Hong Kong4685 Posts
On August 24 2009 16:30 General Nuke Em wrote: Just how much is KESPA involved in the teams? If its actually just like some kind of cabal that can tell teams what to do, I could totally see it going one way or another just based on how much money KESPA thinks JD's participation in e-sports will bring in vs. making an example of him to prevent other players from trying to renegotiate better deals. You know, that's what I thought after I read this article. Both sides are angry over the contract negotiations, or else Oz won't have to make up a reason why Jaedong didn't sign and Jaedong's dad won't have to go to the media. Oz probably complained to KESPA and they probably told all the teams not to offer Jaedong a contract. Team's have a incentive to do this because they don't want their own players holding out of a better contract, if Jaedong gets punished, no player will try to reject their team's offer again.
The other teams have the right of it. I mean, technically, if no one signs Jaedong then no one can lose to him either. Its a bold move.
Bad for ESPORTS, but hopefully he wants to study at Sydney Uni.
Jd's parents really take care of him. That's a good point.
I really hope for him that he could stay with Hwaseung or in a new team and keep playing for other acheivements.
I am little bit disappointed about this sentence: "At this point, one of the options we're thinking about is retirement, and going to study abroad in computer related field".
Send JD in another country study computer sciences, don't match at all with StarCraft. If in the worts case he "retires", the best way for him is maybe to become a commentator or something like that.
There is no way Jaedong is gonna retire lol This is solely a negotiation tactic. 1. Jaedong's parents wanted a better contract. Oz refused. 2. Jaedong's parents declared his son an FA. 3. Deadline is approaching but no team has made any offer. 4. Oz smirks. Jaedong's dad doesn't like it so he plays hardball, hence a lose-lose situation (more like a lose-lose-lose-lose seeing how it affects jaedong, his parents, Oz and us).
If none of the teams makes any better offer, I believe Jaedong's parents will have to announce stuffs like "After blah blah blah ... Jaedong has been trying to convince us blah blah blah ... so we decided to let the boy do what he desires ... blah blah blah".
Lol JD's dad didn't believe in his son can win?
Bad parents I can tell
Who agrees with me!
Seems to me his parents really are just looking out for him. I do get the feeling they care both about the money and his schedule. I certainly can sympathize with that since i don't believe a 12-14 hour training schedule is healthy or productive.
I never was a Jaedong fan though i certainly aknowledged his skill. I always loved rooting against him (mostly in vain ofc). It really would be a shame if he retired especially since all the accomplishments of players in the wake of his retirement would be hollow. Even if somebody else starts dominating like Bisu or Flash you could'nt help to always compare to Jaedong.
On August 24 2009 17:02 GoSu wrote: Send JD in another country study computer sciences, don't match at all with StarCraft. If in the worts case he "retires", the best way for him is maybe to become a commentator or something like that.
Man. Jaedong is 19. Why should he become a commentator of a game, which propably will not be played in 2 years anymore? If he really retires, I hope he wont, he should study and try to get a good job.
1990-01-09 is jaedongs birthday, so his parents can only dictate his life for 3 more months
On August 24 2009 15:52 Waxangel wrote:
At the Bacchus OSL 2009 Final: "After FA was declared, I avoided speaking to the media because I thought it might put pressure on Jaedong. I didn't expect a victory today, I was actually just hoping that he win even one game, so I didn't have any flowers prepared."
Wow, they're probably underestimating their son there. they need to either watch more starcraft, look at some stats or read fanboy articles here at TL
CA10824 Posts
hmm why do i get the feeling that most of the people commenting in this thread don't really understand how crappy it is to be a progamer.
Baa?21242 Posts
Why are people praising the parents? They seem like all they're doing is angling for more money without even considering what JD wants or something =S
Jaedong is already (arguably) the best zerg player ever. He doesn't have much else to prove. He should consider studying to get a job that is more sustainable in the long term, as well as one that is healthier/less stressful.
This reminds me of the fight against Walmart. People criticize it for it's mistreatment of workers, yet due to its great prices, we still flock there. Although there are the solemn few who avoid Walmart, the majority of the consumers negate their efforts.
The same can be said for Jaedong. We as a large fanbase will hate Esports for being stingy with Jaedong ( if hardball with Oz fails and he does retire) , but most of will still continue watching it. I mean JD is great and he's the only reason I've started watching other progamers play, but I am not so faithful to him that just because he is ousted, will I stop watching esports.
Since the foreign community is most likely a satellite comparison of the korean sc community, I can see them having the same angers as we do, but unlike us they pay (no idea how much) to go to the arena's and watch the game.
Hopefully JD's parent's stand can serve a martyr-like purpose and prevent future Progamers in Sc2 from being ground to stone from FA abuse.
Anyone who is seriously putting down Jaedongs parents for what they said about his chances in the finals, you need to realize something. They know what kind of stress and mental health their son is in, they know what he is going through. You dont. Its entirely possible that he was going through a hard time, being extremely exhausted, and losing in the Proleague finals after being considered the team himself. They also said he only practiced 1 day for the finals. 1 day... Had i known that prior to the Finals, my money wouldve been on Yarnc. They had every right to make that assumption.
tl;dr - his parents know more than you.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
i think they're making a good decision
jaedong as the only really worthy player on the team is given a lot of pressure and is the "breadwinner" of OZ, he should be payed proportionately.
and if he doesnt get his money? then i really dont see what is so bad with going abroad to study university, afterall he cant be this good forever and then suddenly you find yourself much older than your peers with less than half their education and know how of the real world.
good decision imo.
If the ridiculous FA policy weren't here, this wouldn't even be a question, every progaming team would be offering JD 200-250 mil to go play with them.
"After FA was declared, I avoided speaking to the media because I thought it might put pressure on Jaedong. I didn't expect a victory today, I was actually just hoping that he win even one game, so I didn't have any flowers prepared."
What a douchebag. Does he even know who his son is?
What's wrong with JD not going to college for another couple years? He can make the equivalent of ($150k-175k USD) per year pretty easily with bonuses and advertisers, and just hit college a little later with a HUGE-ASS BANK ACCOUNT backing him up.
Of course, JD himself might actually be physically exhausted, and just won't admit it. If that's the case, I hope he does what's best for himself.
It'd be real sad if JD left, though. Not only would we miss seeing him play, but having someone at the top of the world in a field suddenly retire casts a long shadow on the sport. Suddenly, Bisu, Flash, and Fantasy would be at the top...maybe one of them would end up on top of the pile, but the shadow would always be lurking "Sure, (player) is great, but I'll bet if Jaedong were still here, he could beat him...".
If I were Jaedong's parents I would want him to go to college too. I mean, I let him live his dream of being the best at a video game and now its time to get real. E-sports is not a secure thing at all. Even if E-sports is still around in 10 years is Jaedong still going to be able to be a part of it? For all we know e-sports could crash in a year when SC2 comes out and never come back. There is no long term security in e-sports. The longer he puts off going to university the harder it will be. No one wants to see Jaedong end up in some unskilled labor job in 20 years. And I mean, what if e-sports doesn't crash and jaedong just isn't good at Starcraft 2.
On August 24 2009 17:33 cutebabyelephant wrote: If I were Jaedong's parents I would want him to go to college too. I mean, I let him live his dream of being the best at a video game and now its time to get real. E-sports is not a secure thing at all. Even if E-sports is still around in 10 years is Jaedong still going to be able to be a part of it? For all we know e-sports could crash in a year when SC2 comes out and never come back. There is no long term security in e-sports. The longer he puts off going to university the harder it will be. No one wants to see Jaedong end up in some unskilled labor job in 20 years. And I mean, what if e-sports doesn't crash and jaedong just isn't good at Starcraft 2.
He don't need to play 10 years more, he should be able to save at least 150k$ a year now, and like saved some decent decent money so far couple years of that, and he will not have to work at all if he chooses to, and if in few years his progaming carrier collapse he can study.