants to get around to do it.
Maybe some of our Korean members can elaborate more closely on the specifics?
On November 30 2016 04:08 disciple wrote: Offtopic question but do you guys know when TBLS are due for their military service? I fear they might all have to go soon
Keep in mind that this is all an approximation.
Stork: Next year almost without a doubt. Bisu: Probably next year, but can delay it. Jaedong: Probably a year or two of streaming before he goes. Flash: Entirely his decision, will most likely depend on how his streaming is going rather than actual age constraints.