My Chinese is very very sub-par so I used what little knowledge of Chinese I have and google translate to bring this information into English. This source comes from
Before I talk about the article itself I did want to mention this might have be known for quite sometime. When I was streaming the Ro4 last night someone in the chat said this is going to be a contineus league.
Getting that aside the article pretty much says between August 27th through September 9th. It appears this C-OSL with be 32 players. I believe everything is a Bo5 till the finals which is a Bo7. Now the prizes are 2500yuan around 400USD, second place receives 1500 yuan or about 250$, third receives 1000 yuan around 150USD, the top 8 receive 500 yuan around 80USD, Top 16 receive 200 around 30USD and the 32 I believe don't receive anything. Also for players it is free ammission into the league. There is no registration cost apparently. The approximate time for this league is between October 24th through January 9th. For whatever reason when reading the google translate it has 2011 as the year but does not make sense as this post was written yesterday I believe. Not only that, when I read in Chinese it never said the year oddly.
In order to participate, you must need to be invited by one of the teams on STL. Only players who have played in STL, any new player msut agree to play in STL25 or else their reuslts wont count. Non chinese players can only play once they get approval from the committee. (HaFnium)
I still plan to cast Season 2 of the C-OSL when the VODs start coming out and whatever other content is produced from the Chinese scene.